Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 9, 1965, p. 4

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wt i 1 jeaia ir3jr n- ifclhlliiiilinn use 22 main strjfi s- gaorgmown ontario wci tmx thursday dkfcmaes 9ih ivos editorial comment commission the answes win tf c4xivu srfiwp popriy iow ovkj by goqviohwrij rf will b folpciibity f rww coujatj 1o begin drwjlotjtsi of rfw imopotty y tr ptuat- bi jood 0 ifm qejrett numb sueitwii o whil ck b doa wh tlwj tlkomf vto fr lti1- ettxj in it- iort knid of l ball dikfiaod couml kcl tktng tliei d rthot wlao viiulx beiuy ipoh with luuial undwp4ig llouror bdl otlvoftwtnt tl builcturiyi lo b viubl qi dub wi uijtniitltoni lilx hi v brvji lvce jub wuloo iirvimming poojl bndikiu iudilcyiumt gytnniijuftx tkf i a valthy irxii iiioag ts public fimi u goodfiign if it our biit ft at t wxui poiiible olve propeity ikould b lvn out of defect cofirfol ol im on courvcl a com it ton trtould btj crid whch will opt4 th popoty in umiur fthon to irw wy tk toxfi runt il public iibry fwi iwim- mmg pool cenery ccurvu t loo imohhtif lo become a poiiic1 uwn n if rmght wall b yrdm toluol of rt blcitrd council counciltci kv0 bm known lo lempoii lor poljjic pdwicy a count wo loo ii 6vr con- icoo of uk rli nd if could b ymplirtg at onj utij daufo ilt of a ixl of prop- fty to biurtc a budytt tut moil of all rfv fuiunit of cbdavala it far loo impotasf a ad wih taka far loo muxji tim tat council member lo q tlidf full jhnflon lo it crfion of ccwturwtiion with cr- fuly ttwiten appowitwd rrwefnbari rprtnt- ing ttia diffvfent cultural and oration p044iltet fo thi ckoce area in centra gaontown would eniove that long term plannno wuld tk plac and that idaat would b iubct to mnifnum of pol itical prttunt coo no i of couw would itll bava a har in i cdrvle development at it do i in all boardt and covrutoni aa th appotnlmg liody gives tips on preparing er course at university f 41 hatwaoa rrtavtnt a antra ata h w jovgl itf vt the middles in tlwve dayt whn we read to much about yooth and inor cilient a per ion in our ga bvackh vom4inai leruit lo feel ignored tlwr f always group inurattad in povidmg rkffiation for young popl and otliar ddicald group inter at tfvmilvt in activity for oldf rendentt at lha town nomination meeting thu year mora than one candidate indicated hit latere it in youth and oldar aget but not a onj remarktid on the large body of m- bowent wvo either dont count in poli- lict or are contidered to be a hard core that a politician cant gat to the lajvttionof tbeia midyaar people of coufie it thai w tldom admit th it tucti a thincj at rmdduq orw thinks bout it vaguely in the early fwanliet thi convnnntly pigeonlwlat it for a 1uluv contrdaraifion which navar njemi to oomar for it it alwayt a fw yar away when unior cidzanihip- ipproachai dapendt we tuppoie on the age that one rttfi and tbit it quite often a munonw loo m an age which it producing tome pretty tmart looking grndmotfert if you dont beheve ut then take in a dance lika the boipiul auxiliary ball or watch torn of the bowling and curling leaguet in action mayba the politicians know what they are doing after all whan they ignore the middlet for if none of ut will admit to it than rhair blandishment would fall on dmf feaft in tmb mail bag 4j bewmmi cnacaat decauttbcr 1 i960 daaxsir i haveai been at uaivenitj vary loni bui i have umra bow i boaid bavf prepaxad ior il hm oi ail try u t kood idea um ftcld you are icdixf into and fmj w m h uaa we you knew wbat yvu are lettibi youraaif la for v poa- tlblr talk to twmooi at uw mivnitr u wbicb 6d btp u o ior a ral idea of wbt tba cdujw ii uk- wbn you bava tkld ytour oum try i fc il tkaulbw lo geninc away from it all sugar and spice by bill smiley learn from the children moil of ut know th4 th traffic lightt ai th fou cordon and on th highway are fo th quj banftt of pduriant and mo- torittt and it thut bhoovt thot on foof to oby the tjgnalt with the tarn care at we expect from a car driver it it not alwayt aty to tland on a corner in a bihar wind with a rd light faclrtg ut and no cott traffic but th rule mutt not b br ok tn or w are not obeying th law which it thara for our pro- tact ion l we hay noticed that children are bat ter at wailing for th light to