Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 4, 1965, p. 2

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ai7f hree days in high places mart inajiaa imlka wkk f tha lmlljeoi anilletlagi la laraat netloaal b dal s xt 145 at ttl national coagree at dn1 uaivorslrj ta oerry aafaailnr the canaatea tjaloa a staaasu ecus aooptad a tit tap priority bbvwretl awoarlni bty to mlgbar kdintrtnji la agaapl uml tali niriil that attar lay apocch teaf law poi llllilaai rapuae oar grottp ro om agaia la ordarty lata oaf t at tha anarch wo woe the mate mannar af oaatario aaakad rather ironical ta kaj ba la oaly delenniaaat lor oattraajco ta a poataecoodary la- of teereleet october adopted gheiioel day a day ta call lor tha allmlniltna of tb baancltl and nodal barrier to higher education tb analn event la our pro- la ootarld wet to be i ori th irlinint bulld- aaesl la toronto thai sludwsis ta at kyoraoai polvtachnlc- al saatiiul end tb unlvarelty of toronto aaat jointly ta plan tha adl ay october lath all ii in i i la readlneef tata ta tanespecud began hitp la a pboo cell from tv mccar thy tw deputy mlnuur of unl- vanity aualrs informed al that th hoa wa devi th minister of univorally ahslrt and of kducttioa would n6t b abl t b present ta recelv our brief on wednesday h fequosted that w4 bh ur davit la kit ohe od october ma id giv personal pra- aentallnrt of our cat this va th beginning of our thrv day la high placet mr dtvli just returned tronl a weekend vlh ta chicago welcomed falv wblta tb atodeatt council rvaaldeat at tb unlvertlty or wesurb on tario and myself warmly 1u aauoedlettly inform us that our eoaverutioa would be con avdeautl w predated our brief to not and outlined iu contents at called for aa educational driv la bring our lower income roup tad particularly th ptoopl id alum areas to aa waraa of tb availability af ufa adacatlu and vbat at could da ta balp than ta acap tbalr oavtroaibabt k pladxad our full attpport tnd aacutanc to ancb a proerau h calld for tacroaaed aid to aixber adueauosria all forau our cottvaruuoa raturad ovf aioat of tb problem lavolvtd ad paraua4i our aducatioail ayataal wa took of buudlul protrux tb ratpoiulbillty of alumni ifroup tb futur of i coeamunlty eoui tb prob- kasj of ratuaac acoowmadil loet aad tb problaml of flnue- aally haadloappcd atudeau w left all omca wiut tb iapraaslab tbit mr devli tad ha ttudeoli of ontario had atabuahad inututl raopact and a valutbl rapport w faal cocjldthl that ihu ralttlon- ablp trill be mutually batttftc- tal a w work uxeuiar in tb futura then on october 36th w inforatad that the hon john kohartj th prim mlnls- aar of oatirla would ilia b uuble to ueet th marcher ma too nouettd a pertobil aaaatlnt on wadntadty after tar aa aoaa altar th pvbbcat- loa of braca i hook by th aaaa aca which taat- urae mr faaraoa mr borll wal lo al thle aahe hot it wa aa astlraly dlaareot oa bald ha hla saac two day prwaoaty 1atar with mary brrwia aad ttaa sodth tras u f t job yaaaua hoal kyar alan voaaavfroaa york i m tha aaaa who laada oatario o arulaal oaaaay i acal hraaf aad mr bobartl rapbad it aaaaaad a lapriii hoay ta ha ataala aaaaa ha chatr talktai about people who afted ta a aa ta oar tarrya aaiaau rtatt an ilaioiaiail that m ksharta liitalhuv aat a rh that raau aaafuy oa tha lamb oauari ayataaa haai mr tilaji hfiaav aaraa that ha i a buiy aua with aany pfohlecn ta wa wit with aha iaapnaaloo that kt iavitaliob bad of a eounaay than a aaru ai- taaspt ta uadareimad bur poai mow that it 1 all or wa kit back liaedly i e aur twilhi w put out tea beiof th paopla w put it puaos- ally ta mr itobaru and mr dwru wa reoald praaa covoraf bat did w rompllih aaythlaft we w with that at mr darhv mat aarj dtd ba proaua rwwrarkar- of hrtat wo