Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 26, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald 23 main street georselown ontario wci page 4 thursday august 26th ims editorial comment too much a whipping boy tw f torn mumoptj dprlmni pyri and conqorttly o4 tooncdtwi much mora tkn oikrt th ovio conc1o pvlcturly it wktpplng boy to vety corpulnt on th bodki h if blmd tof dtnrirtg qthm xfln4 ov liri a hw dibpoul ll ft cvt ft windy dy ior tu ptdtutu w n oomwntiy ttt butt of cm1 rkrwfk tn td out o council no on can i ay jhat qti cllcka w gaooqstowv 11 p1kt tat w dfty no wi cn iy nythlrj it hio mn it unuiuagly a 1 tl ml fob and irt mfof im lik ob0 coluc tuyi wlwajr ooxdnlyi of rrwn uvj rnact- uwi ii nteity nd whvj utonl holi iy crt puy ktvckc with a work uwjuu ttw will lwyi b torn hold upi nd mjm dimulni in oor opinion tkj print contrtctof do oood ob 4t on can sup w hv djirqi with him both with riidn tul nd oommarcul plcknjp and in our memory w kv rvcaivvd jtcuni iv- vk if both puctm in iw tw hv brv ttms whn w kw fjc dd th of th uw and put ltm out lo pck- up which it would b quit tn od to uw alwy hy hv br rmovd mhp w should ll uk clot look at our own cooperation rath than 10 conttnu eompulnlncj do w ftlwyi hv our orbo out at the popw tlm do we hev it in cor rct coauinr wllwrapd and in not too havy a can or a rnn to hndiy hit do we trvitlui uwe tht wet orbge partic ulafly ll protected from dog do we an chor it down u it won t blow n alt diec tnvi on a windy day or duinlral in a ram sutely with everyevna cooperating there will b no rtkof ifoobul other than a vhicl breakdown wluch ai one councillor pointed out latt week could oc cur alto if the town oparatad ill own gar barje tyiim v 4 drawing the tax line the wyt in which we allow our etad member of pari ament to ipand our money are tomet met weird and wondar ful pott of ficet have bean one popular form of tuppotad votagetting subud at to indutlry to agriculture to individuau are to well eitablithed that we will navar be able to gat out from undr lately w have ben blatant ixim plat of vatt tpendmg of money which in one way or another mutt come from you and me wh ch ihould alarm the man whoie paycheck gett a bigger and biggar bite each year whote purchatat are en ha need w th talet and excite taxet the prime mlmtter eetually totted out a couple of million dollars to the city of vancouver for of all mlngi a hockey ttadium not only it i butlneii syndicate gomg to tat up a profitable operation there but it u going to have a two million dollar bonus for its enterprise and suppoi dly vancouverilet are going to be to hap py to see live nhl teams in action that watch for con men confidence men are as old at time atnd few are ihe merchants who do not get ivn at one time or evolher by a bad cheque or a bad credit ntk more detpicable are thota who prey on elded y people becntly e 0 repairmen have ben l county court charged with bilking aeveval people by exorbitant chargat for tf nor repair wodt to tir homes kow comes another old gag a team they and we will be happy to part with the two million a large ontario irutt company it in a scandalous mti and the provincial gov ernmevu is intending to bale it out to an sure depot i lor t that they wont lota a couple of plane loads of tountts ware stranded in britain because their air tine owed a bill it couldn t pay and the government obligingly forked ovr several thousand dollars to get them home safaly one hat a right to be critical whan tuch handouts are becoming common certainly one should hve every ty pathy when financial tragedy strikes rut jutt because it is on a targe scale have our governments the right to dip into the pub lic treasury does the same thing happen when one small company it in difficulty when one individual is taken by a sharp operator if we are to guarantee that one indus try should prosper that large seal bank ruptoae should be subsidized then we should provide the same insurance for ev eryone of smoothies visited town last weak con cocted the old bank inspector and police man story and marje off with a substantial mount of cash from one of our senior rest dentt the georgetown poll ca have atked the herald to cooperate in instructing resl dents to call the police