Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 26, 1965, p. 1

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mast tum a la aajajy twe itavbaavajr aawti f wtw fisiai ikt vwhva ywa printing publishing tha miplw ha 7ie home newspaper for georgetown and district ttw m prbrlars d fawhlmra lac lit ellartssj rite beat a fix brlntlac ad m cm ounjilriiiy oalaisa awjmi udi ims por yaari sissaja cassy meal tm caste y- 5i t ii p rvvv y peter jones photo when it comes to bouncing babies pauls the bounciest ittmtf am two masdms why paul thomat fr4ion drawt thate admiring rjlances from hit older tittari at well at i being iheir on and only brother young paul it a record ivolder when he wat born latt month at a weight of 11 l pounds 7 ounci he became the largest baby ever bon at georgetown and district memorial hospital hn parentt i r ar fend aart thomai frettone 97 aacuntainview doad and hit idolizing tittert re eieine and sandra ask planning board to reconsider glen lot eaqtmslflf council vole to re- amaaefld to the coaunlttee of i adjustment that they reconsider the application of w j hcgo- a of glen williams for spp- fforal to separate a 75 ft lot mr megowan has told a too it the buyer move in tfcen found he cannot get appro- ival from the coowditee oi ad- at on the deed tfcn commute j adjusi- l bated thair refusal on the th lot u only 7 feet and i beqnealnx telnlntuin frontage i to 100 feet they felt he hd i lota of und adjoin int from 1 which he could take twaty i ft to wins the lot up to awiiliiwmi however ur ucgowan point- ed out that the adjoining land used to oriole block not to urn personally in wjrfltion to the bouse and i the lot in question ur uego- lwmtt owbj three other house vbich he renu all situated on jto feet lot he explained that lib eurvey setting out the 75 i not lota waj made tn 1657 ave 1 year before the 100 feet re i cjulrement came into force he feasumcd that approval was lglteti to the kurveyarthat um however search through the llfim and 1j7 planning board nulea found nothing however uld ui ucgo wan i got a building permit from you the council last fall for this house so you must have approved building- inspector w hulli backed ur ucgowan laying i told him to come to council and he got approval to build on 75 ft frontage because it waj an old survey when 73 ft was all right tbj motion to have the com mittee of adjustment reconsider passed unanimously with coun g currt stating well have to explain that this started away bade in 1k7 before 100 toot lot were la force building inspector wm hulls reported to council that permits valued at 1 10500 were issued during july all were residen tial building j w jensen of the third line near acton was paid forty dollar to reimburse him for the lose of wo ibeop destroyed by dogs caution was advocated by reeve george leslie when coun cil was informed that of their 110000 road budget they had only- 14000 left to cover needs till the end of the year that average out at 3500 per month we have left to spend com mented coun r lawson only emergencies will now take ambulance off limits tightening of regulations for i georgetown volunteer ambulan 1 servlev requested by service i members was endorsed by coun- 1 cu monday the gvas will not accept ny collect long dlatanoe calls in future nor will u answer calls out i tide georgetown fire area ex leapt in extreme emergency when i antra ambulance are required ambulance chairman hoy bal- lentlne explained that george town is sharing a provincewide problem towns close to major highways are finding their am bulances being used extensively for highway accidents and in a service like georgetowns which has no permanent or paid per sonnel it creates difficulties action such as ours may prompt the government to es tablish a system to deal with highway he said fiomemade legere plane ijhos first test flight while hit wife and three child ren watched from the ground ken legere 34meguvray crete georgetownrtook his homemade french designed airplane into i blue over guelph airport on ijta lint teat dlght saturday 14 5- we were very nervotu tin tjjjeger aald but the plan per- r formed beautmullyllme built two other aircraft before thlj one tgt aold them i tfthe takeoff and landing were feet but ken noticed the nevteft wing dipped a little ateeply on banking ahe hell correct the alight knit by adding trim taba and an adjustment to f te drat flight lasted approxl- u minutes rbullt ie in boo hours and io0 into the craft a jodell d ii the plane was trucked to guelph airport in two loads and fualltge and wings reassembled there error in wording lots not acres an error in wordwcreated a wrong impression in a news item last week the separate school board it baying it would be paying an exorbitant price at