Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 7, 1965, p. 4

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etown herald 4 22 main strwtf s qeorootown ontario w c euehn pubdaw age 4 thursday october 7th 1963 editorial comment reason to be proud cowyelown diitrtct high scnool hi rason jo b tvpod o itf gduie record of 37 9duiet of grxi u on on has not gofw on to kmti iofn of tph- er ducation and trui only bkeui of rtulrtirtg to ulwool lo tlt a urttr tund log fc unlwcniy wtorka nj yr in ddion 1fva ickoo ofdutfd w- vefi in tlj iciil corunjrciftl 1chnwl and vocational counts and ilvch- younq poopltt hitfd tven iheir placi in bumen sqgjppod to do ihe job for wh tm- tha were tf lived tli changing piduf m iecoiidry education it rjood to te no iwiqer do w find tke ny ckool enthusiastic campaign over 200 enthunatic tianveuier tr rrtakmo 1heir toumli ihn week icekir y financial lupport for the ym ywca it 11 not an easy ob udgmg by pan records deipile a carefully planned program and abwnc of any major budding project roiidnti ifi general lar ytar ware apathe tic and the ruiponte m dollar was poor this year a doordie altitude hat been ta ken by thoe wlio belitve the y hai in important function lo perform with a goal of j 9 000 they feel they cn operate this fine publif icrvice if the money cannot be raised then it is quite probable that georgetown can loc it for itke everything elve the y muit hive moiv ey to pay foe the prefects it undertake where dos the money go for lead ership training rental of facihhe supplies airvd equipment administration mostly while there are many volunteer workers georgetown shares the cost of a part time director with brampton a happy arrange nvent for tt means much less overhead too many promises with another federal election campaign in full swing we wonder if the day will ever come when a political party will stop promising miracles it ust isn f possible for people to be- liev any more that we can spend more money and have lower taxes and yet whan the election fever strikes that s just what we are askcd to swallow we hear of bigger subsidies lo agr culture more aid to universities extension of youth allowances higher old age pen sions inconw tax onoaiiint to property owners each day ihe list grows and as one party leader adds a platform plank ihe others promise more and more and more sometimes we think that if some solid e- citizen came up with a new political parly dedicated to tolling us he is going to re duos taxes by cutting tome of the bonuses nd subsidies by buildipg less new post course deuqpod only fof university en franco as if ws n par deodu now in towns like georgetown we have a fujj program and a variety of coortes to p- pl to the tlnu end dour of vvajfy thar it is paying off i shown in thla years picture every grade 13 stodenj hd a definite goal those who slpued to fields othe than a continuant of edotetton had amplrf opportunity for frade and com- rntjrcial training it will reiult m mora young people bing better trained for the future and it should hava a growing fed in keeping trvni in school long artoogh to get af wlid education and ensure a bat tar fulur than having our own full lima man on the job we have heard more thin one person say that they would support the y if it had a building like if does in the cities this it backwards thinking we would say if the y cannot gat the money to operate on a limited scale how on earth will it ever reach the point of building the local supporters have gors at it in a businesslike way creeping before ihey walk presenting the best program they can with the facilities and the money available someday certainly the question of e building will come to the fore but we are many years away from that yal meanwhile we should all dig in with our contributions while looking ahead lo that day of one thing you can be certain there is not a pnny of waste in the vs budget i very dollar spent is carefully scrutinized to ensure the best value offices by running government the way an average man runs his pwn affairs then he might sweep the country at the polls it works this way in local politics who ever heard of a man running for mayor of georgetown on platform of paving all ihe roads subsidizing industries building new municipal buildings and reducing taxes at the tame time if we re smart enough to get the pic ture on a municipal scale how do our national politics have to enmesh us deeper and deeper in a quagmire of national debt its a dismal voting outlook for other than those committed followers of a party line sems that whoever wins the elec tion were going to get exactly what weve been getting for uveral decades higher and higher taxes and increasing govern ment penetration into every facet of our life sugar and spice by bill smiley were romans all the primary purpose of i ttvtffcpsper li to brine you tha 1 bawi and enable you to leap i uut ttaws with you si lanf as u wish 1 1w mapi avaq harfey agrees ambulance government responsibility it i oearrme oatato onrufi uw mr w maba fjestcstetovb heiejd ontario bear mr ziiur i ma viifc utmtkt r nan 4ttsrial aotitm do wuaat iotiim nmdao i htm npnpwly feat