Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 14, 1965, p. 1

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rr ads hut pay yew can place en eel aa the aeaameat peaja fcy cuw ewfleej the menm la wewrw asmus tfea leea yew georgetown herald thehbme newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing 17- oweevgjmmw macavv ntw i ee time ctaes laall feat omce dal oeteve eael tmt ai erf irl lei eeek oienjelo miria twurasuy ocaaaw 141k u o0 d year uasale copy meal teal caaels ymcaywca campaign disaster work aid doorbell ringing starts to show results ttt o tttt 6eoft6tt6wn ymywcat campaign few lvnd are starting to trickle in t pt lirrt yiterday lka y ohica reported 171100 in with only a imall percentage th ca ova iters having completed their rounds the target figure is 9000 nb immercial returns had been tabulated and jutt 260 of the total to date is from the dust rial end of the canvass a y official told the herald that the thanksgiving hol ey end bed weather had interrupted the canvassers most of whom will be complat- their calta this week in the photo above residential canvass chairman graham far- i bring th campaign tharmomele on th canadian imperial bank of commerce main slrtt up to dab eotarians plan welcome district governor a look at the weather mr john jack w hughe of corerner of district r rotary international worlovl aervlc organisation ar- here next week to visit local hotary club on ol 51 dnha in ail district re erhejaled to address tke mown bourtenl at their ting end will eoafer with eviward u burman troeld- kt ol the local club tod other nb ofneere on notary admlnls- uve matters prior to hie vult a charier member and paet president si the hntiry club ei wlllowdale mr hughes le ger el boyee boiler end i machinery co lid- la toronto he wee elected a dulrlct govem- er lor loan at notarys loas tasrfsmtion ja allanue city new my in june el 105 he is i one ol s78 district governors neponslbl for supervising the activities of mere than 11000 atoury club in 127 countries mr edward u burman of the i local koury club in epllntng the purpose of the officials vielt aald the governor of district will be here as a alar tndadvlier we will euscua with him our plana lor the year end such matter as ejsnenaloa of membership end veay of further implementing feotary programme of service he will alao give ua here in georgetown uuught into the fjobtl rotary organisation october high low s wednesday so 50 t thursday so 55 1 friday 57 47 0 saturday id 45 10 sunday 40 41 11 monday ml 40 1 tueiday 55 maximum 50 minimum 30 fredpluuona 143 cadus flower i 36 years in the making ur l w patio 13 william bl got reaj aurpru iwt wek wbeti a cactus plant in her boms produced a beautiful flovr the owr was a maroon hhada willi whit stripes with i fetbry projection rwaembling a five polfat star romlnj from tha colr what mad il unutuil wii uiat ur dano tujrrheufd th tunt la ifcfl aad tmi was the ikt uioe it bd ftowred recover stolen car second still miiiirxj q of tvo car slolctt frotli cmwkhiwn duruiii tij ii wvk his bertb rcoverrj a fir owned by kilpb hurvu m itale iv tkkta from tk htirh iso uifloa pajrklhk lot thursday 0rtorr 7 wu fcnuul by th north haltou dflafi bwnt of lh o pp ataadond 041 thr ouukirti of town a car owned by lrli h kymn uaulaafd wbich was lakea rom downtown parking lot uonday aflrrnoon li itill uiuane john aiderson 19 loses life in auto accident a young gorgtowo rldnt wu hilled saturday whra the car ha was driving mitwd a curve on a ilderoad near kvereu john barry aldenon 10 loll hla life in the accident a pai- etnser sandra dunran wu treat ed in hospital for minor injuries twvj others w uninjured john had lived la george town for the pist three years boardini wilh hti uncle ami aunt ur and ura lwin lewis 12 normandy ulvd he was em ployed la brampton with ca nadian biker perkins ltd he wu spending the weekend with hla perenu mr and mrs jim aldereou of allutou who are formes cefijnwn reetoeata jena also leaves a brother kick 31 and alsler sharon 15 vie ws a nephew elso of towa resident mr and mrs charles crawford end mr and mrs charlea jones funeral aervice wu conduct ed by the rev thomu on tues day at the thomas kuneraj home alliston ills cousins bryan and barry lewis of town were among the pallbearers jane collett elizabeth hay achieve high guiding awards jack hochii ttelerv dutrict gevervtor aa the governor of the rotary district mr hughes supervises the organisation of new clubs in this erei last year more uian 250 new clubs were organ ized in 58 countries during his term of office he will hold a conference of all ro tary clubs- in hla district to further tfcc progamma of rotary fellowship and dlacuulon of mat ters relating to district affairs and activities the conference will he held in toronto on march 17th 18th and hhh of ibm at the royal york hotel lesidents hear good news vtrain whistles to cease besldenta of r r 4 george- town in the vicinity of the nadlan national railways jin line will be able to sleep i a utile eounder from how on bruce beer liberal candidate reelection m peel announ- this week that the board of transport commissioners lias approved bramptone and fchinguacouay townships re- lejueata lor a bin on train whiat- r a larger pari ol gootgetownaj