the 13000 per ot celling price which a proposed agreement between delrfex development and the town would set in last weeks new item this was quoted as 3000 an acre actually with five tots to the acre the acreage price would be illb smith solicitor seek to untangle cedarvale tape georgetowns centennlit yesr project the purchsse of the cedervale school property from the united church li hill tan- sled in red upe at queens park a letter read to eoundl uon- dsy pointed out that a centennial project muit be completed by 1067 and that the towns total cost submitted makes no provi sion for other than the purchase of property and buildings ridiculous commented cr hill smith who hesdt the town committee which negolisted the purchase the town solicitor and i have each been in toronto to bnaliie it ulyor gibbons slid it is get ting embarrassing with people asking about the property council okayed a trip to the city by cr smith and sollclto kred lletson to get ftnsl appro val court injunction limits pickets rambler gates striking suto workers at the amrncan motors canada ltd plant have hsd a court injunc tion dapped on them limiting thr number of ptrketrrs the action came uondsy the order was granted hy ur juuce j w uroow of the ontario high court of jut- lice the injunction limits local maulo workers clc to four pickets at each gate of the plant ur justice brooke upheld the injunction applicative after it wai proven picket ers had hr railed and obstructed entry to the plant of visitors and non union personnel the union and management are to meet today for the first talks since the employees went off their jobs august 13th american motors personnel department estimate the num ber of georgetown wage earn ers involved at between lfto and iso luuhooiat just 13 days the days of freedom for the school pupils will be all over in just 13 more days moth htom iwrtxerlno vlify llmlrfooll sow vuitors ur sthattl of bueti swit- trrlsud is visiting her son ku kit schattl his wife snd fun iy their nw home on the ijktb line far a fw toonthi urs waltw tboiitss of iurt colbome with the unhsmi little robin kindlsy of crar getown with her grandmother here ur snd urs wiiel snd fun iiy and ur urne noble ot naughton with the kami no bles and ueredlths uamrr jimle hutchinson of wettok urs hrt haul of ud buy urs s kmlth of weston ur and urs boss ltterson and douglas or guelph and ur and urs- normsr sloan of csladon all with the a c ist tersons recently wsyne tvsvoy of hilliburgh wtth his sitter urs clarence deforest last week holidayers ur and urs c mather have returned from a motor trip holiday to florid xlr and urs neil anderson snd family have returned from a motoring holiday to wettern jcinsds urs crlchton and jackie spent the weekend at glen- wood beach ur john glynn and lt peter glynn motored to prince ed ward laland last week they visited the new centennlit buil ding opened by our queen at charlotte town and numerous other places of tntrrrst includ ing a number of historic forts on their way urs januen ur simon janssen ulss rennie janssen and ur and urs luke jan ssen were all xueets at the van- derwerf weaver wedding in trinity united church guelph on saturdsy where luke was groomsman mr joseph riddell of fer gus has preached the list two sundays of rev f n youngs holidays deputy heeve wm f hunter revealed the news to a council couuultte meeting tuesday the industry he said would pur- chaie for 1000 an acre twelve of the 175 acres which the town is propoung to buy from dei- res developments it 1100 an acre but georgetown will have to move fast he sstd and he hoped that it might be possible that cl0verdale curbs make great election promise it isnt in this years budget but it would make an excellent promise for next year joked uayor gibbon monday in re plying to a question by rate payer tlrx cock about curhs and gutters in his clovrrdale area xlr cock asked if there u any way these could be install ed this fall under the winter works program property owners in the area aire more than willing to pay their share and i am prepared to circulate a petition he told council road chairman wm f hun tcr explained that his budget this year has been cut by 18000 to keep the tax rate stable and that 33000 of the 124000 bud get is going into storm sewers- were getting to the point however where curbs and gut ten could be installed in some part of town nextyeas- he said the mayor hedged on giving an opinion on having ratepayers pay portion of the hill the local improvement act hasnt been used for some years and i would be cautious about assessing one area for an im provement when others are being paid out of the general tax rate he said at the suggestion of cr- geor ge hewson an engineering esti mate will be obtained to as certain