sym whom ottawa glen qwrch ceremony for coopercowbrough wedding inrta aevwiil at ttm lb nnaiorink u hk who wore a grrara of embraced dtiva cajergajteeja tev aid caumr htottoco oxmr kno georgetown mlnltter look on u mr and ma gordon white tign tte roiu at si paula praabyterien chorth ottawa fol- tawing their wedding there uat month the bride u the dau ghter ei or and mr cherle save a georgetown voter- a inerlan before moving lo haui mrs george wingrove ml and ims cmctfbm wlmoove pot after being mir rled in st bemabe anglican church london lait month the bride it the daughter of mr and mrt john harron london and tha groom it th ton of mr and mt donald vvinorovo georgetown to af mr ho gear ceeper uea wb- feh tie doable limt ear took place oa saturday 11th at few oclock la glaa wu- baaae united chercn mr shir- lee tngue wa nancy hanler the aolotat eg the wadding prayer ad ru wk beelde tvee tee bride who wa hn la an ilia ky w a now of while tagtaa tnhlnrit with a t bodice aad bell ekirt with tall length 1aia lowing from the abmiwlrr liar ui tiara from which fell tour tlan af net aheulder length had ier sower wet a bouqeet of link roeet sha wore the gift of lb groom cultured peart drop at lake pled new york the a three piece green ioind enit with gold irranuriaa eaage of two hro arcald twyer making tbair home al lewlie flramimm mr coopar is employed nyjhren meier limited bram pton aad mr coopar ildll vulaaal aircraft oe canada ltd a uaioee teeture at the wed ding was that too ernamaet weed to top thewedding cake had a load py in bride trsod ed mother at their oilillall sharp waa aw mary lh aielm 0 honour jackeoa eoaeie of ua bride waa hrideemald aod mlae coneea coopar alaoa of tiv crooal ui am worn la oar laatb t pink cropa faihlonad wttja kaplro walitllnor ailca- mt formal tool uad- aad toey earriad wbila aad plak raraatioo tbay wor lactatr wti of taa brlda joka llmaau uowmvuw vbg toa ipytonilmfch willi bob cowbrouck uotbcr of uk brlda call and brlaa ltlll aoaaia of tba tyooot goor- lan uakars id waddlni rorapllob wit bald la to odd rallowt 1111 wbara ut coworoucb niivvd for oar dauxhtar waarini a twd lilaia aotaubla of turijuolm and gracd kotol print orttaau wltb hi j j 1 3 i i umbhoum friends hold shower for october bride mr tboouj van sldtlr wtl boatori for a paittry ahalf tbow r for mlu alk baotb a brldt is fea u odoher on rriday voaintv a puhtant ocala waa aajoyod by oaubboura and rlaoda of th atoillaa tad uu boaoorod guaat rmlvd lot of hatful tlfl m a a about twoaty flva bid a aood tintt at kou laka wbcrt tha sunday school anjoyod t cam and wiaoar rout on fi day avnlns mr and un bontld claw and daufhtani wra guatti at tha llodja clow weddta in actoa uolud church on m day avaalnf rotuld vu as oabar aad larrl and rhonda wora flower iru wa rafrtt that vtrt dirk foot hu beea botpluuud in ooariolown for traitinent far a alrppad dlae in tha uack we with bar a quick recovery ttov and lb a j calder war aalariilnad by vlr mr a c pattofioh and mr aad mr k a unduy woakond a ouaday school will reopen at laaahouw preabyterlin church at 130 tun on oct srd coaunublsn aarvicat will ha eonduciad by bev r n younj axt sunday at u0 pjn a a coakratulationi la mc and mr darld banner noa carald- bm chaklln who wora nurried at bkhmond hill on saturday aad will be liviojt in llnehouae harinj burchuod tha jute no corn roast starts new season for baptist couples married couplet of ftnt iup- utt and st paul 1 baputt ehurchea launched their new statusa toaaon recaatly with a eora rout at the hone of ur and mr don hancock glen william mr and mr hancock and mr and ur ken mccoth were la chare of the rout their october meeting will be a halloween party friday tha amh at st paul 1 rev and mr baxter mr and ur dave barton and mr and mr ray butbray are arranfinf tha party showers and presentations for bride mrs g cooper a recant hride mr glen w coopar s latlle street brarap- ton wu honoured at aevertl thowert prior to her marriage on sepletnbcr lllh mrs sharon smith and mite joaa young were joint hotlattat at a mlteel laneout thower uu gwen curk tnd mr rita houitoo hotted a pertoaal thower both of thaae ware hold la brampton mr george cooper glaa wu llamt eaterulnad at a cup and uucer thower aad la george- towa un dorothy bailey and mr jaaa cardhoiu held muceluoaout thower a ftfth thower kitchen and pantry wu held in cuelph given by mr molly jackaon mlu donna jack ton and mr alice ward meubara of tha glaa william united church praaantad tha brlda and groom with a mirror and blbla the girl of american motor entertained for tha brlda at the thunderbird for lunch and preaentad her with a cor aaga of whit earuatione and fallow employee preaentad her with a grill and waffla iron tha employee of de llavillaad pre aentad tha groom with a pair of labia lamp tba bw account into wblrh will go all atonic from the atudcot council other ttudant group and athutlc ebocituoa will be adminuurad by