Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 25, 1965, p. 1

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jae j pease k oran i e la the home newspapet for georgetown arid district rintmg ptbh fliiimi and ms arts sei asses aaea ihilnn aeaee i7 awearteai baat k olaiia tswareday isah ims wjoo par wastri tangle casey prices tea while learning young set goes for english riding lessons daw amchtf usttm4 cwolly at aart c vrvort ivrt mm imtrociiofi during a riding f rottuk tiding school r r 3 gywrt aart vernon u th riding to at ttw tchool 4ftd tcht th many popil english efyu riding- mi vtsfrvon iwttq garvod export in tfii typ of initru ction bfofi coming to cnda from england i my instruction in th ervolih riding style it not readily available in thlt vicinity and icraditt thlt act with tha popularity of the clauat she uid tha dai6t wlh ltkjly lp i qofng trough tha wlnl operating in a barn on tha rotalak property mott of mr vtkrvona pupilt ira children pfujat wta opposition to high rise voiced by area residents jllinaet ananlasou apposition remain for proposed high apartments on tha hull ajafl ad charus street u lamlilinl by ever thirty msta- istjau at las weeks manning tanail aoeeung although ta lflajar degree we alio express- j ecfta reaonlag lor tb kinsmen i semnaored senior ousraa pro ject wall la arsapath with i ta idea tha resident fart that rasay reaonlng far tab particular leotct could b used at the ltgdn edge ol tha wedge which ronld maka tt easier for further swaonlnav ta quota spokesman kra jean handle i ian cau acting chairman la the absence at cuuda kentner pointed mlt that tha two appuce- i are not parallel aa would considered sepsrstely at use moment thera if no legis lation whstever in georgetown permitting high rise apart tents ha explained la eon- tnat ha palntad out that kla- aa low rantal lavl apart- banti ealled for straight r aooln ta b 4 la an affort ta allay tha fein a tha nalghhourliui raildanu chairman cau italad u any f you faal you may awika asa morning to wa high rlaa aparimanu balag cicavatad put yaat uind at rail tha winning botm cannot ba ttaupadad la te a aaap dadtlan on high rlw aparttnanti by thli applictuoa tar tha hull property mr j wair ipaaking of hli tllerjur howard ifaton adulttad thera wara objectloni to high rite apartment no matter whera vlbay wara plannad ta ba bulll however in tha long run it jl will have to be a planning board ivud council deeliioa he added ii he claimed high rise apart- menta wara a necessity not ioftly hacania of demand but bj lvaauae of their high revenue pro- capacity i tba blggert revenue ta town ezoept for plaoea uka ford and general motora waj his daa- erfptlon la a brief utlog facta of tha propoaed apartmanti ur weir polntad out that tha three bullov koix eoriilillng at tarty kiaitaa would b aix elorey high aar- ied with ejayalora tiapfwafad ad amrraundad by gnaa aaaa he alas elaluad that tally ua two to aiaraya voald ha vl- athia ta nalghboare alaea the traaa wiu ba left to acraaa aria whieai will be tt traaa halt tha architect avfandad tm aria layaat aayiajt it had beta plaanad la tnaliaaettcal with a at tha ualrenuy ai fcaa aa back page council finds that municipal building move is hot potato n a look at the weather- hleh lew jt7wed s m m ji thura s7 m i rrf s8 28 i sal 38 28 rbun 34 r n 40 s4 vtoea set ss high for the week 41 low 12 praclpiutlon 37 inchea ulcla t c scott talk of moving the municipal elncee tram dowatown to tha highway delrel developuenta building brought a number of ratepayeri to moadaya council mae ting- vocally opposed were l main st merchant jamcl goodlet farmer mayor era hyde a eleln st property owner john farmer aire sam walker who laid aha repreaenled a group of eenior eltluna and ratepayeri kan swilea and robert latte aaking council to investigate tha eeonomlce of a move wara john bellamy and jamat war ren when the smoke cleared a motion tor the first raiding of a bylaw which would leaae tha delnx building for m years and dispose of the preeent lo cation wis withdrawn before it got to vote- no one explained to a large delegation of tnerehinls who came to oppose this a few waeka ago why any move is neceaaary aid mr coodlet mr hyde expressed himself aa greatly disturbed at any move and asked that it be lalt to the incoming council to dis cuss he challenged the new site as not being in the heart of town aa at present asked what tha actual price of use new building would be and aid if thaulowntown building ta to ba sold it should ba by lea der i many police departments work from houses ha ssld and council should look into this or consider buying hacat tha old post oftvcs as a pollen head quarters 1 mr letts said it would coat the town 3000u0 to move lo the delrex building vthe municipal board is going to be told whats going on ba threatened l mr swales said downtown aul be the towns centre when twenty eight men are seeking fifteen town positions town wide investments get subdivision okay elael eoctoraaaneat at a large eabdlvtstoa aa tha bortbera edge of iowa was mads mon day whaa cottar passed third raadiag ef bylaw to alga en agreaaieat with taws wide invest meats the agreement removes tha tart major larea property la uwa limits owned by ulu isabel moore pasture and grain aids will eooa ba plowed under m bouses factories sad stores are