Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 23, 1965, p. 10

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dfri yjli insi johns jasr and i pwilir komotto iwtr cm saturday july m st john united church toil de- careiad with uilxuiil of pink dadioli d white khasta toiwni wo uildrcd jn daughter o mr and ur hector bud k h 3 georgetown brrae the bride of lhtup hduiund tweet wott of ur and urt a bcri iwt of votum rennet set tog lead kv ian vieralng ofnelatrd ad ur vratirti thompson ac tampanied by kenneth h liar rtaoa ui wedding prayer the lord a wayer and o per lect lave civen id marriage by her fi tbr the brtde wore a floor length gown of white organia trrtf taffeta with pririceu bod ice and hell avirt liar thou dr length veil of silk illusion ml crom distuss relaxing of 400 lot payment on lutheran property ms par twt of wbm win laauu siowvaiks la troait of avlot property wnd lay imananuh uuheraa church la tha lad sobdivisua vu a probvca diactrteed by council ob spl so kwr jobo kiiffbcr and two members of the church board taiervwwcd council about 400 per lot cub payment which la called for im an agreement between the town and tub- ftomer bob lo wbca land b bold plana call for fe hr cburrb o koly one lot hod cburtb are asking tbat fy sent not be- demanded on the other lota a majority of councillor a preaofid their opoinioa that the 400 payioenuwas dftalaed to cover achool eosta and that u the eifht lota were to remain vacant aom conoraiioa t id b made but installation of sidewalk should be either coatracs tor r iw cburrb respoo albibly twpuiy xeve hunter uuialed x decision wu dffitj until a buudrrsf kppbcauo u pnl d to council ten from ss plax join twentyfive year club tiw ho girl wit carvlyn bird tvukii of the bride she wure a floor unfctb to of while ortatuj over tatfet witb lurguoue cuwtuerbund sht earned a bakkrlof pink rarna uona f ur ls jrnkinion wu kromtman and tb uihrra wrrr ursara bob 1caraon and lavid gardhouu the ricvuon vuai hrld tn w john a uemorlal hall the bride a iiiolher dressed in pink ahantunji vitb pink rymbldiurn roraajc and white arcekiorlei auuted by the kroom s molbrr in brown and sold printed nlk with belt arfeuonri and a nrmt of itreen cymludium recejved the fuciti twenty ven nw tatfijii ubl bf tbd from kmltb and taone and two frvm 1uk la aada uaulted bolb coritlowd ftul wee wtlomrd into tb tt y4r uub of ajurtfcttl eominirs k4lle cankda ud inbcrcua canada ud flax canada ud and kuillh and ion lld at an annual rptloji and dinner in the roy i york tloul lorodto rytday hearhing t quarter century of f aptoyiiifnt with mm lb and mont during the patt year wre urt ann colli ni rrank connely charlie ciuji hoyd llllta ord jamea bud jamea hob uirlm and albert chubby htapteton johh ulnlrrn and krure me cartney were the new members froju imji the brit from that brtb to be admitted into the 13 year club or a motor trip to the marl tbe new memberthlpi brousht the tola of smith and stone euptoyeei admitted into the of hiw butbra aiiu the in evttoh bf tb h yar club in lbaa brigadier rwallaw the rkalrtiisn of tb bord eowmeol d in bu pcamia ueuajre we ran take a girrat dfaj o pnd in the lenjttbenihg hat of our 3 year club frtirolmnt be uid keftrnng to the death of ijeul 0 w knr ihillipa latt chrutwai brig wallare uid tills wcaiufi is tempered with sorrow at we record the pat alng of our founder and pay tribute to hia inspired leader ahip throughout the yean his abaenre will be felt particularly in the ii year club ma i o whose member knew him well company president h chant also offered bis congratulations to all club member on the 13th anniversary the ateady tn create in the number of club bi embers does i believe en amplify the stability of our cor porate group which in no small measure is attributable to the and leader mayor doubb legality of land purchase deal mayor clbbooa told council monday that be hna dowbta about the legality of oouncila plan to purchaaf 175 acrea of industrial land croco pcuea development for 17300 council last wwek vid to exercise a purcbaae optioa in cludrd td ad icrwnkeot which rclesa residential land for balding id the auhdtvisiqn t aur you tbu is not aour grapea he told ruuncil taiayor lbhoni ba appoad both the agxvtnnt and tb lend puf tbaae there will undoubtrdly be uolluo at kmu4 fuuifr tim for kh additional payment on tbli utwj purclise be aid hd 1 wuuld like you to decide if cbrque cas legally be luud when the expenditure biw f bra provldrd for in tbe iu males ur gibbons said the dept of uunkripal ahitr has brn contacted he warned councillor that when a bumbt knowinjly vote for an expenditure not td the year a budget be could be held personally responsible august at hospital is busier than last year there were ittl emergency visits and 144 adbkisaiont at georgetown and ihstrirt ue morial hospital in august a statistical report on last month a hospital operations released thia week repealed both figures are up over tbe an huh kwit winfli had 143 almtetfllllsfit m 4mt and uaainetlyaai pr babiea filled trmnsforiped ntp acioaj nua ben that mean 4x adolta and efaltdrra in boapflal and bva bkewbom in hospital on an vcraajw day last month tb adult and children stayed aa average of a days aatd new- rtsv gets 25 year pin from legion auxiliary a mcotwr s the 1jjm auxiliary canwliin ijtfioa for in hairr ims ufc 3 year jiiii oa friday pqdcntatlaa was mad kr lln w j fialay adaa paal loot mmminrtfr at tha birthday dinner and danca ti the tytm andteciabl onfinliatlon uncr hi incrption hralp ol n r ims to 74 l i-i- t uif it in khun lu it y hitr- esll k ibd orthelhrrl7membrrdplor cymbidium strphanot and wl cymbidiiim rnrljmnw nh imev t included a re it brmja to 1 283 the number on at the ma n entrance io th cahbi t on robert shaw deputy commuonar ivy on a prayer book special guests uere the fm foytrm rcption in the royal york ball of adults and children admitlrd 0 tapo 67 a parrnts ho catnr from room at o3u followed by