imn- mao mitnr if podia la ltd nutter gtoryttown b liv- 4i ftirttimu to htn tbt 0oriava volost ambuj- ac 0rrie t wll aqulp ma trained tody of al u who do ifcli strrlet i town bfor iinnltr u i mi htlaf i teftbcnowor oat tfea pm liaditod fjtrti bar thbrmpob- dbttoj a h wb mansar dmt hi hotiitjjhatiod and tie hoajd b paid br tk 0b tarls boajdlal stnitm cm- yoicn alaeanly habbv hauxy wd news echoes twmm hw kam f riw harau lu tmi i mi 10 yiam aoo a f ratldartu in tha naw daliaj iubdivllon kkr and mri alliad smlrh and thalr two young lont racaivad ka kay lo tnalr nw homa from rax hailop thii wmic tha smlrki occupy ona of 600 kouta whlcd aia balng cotv wrudad ofl tha foimar craig kald farm a local councillor civic official and rapraianutlvai of otha induilrltl flrmi jolnad vltllort from rha amarlon parant company in pato alia california and tha oovrrv manl kl touring tha varlin auoclalai plant knd vlawlng tha kylilron tuba which will ba manufactured for cana dlan and american cuilorvwri tha facfory opanad friday a at a high tchool flald day thla wak sandra scott and icarry jpion war lan lor champloni barry jaffray and sartdra scott wmik inlarmadlala champloni and barbara lusty and frad htrrlion wra unlor champloni ae yiam aoo a doai gaorgalown went a awftga lyilam tha arowar wi amphtllcilly yal whan tha proparty ownari and tan- ant want to tha polti yatlarday lo vota tha vota wai not a haavy ona roughly half ol thota enhllod lo cut a ballot took advantaga of thair franchlta but whan tallied thara wai a lavan to ona majority in favour tha voti for a lawaga lyitem wara 542 to 76 agalnit a undar tha oonvanarthlp of tha praildant mri frad braitbytha lag ion wa ha id a chlckan tuppar for ioma 35 man who hava raturnad from ovartaai and a numbar of world war i tsldlart who had wrvad in thli war with tha vaiararu guard all wara marnbart of tha uglon or icni of laglon mambart and had baan on tha wa parcal lilt whlla away from homa im tut mail bao praises administrator for smooth functioning hospital 31 byron street september swh 1m5 dear vr kditor the rciideuts of georeetowri sod vicinity fesve every reason ur io 1m proud of their hoapltal if not yet five yean in exist ence it has proved its worth in uttering and time saved in ravel for those needing its eervicei compared to a twelve mile trip to brampton or tweu tydx miles to guelph as with every other hospital problems have arisen sertous nes too from many aspects but it would appear uut they thive betuiaiet and overcome by the judicious nd conseietv iocs approach to them by the djninistratpr mr jred whit- 1 taker iible thought r the week h bdian a kaart anaura er mum hwwa ba akran i alull daal hjjl lard hv st aiilmitll die it tojnnimqmrnk tpere ckotibic hike to know thst our hoapltal is in competent hands should give assurance to the citliem that their interests are being well looked after both at cit liens and patients snd our hospital board no doubt appre ciates that fiood administration relieves the board of a lot of worries i am 8ire the readers will join ine in expressing our sin cere appreciation to mr whit- taker or his efforts to make our hospital one of the best yours truly kdjl raters tells institute of work at milton deaf school members of tha terra cotta woman institute invited gueata to join them at their regular sapembcr meeting held recently a the home of owen macdonild and annwered the roll call hy introducing them tin howard dohon chaired the meeting whlchopened with the tinging of the opening ode and the repeating in unuon ol the mary stewart collet elded to hold a euchre in the junior farmen building brun pton october 17- and tin clarence anderien un wll trld lcillr and mri art mc kane were appointed the com mittee in charge mri mekine u ilio appolnl ed a delegate to the central area convention in november dlapera made by the memberi for the health unit were brought to thla meeting and collected the motto homej are green houaaa where plant of good eltlienihlp are atartad waa given by un tieanbr mac- donald the apeaker for the evening waa mlu lola nlven of george town a teacher at tha school for the deaf at mllion she told the member about tha work accomnllahed with the deaf children there and extended an invitation to the terra cotta wl memberi to vliit the tehool mri don dolson aang two noloa accompanied by lira roy thompaon and following the jneellngi conclualon lunch waa aerved by the hotteu and alatanti km uckane and mri llarvey thickerlng during the bualneaa part of ihe meeting the member de- people invariable turn to newapapera for information ran idngfrom tha practical arte to the abafract aclencea w en- tertainment ranging from croaa- word punlea to comic atrlpa ive ticen reading a faicinat tng book about the ancient ro man meditating on their econ omy and social custom i roultlnt avoid comparing them with ours today like ui the romam of the golden age were nutl ahout htghwayi the roman empire had iver 60 000 mllei of thru- waya italy alone had about 400 major paved roadi these ena bled canar to travel boo milea in eight daya a mewenger tent to announce the death ot nero made 300 milea in so bouri to day it takea