leiutera rural areas are in xalnguacouey township now tht crossing signal are liwrnplete in the township- the ijahrleklrig and footing bf tralda lli no longer necessary mr beer uld the boards approval went through friday and the ban would iftjely be come effective within the next week or so its expected that george town will make a similar appli cation for the banning of train whlstllrui n the near future hockey stars herk sunday socn ihepast greats of the national hockey league will meet most of the pait greets of the intermedlau geor getown raiders in at exhibi tion game in georgetown arena sunday over 40 former held era will takejiert mlu l jane collett and mlu ldtsabeth a hay were preun ted with cold cords on satur day- sept- slh the ceremony took place in th sanctuary of si johna un ited church the party came down the aisle alnging the pro cessional the way to god which was composed by mrs merlon dewdney glen wil liams during the ceremony the girls repeated their tfcrownle guide and ranger promise tfo their former and present les- ders christina mclntyre read the scripture aa the first georgetown air ranger eang the girl guide creed jane and elisabeth lit ten candlea representing the tea guide lawa lira g hills llalton division commissioner presented jane collett with her gold cord and mlu c lane presented elisabeth hay with her gold cord mr robert wyatt former llalton division commissioner and guide leader waa the guest apeakar she emphasised the significance of the gold cord and encouraged the girls to never lower their high mo ral standards three imthemi were sung by the 1st georgetown air ran ger plight led by miss m pri or exhange teacher from eng land gift were presented on behalf of the let georgetown air ranger flight by mlu glenda emerson and mis su- un aaseltlne robert wyatt presented aufhlte bible to each of the 1 iflrl on behalf of mr and mr w klnrade after the ceremony mr and ur itweuiabofh and ma ry and mr and mrs0 collett jane and susan received the guest at a reception there are how ten girl in georgetown who have received gold cord six families ousted by friday downtown blaze th carcuwij hj crou beuwh duuter rottiwuuet lod kj ux swill 1b lb ue gib boa hotel iftd rcbu clothing or thoief bo ntseded it tfur flf did n undfuniuned smouiit ol daiaiki to tb cor- duo building ftd rontrnu on usin st n kridjy un s c walib rorhiirman of tb dltiiur committer uld tbc kl crou fcrcomnuwlstcd tb bomruu in bote room from friday afternoon until tutiy juit two of lb eight tprtmnu n ut building wit bot vtrtxl after tk kriday hiomihg blau which gutlen a lop soar apart ment and otbera suffered wrloiu unoka and water damig two ground floor bmlariwi seek more members hockey support group uemben of tb georgetown all ls4ar supt croup auxili ary are on a recruiting drive to well thrtr numberi in preparat ion for tba uprominc bockey uiton at a meeting monday ort 4 thr auxiliary womrn decided to eek more memberx and un- leu thrir ilnvi ti ucrctiful i h uu durinf he the oeorgvtown municipal kajii klfch nd chip and wrifthti betrbertvbop i1m buffer- ej water tuiuae ta flr wu diuoverd by georgetown iolic gt grorce leouth aad h wiiloh iwpuly chief who nouwj imoke peep ing from the lop fctorey of the tbre floor building folic alertrd the fir de part roe nt and ai uwn at the irucki arrived two firemen i william itillier and ace hailey entered tba unoke filled top itorey to determine if anyone had been trapped kir cbier krwin iwn uid hu department had the ftainra uader eonlrol half hour after arriving on lint wne mopping up qprauona aurted about two bouri after the br wii dli- covered wont da nu ue waa dose ta an apartment at the er oi tb third ttorey wbr the bluai oriinitrd two roobia b kjttbia slid lining roaia furniture a clothing belonging to ur uyoij koii were written off intpertora from the ouurltt fire uanthjha oface hive bin luerting the result of tb buie yesterday and today no esti mate of damage li expected for three or four diya but la believed to be in the hnhbour- hood of tfiqoo to 10000 chief uwu uui iu httufklm etimala cannot be made until uw water that found iu way into every part of the building driea completely merchants oppose municipal office move from downtown study second storey addition to building concertrd oppoution to mov 106566 aeaton the women who work in con- junction wilh tht all star gjipport group try to mil fund ta milt ail flv i earn i from no vie to juvenile th auxiliary meeting wu set back a week because of thankxjtlvlng the normal meet- ing day if the arond uoiulay of each month talk plan sixth school- public xchool truiteei will gather for a special meeting tonight to look at working draw ing of georgetown 8th public uhool ofiuea from a downtown local ion wu eipreaied by group ol 30 buaucaimen who appeared al tliedya council meeting xeut week council took a monthi option for 100 on the tdelrex development obvc building adjoining tha del rex market centre the idea wax to inveitigate the poaaibiltty of tha town acquiring that build lng on a 30year leasepurehau arrangement and subletting part of it to a bank or truit company cn hew ton and powen who propowfd it exti- mated net coat to taxpayers would be only 15000 if auch plana worked oul on tutuday teveral