dinner to georgetown hospital this mu shpof our lonir term em rbierf nry ind 124 ad tutlst lexcfuinclti governor grverel and mrs vanler vitod the expo 67 il- in morv uiisions ureal recently slvow ng live vice pecjal couple iha bndo f nations which it urvow con- mrs bob pearion wit hrr voam sister a matron of honour and alls joan lurrett was brides wald they uore turquoae gown i similar to the bride and their weddjnc ring hrad bands held tulle vnu thry carried crescent boufueti o pink carnations hn gland for the urdding out of town gueili were prrs ent from dundas hamilton toronto ottaua bwi and al berta ur and mm swret are hv tng at h it i unno road it is with great plrature that presentations i wftromr the tarceit incresse ment pranksters detour bus ends in half hour halt entertain year tbe number of emergency t visits there now totals 1 103 lliere were s deaths at tbe hospital in august the same number as in august of 104 making total number of deaths there this year 38 saturday is swingiri night for all ages at the riviera it a a awinging saturday meht at the norval luviera with danc trig for all ages entertainment and a small portion of disco theque all together it s the four houra fun advertised so frequently while harvey smith and his ten piece band play music for all aget every saturday every thing varies from week to week during intermission the en tertalnment sometime singers dancers comedians acrobats and even the occasional animal act takes over all the variety of tbe ed sullivan show ia of fered and in fact some of the acta have appeared with the great slone face iff back to dinclnff with harvey smith after the enter ulttment ailed intermission but toward the end of the evening the beat changes when another hand takesover or a short time its dlscothe que or perhap llveoteque since the hand la live really lot live lite beat of rhlhm and blues now fills the octagonal shaped riviera while the dan eero gyrate to the walsui swim fretldi and frug i police said the detour nlgn for those whote age or sac was p across maple ave roiliac forbid inn type of ac opposite holy cross separatr robatics us great fun to iitjkc ny prin who ap and watch parently found the sign al tbe since saturday nighls are d o the pretty full up the uivirra ma nagement asks would be custom era to make reservations ihey don t tike turning folks away births last month totalled 34 passengers on a grav coach of the roman jthohc separate three leu lhan the same period bus which proceeded through school i last year with the tola for georgetown sunday night arm the eight months of he ear ed at their destination cloe to bu s ltucw lnf 222 half an hour behind schedule driver wa tlempling to take because the driver followed the lh lh llnv ro thrrr wfrf 10 m n arrow on a traffic detour si prnpertymd cosily delay was right into a school psrking the result sunday night its fun for the young in heart and fret it a rhythm and blurs all the way with descriptive names like the shades of rlue j b and the playboys levon and the hawks robbl 1inr and rom pin ronnie hawkins alompln out the beat both couples and single- are welcome sunday night in ad dltion to the dancing the cokes hamburgers etc are served by bunnyclad waitresses at ging hara covered candle lit tables the bu driver obligingly followed the sign a directions made a left turn at thr top of uaple ave hill and found him aelf approaching the back door herald advertising brings results lions 43 minor operations 22 tomil and adenoid operations last month which upped the total number of operation in 1pa3 to 338 x ray esaralnalions in august totalled 301 and there were 407 physiotherapy treatment given 37 patients other figures for the month of august showed 63 3 per cent of the adutt and children beds in us on an average day and 40 3 per cent of the bassinettes for newborns occupied the year a average la 47 7 per cent volvo owners comt in for a ci i a i vf would l1ki io mitt you merchant motors it0 8ramplont naw vole dealerimp now opan vtt offm expert service to volvo owners tkrouohout the area cttipufaly new and fully trctutitped garage and skowrooerti merchant motors ltd 71 kennady rd saulh brampton uuit south of r r 41simr ranger victory cinderella story dog world version tlta canine world hu its own vcraton of the cinderella itory it like tbli once there wai i german shepherd named tanhirdfi northern ringer tanhtrdti becium it wu from the tan hardt kennela of mlti laura treble ril 1 georgetown one day saturday september ib to be exact little northern hanger with no enperlenuln tha thow ring and no training wu pitted agalnit ib of the bett canadian puppies of hit breed i in the annual canadian special ty snow at grimsby he wai judged the winner and in all likelihood will live happily ever after ljnllethe original cinderella thla bnt a fairy tale tanbardta northern ranger wu ahown by ilia treble in tha junior puppy competition uid gained a tret and was uj 1it- jodfcdbett male puppy in the flttajnilajil allow wfll i s3v the judge was dr rommel of germany the pups mother tsnhtrdt s jenny took 3rd in the bred by exhibitor female class and another tanhardt shepherd prka wu vth in a class of 20 in tha open female competition this is the time to plant evergreens iw quality stock m webbs mhnhousk 1 timllea south of nohvai dial msaisl want the newest most modern building materials if youre planning some project for home or cottage inside or outside go to your allont building supply centre for the latest in materials and methods your allont dealer will gladly volunteer expert advice wherever you see the allont sign you know youre dealing with a company that meets the quality requirements of canadas top building supply centres allont has the best for you the best at any price allont building supply centres j b mackenzie and son ltd james street oeoroetown allont the name to build 0n t ii my jkwiitliht

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