Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 23, 1965, p. 4

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iit s 3i iptjspz glurfjtttoire l laeargesawn i p fcrw i 22 malrr street s goeown ontario wcihnmtur page 4 i thursday sbtemiat 23 ims editorial comment end of an era vln tenae httoc signlrvg of 9mfnm wiih dl developments which ltow it- cuaimi buiwiriaj on any art ol the sub division ubd o r4uumftt from tre botldv brtded art ar of butter uaion wjl charges erj counter char ge and opinion for and aolnt land a- u4 which have give gaxxgalown art undue meiur of unfevourabu pubkcity tka gfmiiwm wl no unirxui ftrtong councllkwi i raceivad i a 3 vol koweva to on must assume that in contents is sufficiently good deal for the- toi wma- allowirvg th subdivision liim lo mpand its activiiia profitably alio a fuilkaf ilop which uw cjn que it tin acquisition ei a glvatwy ptc of 176 aca of municipally owaed industrial urwj if at has bn stalxl by eonve counciltot and the industrial conv mtuton a smell portion of bu lend aotd for mo than the j 17500 purchase price lha lown will rasp not only the bnfif of torn entre cash but alto ih nded industrial assessment to stabilise our tax rata the herald his not ban in lot a real gone crowd agreement with council r ih planning a now agamnr a stated on server oc casion w would hev bn happier to la und released und the subdivision control by uw xrd w 0 jumovedjhe by law regulation war impossible to fol low votnm revisions mdai to it along tha lirwi of th gtamant which wat lgnd uoewaver tvvtf daed ii now dona d ww would hop that it will start a naw aa of avtcjproqaii wha building can procead with lh town allured of art ad- ojala avrtu to ktnp an attractive tan rata delft rattdnt re hot lop hat taid hit slogan from now 6i will b 67 millv in 6t and vitiona a further tub- ttantial raductton lo 60 mills in 1968 if thit maunalila tfan tha mw agraarrwnt will hv povad lo ba i good on and if th much talked about induttry on our doorttap laad to a tubttantial factory or two in th naxi fw monthi council changa in heart will b wall iuitificd wa hop that thara will now b a minimum of backbiting that ratidantt will axcapt council t dacition and work tow ard th hippy future which can and thould ba gaoigatown t toronto mayor giveni and oly council will ba hanging lhair headt thu waek after trsa near fiasco which conclud d llva opening weak of tha new city hall th agogo open air party design ed to giva toronto t teens a share in the celebrations erupted into a near not fainting teenagers were carried from the wild teen there was one knifing a per former worked himself into e state of hyitena and had to be removed from the it eg it wat a sorry spectacle and a sad rat lection on those who have boottad modern dencjng and entertainment lo a point which is making most of us oldsters almost puritanical in our outlook we have never considered ourselves l prude we watched our un brothers end filters doing lha charleston and black bottom and in our turn wa did the big apple trucked swung and itlrbo0ged there is no use fooling oortalvai that etl types of dancing do not include a cer tain emount of sax our forefathers re- cognued this when dancing was not e- lowed at high school part at only pronv nedlng hand in hand esotmd the hall the cheektocheek variety with which we grew up might have had lit bad points but at uatt there was tome control sad state of music a byproduct of lha nw fypa of an- arlalrxnant thai dayi u tks daarth of popular loaqt with any haying qualitlai tim wal whan tuna ilka my blua haavan alawyt shuffla off to buffalo mad lh big tim and tlayad mar ii tw a day whan tongt would tail on a sompotara rapulatlon wallar donaldi6n sui kahn harry warran hoagy carmlch- al wrol tongt which ar tllll played and aung sheet mutic talai wu at important i rocofdt today only a law broadway thowt and moviai produc a tmall quota of tonga mans monuments news desk extras by tarry haruy if you twtusy stmicub qq it kicwti but today we have substituted a wild abandon a ungte savage quality which is frightening to watch it is shoved at ut on televition promoted m our dance parlies right to the aforementioned toron to city celebration and it is causing more and more concern among parens who find it difficult enough to raise ch idran in an era of slackening morals the wild gyrations of the agogo bnvily stacked animst him type