members of tha delegation voiced their objections to an move we think the prewnt locat ion li a proper one and an ex- tennon can be made if nrrrx- ury uid dirk licata tm concerned both aa a eiliicb and as a llain st bui- wumin since 1037 aid jamaa goodleb iv aat here u a councillor and am proud of this building tha but thing to do is uka the building away from tha heart of town and its not even all paid for yet definitely concerned uld cecil ucnamara removal of thapost office waa bad for down town and people are not getting the uiui service with out it shouldnt rush into this i think sam mackenzie has a fair nerval farmer served overseas world war 1 funeral service was conduct ed on thurads at the ii c ueclure punerel home for cecrfie douglas lsmond 70 of norval ur lsmond died of a heart aelzure at hla farm near the villaee an october 4 son of george thomas lsmond and florence uscxlnnoa he wa bom on the 3lh conces sion weat chlnguaeousy farm ed there with hla father and later operated the farm himself until he sold the farm and moved to norval in ism he had continued in business on an other district farm which be owned ur lsmond attended school at ss 2 chlnfuaeousy he was an oversea veteran of world war 1 serving with tha cana dian machine gun corpa he attended norval presbyterian church ha leaves his wife alary swttxer whom he married la 103s in st stephens angllcanl church hornby one daughter huth ura william donaldson and grandsons douglaa and kevin of norval and a brother john of erin hje funeral aervice wu con ducted by rev robert duncaav aan and canon j e mutwell pallbearer were hartley ca meron den wey bert van vuet chester early john verlls aad norman bird flower bear er were roy harrop norman cajheron harold early arthur may duncan robinson hardy barnhlll two nephews donald aadbruc lsmond karl gerrle fergu and ijoyd kellogg mic higan internjant was in hill crest cemetery norval presstite building is first stage in future expansion an early december date la forecast for the completion of an 1810a square toot addition to intrrehem presstite ltd on armstrong ave this expansion the first phase of a planned further expansion is a lirilso concrete floor right behind the present plant the large concrete floor com plete with drain and pipe will be the base tor a new building neat year and is being cons tructed by ucnally construct ion ltd tha georgetown industrial commission and particularly chairman roy wilson have been consulted in the drawing up of preasltes future expan sion plans also expandlaxg but on a grander scale 1 the parentl company presstite division ofiiown st louis on september jeth ground wss broken for e 100000 square foot addition one of the largest la st louis in recent yesrs v presstite is the lergest msnu tsctuaer of indualrlal and con- elrurtlori aealant in united statea wilh plant in jaekenn ulchlgsn k kecundo cat st loula and of course her in roger tcssicr honoured shtv counterpropoul uid ed wietv uoit vocal of the tpeclatori was a ratepayer robert letti who first told council ha would refute to pay his water bllla until council dealt with a dirty water complaint ha had wad threa wek ago ur latta then uunebd an attack oa proponattu ol tha delrax idea which be ttld would aaddla uxpayera with a sxafim debt utyor gibbona alio apoka strongly agalnat any uov iu too apoke of a ijuoooo debt aild the del rex building la uot designed far the iowa u and if a bank la inuretted lit auh- irtting the present owner would be doing thia a plan to add a aeatond fctorty to tha munidpal offlca which the mayor aald he had ordered from tha j b uaekatuda v son firm waa then proaented sam uackanxla f tbat ftrni compared coaia of remodeling tha two building tba total delrtx coat would ba u10m ha eatlmataairirst ktag of ad- ding a bcond atoroy to tha municipal building would ba tslooo and a second ataga s5000 this would produca a yaarly coat for tha dalrax building tt s13 wmpard with sa for complete innovation of tha present municipal building ha uld a council dlsciusioit found a majority of member appearing to favour atudylng thia plan it way our overcrowded pollca ofaca which brought this continued on jug 2 wmf 5 ii j glen dog was rabid two men take shots a farm dog in the glen wii- llama area which died last weak waa later diagnosed as having rabies tbodoeahead wa sent fo examination to ottawa which confirmed that the dag wa rabid its suspected the dog contracted the disease front a fox a a result two glen residents who had been in contact with the dog ire taking antlrahlea ahola at a georgetown public school board meeting wednea dxy trustee acted to alerl principals of this and other report of rable in the lmnla dlate vicinity so that the safety of children aereceu would be aasured georgetown flying lrstruq0r canadas best hea boon awarded- a trophy riernlng hlrn of canada mr toskleri toen4vere boslda a both maneger etlinjifuclor received thetro on alghtlhg any dog in ol recently around thigrounda x rw mooht tksihl 4 chalvlrrof georgalovvn ths best flying instructor in tha dominion blana at bramrjlon flying club whew ha is honour t art rcfca convantlon in hallfajt they intruded principal u notify tha oeorgelown dog con ute yx

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