balkm ha aaaaat bat ha ak wtt tha doer itiwaaainm a with th aaboaa aaxar of our arotraai aow uu ta rmerrh aad actio tf tha orcraavaat mi a laitlai lhr aodal proataja rauueatad ahall ban t do it althouth aur bjouad rmourcca will prohibit any duojik eaop we will bot howavtf kurroodar we hiaoaraly bauev that the laiara of canada depeade ba lb odu- caiioa of bar citleao w will coatiau ta work w bake it kdallabl ta all tepabla pupu w are fominllud 1 unlnrsal accoulblliiy forecasts central government unified county police force wednesday dawned a drinly day in toronto but at th itud ant beitn ta arrlv for the anarch the tun alio begin to ahlna we tu it was a food awn by 115 htuly one thouund jtadahbi hid lathered to march tint smith th march etvordln atortuulod th purpotei of th march and away we want two by two in orderly and aarloui array w glad throufh the wert trchway alarm th aidawalkj and finally to ttie atap of th parliament build- boaald macdonald tha prov fhclal ndi leader wal there vlmiuud a uberal candidal f the federal election was ihara but there we no con- arratlir repraaetttatlve th mudent rrouped tofether and aba heart camera buried we fad to make tome mention that mt bobarti wj not repretent- tb dkeppaarenca of injcuti- dual bsuaicipal aovarumeou and th aeuhliahnxot of bmill luhoo boxrnioaat wu a pcteiibtluy outlined by 1u1 toat warden lurb merry wha hi vilited laquaaat council bmpttiaf monday aifht lie tlo lorecait lb dluppctr anc of local police forcea and lb fcclliat up of t helton iollce yore ii bit tber wta t chance vel and lltltoa would join creating a klgtfer unit again if by any chance burunahoa withdrew from tb county it would uav ta awful hoi then perhep it would be becoaaary for feel tnd helton to join added th wuda attacking a touchy fubjact for county rprentlivcs the warden attted i rawdt the idea that county councillor tbeuld b elected by their coun cil they are aeat to county council by tb elation tnd aot by their felloe councillor h concluded council tuthorbed the ply- lug of blllt amounting to u ta th ceorsatowu volunteer ambulaac servlo thlt mount wu originally charged to aaqueelng reeldenu but tine thy did not pay under th agreement the towaahlp pay ta their tteed a letler from ike ambulaac corpl pointed out the townahlp had underukea to pay all un coucottbl bill for their own twaldenu should thla sot be doo oonllnua th letter w would hav to coiuider limiting our tervlo to the town both th kaev tnd clerk fert the hilar wu a little huly w paid ill th bill owing in january ima tnd ktvenl hid any appreciable amount till thla on tor mt which we ire ply log tonight deaplte the fact they are paid etacjuealng will continue to try to collect building permit vtluad at 11m100 war luued in kequei- lng during october according ta building latpactor wu hulli tha addition to llme- bouu school accounted for ttt0m tnd a matt market on th fth un for 1 0000 the remainder were latldentlal tb matt market it owned by a nltulipich e a lengthy utt of itemj to be doat by tb dominion caulk ins co la an attempt to atop th water leak la th municipal building lull produced bo prise coun bob lawioa auggatwd tha clerk try to obtain at lout a rough aetlmat from th com pany f i began my tpeech by laying fwo ara alnoerly dlatppolnted the party in power lit thla deemed it lmpoulhla a iwpreaentatlve to thlt taction of th leetor- today a about of diet ana from the crowd than i th nrw taaiatant hark 1 ar rvbch hunalag uoud toembrr ted lurrop tnd th iw will tttaad t urge public llng la tb calul club to diacuu a central ontario u gional development th only counlle not kavlng e rational developmanl aaoclallon are the central oea york peel oo urlo tnd llilloa hoval when the road auperinuodeat talka