Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 26, 1965, p. 15

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ft notice to creditor eh mn th gagr havta atjatnat ik tu kl wer atan lata of umm- m ctjp tor county af hallo ge vrkflj died on or about tiw btb ol jao 1ssb at hereby act- tfled to u4 partloalare of sum t th bjjdjlfb4 b or bate tk kath day of septam- kr aj isbb attar which date tk uu will toa coetrfbuuad wttk recardorily to abe cwau of thick tk bdara1bd ahall tkaa km tuotmtrnt u aad idwffl ail b baito to fa aoit enrhjn- rlakg shafts sot than bar oottov dain si oatsjloi ffcla 14u atrjiarj a banlo ewtejm aoaatniatratar i ih ettat of auvaanaa waahty rahaon by bar sodtora m real estate coumtsy hom nt ewtenown h mcn o iand alrsoonju psioe toe a mil baltt bungalow on a vary pret ty ban un lot juat north of georgetown dw hwy t lars hvtng room laedarn ovarat kltcban 1 eomfortahle beav rooana and 4 pc bath tble bom la eat on oaa of the prattiaet lata you anil ever km auniba bright colourad flowaja vat ukl garden end kuh sraan leanu we know you will fu la love with it tba minute you aaa thl charming country boea contact starr brampton ooaa phone aol 1010 c cu- ta lajtos kuhoimo por uoht manuacturirm ok storaoi txjsoo down fur a 3 ory brick building with 4 600 a ft of floor apace aulteble for light manufacturing or fetor- ag right bar lfl georgetown immediate occupancy coaven iaot location with low overhead fou price only aliooo contact starr bramptobotiflee ltfloa eombla c werk contact starr ftkamttoal oppics 4s10s10 b caw4u paul s starr ca ltd realtors 4 baiaat a mm st gaoraatoas ontario notice to creditors w tiw utata of donald ah peraaaa having yi fjaa eetai of lonald sinclair lata of tka towoahlp of reiruaalag petit lorn n who dial oa or afnaf tka imk day of jaa 1s6s era hereby aotl- bad to rand particular of aai lo tc unaaretgnad a orbafam tka mrk day of saptaaar m attar arhfch data aba ea- tata mil ba dlkrtbulad wttb rard only ta tba claiau of bleb tba uadaratanad ikall tbao baa botlca aad tba un daratcnad will not ba liabla ta any parana of wboaa alabn be kball not tbao bav aotlca dated at gaortatom tbla mtb day at atuniat aj 1b98 jt yyad sinclair and noroun blnculr aoblnistratoia of tba katau of donald btaculr by tbatr sourmart dala baanatt latkur a balna xm mill st coortatown oourlo u ken nash wlaulnoaaj mathm vaawvat aaiatapeti e laaalra t aharatu tr 72842 l h aoitl lanl und arllk food well clo wullaml araa could ba dlyldad just asofl par aaa x hajidwak a kumsimoi old alahliad builn aritb larta nw uaeblna thop and aton tin roam briak boua with ranud apt atxtra aood ara at june tib of bao bulb biebways x 10 ackmi with fronujf oh vao roada laval aad 11 dralnad land no ttonti cood location caah a 10 itoam tllluty old brtclt bu with 3 flrpuc1 w furnaca and miring not quit ramodallad mav ba purtbawd with 4 acraa 2fl aeraj or so aerai una contact suy w ulaill 74 mau u t d tifalt j a willoughby sons ltd realtors u lajlbriaa av at taraa 11 we cant keep it a secret wv ear thi rr uoua nuvt im town top valuf at uw wl kt mill baaulmul ala raaat ha aaauiua with wmb aaftafwr tnaa and acraora and uou ail a ajum i u tw bwcka fram ukaali and ahavlna full phaa ut 11j00 call u hawl valui and coavour tw car bnm paoad drua ala ual raanm all laamully