Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 23, 1965, p. 13

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saxsissassasstxi csbsasessfflw w cptnes horticultural society b a draw for a vary fine garden eoeyrlnperlli which ha had oa display ttaee vert for saa at thai meeting end trould ba for aala iialll tha draw a bade oa october 30th a geoeroui coajjibutiod to tha aoeiatya fuoda coma trooj the euctioo by jr k outfield of aoaae vary tarn ladlolua eaae diaplayed aod doaated ay oaa ox the member grow- an a jfc mitt- batreahjdaotl ware lrvd at the tui oi twokunj by tt aortal rommitl ihikalo tmtwtuy mrr vma-ntt- mfiaa t j i howb smow judo uonakd hutt aileiiai the qullity of a polled plint nhlt placing tha anlrial at th georgetown horticultural society fall flower show inf several uieful hlnti for during thr prorc of tha altheuth a than la meet lad plm hal beea found ne- eeaiery with tba befinnlnf of tha irbooi year tba ceoro tewa horticultural soelrty held a vary tuweuful sower ihow la kbo preauyterun church hall oa the evening of sep tember 1mb a record ealry liil of iis i exhibit aad a lood atlcmtincr evnuuutrated the lnlrrrit ol aaembera la thil event- as at the june show mr iaoaard butt of huttonvtllr was on band to place the en tries of tha winner which were announced u followl with the rat aeeond and third prize vtaaara followinc thr name of tha class in eacb caae slniu llt roae bruce mar lay mrs ii j herder uri w b- norton s bloomi 11 t villi eliie bird bruce barley doribunda apray mra h scott bruce llarlry irendi ora apray kn kdith smith alra w ii held uri w r morton decorative dahlia uri x burrnan rl burrnan mra w tt norton cactui dahlia mm w r norton mr k burmin vilas elsie bird nil- kat of dlhllai mrs e bur man dahlia bouquet mn w k norton lira ii marchlnc tan mr r ft wright large blnnls mrs ii scott uri k barman stewart scott pom ainnli mrs w h norton bruce harley mra k burrnan cactui ainrja stewart scott double alter j bloomi 1 col our tin tt ii wright mn x burmin mn w r nor ton double aater mined mn x burmth mn r ii wright lb w r norton tnuma bouquet mn c b dick uri ft h wright ban caae gladi i spurei a e hlgga uri w ft norton mn l devrlea alnila petunia miai elite bird an k allen uri w r nor ton double pelunla mn ii scott bruce harley african i snarliold mn e burrnan bruce harley cordon smith french marigold bouquet mn ft burrnan stewart scott mra ft allen calendula mn k allen mn w r norton sepdrigon mn w r nor- a mm c b dick mn ii scott miniature arrangement lira n devereaux mn k al lan bruce harley baral arr mn lea jimleion miu klale bird vn w r norton cor- vaafe mra h scott mn leo jamieaon mn edith smith junior clau sheila jamieaon connie allen charlea thomaa following the announcement of the winners mr butt com- li aaented on the exhibit offer- it- would be winnrr tuch is to b particular about thr num br of bloomi required whrth- tr linclf or double how rrjv rrtrntitivr the malrriatl is fur the variety its show condi tion uniformity fir in ir- rinfl merit rlaui on should try lo male thr rihibit rx prrti somelhinc ind should crt nrw idi by mdinc ucjl lluitratrd book i on flwfr r raujtmncnts and try to ropy from ihrm in wltinf up exhi bit alio doot hrmtatr to cut bjfk ttrasslioi tpm and rhooie luilable ihough inrxprn- live fontainrn with plenty of lupport for the material plac ed in them kmally remember that ttic juds will be on the lookout not to much for the material you had aa what you did with it robert narber as chairman thanked mr null for placing up exhibits and his very ap prvpriate rrmarki lie alio cx preued the thanki of the jw ciety to mr and mr keith webb who had egnerously vol untecred to arrance the rshl- bits and to attend the judge at well ai to all those who had helped to oiaka the ahow a succesj judiiing the mrinben hrard very infonnalur report a from their drleiiatra mra j k duf- field and mra w k norton who had altrndrd the ontario llortioultural attoriation con vention at guelph unlvertity in june the chairman rom- mended them for their very interejhng reporta and then announced plana for the cocia- tya participation in the ceor- srlourn fall fair he invited thou present to enter at many clauea aa pouihle in the flow er section