uotf rnvel winter la ba 11 way c taow felt the uwtw removal teadera tbould be tdvertlud right eway tad tb und ordared council tg id however hla forecaat of coming out prelly good on lb road budget brightened thing up chocg rw xtaxjmd iamb jms c woocb majw oet family parties follow norval baptismal service retarded auxiliary women will seek funds or workshop a program for th coming year will includ fund raising for an adult workhop noon to be opened at hornby mem ber of th georgetown ladle auxiliary for th mentally re tarded war told laet week tha meeting took placa at tha bom of mr audrey hall m bryon bt the ladle plan a vtilt to oakrula ta tea a work- hop in operation there and any lntareatad peraonl will ba welcome to joto them mr irene bandau chairman four babtej were haptiaed by rev il uewllln al st paul anglican church on sunday october slat they were clin ion dranie culttor un of mr and mrt chri culttor ol geor getown hla codparentt were hw tnd gloria adtmaoa of to ronto gregory kent finnamore ion of mr and mrt sam klnnamor hla codparentt were hli alilrra ileanettr and suun and hi ferandfathrr ur wa rtnna- uore jane ruth mercer daughter of ur and un jam mercer of georgetown godptrenlt were sylvia coomber brenda cart wrtght tnd ptul ucctrdel gayle uargtret marie taylor daughter of mr tnd un bob taylor godparent were glori tnd george sharing of port credit and janice carter the godptrenlt wer all confirmed at the ume time u the btbyl parents mr and ura fred fendley grandparent entertained it i family luncheon following the tervlo preunt baaldea the godparent wr mr and un o ctrter ind ur george storing mr tnd mrt sim plnimor alao entertained it t family luncheon following the babt- ixmtl urvlce preunt wer the bibyi grandmother mra j bell of reidale tnd th grand parenu mr and mrt wa ituntmor e e halloween wu a howling tuccatt for the trick or tratt- ere on saturday evening the weather cooperated and ill tha little onu wer abl to dan their virloiu coatumea tnd ring door bella in th village a record number of children wer out wott people thelllng out to over 100 moat reeldenu ran out of their prepared goodtei and hulily had to replenish th tupply with tpplu cooklei nickel ate thar wer a couple of group of about g and 10 tahlldren who no ona teems to know or where they came from however they wer mott- ly a good manared and well behaved group of children who klaltttd their neighbour tnd friend and th atreeu wer empty fay 0 pm thten tg crowd tpent a quiet evening and tha drat hal lowaan on record that they did not even ring the old school bell they spent tha most of th evening throwing eggi at patslag car and retired early on young lad tripped over a tree branch oh tha road add fall cutting hit head and wu blocked unjoonacloq for a abort urn oult early in tha evening o thlt may have dampanad their aplrti a bit highway algnj wr torn out but the residents were not annoyed by their prtnki children attending norvtl united church sunday school carried unvcht boitl and th boiea wer turned in tt sunday school a dim oa th work doo by uvlckr- will b ahowa to the pupils soon to that they can see the good done with their penniei st paula anglican church guild nerval bald t tucenaful bauar in the parish hall siturdly afternoon october mth those in charge of the varl oua tablet were un g ctte- ley biking mrt 11 llewellln slippers ura a norton toys mrt ii gollop fancy work mrs b slmson iproaa mrt stdlrr vefeublea etc tea wu served during the afternoon with mra 11 dew hunt in charge of th tea tsblre letj 0 um q urnb 29h fron 0 umb 25s ivtaciaatao nlvtwo umitaxj sutftv o lioaiteo hlrrtv o0 f i chickens turkeys 3911 geese zx ssl cmikhtma saveit t juicy sunkist oranges h 49 potatoes grapefruit cantaloupe cd ma 