oaaaratad canvanlantly laaalad two buckt hint lhaaplnal and achaau hractlaly prtiad at 1zmo phaa im hawl maitaain sonus thl hanw it warh aaary pamny a tk aaun prlc af 11 moo and you pal an ahackaat brick paraa ineludad a r u jtf family khahan 3 u badraanw and ursa lar wrtb cawarad patla ar ua km of hw faaturm prkad riht at su0o dawn n an iwahaaaa arrana to aaa if tadayl twimmiho pool par mm yauna t hurt far thaa wk mlky entfwt and earafra mvlna bar m it ala wlaht and tkaahul raaaaa laadad thh oxtraa yaur awn privata paal 4mm akant pawn drtva wttb taiparf aapartly flnbhad ratallan raant a barn wartb a hauaa yau ahauld m all thla pracuua itvlaa far ua fiyjoo disckiminatinot a auparb cap cad laaatad in tna park dwrlct m a anaowad flaaf plan indudlra larpa 14 f main raara whb flrap and jaacuuafy praparftana dlnlit raaaa with aryaral cfcarntetlar la a raaatarpu af funrtlan and aaalbn an afflclamly arraitpad kllchan with unrlaallad aamanlanaa aanwlamaird by a raar antry ball h tn raaraatlan raam and half bark 1 lara badraaau an ha ll thla knpaeabl hanw la ntatamaalfy aurraundad by cpanara lawn af quality and baauty and li racamman- alad h fm wait aaaatuisj and dlatrunlnatln w invlht yaur naulrlaa tmr furrhar infarmatlan ssautipul kunoalow arhwtad an a haaa w arppa parhv cajarad vanity us britm klrehan whfc bglrmrl waakfaat naakv auatam laundry c with daubla atalnlaaa rlaal imaplna all a 1 services j npalra ww stawattton t741t aktav idla lawnatowna and abaara abarpasad and rapairad c ladwidta 11 aun st aat tf quk3c saraioa puutartsf rapalra larsa or unall x mrmnllan aasisij tf ugrmonq nit rapairad and lnatallmi guarantaed john vandanaaar t iraahann 877 soi tf gbobgetqwn uruocstchy lowwa prlcaa ararknunanlp aaranlaad s yuri tarma can ba arauad atftaos tf patoobatino to aapraaa indl- rlouallty artlatlc intarior and aztcrior craiuman in tba trada c a grant itl goorgatoara vrftsl u omcx sdivttiss baaplu typtug itxoma tax atr prompt accural mra l dark tmotor vabldaa oak 41 mala el south tf uhbbl5ra5d i orarad and rapaind oakuty wurkautuhip v- t ii brlur staararttowa bttm11 tf roof leakt plat roofing pbalt tblnglai aiding rapalra call or wril dlract tar talauiant coinmltalon uoyd kdga p locktlu hooting co m wart ava win ooa fhon mxlol couact anytlma tf wntanl aaajiplaf with with bvlhjn knotty pin f thla at th uw pri af 1 ww tf mu lf la fc town an acraahan raam hal ack an with apllt laval kami aarpart ami idaal far vla hamaauyara at mxa lifting aatrlo oanaral inawrana ffra auta ate pop thi mat ssigpction in town call fob e r t maltor im 0u1lph st 8773374 oa irwrtyv phil canwy 7 rysizr rlrbplbr lawn mowers shakpinso mad bapalrt waldlsg spring karvlca oaoaorrown wsldino u sualph tyyml tf r0t0tilling km a brrk jos tall trftart u qoality driveways cavstta pavino co att4174 cathkt taranta whvi sraawla tf txnrr refrigeration repairs who tv a appliancst 774x74 tf r conn plumbing 4 uu vr vtvu hot watar and ataaat baaring hot watar haatart gaa and alaetru u walton wsldino 1 kitla wmt of town oa lllghway 1 all typrt of waldlng poruntr kqulpcaaat wa kpadalu on truckj and conatructlon kqulpcaant 177414 tf plumbing heating call 1774411 bill garbutt 14 suin at u wiring cxkaiwereiil v dmtttlc john lenz eabtnd hukr sltrlclan haclrkal contractor 77j414 tf radiators kapaltad ad clad