brother sister meet for first time in fiftyfour years john cocnhjus mk and mk auakl th fcrly ir tf autuat i- wfxijtht rrunloa for a truthr end aluer aft a m year acp- ration 1 9 jtobn cornelius 15 virions av s ccriirttown rradiu fur im pit yrt iii his as ter juuiu uu wbca kit aotl w husband chris huktr ram to caned id vwt untie and antj in lumlltoo t it toj w yr aiw the tro th and fcltc hid tilrt and ttoruty yar unre hr hid fcwd julhcr brother janwa of toronto ndleii to tay it wu a uwut enjoyable holiday for al a family eatkrrinif uw the vituton lake th plane home tram uallon on aujfuftt 17 for thttr return u cray kaix sugar and spice by bill smiley on the canoe trail uatkunk iomhfre in the vast hinterland i am aittlnif at a picnic table looking over a beautiful small blue lake nnced with fialdrn and and white birches twrnty feet from shore a devoted rou- pl swim quetly anumtf the ulypadi they are wild ducks farther out a loon raises its ar retail t head on its snake neck fjaen dives wfcn t leek up slifm waylna 4ric un teeether fa clrcu ww dlttanc that wiakas th teed kwlm in their branch fewd 50 blackbirds talk evar teat ttlobf s mhy on th uft india naltjhbeurs wwltfl fe hlr tetfer wh is trying te cefeh a duck o th rlht eur tlllnou neighbour thrlak smufta- hot evr a ttrlrv f ilrwh perch behind me tits the tent rath er resemblinjj a very sick cam el and inside the tent wild eyed wan and woehegone af ter two straicht sleepless nlchla under canvas broods my wife its been a grand holiday trip o far but something tells me we went at it backwards after two days and nlflhla cruising the dined and waited on hand and dined and wsite on hand and foot we were unceremoniously bundled ashore at the lakchead we couldnt face it like that cold so we holed up in a hotel for a nlflht next day we were op at the crack of noon and off on our cam pine trip that is af ter lunch and putting up our hair and taking it down and shopping for grub we anally hit the road about 4 30 and belted off on our adventure the seen ery was superb huge humps of rock swathed in green dark swrpenu of rivers gliding far below dizzying glimpses of lake superior blue and aplen did and almost frightening in its immensity say this camping wa treat so far then cam th dawn at euv lira camtxit oi- ta b irtaral the dark and us in th midst of h try i 0 put up the tant in- igajda out as it turnad out the charcoal wouldnt burn we couldnt and anything the salt the coffee the brcadknife the hot mustard nothing we were sitting forlornly side by side on a cot awaiting moci toes eating burned ssuxes and blueberry muffins and burning with envy of our nelgh bourt every one of thera in a luxurious trailer a plaque had informed us thaj we were camping right on an historic canoe route uwd by early explorerei and fur traders its still a popular route this occurred to me about 4 am as i lay thrre itarlng starkly at the roof of the tent my wife whimpering in the next cot about every four minute a transport truck thundered past on the highuay sixty ards be hind the tent at one hour inter vals a trainhurtled clattering by about 200 yards away and every so often a jet liner screamed pact right overhead and i lay thart tick with envy frf the- turdbltt fur trader on their cane reuta not for them the stumbling over tent pegs not for them the charcoal that refuses to light not for them the neverending muddling search for the eg flipper or the toilet paper and above all not for them the endless recriminations i cant quite imagine the follow ing conversation taking place on the canoe route on an august evening say in 1742 hey pierre were de hell did you put the kleenex oats all right for you jacques but oo was de one oo said we didnt need french dressing andere i aver de sal ade ready and no dressing by oar jecquai fee twe baavar ides i nevar do wlf yeu again en a petit camping trip all the time yeu beauf beeuf beaufl no it couldnt happen oh well lhas procress guess ill go in and give the old lady another tranquillizer strike eamp it takes only three hours to strike camp and get roll ing for the next episode of un adulterated horror i good crpwd attends hornby corn roast ost friday xtbjht a earn roes was aeu at taw north tralakjar cos nnlty centre for tb dnsssquin pee wee teaaa tbclr coacfa kay puller aotf ananagw stniee picxeriaf aad parents caaacswere played ootdoofs and was fauoved by luacb duriof