and called for volun teers to atkixt with the arrange ment of display in tha hall and to ba attendants it j herder at convener of the membership committee this year announced that the 103 membership was now well over the 100 mark to help bolster the society finances the hoard had undertaken to sell tickets south ainerican tour in worrk pirtur for ucw tb towiwi of m jowl ucw aoyfkl t abort trip lo soutb ajncrica on tvcpl 15tb lvia coloured iviid and k ui- formallw talk kivn xy ulu ja wuddll isktvuiv tohlu uiudiaiii fclxb hwrunuini and tropical gaxdent wcrt fcoai ol th tdiby coed viewed lu kio d j 111 u0 brailij abd dtbvr cities uui huddell who wi in troduod by iir j ballry bd ukest tb tour of utb axiiri- tm lu 1mi2 r vivid dcrip- tioiu of the brenrry and inhabi uatt hiade tba tour very en joytblr ivecrding t short busmrsa period a devbtlonjl was taken by unit k mrs laa klulnj lavtf a abort cueerpt from tb book twlv hakfctj full uiiting that all people b tbd need await baskets full of kindly deada and thoughts ebeerfut words and smilrs for one another various items of business wr discuiwd including thr special apeaker lo be invited of th thankofferinj mrting oct 13lh to hlch other rbufbea wjll be invited to at tenh it was athise d that eve on begin work for their baiaar projects if they had not already doaa to during the aoclal hour the members saw different types of jewellery and other items that wera mada in south am erica unit f who pkovtdrd and served the lunch were thanked by mrs r rroomhead the meet ins concluded with the bene die tioa fiven by tht presi dent ur d uacliren cohctttt oravu huildino sand hoatj otavci pill tuul yoi soil rronk wok tom haines cu- wlliuma tit 7136 ken nash humlino and heatino water sofranan i water syereme batmin atmrwlom tr 28421 cagii to 2500 oemoee niagara loans ahrvatharayirrthiaanvcajh niaqaraftnance companv limited t main st n 7mme attention farmers soil samples for spring punting 1966 now is thk timk to h soil samples taken if you are interested in this service please call ut aa toon as possible and we will look after it immediately also this li the time of year to have bulk spread fertiliser put on your hay nd pamure fielda many more tarmert ara following fh fertilization program than ever before contact us now try one or two fielda and iee thr difference it makes cement master feeds stewarttown are affents for portland ceniienl manufactured by the st lawrence cement co this cement la packed in special lined haja in which tha cement will not harden call ut fr vur iujius r lm0wkwcat ami i corn cum wilbio paric por sy6ming coftn we alt have in tleb femmd tuptily otaco plow shares oh most makit of flows we invite yau ta vltlt ul at aur dlaalav altha cb0rgktown call mik saturday oct 3itd we sell mid recommend master feeds hammhetama v master feeds stiwarttown dial t73512 wimiivir fun for everyone georgetown fall at georgetown park fri sat oct 12 pony troning races brand new feature this year chiltrl knii udyi k5hlii a aoniil with timji of 213 3 exhibit hall open friday night 700 prtl jldmiijion 25 georgetown prize winning citizens band in attendance outstanding livestock exhibits commb dauy amo iiv claims k it faumuts wrlll wakdl friiad march vince mountford master of ceremonies midway shows fun and excitement for all tha family grand hall display home baking fancywork flowers vegetables jr corn exhibit fair day admissions adults 75c cars 50c horse show jumpers ponies ikjht and htavy horses now open in georgetown yake advanliae f tkeaa ufl eimnlat iptith la eaf araualnlaj wl cadal cleeneri quality ward and mtriayavlim prkea delrex plaza introductory specials over 60 stores to serve you store al mirrivllu asp laa miiton sm karr ter stewart wlammon sy krdy d n opening special business s h i rts i laundered and flawlessly flnlakad whan coupon ipreuntod with incoming garment umlt 4 coupon anplraa sapt ssih 2 for 29 a- iji a7 i a awaalm laae as aaaaa aaaa aaaal our ouarantfl to you u yoil sni our work in any way feaa than the lineal guarantee v you dont pay gentle thorouh cleanlm in cryalal eli jarlaet snlahln to aaaura you a jarmej to wear s aolvenia nluj you are proud 1 iv j rvysvvalynfe

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