peeiradiator service 1 knglujl sl urtttbtob pboa 451 tirf u king refrigeration industrial and cantmaraul eulxs and service auuabla and uhldrnt call campbaluiiu ulaiar aiu4 tf w b hamilton contntuction ltd oanaral cantrachr brick block concrata and carpentry work 1774410 i raid court robertson electric industrial canunarclal ftd umiui phona tm im caorgotown r beeney mumbin0 hsatino tlrumithino 8779362 k tl 1 d t excavating oradln tapaall umaatona tratmhbip and pill oaarnatawn kxcavatlng ltd atfatrr tf jim service centre alif and sipvici honialll sum pioneer chain aawa nagnsving ban toro jacobaett and yardman lawn equipment organic f artlliur coaapleta lawn mower aer vie including aharpenlng 451571 k h kramptarl 2nd una w a 7 hwy wilson welding 14 armer avanu truck bojiu bulu ay repiln to conttmctioa equipment hard raring a trtlltra built pha ihaiji v williams electric heating ataflatarwl banned mn slictnlcian elactrk heating and water heater car wood cu and oil rurtucea 177411 1 illi st t septic tank pumping avaapla til tnemn oraval pill halton anitation ixttvicsl ran and shi mcdowell 77i5j tf newmarket tops qun hornby tourney wins nawmarket zamhyra nousdad gian wuuame m in hornby sa turday to capture tk annual hornby faathajj tournament nwmarfct gained tba ftnals by hy milton omagh and palanno rr managed to ouat tba hornby tear 111 making it a dtaappolnting day for tba boat villager j in other gacaaa falaimo rol ved vnr burlington 41 aetna butloo howl tbuaqrad oak villa 10 and palmano elappad by th aetna dub 1 in the eerier fual omagh aquaabedhorsby 11 1 nawmerket white wasnad milton legion 4v- an4 than neweoarkt uaatf tha earn acor to eumlnau mottoattowm ifjnalp thurtbay almuft 14 141 patacjj gknt wllllanu doubted up ttlllaburgh ix kockwood trio mad actoo lga 11 and la that eerie final glen man atop- pad on upckwood 50 fatal accident milton man hit by truck a 16 ye old gajoftclowi youth ba tuni wu not r- icaufid wu witii- to gtui tbocldcnt oa ua 1t ufiv of jjllirai uu krldy nlctit id which a vvlired ullttva hsitk mnpoy wu koikfcd do wo by pickup truck ld u aula nedllo w oi jul s uilton lt died khorliy ktir biitig ktnick by tb truck uw thia buf toll froo hjj aaotll mr kidillfl wu 4ttjduriuy waltiiw tvtilwj ui 1st utiat itajufjtn 1 a bridle just ttorth ol th kuaa una when b wu bit the drives of the truck wu john arthur uiyton of k ft 1 cavtnibuvuit rbr weekj tfo mr naulmliu vtired fcrcatrt tbj brick cos3vay 1 jaerrly wu held in his honour by the lrn kunertl mrvc wu uondiy auqi0n sale furniture at m wallace av acton monday eveg aug 30 at s0 11 tv inglii wringer wa- ahar a new eleolric atove re frigerator vacuum cleaner uv lug dining and bedroom furnl tur and amiu akielei thli furniture li clean ttrilfi cash frank petch auctioneer 1774144 clsaklns auaion sale for ed duncan lot is 4bh une eequeilntf between stewahtown and spey aide on saturday sept 4 at 1 00 oclock s traetora and other farm equipment so hat next week frank petch aurieomor servict our work- mauhipla topaand ourekargw tnodaat wk hav up ttbihemlpdts knowiedflt th latail squlpment and top quality pakmrit part to aarvlca your atl wigow appliances expert tv repairs by topnotch technicians ss main north tr 7m74 photraptis photographs reproduced in the herald are available at the following