immediately should anyone claiming to be a bank official or a policeman contact them about any money matters district news at a glance uurronvitli two lluttoovlllt md on ttrikt fgaiut afcttrluu mton had vi fttaej o ihr blfffcet bftritfeu 6f tb tfwh whea uiy brokr lftta toronto twp rhuktn but pauu arrived to find laau putting tht ehitiu bi into bit- tuy kid ii llv birdi la bafj when aeprctondad acton tht ttotuiliuoa of lh pike in velry like jumped by 100 urt week when fuh reicued from lulton mill bond were trucked to the acton pond and dumped in the sin were ukea rom the ulllnn pond by eon ervalioa omcer and four heuk era the pond in ullton la to be drained hilljbuuch ihe hihaburih community aaaocutuon marked tb hnal payment on their community antra with a atreet dance and celebration laat week the build ing waj erected two yeara no krim toe wanderen a roup of ywuif ma mualclani wen aw- rd4 lat ptiat in a talent abow lacenur bald in bockhaven pk artwultl their win they i havthtaen torlied lo be iumu inall foreign gjafiaione ajid tuu wbta hu vehicle collided with a freight train in orange villa the ear wu a total write otf the driver wu released from hoepital nert day oakvilla- a church pirlah hall and a former oneroomed school will be uulued by th oakvllu board of education to provide aceom uodatlon for part of a public achaol enrolmaat which will top 10 000 thl year milton the bell telephone eompanya plan to give ullton telephone tubeerlbera free toll charge ta georgetown burlington oak vltl with an inmate in monthly ratea haa met mixed reaction some uutonlui doubt that it will be worth the increaae in thi mail ia suburban residents protest triple w charge for water b r no 2 i georgetown onl uguit lbth 1b88 mr editor- wa mild appreciate your pubuahlng thl copy of a letter cot fv the chairman of geor getown council water oqmmlt- le vu t t s- mr a the day of no rest there have bees f eaantaa la attr way at tiring ta the laat or tbraa irin ehoal are higgar aad ptigbtar if aat batter tw taaaagvr hav takes our popular aaaek and public artaatiaa tejarlalea ttralaaabr burla rba aad vhav al t la aur kuuealattbg face murcier aad ape walk city hi ee even ta daytaaa nat ta jaaatioa racial atrtte the wattare atate trocea fooex ta- ataat avarything aad japan aaotor eeooier hews desk extras by yrry haruy graw iot kuii ur donald power chalrmln water cnmmltler m ualn street north georgetown ontario dear sir we would like to know why our water bill is three timei the basic georgetown rate thla without any notification or increase in service we understood when pur chasing our home that th rale wa double that of georgetown this aeemed quite autflclent to cover any ddltonal mat to the town if georgetown did not want to aupply water out aid it legal boundgriei it ahould not have allowed any hookup with its water system it seems decidedly unfair to penalise only thoa who have no recourse to legal action if wa were residents of george town wa could with our vote remove the committing such prejudiced action nd doubt all thole in the township receiving thl water earvlee would appreciate a re- eonalderatlta of t thl hasty and 111advued decision sincerely h t dkxson a c dewxson entomology la the sclerlce which deal with inaecta ety mology la the science of word a coot la an aquatic bird found principally in south am eric a diamond will turn to gfa phlta if heated to 1000 degree centigrade ik tul will thr bo ou ilick our arm out o tnuhulr lhr iuwrmarkrt wslcli lug boy of twut fl yrart of sgr were aum wslllng lhr flrt clr k w bw ilghlng of a uro mn dly lu tirrnnt whfr ldntlnd flyln object by sl ultrrlb mnlor mund georgetown rriidrnt since tnc things hsvr started dliplstn thr ohirrtrr wtlchrd for a ihmnselvei all orr thr lotc hllr tlirn irsnrd over snd said after an absence of 10 rar hr bud ou lrllrr stick your closasl spotting lo hrrr hsr srm out uhrn ou to around s been in ullton where s number curve or youll get a ticket of people described the fllihti o glowing discs to th home loun paper its our theory inst the new wave of saucer are mnned pwhi glng 10oo0 mile by novice uartln pilots who ou i w have jut scsnnrd the reports of ufa on esrth louced by thel veteran byera in ur early 10s0 r j vlvian heads ncw