the cost mr cock alto asked council to consider fencing the rail way rightofway through town particularly where children play in the subdivision area a look at the weather high lew wed ib 81 80 thurs 10 70 60 frl 20 j 71 si st si 00 42 sun 22 78 48 hon 23 75 m tues 24 70 80 high for the week 31 low 42 precipitation 0b alicia c scott grant minimum payment if water proves dirty residents will have to endure front a resident george mupdy dirty water problem in town fcgsyhctjttts for another few months but the pain will be somewhat eased by action taken by council on onday if either of the town foremen approves lt in wrltuigrcclplents of the iron oxideladen water will be i charged only the mini mum hilling 7 jkcicaaitcieoojlajiil aftlil ive been calling four or five times a week about dirty water on stevens crescent he sair in ibm i submitted a clalnf 150 for dothlntf ruined bylt and to date i have had no reply from council or anyone else a new iron removal plait will solve the problem early next year and meanwhile councils edjon may soothe mrves deputy reeve tells council of prospect at tuesday night session a luuunlisl industry is on right to call a aplel touncilpod either to eouln the two the vfre of locating in cfurgej meeting to make a final decision i point in one or lw efrii town on the land purchase bylaws proud of granddaughter 3 scholarships fit- olokia thomson gloris thomson granddaugh ter ot urs s a uorrls itil 4 georgetown and the late s a uorrls sttslnrd sn average mark of 00 8 per cent in her grade 1j pspers which she wrote st john k floss collegiste in stitute kli is the dsughler ot ur and urs b thomson bock- wood the achievement earned for her three scholarships a 600 scholarship from the uni versity of guelph s 400 onta rio scholsrshlp and a four year scholsrship from the wsterloo university valued st j2800 cla ris plsns to spectsliie in lln- guages at university with the school tssohlng profession her foal separate board tells parents want taxes or 95 yearly with only one teacher short and two good possibilities in mind msnagement committee chairman stan walsh told the separate school board tuesday night that he thought the si tuation was satisfactory sodding around the school grounds has cost the hoard 5070 to date chairman r thompson told the trustees lie admitted this figure was over the budget but he felt it was necessary children attending the school but whose parents have not as signed their taxes to the sepa rate school must pay 03 a year fee before they will be enrolled explained trustee w boyle he told of writing to twenty three parent drawing this to their attention and received eleven answers to date he was authorued to bill the remainder and falling rstlsfactlon the chil dren will not be enrolled in the school a brampton resident wishing to have her children attend the no such action was taken but a by law will b prntd ntitt monday for councils deci sion hie committee meeting had been railed to discuss the ques tion of releasing all the delrex lands for building under a nw agreement which would replace one made in 1d4 by which a ratio clause has stalled further development threa waoks ago a m council vote had okayed this but uayor citthoni declined to sign it wtth out a supporting by law one main objection by the dis senters was overcome tuesday the fact that the land release would cotrne first and industrial purchaw later now it li pro only one councillor don po wers indicated other thing h would like in the hgrtaitnt i ur powers wpts further igotistion on liuullalioct of ser vices on uounuinvi ujl n which presently are the towns responsibility- and he wants to trade i parkland which he says is mostly gulllea for better land which could be uwd for school or park purposes the parata school board has in dicated displeasure at a celling price of fcjooo per lot contained in the new agrevwrtenl if two by laws are presented land purchase requires 72 coun cil approval and the agreement a slntple m majority if com bined in one a 72 majority is necessary no funds new polite quarters wait till 66 we havent the funds to do anything this year was mayor gibbons reply when cr bob francis asked monday about se curing targar quarters for the towns expanded polk force the mayor who has heed cri tical of police administration for ami time tossed a bouquet for thage there has been a big impro vement he noted partleuurly in foot patrol agreeing with him cr kran- cls ssid council should consider belter police accommodation as soon as possible tlsta merchants are touch happier with polling too ob- srved cr bill smith gas pedal stuck down truck amuck in circle georgetown separate school was refused despite the fact the brampton school board was willing to pay the costs the