prices if ordered within two weeks of publication 5x7 8x10 s00 150 50c extra charge for prints ordered after the two weeks cash with order should be left at the herald office llmhhoutl uti bert keiitob wu hoirull tw the auktut mpting of the wvs ob thurday vcnln wie reed scttptur tnd tin kirk patrick led tn prtyr un ultfhell rytywd chither frocd th study a ipclal collechton wtll be uken far the supply fund t the px rnuni and used elothlnij ti to b uh it vn klrkpalticki before ept 10th a erouword puzxlc wu dona which read co y into au tha world tad trch th gosjul to svry eratur test word in awred in a vem of scripture wu llarveart mrs norm in turner and ur aud andefioa acoorapanied at th piano by urc- lurt benton ung two lovely duati great li thy faithfulness and come to the saviour the hoateu served lunch afterwards e mr and mr john glynn and lt tr glynn wtrtt guests art tha kemplins watt weddlns at ullford itay united church on saturday whew ye- tar waa an usher alu kg i auction sale at the glen auctions oun wllllantt ont thurs eveg aug 26 8 jo pm aharp mousjbrouijd rubnmmk antiques glassware and china wringer waahlng mcb- ine electric aewlng machine 3 niece bedroom aulta cheati ol drawera baby a crib and mat ireri kitchen ublei and chain alngle bed televlalon aet ichool deaka radloa three piece tel tee aet odd old chain carnl val glair aecretary many olh r articlai too numeroui to mention alfred r spence auctlonaar 1771166 notice to creditors in th matter af tha atlele of mary aonm booth- royd lata of tha villa af nerval in th cunty f hel ton inerrud woman deeea d crshttons of mary agnea boothroyd lata of tha village of nerval in the county of hal- ton deceaaad who died on or about the ind day of aujuit 1963 are required to file any claim agalnat the eetete with te underalgned on or before the olh dry of september 1b8s after which day the batata will be dlatributed eubject only to tha claims of which the un deralgned ahall then have no- tic and the underalgned will not be liable to any perron of wboaa claim hay ahall not than tar notice datbd at brampton thja 10th day of auguat ibm ww robboalvin wi0- qw6 and cooke solldtora for ahe -atolnla- traterl i m queen street wat brampton- ontario m itotts oh uu tub vmnuto thukseay pkioay f ay auoust 14 17 is ah kutkaj orloel coffee a 79 ptbhtt orouno uan minced beef 43 top quality red brand roasts short fa blade rib tu- roasts roasts ulj tsuaw t 55 cne beef on sale ay aliomtty hiohsr pslck faknaiew ulnua real hl wieners x m4 ual aa gna map i tear 55 bologna w tk p grocery reatures whchadk grape drink 2 32 ox tint 37 c camrtofi vegetable soup 10 ex tint 227c mitchlus is or lira fancy apple sauce 23h k swot muttakd swsft rfush and 14 orara sweet mixed pickles 29c riouiar 1 lb tin johnsons paste wax 63c clarkt irish stew is ox tin 263c it off xal ajax cleanser larg tli 239c l vancy tcmdfm mai 10 or ckeam styu corn 10 or cut orten bians 10 ex klrnfal corn let york brand 3 tins 00 wuits and veoitabus htbsh dahy out no 1 orecu staked tomatoes a at baalal 69 tcabforula no 1 orad red cardinal or tbornpeorl t grapes 2 lbs 47 6ntario no 1 oradk celery hearts larg bundl 19t ontario no 1 oradc head lettuce 2 lor 25c caufornia no 1 oram nectarines jumbo sl 60a i for 39c

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