Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 7, 1965, p. 17

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km oaokmown hrjtald 1 thursday octom t ims page it real estate 19000 lakgt home aplrt level nraco 3 be- rooms combination living and dining room kltcben rc room prtca he bon reduced from m500 owrw went action 14300 you can move in ictvtow mmacu mrooghoul situated on 1190 corner tot living room dining room kittben and thro bedroom base ment h divided into 3 perls own- wdl consider hny offer in rogasds to brrw wtotkt we koulr littingi for country hornet witn tmetl acrags immediately tot rwoto mus tri wtuiam sunnucks rstal rstat ib b sar 41 fcuua u h e77ul 77j makv shipyard ttjaot open avoalni till v 00 pja for your oanvcnjonro 11 hahon peel trust savings company ttal ktayf dtfajamemy 14 ftsio onl 11663 rllw yimk ofratko thi ftbtuaau brick buntfaw iti immkuuu condition partially eotitplhed fcwraulod mou roomy living hoote beautifully land etapad lot tbu ran be a bargain for you tuboo located in uptown aafjl irtwxnd brick buiualo with rcrvtio room girafi handy to park scbaol and abopolba pban today for poolntnienl lifloo just what you have beti vaitlna for uu mpacloua tf routed brick buaalow lar living room vllb ldjnlg rooiii built lit uarag not juat added pavad drive mitr lartfe attractively fenced back lmii thu fibe property oftvnt value to the purchase your leapttcbdb invited 9o00 tills could uk the answiai for lower emt uvtajc tt roomed borne eottvhlently located to mod ani acbool 3 bedroonu goodalxad living room and kit tbatt sunjiorch ting ita rural location and lor ui can uv you dollar phone today 13jboo kxtttkukly willrcarkd vor ivrootaed butiialow with tnany iporeeuted featurea alt good- elsed roam attractive window mahogany finished kitchen with lovely clipboard with rolltop beautiful tthnoti with vinlty excellent landscaping ami paved drtw gajuttn acreage in selected garden area location ti fcceeulbl to major markete shown by appointment ouly n ixyims1vi rbal bttayaf rvicb list with walton ft peel rbal btyayb dipt gar lacey phone 8779500 m chaftlw st hotomxjl ckonohtowh celebrate thanksgiving in a homk of voot owm a ckacklimo fikk fa irt htf kwuluam flrapuf wlhi mlpu nm in vh is m imn rm lutkrttut yoi- buuti tky will u llpl yrml ttunklvln dlnfw wlhi til tfw mmmln4 ka hw vmy chimin dlnlntf mai with iu tfuiji cryilal rtun and bolh4i eamar ukbwh altarwarda a nka maadlv p toxlli aiwmul ha w la un comfy family will w h a wry tjtiirrf day but torn tunny day wtrll mnt la any tka bala wwruoklna tka val uxmlry ida and baaufifol aardan fmfuraa ara mrbf rwa a 1 htraa fcajraanu aa jl feat damtlfary aiunt mlawnhal arm anfy m340 mhoktunnry knocks wwa can yau rhlat ywa alaray fcrltk twxna anly hiraa uocka fraaa dawnfaawt vary urea raanti all kaat uraa m arlmi afram and w ara in iu mrsan hold vaur kaf tha brlaa u anly 1i0j00 mind yau h naadi a llrtla vaark but haw can you lo immaculati commrlom jua many auulandlna astraa tuth ta ktraaa raraalla raaa arlrm bar vary latiatully dana nlaaly undacanad arlia du many aiwxua af akruba and tt tkraa bad- raaaa all arlm awubla claaa baautlful living raam wllh aam vuji tnallad in natural mahajutny plua an attractlva raam dlvldar tkat bundt in vuh tha dacar brlsht and cti klkkatvdlnatta cantblnatlmi cl all thla for 11400 a muat i wal c6uwtrv mjndid naap wka want far ariufilna harta at plu a cut urtla tbraa ba b law with all tha madam ca lat ua ahow you thla ana that wa hava llat- la a barf aalla frana town in a ajulat and woadad luat waiting tar yaur inaaattlan full triaa lat ua thaw it ta yau 1tml yau tadayl sm down h all yau aay ta nwa into thla 7 yaar aid brick buna law with kaauhful raaatla room and bar thraa rattful bid bl ttltcnari dlnatta eamblnahon eantrally u cahxl eanvahunt ta thobolng and ichaala prlcad at lutt suw a raal buy and ana yau muat taal imcomi dohx twa lo aalf eantalaad ftva room aturtrnantl irt a aaod rantal dlatrlct bulldlrx la of aalld brick cantlrucllan and anly 10 vaara aid could ba eanvartad ta a trlplax raal hiva at l5wja