and found tbm sa unbfufvthlr i r thry had to tau a look for them county couhscl setvicc i anothrr int for hilton w that i th cim thr riport county the irvt county carried back to batr by uer upon tared amily ourt coun latest barniloiwer oucht to irt selllni senice in the province the eiliiem on their antrnnifi wu liunrhrd at a special can t you juit the folkk on meetins of the hilton county the rd planet plckinj up thnr council aucut 16th mornlas copy of the dally neop the council hai appointed r georgetown herald mwfa r luthxj caorvetown ontario wbllf c mum tubliiber caraald aacctlvray production iauperinttndrnt dave llastlnga labile clark u gilsnn ieter terry ilarley nilvi mi tor ttg loex lac way ireca thai fctaaple cut enddxiam tiiackodawhlu aeciety in whieto seat of ioday4 mudleaigrt enalbt let world roillo were brouaht taav ii enel kmktw jmfrj camiu te wiurat keck hwml ikw ati1 iwf tw a tick uraav ki 4w wlsi hbary wrvu baraaaly sye slrslem ui a titck tkey unlviti- u able wwi mea w tka hi aw tw tw u mm tue rkt wou aawbj h rlaj 4f4bj hmf imfaail he khaaaje ul tab aafalairawbaw w i wbfb i wu a kid sunday uidt frosm its runvouj awu wu a day of rt utrrslty tbere was notblnn tlw to do for tba averaije tmawy it vu ehunrh in the morning home for a bltf noon dinner ftaka out for a nap for tbt adulu kloooiy polling around houaa of back yard for the kid aurpfver fcrd early to bed no w i nun i nf no fitfiing not een a game of catch reaee and oulrt hovavar resented by the youngt only variation in this wat thr descent of a horde of dull rela fasew at taw tb vtreaavreeal bu wfmmn by ike taaee i tke aware mueea aameaj the reamy faliowa begn awitfbas armd tba rhrn raattaaorsat m ejoiatf for jka with lb kane e the pen amercadete aaoeclr tkem atartetf ptartatf bjsusla and fiableai aad all aorta a wityeakehje tkintm rnm tbera ef cossrat u wae ry a atap to weetiat epeaie ebthea aad maofcing ead aavtag breawtarw aad rauumu wta ttfiyiag vmn to enfte witb ibu mvm wave of wtutuuiiiamji suaday bport aot eoe ue u the door a thd uftted 11 wu open sua day ntovlejl buwajrj u the bcb4 art up inidwiy vhdee the uaafuutor radie wu lnveat- d alooe wilh the owvu ad od kt loe whats hatxad lo the ptv aad iat fif our old thlidtwd koaday spohj ear u1w uirmnowere anirt traffac whina m wlch- wayi ehkldre wbib at beecb aa ivatuuura uere beeuea- beal pwwtr boeut tlniaw aad throb the air u tweet with the pock of golf belli rlcocheuaj off trea and wat sku rtrochh- lnx off the heads af twimmert tteer rana tung on fcga couples wrangle on gin aad te- u bven the birds have to shout louder to hear each olhcr and all that dadi u why your old man went back free a tivee rveryona then sat around 0 on y while tn jnday best in parlor or on b to wark w t porch and gtasad inurmlnably j about cousin khvood a bad j ucclementa back or aunt arlene a aslhma annatour 1 i i jfrew up thinking that sun alleen bradley j wm j t a on w accountant ylh mu t do anything worth while uy attitude toward tht sabbath was that the sooner it wu over the better bible thought for the week knnk mullin advertising uanager m dkan urs william geul clfrk typist anne currle reporter peter jones rhotograabar member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and tba onlarie auoclallob aad ut ka iv w ae1 rule u yhr ka- tw tae wudk lut even thh i4vtujh i watlaue v are catud u ate vadyi tee yeuif te hatka the rat wad aad be ye timkfol wt ut seme ef she wilder u- 3 is vavnls la the ertmurtlh haaa wwatiilrve ike calvlautu u hare wj hmaoe a lazily wuu h amly ae ur e evke m utv dy hut stmuamle twiavmue wlt ew a tocau itakth alev there can be e peaace le aur haarli until we atsle up ear ulttda u eocne ta tatnta with cod uy pca 1 giv ustv yeu and reading about male quar tela trying to look like femalri earths automobile drhers trjlnr ta marabat the population ex plosion by eraalng part of the pjhhilatlon moba clubbing each other because their akin doetn t match and group of young karthlntrs performing gyrations that greatly resemble the aim leu movements of young mar i uans who have had ihrir crtrry atalka snlpcted it should be enouch o en thr akyaplu into making annual re eonn alliance trips inttrod nf waluaji a whole decade and mti sing who knows what such being