the evening an aafa by wes presented to kay vuller and a be pin and cuo link t to broo kickrfi for the teeny ho4irt tory bad spent dorinat the aumatker aeonths with the boys both kay and hruc eateaded tbeir thaakj to lb boy choir practice waj beld od sunday bltbt at united chwrth in prvpaatioi for lb anivcr- aary bcrvlc wkicb will b oh buoday brpt 30th www mr fend mri biu kouusm ba left be a trip to lb wl wlch1 olivrr bf ulinston boluiyd ibu pat vek with wr and hn arthur hnt air and sirs craig hoyce and faftally hot lb wk5d at wtul hach uj- fend urs kritb k1u 1t turned bm froin a wddi ni trip in kutrm oourlo fetid have toovvd to their apartment at u ciwpcl surt llratdtan ur and mrs krank halt and ur and mrs jui uay dined at lb uivira aa baturday bight on the occasion of mr and ur wank 1u11 s 16th wedding an nlvenary robert rrlfcdta stevca barr and stanley neiuoa hsvi ittur bed from a holiday lulifax wbcr they vulled with ur and mrs- u or ley thorn anniversary ifrelingi are ex inded to ur and ur imer blfurd who will relbrala their wedding anniversary on friday septerober 10 sirs garnet howden kenneth and randy and nora lleames returned home sunday morning from a holiday in arlwna anniversary tfiwutvji are wished for ur and airs clifford wriggleaworth who will cele brate their wedding anniversary on sunday september 12 birthday greeting to the fol lowing who arc celebrating birth days jim hamilton on sept 8 catherine hall on sept 0 mrs harry lowden on sept 10th anne stout ami ur bud brown on sept 11 george thompson on sept 12 ami ur doug brown on sept 13 anniversary greetings to mr and mrs harry lwden who will celebrate their wedding annivrrivary on sunday sept f2 annitrrsary greetings to ur and mrs james snow who will celebrate their wedding annlver sary on sept 13 the annual community corn tame hawk returns home after week of freedom david carta 19 a grade 11 i i whit at ceorxetown and dis trict mlgh school and his buddy are back tocether after a week- loauj apparition daves buddy is a futtsrovn hawk turned cbattanoocbk the bird broke a tealberlnc leather thong recently and bead ed into lb wild blue yonder apparently answerin tb cu of lb wild david wailod each day for bis tajestit friend to return to hi norval bone fear insf he misfit becom lb target for a hunters bullet unt lb ties between the bird ad matter wr strooxr tha tb uk of frrcdoco and within a week the tao tuwk and david were tocether atn thre uuttnnvuu koyt bill kranook lorn ucclelun hod tull kodeer found tb hawk wnil on a tjoundhog bunt oefer norval and h nurrrndeed hit brief liberty willingly cbattabooebia ls one of many unusual pets divid has had over lb yrrs the list includes a re berimt 8 rfc06fl white rat and svrrsl snakes of course chattahoofhid is iwv the btx boerder altboukh tbt hawk la not trained to hunt it will fly off felon and kill hniau jawe for food but h ll fen tie as a buob david boasts and be 11 roast was held at the horn try park on wednesday night with a good crowd attending demon strata to any doubter by lettin chattahoochle perch on his bare arm when the hawk u in the house be will attack hi imaf in the mirror and for that reaaon be usually reeuuns id the backyard tasking on a sis foot hkgjb roost to fcmprra davids friend bcu show lbcm hi ii inch wlaa fepan family were first settlers at kodewood kdar walker harrlf o rock wood died on auarusi 20 in st jotevbs huepiul cuelph fol lowing a abort luneea barn in hockwood be wa lb only tbild of tb ule william harris and kdtib walker 11 bwd all hi hf tner with lb exception of a fw yr lu huudelpbuya where n w employed u an oriental rug elesinan lb a bug department store his feiiy who wvr tb brat settlers in uoekwood opcraud the back wood woollen mill until it closed in hod- ur harris was a member of the sorihy of wieods quakers and attended meeting regularly lb kitchener his family built a church in hockwood which wu purchased a few years after church union by the wesbyler un church kunersl servire wu held at the burnley shoemaker kunersl home acton iutor burton hill condurted the serviee inter ment wu ia hockwood ceme tery herbert cantelonws streetsvihe fartner vuncral eerriea vas held ba the lee funeral hosna streetsvilbt on saturday sept 4 at 230 for herbert sansael cantelon who died the previous thursday in guelpa air canuloo wa the son of tb late samuel and elisabeth canuloo and brother of