four acrks mt acank aplandaur inctur yaur draam hama in hill matt apmiimj aattln sum about too fool frantaaa could mht hlmt sb room twa ataray tilt i bad roam bunfttlaw 10 bota mxjlumna tarvlca oanaral inauranad flra autoalc ro tug mst saticrion in town call fobert haltoit l 14 ouilprl st 1 ittmn sao mundy 8773374 773924 mill camay b7731ar s- harb splriar services quick sarvlca plaalarlin rapalra larxa or imail z mrmllllaa 8sju1s tl cboegetown upholsieey krweai prlcaa warkmanahrp uaraotaad 6 yeara term caa ba arruxad mmoa u dbcosatofg ta axpraaa indu viduality axtlatlc interior and axtarlor crajumaa la tba trada c x grant h k caoxsatown bt71 u omai scavicfi book kaapdrut typing locoma tajf ate rrodpt accurala blrt l dark fttotor vaudea ofllca 1 mala st south u upliolstqucd furoltura raa- avorod and rapslrori quality workmanship t m urll itwirtlun 871311 u quality driveways taw lli actary scavrrra pavino ca mt4174 colhtct toronto 4smjm branynon tf excavating radla yipia lknoataoa tranchbaa ond fui aailtln aticootlnat ltd otrr u hook ucmct rial roolind bbalt abiaitlaa tidlnc uloor rvpaira call or wrlta dlroct sava saleamaoa eotdmlaalon uoyj edjr proo iclitlla huutlb co m wt ave win ana 1hoba ms113 collet anytiuie tl shampooing and grooming cupmwg of all bkisos helmgards kennels hico 40 clurlai sl caortfrtown i77t364 1021 xrmtt refrigeration repairs w1go tv afrliahcki rad repairs wulrw sotlna sorvlca eiohsitowm wtlblho u cuioh it nisi tl r conn plumbing m mill y r7ju hot water and steam heating uot water hestera tt and electric tf halyoh wilbino 1 mile weit of town on llljhwiy 7 ah typei of uridine portable rulpmrnt wa ipeclallia on trucki and conitructlon rulpment i7741u u wiring comuferetal it domestic john lenz koouurod uattw if loctrltlan klectrlcil costractnr m7mi4 ti plumbing heating call tnmt bill garbun u mln st u w b hamilton construction ltd ganartl cantractar brick block concrete and carpentry work 074410 i kald court radiators rapalrad and cleanad peel radiator service iu malaan st w bramatan rear of dlxia cup phona 4j1 7177 if robertson electric industrial cajnmarclal and ratldantlal rhone 877 2d24 georgetown r3eeney mumbing hkatin0 tinsmithino 8779362 r r 1 cearelewh ti v williams electric heating hoaltlorod atandod mauar vlectrician electric heating and water ileiten gar wood gn and oil furnacei 177ijm 19 eleln si t stewarts carpentry t747 far ttacraatlan raaml caraaaa and remodelling no job too small jims- service centre sales and smttvici homelllf stlhl pioneer chain aawa regroovlng bari toro jacobsen and yardman lawn equipment organic fertiliier complete lawn mower aar vice including aharpenlng 451571 r r a bramblan tanor 2nd llna w 1 1 hwy barn painting h alton guilimno maintenance w w sill edie r r 2 gaoraetown 7500 more voters in halton county for 65 election as additional t4t7 voty hv been added to tha flection rulb tat uailton riding tbe increaae kaj ptlabed tbe rtaitmber of ewtort ld hji to m luure hicb bail aurprued irvtundni eflkct dkk weat ot buruniion al wst had aarlw paedlct- ed an licjcue tt hbout 4 000 from tbe lts3 total of 6 131 tbl ldcrk u uiqtsalilt tfcnd u dooj 6nllhailu th trowili o tbu artu ald ut west the lucre uiam thst thw- will uj s12 polls t thti latlob eotjlpjattrd to 281 iu uld halloa riding wi one of tbe urtjeu in populktiun la canada it li one of tbe top 10 lu country be ttld lfr weat aald tie could give no ewlmate of tbe coat of tha election to tbe government be caiifca there u ao many cokla involved j ur weat wall the courti of revtaion for the election would be open october 31 s3 and 23 with tha notice of granting ol poll poated october 37 kevlunu at nta who will ap pear for the voter who have bwn left off the hat are avail able by calling the returning efflw in burlington after october 15 tha information on ttie id vince poll locatjuni tin revival office t and votera ihu will l writ to alt llallon ho uu holder liter una month with nominating merlin over the three halton riding candidate have their work cut out for them in this election they have an