almost that long to get home from the cottage on a holiday weekend like ut the remeni ware liv taraitad in tfclnoe that wahrad unlike tha kayiltlaim and the oreeki who built maulva beautiful but uteleie ttrvcturea ilka tha pyrahildi er the iahhe- nei tha kamana were areat kaya far waterwarka and taw- era and ttadlumt like ui they were in the toll of the banker with all their di abolical inventiona aavlrxga bookt v cheouea mon ry orden intereat and snort gaget likr us they had a hybrid government half soclallat half capitalist it froie the price of wheat and plunged into public works to solve unemployment but did nothing about ilum land lord exorbitant tnterett rites and shady usedhorse dealers sound familiar like ui they practlied birth control anil abortion wll com mon unlesa the were hard up a roman woman who had had a child got rid of it immediately by turning it over to a wet- nune then to a greek alave governess then to a greek alave tutor we dont have wet- nuriea but we have the bottle and we dont have alavet dang it but we havethe bahyaltter and the public school lyatem like us they divorced each other indiscriminately caeur had four wivea and wai unfalth jul to all of them thalr entertainment wa much like aura herte raeee tha theatre variety show gladia torial contests and uat aa to day the bkerlot drlvare eetora and gladiator war idolised and paid 1000 time what they were warth of course the rsmana were cruel after the city was altnoat deetroyed by fire emperor nero blamed the christians and had the whole lot or no he thought thrown to the lloiu all 1000 of them wed never think of doing that today today we quietly etuff alx million jews into gaa chamber or inrlntrate 100000 japanese with a big blow torch tha uditi will be glad to know that roman women were juit aa silly as they are about their looks it wti three houri every morning over the hairdo assisted by hill a doien alaves underwear wai of silk and the braeaiere was juit coming in tha mllkbith was comnon and wealthy gal who were tra velling brought along their own herd of cowa to be sure of a de cent bath bathraaaaa aa teday ware lit tered with raiera telstera teap tarfunve alii pewdera kalrbniahai and alt that muek ma wat nylene tkauah te hit yeu bl the face halratyue wet fantastic and they hsd some great par ties in those days they began at four in the afternoon and lasted for into the night not like our itodgy affair which commence with cocktail at ave and last far into the morn ing at their ptrtiei or orglei the air wai perfumed flowera were everywhere there were two ser vanti for each gueit and the host would offer precious glfta to his guests they hit the grape pretty hard and got ill on stuff like thrushri brraiti but slavti paised regularly distributing emetics to that everyone eould throw up and then go right on eating 1 sure would like to get in on a good old orgy why does a fel low have to be born 3000 yeare too late business directory chiropractor bomald a oay dc appointments made dally call tk 7346i jo mill tt caerjetewn chiropractor oeru w carbah dc osen dally by appabvtmant house calls arranged i7u3i 11a main si nerfk o y walklst no rmsc ottomamtut u llala sl brasapton aslut4 las 1u hours a u to 8 p u tuesday to saturday friday p aja to 0 pm krenlogi by appointment cask a westwooo ontarla land surveyera 118 mountslnvlew rd 8 tklsngle 74311 w r carr ev p weirweed tit 7jjm tee ttt ialu georgetown herald fuhllshod by homa he umlteel gaorgetown ontario walter c hlehn v publisher carneld mccllvrsy production superintendent terry harley alleen klradley news editor accountant prank uullln advertlalng hanager mrs william gegjfie clerk typlat anne currle reporter peter jones photographer leslie clark dave hastings h guson j mcclemenu ernesl slnke member of the canadian weekly newspaper i association and tha ontario j association b developments limiyib bulldera af pine hentee prop walter pacholok 77u11 ar i17n1i monuments pollock campiiu designs on rkquest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phono 45i75m a water street north 0 a lt robl r hamilton osmotlmftlset lit afodnulnvlew rd s carraul udg for appointment 8773971 orronutkisy l m brown xo 35 mill st par appointments phone trau barragers qaaaiate i launewere yft 74j7 ib wain s 10 cuelpb all tma dene an pi enilsae rlank pitch license auct10neeh prompt service po uta 1s te yima gaorgetowa the herald likes news your vliltors waddlnoj club meetings vacation trlpi all help lo make a live weakly paper hume 771201 no charga for newa hakjid fobert inslllanci a ualtot 164 ouejph st er 77m74 dale bennett latimer bainet awrtwart a talkltwe douglas v latoixb txsencs v rudtm trlabde 1isu a atul st oorgatows frederick a helton surrlstar and sallertor ik ifounteittvie rd s carretal building caorgetswa tk 7if eemudemuqc tarrlara and solicitor 61 mill st gaorflelown tr 72doa rvansicklerba katrissw awllcnw meter ctv wulumiwdgj m main s tfl v4b11 wallaci yhomptom 3rd dmilen court clerk a commlulenar t7rpal oajflftaitowm amimal clmtc 108 qstelph street dr bl osskln v bettt dvm able open pan morl wd ppl ii

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