board felt we have enough trouble looking after our own children to quote w boyle sis eppllestlons for the posi tion of part time secretary to the noard were received but will be dealt with later shavings icniti mllns fikbjmi3n to bxtinouish three of four lire calls dur ing the past week aent firemen to the same place a shavings dump at the rear of the delta craft property on river drive the fire department answer ed its first call to the dump site early thursday hlght hut a thorough dousing still failed to kill every ember i the tire burneddeep into the core ofthe dumpjod resul ted in two relznltlons friday a hollow apple tree burning at the back of a carolina 8t property tuaaday brought ab outtto-toutb-alarmr-7- kritlbltlon midway rides have nothing on the one angelo dagostino of wlllowdsle took friday at tha corner of wind sor itoad and delres blvd lt all started when the gas pedsl of the light truck he wss driving stuck to the floor in a quick try at freeing lt he res- ehsd down and lost control of the vehicle from the east bound lsne on delres blvd the csr swer ved into a urge ekcla which took it into a ditch on tha northeast corner of delrex and windsor out ot the ditch into a hydro pole which it bounced off scroll a lawn at 13 delres blvd scrois the neighbouring lawn st is delrex blvd through a ledge onto a lawn at s lane court and then back on delres blvd bear the point where the trouble started the circuit messured iso ysrds georgetown police constable d u bell who investigated the accident placed dsmage to the truck at 410 tha aoeidnt occurred st 45 pm right after a rain hsd left the road slippery the entire front end snd windshield of a car driven by jim hurren 10 queen street were extensively damaged it rammed the back end of an other csr on main st at tha weslsyan st corner saturday night pollea aald tha hurren cr was southbound on usln be hind a car driven by arthuf hoetkatra st vountalirrw road whan it collided with tha back and of the lloekshra model the tlurren ear continued on for another 54 feet past where the impact occurred and finally came to rest nn tha south curb of weileysn st tha back bumper and trunk ot the lloekstra car were also damsged i tha accident happened at 030 pm and was investigated by georgetown vc willises koeslag sunday concert previews band s cne performance the georgetown alliens bsnd plsylng in defense of their class championship at the cana dian national exhibition today thurs presented a concert sundsy night in the delrex msr- ket centre included in their progrsm wss the test piece on which they sre being judged totlsy the kensington overture a bsnd member elisabeth hansen was master of ceremo nies at the saturdsy evening concert which attracted a good crowd many ot whom rolled their car windows down- knd stayed in their automobiles to make it a kind of driye-ln-tnusl- calel under the direction of bend master art milliard the band played to a variety of tastes their profcnm includedmdojes march scene from swan lake ktllarney piper mighty jlak a rose the lonesome road hul- dlngungsmarch symphony no g in i boasa nova down town thj little shepherds march ita kejiaintoooyar lure anil god of our fathers a speclsl hrsss quintet num ber festure msrly wheeler on trombone vic elchuck on eup honium bon boon on brass and ralph miller and tele waters on cornets falls from v bale elevator former injured an elderly georgetown farm et is in georgetown district memorial hospital with frac tured limbs and internal injur ies the result ot a fall from a bale elevator last wednesday the hospital informed the herald yesterdsy that clayton wiuon 73 is progressing fav oiirably he suffered a- fractured pel via fractured right wrlat r and fractured left elbow as well as other lesser injuries when he tumbled 20 feet to tha ground there was even something for the nixlelsnd appreclelors boh mesinier on bass pels wa lers on trumpet isn bowell on tenor sax rolph tomllns on ela- rlnet marty wheeler on trom- bono and brlsn csre on drumn set lock to tspping with the rest of the band backing them up another surprise was a come dy skit i which howard gilbert as a befuddled old woman burst onto the scene and ended up conducting mayor joseph gibbon spoke relsylng the best wjahes of tha town for the bands success at the one can hunt oamk bikdi i the hunting season for part1 armljan ruffed grouse sharp i tailed grouse and spruce in helton- counts- will open oct 2nd and close dec ilk- tha an- v nouncement was made this week lurooien i reel u uu by hon- a kelso bjberlsmln- while attempting to dislodge a later of lands and forestav uj t jammed riar ih top of bumltskre bdaywultt lthi 41evloron bis farm j jmppemislra clia wvfx3ytbu

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