additional 7 s00 votera to woo and eiperta are predicting a close race betwten liberal up dr llarr hirlry and lrogreue conservative challenger allan mauon the n d p choice hurray kernlghan la organizing his campaign determined to upset the prediction by ur uasion that this will be a twoway fight mr krrmghan is aiurcd the support of the large segment of the labor movement in hal liberal nd ouuuhiipu bave opened nmprign quartera aad lb nw crata ere operattng oot of tbe of pit mivpfay of all three randrdrtee ynadm that the eampejsm po vul epteta m tbe vtaeln to nt roll by ton but aj one pundit put it orgajilsmj laboiar accouatta for aboul 10 pw cent ol cliflble voter if llaruy end hutyor aua- aoo have attended a varuty oi 6ail iunctioiii in tbe peat werkj tbougb hot toeetnar uayor uoa picked up cold od tbe einpaijpilaa tnul but u kasu t atottd bla bow carrying out hia municipal dut ua aj wu aa uiding tbe or gaiiixadoo 6f the uujwlckj 10 tbv riding expert tv repairs by topndtch technicians service our work minshlp u topi and our charge modeil we have up tot h9m inula knowledge tka isteit equipment and top quality pucemvnt parti to urvlce your e wigo tv appliances ti main north it 7437a 1 rxcsllint bulldlnrf lot 300 x 200 on hwy 7 toronto but at door full price 4230 i 30 acmhs 70s tronttga with 2 entrances on hwy 7 sphtt creek and 5 acraa with evergreens can be divi ded asking 1000 par acre 3 bidroom brick house with garage near achoola carriet for si 01 plt dawn paymaat 2000 pouct- alon 49 dyi 4 u scbnic acrbs with ib acre huah treara and large pond frontage on 2 main roidixcellent location tor faorae farm 8 i room framb hou5b garage and large lot on paved wad s1s00 down payment owner will carry balance on a tint mortgage contact ouv wbussetl phona tnrrr it main st s ooortown j a willoughby sons ltd realtors 4 allntan ave 1 toronto 12 t7 our want ads are big performers too i the georgetown herald f 8772201 notice to creditors in the estate ok john s long gentleman deceased all persons having claims against the estate of john s long late of the town of geor gatown gentleman who died on or about the pth day of may 1065 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under signed on or before the 8th day of november 1005 after which date the estate will be distri buted with regard only to the claims of which tha undersigned shall then havo notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice dated at georgetown this 4th day of october ad 1b85 daisy clara long and george long aecutora of tbe estate ot john s longj lly their solicitors dale bennett latimer balnei us mill street georgetown ontario wilson welding 34 arrnstrons avenue truck bodies built repairs to construction equipment hard facing trallera built phone i77m5l herald ads get results nhl 0ldtimers vs georgetown raider 0ldtimers rj ttomarrown mimchtlal atxna r sunday oct 17 ss0 pm limited hi umbo of tic kli oh sau tkoy may ba obeolnad at oaoigalon cyda i sport lorm vaatw and ouolpk r haaeaa w ysoo tr yjoo tt rnrt tt ysso afimluiokb aauta j10o sawunto ukg clduraai isc ywmoh readytoserve dinner hams devon sucd side bacon make leaf sausage meat maple leaf i mincemeat ocean smay whole of jallud grocery features u as tine 2 ik iu 55c i 49e lnwn aarhmi irimtaj ebaak sbsart bbbbl i cranberry sauce 2- 5s i clarks fancy tomato j fancy duf suttemd whou klrrih 1 libbys corn 20 oi tins 7j1oo 243 ayimh fancy peas mitchells fancy apple sauce sweet mixed rose pickles 10 oz hn 20 ox una i j4l 16 ca ar 33c k am luncheon meat 47 geisha solid white tuna j tlrta oo payo sage onion mix bkka naapolllan wafars baaument lucille and choc mallows west0ns club house peanut witter fresh fruit and vcoetabus 3 89 ijsiscuits j 07 jutter jlj 33c 2lbjar 69c ontario fancy grade p 1 mclntosh apples 5 bs vc california fancy red tokay grapes 2 29c ontario no 1 pepper squash 2 29c can coo cranberries 33 us no 1 jv ontario no i sweet potatoes 5 j7 waxed turnips frlcaa effachv thuracuy friday saturday october 3 9 j ii ikql vs

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