of dancing the moaning of the no haircut no talent group of third rate enter taines the blatant play on hysteric mo tions of youngsters in their early teens u reaching a frightening point instead of promoting it we thould be making every effort to tupprets the a go- go craze pressure should be put on ra dm and television to cut down on the dance party shows which show groups of freshfaced youngsters trying 1htr best to om the parade our churches should be speaking out against it our schools should restrict it our youth leaders thould be en couraging e return lo a more sedate form of dancing end entertainment perhaps some good will coma of the toronto orgy in a realization that it isnt ell youthful hipnks 1 thr vod siwarlun wrrr to exhibit th tam cottfarn or his fellow man in canada to day that he did in hit urn hr might well and himself liable for civil damages as a result ol one of the many unjust quirks of our system of justice th coad samaritan could not poutbly survive in modrrn times because the law ai it has developed in canada it hill ts the view of profeiior allen linden of the oteonde hall law school in toronto mf for instance you try to rescue a drowning man pro fewer linden wrltei in a recent canadian publication the law makes it plain that you had better not fall in the attempt if you fall and if it can be proven that you ayere nellcnt in your rescue attempt you are in a very vulnerable position and can expact to be slipped with a law suit the law as it stands much prefers the man who doesn t lift a hand to save a human in distress to the man who tries but falls georgetown herald pukllikej by hirtppn limit georgetown ontario waltar c muhh publuber cshuij mtghvrty production superintendent whkla we ran t ariur with the laws henlance to mad tihe clark dave hastings on personal liberty we do fel w gilson j mcclemenu that tome protection u due he krnrtt sinko man who make an abortive tfity al rriduy rescue attempt newt j accouutint professor iindrn forrwri a grounds that this would ie an unwise interference with perion al liberty rank mullin advertising uadsgtr un william gegjia clerk tyout anne currle reporter teter jones photographer member of lha canadian weekly newt pa per which will be remembered the hit par ade changes as rapidly as the waalher no mutic producers in his right mind would dare take a chance on publishing sheet music for teens even if some of the junk which is foisted on them could be reproduced on paper and the names of songwriters mean nothing anymore someday today young people will discover lombard end the beauties of the tweet hummebte danceable music on which we were raised and maybe a new generation of songwriters will appear who know their craft and can give us some hits which we can still hum e quarter century hence gradual changing in thr present attitude of the law in con for mity with he broader approach that we feel mnl anadiant favour to moral qurition itut until thit approach i written into our laws lrofror undent advice it to avoid thr role of the cood umantan association and lha oafarle because you may find younrlf aaaacuubn on the wrong end of a law suit somehow we can t helirvelhat the canadian citizens even the blase version of the fio s could watch an accident victim bleed lo death or a swimmer i in troublt go down for the third time because hr ma fumble and leave himself open to civil damage by the victim s relatives v day of kisses and roses i have the daeocet edotlraaa for thoee nea who amak a big hue ever tbeir aaouaj wedeftne ajwrversaxy my wife and i had odocner aanlvenary uu k and aa usual neither of u re- ncudbexed it until taree da f te rt wj pasi too lata lo wlc- brtl th reaaon i awknlrv ibe uni- veraary d4ieu la uw ehx boldncaa of iheir uctica uaual ly they are aboui the rajieoeat huabanja in town oat a day to day beau but with one ftoru e geeiure they wipe out ail their ainj ol the uat z mpntha and lay lb groundwortl tot eavether year of gttiog awy with uunler few w ta uu are lite mu naetf mmd wnhu teaetkw htmbteiff h4a f kae aeiawwaf like yw anj tme he ttwy ara thali raks yto tnj the ew hwui ttw aa he kj erlnka the v purt ky s4vlttf avrera aiid yd with a eombmauoh at utter vtfrobury and lcrcdl ble traftincu they carry it otf avrry year a big b4sh or cjd dy a ftouuh of ftawrfi dinner and a nigbt on tbt town and the old lady falls wor it every lime thu is the part i don t