lb 1st wilfred and ida ur wrtxxlcsworth hf wu in ku 3nd yrmf uf canlelon bved on tb rfli un w of toronto town hly in lb streeuvllie area au his life and wai ru liked u a neighbour and trieodv he wi s ufa loetnber of kden united jauttjj at cantelon never hjkrred nine aiis fast sale unsolicited temtteoabli ra not uftmmnwin a the hanjd bca it comt to rcsalll adilcr- ed or rlmttvd mim kaccntly tu ad apfi to the fv sala colonib tmmttoay uwt imc jj pjwg 1 uukbs i with wr wjtlmn dontht bn kjl i i had oia mil and aold at i tw trat hattr as tb 10 i rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wioomo aklamocmimi cwrvm 9 tiuhy cut flown end funertt dto w wir ftowr w alur hi iv mtil agon fall fair friday and saturday sept 17181 in acton park 0voat ommno o thi fabt by acton mavoc d1y rwoav at jo rm adwi mi finn ibwjutruaj asrardlaa bnd rioay ki ue rm i4 vuy tfcw uturiiu cum mky tod llu vlrlity au surt ob udiay uc wn xerow vxm ututdav w qjoo am ada fir mlr ur m t t rm karklairm drum 1 hvtim corp atial acton tilt i coa- tnluu jtcu hr orkud birtcle ta jlnoa outtni hind l horaabim blicung aaptot hmby show 1j0 hvyuhm concal urul unlock porxl king shows ftlms gam5 t conctssions jid aavili wwcom to acton au kajc 11 pri aart i swcikmor soctfa4 vinc moukitfokd m c conctjtf oravtt kuiidino sand boad oeavtl piu aiul toc sou stoki8 woik tom haines j german language school has enrolment of thirty students a ipedll german lineue rachool which hn tttrieled v tntltlrtntt tome of them from ifjtho georgotown area will hold jt bnt msuloti saturday mor- nln september 11 kvtliuon the school haj been organized ite the german canadian club i hallon county jhe ttudenu will aaaemble najry saturday for their lesion iftom instructor ur 0 howard jf niagara palis ibe school has be sanction of the federal com llttee for german language icnools jit- german canadian club exe- jocutsv mombers are pleased to i have been able to engage fit howard who speaks hve langua ges adults and children will share the accomodation since the re gistration did not warrant se parate rooms texts will be sup plied to students at no charge through the federal committee and the minimal tuition fee will cover the coat of renting and teachers salary registration has not been closed off however andaddb tlonal applications are invited you cab tell youre on the right road its upgrade ken nash hujuumno and heaytno walr softittt a witar systems repair alterations tr 72842 heat your home mocletn woy ww gs ewtd smarts chinook automteh go fumoc cl lti fcyil jtutlaifjah wlfkf lh aylax hllc cklaeelt will lv yeu ebuadaal kaal itmlttbu wuur yvuvi avar w c areas uea am deaulmowl wlik r h thompson hardware hummnoj heating f 1 vz the canada pension plan and its benefits hero ia what the camada petition piatt will do for tksoplo lika maty todd a 22yeat old nure who earns 310 a month 3720 a year if marys earnings continue at this rate until she reaches age 5 she will receive a retirement pension of j77so a month from the plan plus 75 a month old age security v because mary will have the opportunity or contributing tor 43 years she can have as mangos 65 years or lower or no earnings and still be entitled to the same pension actually marys retlreirient pension willundoubledly be more this is because as mary advances in her profession and ber earnings increase so will her pension furthermore to ensure that all benefits under the plan maintain their value they will be adjusted to meet changes in living costs and wage levels before they are paid and changes in living costs alter they become payable k mary continues to work and becomes disabled at any time after 1970 she will be entitled to a disability pension of s8312 a month until she reaches age 65 from then on she will receive her retirement pension as well as s75 a riiobth from old age security if mary dies any lime after 1967 having contributecfuntil her death a lump sum payment or s465 will be paid to her estate what will the plan cost you if like mary you are employed arid have earnings or 3720 spread evenly over the year you willpay at the rate of s468 a month your employer will pay the same amount this advertisement is one of a series which relates tome or the important benefits of the canada pension plan to individual circumstances p r issued by authority of the minister of national health and welfare canada v the honourable judy lamarsh i vi