the can- uurely one of you readers will light a flying uucer and tell us about it talking about spaceships con venienlly takes us to the re portedly true story of what hap pened to i fella who bulled into a kids game of make believe at the local plau the man who shall merci fully be name leu was waiting j vivian of burlington aa dir ector and he will begin in oc totur lo set up an office and twun the family counselling semce mr viwsn has spent the put tix years as a probation offl cer in hallon plus a esr wor king with the attorney gener al a office in toronto he hat been a halton resident for 16 ears and is quite familiar with the count he has a tt a degree major ing in theology and has soclsl and law admlnlitration courses at well mr vivian will work from the brown street family court building in milton he was one of three applicants in ten le wed for the new position also at monday a apeclal mee ting council amended a bylaw covering quarry roads in ks qurslng and naatagaweya town ships to clear up a typograph leal error the wardens dinner was ten tatlvcly set for nov 17th at the club galaxy in oskville and reports indicate the halton dis play for the international mow ing match was progreulng business directory news echoes rrwn rba tu0m of the hrld 1935 and 194s 10 ysaw ago j georgetown public school board hat been authorized to prepare plans for a third public school which will probably be in the dalrex subdivision naar ihe old town limits council was informed by iho public school board that an anticipated 9 extra class rooms will be needed a year from now ay georgetown has tant petition to county council asking that a consultative committee ba lei up to invastldata the possibility of replacing tha preiont north hallon high school district wllh three separata districts which would cantra in georgetown milton and acton 0a naw company la located in georgetbwn purchase of fart of tha old provincial paper lower will from wll- iam b ackerman was completed this week by hllllo furniture co ltd so yiahs ago latest group of servicemen lo arrive home- from over sea include spr james dickenson cpl dorrle kldd sgt albert reeve sgt jim gambell gnr earl wilcox ai the regular esqueslng townthjp meeting held tues day hlght mr george gallop presented a partition signed by more than 90 per cent of the ratepayers of norvel asking that atreet lights be put in tha village a motion by currla and seconded by cleave that the bylaw necessary for light be drawn up chiropractor donald a cay dc appointment msd daily call y 74401 aft mill st cwwutw chiropractor carau w cerkell dc open tsaktly by eaaemmant house cells arrtnged ita main ii nhb o y walkkat ro oou orfomgykily 11 kiln st- s briuptea 4s1u74 res 4j143u hours 9am lo am tuasdsy to saturday tmday 9 au to 9 p ra knalugs by appolbtmant caitr ft wmtvfoob onlarl lshj gurveyan us uounulnvlew kd s yrianale 71111 w h carr tv f westweej y 740 ka yk ttlu robl r hamilton oefematrlit 118 uounulnvlew kd s camtal bldg cor apoolnttaant 8773971 dale bennett latimer baines aurruare alui douglas v lat1ux1i tsbxncx r bawaa tslaagl mai u uiu st cmrgeurwa dax developments umiykd builder f cine hawaa prop walter pscholok 8774111 ar i77w1j barragers cuwersshlrt launjerare y ymj9 18 ualn s 1m gualph all work ttan an areailsee printing of distinction statements lsttekhead5 a envelopes wedding v invitations georgetown herald s774m1 0tomjsylt l m brown 35 mill st fpablrtlmehts teaa i7ym7i frederick a helion surrlstar aaj talulhr lit uoualalnviaw rd s camtal building georgetowa tj monuments mllock cammsmu dks10ns on ttequtst inspect eur work la creaaweed cautlery hon u17sm u water street north 0 a lt prank ntch licensed auctioneer prompt service po bog 13 tb yissi georgatown the herald likes news your vlaltori weddings club maatlngt vacation trips all help to make a live phona 1774001 w ww t m e mattdertfju qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 7244 tvansicklerba aurrliwr teluher meter dr wullam bldlj m ullb 1 tb y4su wallac1 tnomkon 3r4 dlvlalan ceurt clark a commissioner y7m olohaattown- animas clinic ids ossalpb street dr r b oaahtn v lavit ovm j cuolsqmb b mb- mkmmm ba jwtlah ltim j txonrnstiu tlwkmi

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