chano than adullt no doubt they abuxb their tafdly lecturet in school while the gownupt alwayt in hurry lend to- try to tava that minute or two at tafetyt expanta a tmall point parhapt but w mutt raaliie that haffk lightt ar actually a boon to pdtt riant who otherwtte might have much tongr waltt wham traffic havy and a motor i it whan h taat a green light thou id b ratonably ture that a parton on foot it not going to ttep into hit path at ha ttartt lo crott an intartaction w can uam from our childan tht timpl rulat of traffic tafey we had a wingding new books at the public library adult picyiom makhlll vilbir hilary holldiy hunttr gently with the lad ifi wourte the unlverte kelween buck thla proud heart llelnleln three by halnleln gordons power play spark the uandelbaiua oata kroetich dpi wa ar exile godfrey no emuihmin need apply anderson the corridors of time carnell new writlns in sc fiction 5 slone those who love alluigham the mind reader uather the road the star ruben the broken wing elgin return to glenthael boulle the garden on the moon stewart air above the ground v i williams the smokefilled boudoir carr the house at satans elbow porter katherine anne porter london stories of hawaii russell somewhere a voice corbett th crossroads pratt the money vidal neferutl i koyea johnny under ground out the dorbell rang morton quest crouume adult nonflctiom i modern welding the say suspended jt jeoits standard stamp volllflb l age of voluira star last o alert capon bed 4 board goading the catkin snimht icicle idtenhower waging peace rvomm socialist humanism the post storiea o combat in world war il bstua better homes t gardans building ideas jablonskl flying fortress hammaeher vincent van gogh cerf laugh day kauutxakla report to greco alcon no banners no rands araham world aflame wluon canada an appraisal of ita needa k resources sehull laurler grumbacher the art of drawing animals searl thou magnificent men in their flying machines sunmt appetiser rook 8unet casserole rook lloyt marilyn the tragic venu toboldt auto body repairing is repainting rice game bird hunting home the fall of parla imo- 71 falrlle the life of a genius brewla canadian economic policy lincoln my twelve years with john kennedy rankin tha tall voyager carling ian fleming introduces jamaica macnutt the atlantic province steven emotional crista junior fiction schattk dt regnlers hay i brlna a frlendr sencuk where the wild things are cooney chanticleer ii the foi turngren mystery kntara uw hospital glrvan tha missing muter piece hasting big new school bulette the splendid belt of mr big wojclechowska shadow of a bull krumgold onion john lengle a wrinkle in time paull the first christmas gills innls the ice bird ets nine days to chrlstmls mccormick seven in front mccormick touchdown for the enemy boden highland holiday travis grand howl oconnor seawlnd from hawaii neville ita like this cat speare the brans bow wunch passport to russia fea maggies caravan msckrllsn a day ukeno other georgetown herald ruelliwby hem newspaimr limit georgetown ontario walfar c buhn publisher turiuld mecllway production superintendent new editor accountant terry barley alleen bradley frank mullln advertising manager mrs william geggla clerk tyout anna currle reporter leslie clark dave hutlnga m gluoo j mcclement ernest slnko member oc the canadian weekly newspapers association and tins ontario aaaoclstlon boy theres nothing like week end in the city to relax you kvrry so often rigid with the tension of smstltown living ray fsmlly and i tear up tha budget fling it and caution to the uinds and have a uing dini at least last week end w had a food excuse tor a wing ding our bsby the brown- ryed buttrrbsll whose dlspers wed changed with delight the little boy wed taught lo iwlm and aksle was plsylag tha lesd role in his college musical kverythlim as usual with a fmlley family wlndlrttf went aeeerillntf t plan we set aur plans from a chap wha used to write sketch far ttsa three ihsesas night before hsd a smsll party next morning both alarm clocks didnt go off as they al ways dont do in such eases half an hour late pick up our passenger a nun dont ask me lo go into all thla and took off i wae glad id practised low- flying in tha air force tha two hour