1 ml uide wh w ti ku v of u1a 49c 49c 2 for 49c hi 49c walkers saltines 2 malth and klauty alt sxrt deodorant c49c maple leaf lard 2 49c fruit cake irrr 49c 1 lb cot w ttvwllallry 1bs pue 4 lb kl ii 1 ralcli ipwctivg nov 4 s t t w baaarv tk ilphl a uwta ouaaewo thk wtbc- lucky umoo nummii poet caup twa mov i4lt j if 41 w 1 11 i a u 1 u 4 i ii i w a bar tom ha had hi praaant at ttaa of the spring fund raising cam paign reported result consider ably lower thin had been hoped heard mr davis total wa 400 anyone wishing gay wo to atill donate may do o at tha arranged downtown branch of th ca- lut mo- nadlan l bank of com- votetimmins conservative lucky uwrft mjtj shutuv simmon ct mcouvray csoacaew 31u ballihapad listen here ghosts goblins attend halloween party at ballinafad the inalllute aponaored the unuil party for the community on siturdty night when all the ghoats and goblina were out to enjoy the evening fettlvltlet with their frlenda and neigh bour dr tnd mrs clifford beld were the judgei ol the omtumes milted by ura prabk smith it wu very difficult in torn ctaea as they felt that all deearved priiea tt most war vry original tnd comical lunch wu served tnd everyone hid t hippy time mends of dick shortul jr will be pleased to know thlt ha wu ible to return from hot- pltal thlt week following aur- gery in gualph general e mr tom mick wu in george town lut week allying with hit ton pred who hu been 111 with back trouble mr tnd mrs mitt lswr from victoria harbour visited with their ton archie tnd other ralitlvu in th district tor th weekend silverwood a meeting of shverwood wooly limbs wu held at margo kuddalli october 54 mrs george henderson taught tha group to recogrtu ktalnl tnd removal from wool fabric mrt il mirchington demonstra ted understltehlng and applying neck line fating and pressing betty kennedy enter today mo oblioatioh to osuyi you meet the nicest people f ctstae women vdtor th blflmnmltamly pwcaklvol amtty katvvnmng bttaace tfm modh to l saftm mopa r0efywti- a na taata of aa to h t tntaakc youti bnd moat of th hnpoctent paopla who coma to tcwonto on maty kenftedjr sahnt inaaira tamocl now education you nam it and youa im k on the betty kennedy ihow each afeernom monoaytoritaayhorn308to 4j00pjn barbados spending money tantiltstys family ctatton 1 l- riftv consolation prizes op silver tea rertvtces auocated provincially enteb as orten as you want see john boiighton jeweller i 5 main si n 8774313 talmi tnd facing the group enjoyrd cookies before tdjor- ning un htbdersoa is hosteu thla week gllvtrwood community wel comia mr tnd mrt- j btlley and diugbter they moved into th 06rcmtowm hiralo thutttoay m6v 4th 1h5 faok 1 their new bom on no t high- way lut waek 11 off building materials vote massonaibnm x public notice th mafropcjitan toronto and region transportation study an aowncy of tha province of ontario created to davit a coordlnatod tranaportation plan for th ratjlon boundad by th city of hamilton tha city of barrio- end th city of oahawa will hold public haarinaa for tha purpoao of rocahdngbrlaf and oral tubmltslonj rolatlns to roelonal tronsportalkm from parttaa who pravioutly algnlflad thalr intent to appaar bafora such hearing thaa rvaarlngai will ba held at tha following location and time richmond hfu nov is 200 pjul council chamboraj municipal onteaa hvangaobm hamrlton not 55 200 pja municipal cornmlttaesopm cflyhall oshawa nov 33 stoo mi council chambert cuyuau yotonto nov 39 dae 1 d 3t00 ima dommlttoe room no 3 main parliament blag queonjlpewfc 1 c s ijbscnaugnst mlnntar of highways chairman tha tptaorthmtfnmfttaa tnwwutui toiairjrome mat iaamrtiiw nwr po box 227 llf pdtliaalerit buiuntmb toatortto ontabm z li

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