under ttand women especially worn en who have been mimed for a few years are not notoriously toft headed and yet these worn en who know perfectly well that the old toau la a twotiming heel an incipient luth or a big mouthd bum go all weak at the kneea when joe waltiet in charlie idea of social wuiiiuj or mabel la f send her over lo visit her auti while be has the poter gnof u aler of course she has a a bue lunch for the boys ckarua has a lot sd troubl with mabel a extravaxaac hock hvra hear thirty dollar a ty ruq ihe hooee a 1o ainf clothe the kids as eiewseihe luai ruas rigt through la thoach the anal grew 6o treea xaetimea ah hjudt fvru aoough uff oa sa uriay t ur hi imtkod cv of beer lie had me ru w ur a ha told m about the tolly of ui in wooirn handle the moors with gol bod cluiltiif fees u this yr and a rw rlb to bo 4of the hunting trip be hfurtm be might just hafts tut down nt tha houw allowance if the wr koing to tnike fad meet now charlie while a pleasan enough fellow to the world are a real awmgrr with the boys a a husband and falhrr la not on a rat but also a nnk and ua bel who ts no dope knows il but yu bhiiu kw f ut the athar klt ww k jrapp lt te mv y wlfa wasl th twe tumh bh twerewea rctlly ue fry- wrre bhlnut tj kf fcm haii j ae was all lit ue aa k wu ix ahasot tk wetwarful thrill et thalr shrtlversairy cauwattawi charlie had come atrakghk home after work without drinki and with rotes bustled bar tnu her glad rags and taken her oul to the golf club for dinner she d had to come borne with som oa thalr anniversary with a pot i friends because charlie had led plant wandered into the locker root t not making this up lett and got involved in a poki lake my pal charles as an rx amp hr real i ll change nothing but thr names charlie wouldn t be caught dead taking hu wife to church or the mov lea during the year he takes hu holiday in the fall when thr boys are going deer hunting mabel stays home it gives her a good chance to rake thr leaves and get the storm win dows on whan charlie antthas a days wrk he haa a couple ar tin ajukk anas with the hays uls at mabel a ww tjmaa durlne dlaaher rb hta curllrm braom or blf elow md haada o the game hut the just eouldn t ei prrta lier appreciation of bli thoughtfulnru and kindness u remfsnahering their anniversary my wife a rernmttit uteri id cut his throat m bible thought for the week far the waewe ol sir la death hot the ift w ge la eternal life tfcrau jaaoa chrw eu lard u staas 4ll sin comet with a play becfr and nay hack only forgive ness through christ can both be erased business directory this warped approach has coma about because the courts trad ltionn ally have always con sued themselves to punishing positively wrongful acts but have been reluctant to punish people for failing to do lha uorally proper thing on the pictures available re prints of photos by petrr jones which appear in thr uerald are available an7 1 00 810 si m if ordered uith in two weeks of publication a 50c eitrt charge for late orders cash with order should be left at the herald ofuce chiropractor bonald a jay dc appointmrnu mid dally ciii r yue m mill t cnatw news echoes vm mm paoa al th hauld 155 and 1ms chiropractor caram w carlxh dc oaan dally by aaaalntmant houw cilli arranstd trju3 11 a main si mirth disregard for historical hem irks cvca members the cradit valley conserva tion authority u wonderlnf thla week if caledoa tnwmhlp ia really interested in preserving its historical sites in the past aeveral items of historical va lue have gone to the scrap dealer now it is up to the ca- ledon twp school board whether baliountain school la to be sold for the timber and brick it eontaltte or ia preserved for future generations to sea how tome of the countrys most illustrious cttbanj received an education time ago it became that the school will be the block ifca credit ooneervatlou authority luoojidth njoney promte generous duxen in ibuy a achool in the y placed an oher be- the sasjutoard at present nothing concrete hss been done about the otter last saturday k- y hardy chairman of the foundation bought two teachers desks children desks clock stove mod box map rack and map cupboard and about 2000 books at the auction aale at the school if the board agrees to let the foundation buy the achool these will be kept at beubuntaln if not they win be moved to an other achool in the watershed this achool la the logical