eraeted tha agraetaant calls far tha arms ta supply a majority j urvlcee reserve a block of ud as a public school alts st isom aa acre and pay noo a lot tor dwelling and 7 par unit for aaaulpla dwellings la ilea at laewrtal and ocasuaarclal as- aaaenaeat suspayenant at this u allowed at a ratio of woo for each u0o0 la auch aaaeaeataat brocarad la a two year period u provides fear a saua board of arbltretioa to settle ay dupul- aa which might arise between developer and council the original three opounenls were reduced to two klondsy when cx stay tuueatlns with drew his opposition to pass tha bylaw ci ttaeve fculatt would not agree to a subdivision which did not require a definite in dustrial ratio cr jim young la u11 not convinced that tha town made the beat deal possi ble and would delay ipproval further a definite asset to george town said cr powers this may prove to be the best de veloped aree in our town in tha future and it will definitely carry itself in tssas tha town wide firm is ne gotiating with avian alrcrsft for construction of a factory cr hewson reported truck overturns on highway serious injuries for three twa georgetown yeues and a the moore farm la developed and mr rarcaer expressed concern that his property value would suffer if a move took place mrs a walker argued tor alder residents who would be incon venienced in paying taxes and water bills if tha omce were not handy downtown she said tha old town hall on tha high way would be a good location for tha police mr bellamy said that it tha economics are equal he would recommend tha delrex build ing as an intermedials location which could bain to overeeua a division between tha old and newer parts of town and mr warren urged look ing in the future saying tha delrex building la la tha axed geographical centre ef george town the antimova faction council was led by uiyor clbboat who again ssld ha is unalterably oooosejd the build ing doaa net suit the towns purpose ha geld and i building could be built for half the money the lesse purchase plsn would coat cr hewson said there waa no thought of finalising tha plan this year aa any propoeal would have to have a mnsklnal board hearing nor has he said he is in favour of a himself he aald he merely wanted a by law so that council would have it before than for dlarwsslfttl cr power smith baucn- tlne and francis who had voted for the bylaw preparation last week spoke in alnillar fashion beeve kulott add the picture lsnt barely flninrial and coun cil has an obligation to the part of town whera the muallui pal oetace ta already located crtrancla skid hi would want a financial report tuth as the town auditor had pinpared continued on back page a notts youth an la heepttal wish aaiaskah today ua reenot at a highway aceaoesrt a slrrerereek galnrday night at writing llsne hay atccal- gan 4 bard lane waa still ua- ia toronto western gaaa tost 14 draper gt and jansa carter korvsl were aald ta ba lasprovlng by a caasgetoaii and district me- anarbl haepltal spokesman wbea coaiactad yasterday tost the driver was admitted with a freetnred pelvis had mulllpl injuries and carter with muhljoe lacerations chest injuries and a collapsed lung ontario wovioctsl police aald tha three wara tiding light truck which clipped cat a una of guards rails and plunged part way dowa a hank near the bottom of tha tulvercraek hill oa no t highway tha accident happened shortly attar t oclock one of tha injured kay mccelgaa was kpaeteauy throwa some distance from the truck and wag not discovered until his coenpenions takea to georgetown hospltsl geor volnnteer ambu- uelwaeeservtc kaea ware e lag at tha hoepltal whaa they were tailed back to tha na ontario provincial police eabeer bobart halaee feasad the third youth lying behind a tree a forty feet from tha wrecked track ha was treated at georgetown hospital and transferred to toronto western sunday sixth public school mcnallygeti contact mcnslly construction will build ge sixth pub lic school the firms tender lowest of nine received for tha 7 room structure wu accepted at a school board meeting saturday and on monday town council ordered a bylaw prepared for a 10i1 debenture issue to finance the building- the new school will serve an eastern psrt of georgetown in tha delrex subdivision all three wards top offices separate school bel contested a lut if at fcld pibly 20 mara hat la use niilbjf ot ftktgi geavargetawa tbublctiul gksjlian whirl rr up for gru la tit driibar 8 flrtioiu kollln tuarbtsy nifhfi 6msbfcuaa tiii xhtt er tuflsalti iftimhiftfti4iol by 18 kl u turainisif tbl thy would w eiafiaduetical ota keai huafcrv4 bn jecklfil until th boo pm datftdltb wjrtivdiy ftikbt kvcfy lrlj otti will luve rontfit kcvpt for tb public ierbool kill her itlunji mtm- hn sua klolay luiry siwrt ill g slju-y- klxurdion nd ya wiuon will ritcml thnr fcervirt uwlhrr two yrirt seeking help with social problems its available a brw 11 purfuut soriil avtviil wrvlri of ik tri ur st7vic civtr which will wrv tul of lulton county hi un btteitlly opnvd in llurlinston tfc teiatrc will provide bid quirt frt for twoyesr iociil wur ttudy which 11 current ly uing undrrtikro duilrd ditrtuaion of tucb central buruu bu bwn underway throush hilton un ruly this the itudy hn been wt up to dlavcover th ranje nature and incidence of human problem with