bew cd iis prlndp ur dontld turner and tha achool tcrttry al tha rornt high tchool tooctlhg at which the tecounl wat approved lha principal wa alad authorited to inrreu tha number of hi office ttaf from four full time and one half time la five full time amployeet aa incratta in enrolment and paper work wu tttted u th reuaa for the tttfl irtcreur a mrs mlu ipeat lut weak la toronto mr and mr urkritriek have returned from a week with the calvin macoooalda at xlmwood a a wa are aoiry that lha lltue chtdakle baby baa been boapl- taliaad with pnoumonll we top to hear b a batter aooa t a a a mr and llr harvey norton mtl mr robert lane wars am- ajf forty doe rauuvu who dad the twenty filth wed- aiutteeraary dinner party r awdd via btrbart tane miilsaitn oaotsafaaa im iwrttjit wa trrangod family hu carol it costs no more to own philips automatic tv with direct vision picture tube philip new automatic tv aet actually feature twin electrie aye that ueaatir changing ught condluani in your living room youll had petformane hod beauty desig ned to attawer your every with or year to com with beta and brown aeceaaor- d yanow for their h trip thtroagk ta maw eagiaod staua trip through tha centralize finances fogphs student activities a eaataol hank tccouul fur all adaat argihlialloftt hat bn traaud al gaorgclowb blth car wracked ttwee injufed vrlien auto hfctaluozer a lata taodej poatiac wa completely wrecked aad iu uue ooenpaau iniured th vehicle osuided wttb bmia of a rralwt 00 guclph st oppoa th iga sunday eight sept m treated la boapttal by dr al marinttrah were the driver 1bmn leo p ss kaylawa crtbc awl ti terrene breeh tthmnora- pinaanyorc the naeat aarioualy lnjared received hiurrrt hap and laoermtion braat anflered a bmmp 04 bia head and tore arm and power a out chid and broken nh pohc tald tha car they were rtding la wu e cuelph u along tbe eectidb- of tha highway under eooetrucuoe when it rammed tha huge bull doxer the tuareio u owoed by arnutroog nrothcrt cuoitrucc ioa demfcge to the car wu placed at cboo the cumpuu front and w due and wit front door were written off the rouulod took place al about tin pu newtptpcrt call for roatrrv allou of natural rvtourcei kep lab on leguleian and lake retderi ta the betrt of e newt tlory ia the making get well wbkaa an extended to mr cwbert mcsowxu who la a patient at the milton ma- trkt lea bnrklar and hi aooin- law oyda brwcker of haelmon apeat the w t athing at preach rrvar aanlveraary greetiaga to mr end mr balpb kewfhendoa who will celebrate their wed ding aaniveraary on september annlveraary creetiag to mr id htr monew wrnl who celebrated tneir anaivertarry monday seotemnrr i7ta- attitkday anataags ta mr x bradatry on october 4 aad scott loo who arfll cavtereta big aarnad birthd as october i e member of the st- supoest anglican church gelid met at theboaaeef mr william bnav ey oa a letter of apcewdatioa fgcag the slainvm wa read tkaak- ug the ladiea for their batp in tha booth held at the show convener tor a b aad two waddlnfl were daaaam the anrftfl af e sale ta be held on november u la atdloa and the booth at pair wet tmutfsay octpim 1 tsrrfj hornby the ucw of wen heal their sepuuiber meeting at the hone of ur klmer walt a report on the booth mid at the auction hale of ur tnd ui wiener uuoa wu given by ur diane uty a turkey supper wu dlacutted tnd a vegetable ule ta be held it the neat meeting at the hoove of ur krtak hall harry chamberltin of orion special duawo moth o octom hair cut shampoo hair style reg s350 for 3 value a barbers and 4 chair to serve you no waning lnglilh french and llel tn spoken jimmys barber shop delrex plaeta w ieelwatet hwm 7aojt keep informed omee at llao em aed bdo njw a w you atdnt know and wm hie tef a kw pwrwanet at 11s em and hew at fcea pm oerrajncre rahuly rradon 66 fairlaae- beautifully reinvented taag puauitg aroatajtcubto 8t ttfervetrnaut picturetube baa twoyear guar antee no long warmup wait with luatant picture and aohrnd proait line tuning two apeakere hjhp adaptable av available in swedtih light wl- uut aoft kutre walnut and toft luatn uahogany weneert 289 wjjgo television and appliances ltd rcmtirl haltofrt lakocst tv atrtlanci outujt w malfrstraarnortk r- phon t7st6 urn ruatajti ma u aoatluxonv hattoroe fairlano 66 has an allnew look of exdtetnentl3 beautiful modelssporty xls highperformance gtsnew squire wagon new power up to 315 hpnew comfort new room new smoothness and fairlane is as thrifty as ever see for yourself today 66 mustang everyones favourite fun car taaa mustmm mveuam rual harotop threfun models more than ever designed to be designed by youwith new options new accessories new standard luxury fcaturesnew gt performance and appearance kits aew ideasall for yourownesignmustangstart today at your ford dealers test drive atotal birforaianceford at yourford dealers ford 0obycllnsqevttjikkdjjlajcer stonehouse sales ltd 51 oltuph st 7tw ut lieajea a- usjr sk5