choice for the foundation mf hardy said it la close to a park already operated by the credit valley conservation authority making maintenance easier situated in the village there would be i lets lakelybood of vandalism he said we have been promised the money to buy an old school and wa intend to buy one either in caleden townhlp or elsewhere it is up to tha members of the school board hardy stated lilvirwood health unit nurse talb to institute a talk by helton county health nurse airs wllllsm french highlighted the brst meeting of the sllverwood wi for the fail season at the home of mra r miller thursday health wa the theme of the meeting- and the roll call waa answered with health hlnls from the members aba g burt and mrs e mil- ler were the social committee for the meeting and the mem berst enjoyed a cup of t at lis conclusion mrs- ltenderson mrs march- inajton attended leaders mealing at milton thursday for 4h clubs the theme was wool 10 vcaks aoo ae over obectiom of cr doug sargent and reave stan allan who wanted ts call for additional tenders coun cil monday awarded a 12000 contract for storm tawering no 7 highway to beaver ready mined co loweit of two local firms which tendered for the work v georgetowns present population is 5004 latest cen sus figures ware given to council on monday by as sassmanf commissioner joseph gibbons town growth is almost 900 in the years period a georgetown hospital is one step closer with the for mation of a hospital committee under the sponsor ship of the chamber of commerce last week john gunn who is c of c chairman was named chairman of the new committee george sivill la secretary and bob darou treasurer committee members era mayor jack armstrong reeve stan allen john ord dennay charles william kin- rade and sid silver 20 yieaw ago e the- weatherman smiled on the georgetown fair last friday and saturday and as a result the 1945 show was acclaimed by many as being the best yet an esti mated attendance of 4500 passed through the gates il was one of the holiest fair days on record with the tem perature standing at 86 degrees ee at a gala musical carnjval sponsored by the george town girls pipe band in the arena friday dava ro bertson of toronto was master of ceremonies jimmle fax did a comedy routine sam glsby and lieut russell flre- stine sang vocal solos dolores harrington performed a tap dance and two members of the band sgt mary cum mins and cpl grace beerman did the sword dance welcome home from service overseas w02 george gilmer cpl a n carter csm ken murray pte john cvorson pie jack noble pte donald taylor ptej robert andrews sgt jack watson csm david bowman pie herbert rhblnson- cakk a wutwood oitlarls lsnj survayers 11 ununtalnvlew rd s- trlangle 71111 w h carr k p waslwaad t 7uoo sue yh 44144 o y walkit io dou oktomhvntlsy 13 usln st s brsmplon 451m7s res 4j14243 hours 0 s m it i pn tuesday to ssturdsy frldsy 0 a to 0 p hi kvenlngs by appointment dale bennett latimer baines surrilrt 1 kluihrs douglas v latotzb tejtenci bames trlangla lilil u uill sl oergetawa robl r hamilton optometrut 11 afountalnvtew rd s carrenl bldg vor appointment iw 8773971 dax developments limiykd builders of fine hemes prop walter picholok 774111 er i7741s barragers cusnarsshlrt lsunderera yl 7s17 18 main s ibs guelph all work dene on premises printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes e wedding invitations georgetown herald 1773201 oryomitglst l m brown 35 mill st far anbelntnteht phone m7m71 frederick a helson barruur and talkltwr iis mountainvlew rd s csrrrtal iluilding georgetown ylt 7mw monuments pollock t camprill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonb tll75sj m water street north o a lt frank mich ucensed auct10neeji prompt service fo box 415 tr 7i84 georgetown thfherald likes news your visitors waddings club mehllngs vacation trips althelp to make a live weekly paper phene 177aztlir ho ahartja ftv- m e nluidersod qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 724o4 tvan siclcler ba turrltlar alultor nlar dr williams bldgj u main 8 th 7483 wallacb thompson srd dhrlslen curt clerk av commissioner tk71ms obkmtosttown animal clinic 10o gwelph street dr k aloaakln v zavln dvm clinic open 8 i pm mdn wbo pc mj arwrday 11 aji labour income in canada its tailed gmdblluon in lfmc th previous year it totalled 491 billion

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