i a the county and to deur- win th but tvtrvici needed to tap with uir problems two ytfar fllloo dtihk th twoyear tudy anyon with acial problem a or nedi ean aek wuhiejlliin at ik cfuiimunlty snrlcj cntre jnv in buxllnttoni old public hauht bulldlnx 3tm0 uarta stwt v th ivarivir already eiltla lam utrl omn will refer the itvmdy client to that agency ii not thi icrvte will he provid ed by th local ottc to the limit nf 1u capevclty in opening the new centre lulton county u ua georg acarr wld it u a ral break- uirouth in local and regional planning of human service he went on to uy that the rapidly changing aoclety in which w uv placet upon ui a wipoflfciblllly to find new pat- urtu for th provision of aerv- icei for the wfllbvlng of our fellow ciuxena ckmtkk dis1cnbo tb cntr li dkignd to b tka ewrdlnatiiig factor among kerr blifvea research infortiv at ion obtained from the study will prove valuable towirds the development of similar centre through the province it la the fint time to my knowledge that any govrrnrarnt in canada hu wtaild one of til building to be uied by the private and public com munity welfare health and rec reation irrvcei said ur kerr tbe building alo houici the burlington red crou st john ambulance th big erolbera auociatlon and tha juvenile bureau of th ac polic d parlment ur kerr terated the opening aaouaver milestone in th move- u4ut of municipal services into uw tuu of human service sings on television on hamilton show lola kmolt 10 year old dau ghter of ur and un john el liott 4ft hewson cr will make her second aeries of appearan ces on hamilton television channel 11 next week promot ing that ehanneja tiny talent time program of december 5 lois wai in hamilton this week taking part in a tiny ta lent show which was taped for showing december 5 she sings round of uusic her promotion film clips will appear dally starting next monday on the albert j steed childrens show which chan ne1 11 uucslsu st noon pairents go to school hlglihxbuisg the flrctivoa is the rare fur councils tbje top poeutioiu ireseiit mjyux judwefb ib un and hrrve john tclltotr ur lb csiidldeilf4 hrf vw the rtfvnliip deputy rcv wii v hunter and uhicoim krrentn a mayoralty candi date uit yiar are candldaut and for deputy reeve ward 2 councillor jim young und m former councillor jim kmn-cr- fcon vir rontrsted tb poevluoti last year with mr hunter ur canditlslei with two councallou to be rhoicn in earh of fne towns three wsrdi there will be plenty of choice for voter wben they mark their ballots only la ward 3 are sitting councillors seeking reflection where cr lluy hallentinr and wil hill smith are being opposd by robert leptu albert porter ind kenneth swilrt cr don ioert s ward 3 reprvientatlve this year is run nlng for a ward 3 council teat with fred tut hsrrion john hole snd arthur speight th other candidates ward 1 has a five and possibly 8mih race deftnite caadidales uh ian cau wiu urn cuwpxty whaldon iueamer hjmttoa ralph hawes and k t n0 hyde a former mayor another nominee uet cock had not mad his plana known at he rald press time wedneaday a 3 year term as hydro com mltaloner teea the ineiunbent e w nuit blnkley and g w gerry urcallum as candidates and for the r c separata school board eugene schatti and hartley sherk join retirintf trustees george ivoat dr ger ald odwyer roger primeau and robert thompson ta an election for four seats tuesdays nomination meet- lng at wriggles worth public schtiol was followed with public meeting chaired by cm davidson when nominees had a chance to speak to a largo group of ratepayers declining their nomination were a former mayor doug sargent who was nominated for reeve philip carney leslie clark and albert tuchel aa council nominees retiring at the end of their council terms this year are r w bob francis and coorga c hewson who have wprmt ed ward t and ward 3 u coun- eilors with at least one other councillor to be eliminated in the mayoralty- rici there will be at least throe new council facei in 1kw5 a full account of the noml uon meeting speeches will ap pear in next uieka herald kiddie art decks the walls at open house acttjdar waus op klnderoerten art two opllsa parents discuss their chlldran with miss margored tumey who teacrr- na aivd aftornooaasaes tt george kennedy public school many parents visited the school monday night dur ing open house when pupils work we displayed and teahors were available in their aa mornln kennedy open house was third in a week here hair last week home rewms for questions the harrison public school arvdigfrapel street public tchool held similar pater jones photo new equipment pledged by local hospital auxiliary the november meeting of the hospital atutltlsry should nrov of general interest to district residents beside providing 12s volun teer workers for hospital in- aervlces the aunlliary has com pleted arrangements to present soma new and bsdly needed equipment it hu been decided to pur chase an laolatte incubator which up to now ha bean bor rowed from milton hospltsl an other item which the auxiliary will donate is mllo vsrlhclght bed a recent opportunity salsr which raised x440 wlu help to pay for iho new oqulproeat more f unb u1 bocoib avalvj able from proceed of a dance next weak at the riviera yrr -aw- imtiiiii ml

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