trip to the city took one hour and 22 minutes there were almost s minutes ol that i kapt count in which sister ste bonaventur and my wife were not talking eseludly checked in at th hotel the girls went in all directions 1 tried s combination of roffre morning papers snd hsir of the dog which tsited rathrr strongly of wlngdlng boiled wlngdlng iteforr id even begun to wish i uere home the fsmlly was there old woman eagrr to talk to kids kim full of idrai sboul things we hsdnt tlmr or money for hugh brlghteyed bushy- tailed and broke lthuh far feur iijm hsd pemlij kim she cul tsuy a guitar with rh usatsay shed aarnaj playing arissn st church want t musis slara want thrauah halfhaur el 70 esui- emls plsyln 70 muslcsl instru ment simultaneously visit to one of those wild rec ord stores to pick up a bob dy lan record and tha latest rolling stones more organ money i stood outside snd wstched the hood go in wished 1 were a hood and bad no family scramble back to hotel all hands try guilsr pti up fsces rush by csb to buy roses for leading lady leading man broke still fly to thestre thrill lo brow neyed butterbajj see above singing dsneing without disgrsrliig fsmlly tottrr bsck to hotel browneed off to post- production psrty uhlrh lastrd until dswn try to convince klin 14 snd with first eyeshadow oni that its bedtime not roffe house folksinging time succeed by felling asleep in middle of speech wskr up to chaps ualclung late movie order tea sll round at 40 cents a tea bag cant sleep with frame tut- side kanalne crashing scratch ine haasuc anj isrunka naut d6e isuphlne slnajtn shouting fourthirty a hi the uld wojd- sn ajneii smoke tsrtarl at her sved a m she wake us tri umphantly belfrw u the br truck outside our door as his fletnerj tscenti thare was buw in trst room wbre the drunks war try lo slu twveii fifty ajil ktlm want sctlou a vslk breakitsl say tiling hna1 st iter klnr a m urch loisrr across slifd be gins banging bells snarl st or gsdlird religion did hsttlessr rsnt slmp at 0 30 hsvr to give learnrd liter ary criticism of kids perform ance of prrvuwis evening at 1010 kim stsrtl bludlng about going tu a movlr at noon th star turns up hungry brosr i suett chaap lunch anj kama valaad kvaryana want chinese j llnu chin jlnnar at faur sun gunday af- hirnaan try ii tlm chmk ut leave sen uahlmj umaly jima crus dw drives 100 mlua ham shrauam tha upht- plara l 7am dunkan hunkra hadln uek to city kvcryone sleeps on way home dad wheels mlo gsrage laaps out kisses floor of gsrsge nothing like a wlngdlng in the city lo get you away from smalltown nerves da extra woe as it if going into a math coura hoal4 get aofls baala id new math vosit going jal need ft ifyour otag tarts as art ooura you ahoold t up your raadlng for a aubjacg ilka polklcal adtnos sat t kapw tbe iffff trti nttattfto cazieda time- bad hews um spoa mafttinei to rd u kaa up wit taw news f kdewb two ar tbrea tvopw dowo br wbe m if the vmf ctmne alrudy otiy ateceum tw duut know what lhf re geulni klo en aint s4n mtiu vhytlem aad caeaiitrr wkj qmki fnai ire rial kr tkr top ihraa eour ei um lajvrrslty at torocdo had you luv to be jtkkd te know wbkt kj axe dotiaj in tlvtin unlawu od fer ondini gruu is teitii tairty mjy 1 woomnt ittra 1 know when you to le tbxi you cour and tptl tlw tv uod- tit u u 1mhj4i to tmt 6d bit tnere kaa ti it la difficult but bcll tn- ha worth ftolnj tkougtli it aij ke- iok all th eourirfi uut krm oflrd it txisry uv r tl your lift j wuld advim nkti to txy lo get to unlvrrjty m u the ipfiir of ufauii matiy paotl ihy iwiy freni attklot luni my ill ujejati ut thcu thjii what xhty rv un int atr all it u a lavgstinnt in yourtlf apply lev ill fbal- fcrthlpa burtuuied and awaxde gojai thy r a good umt bt inohfy th u of t puu out a 1 bookm rillfd adululoti k- wrdj and it 1uu all th wardi avillabte lhr i auuitia tha biker univritlti put out 1 liauur book i wuh good luck to all the lji and i hop that bey will mike a real effort lo al to unlvertuty of touxw the u of t li lk beat i wur wright business directory chiropractor donald a oav dc appointments usd dslly call tr 71401 m mill tl star news echoes rroen th asaas el th rurau ims and ims chiropractor careu w caeham bc opatt ilally by ap ilouaa calla arranged i77xui 1ia main u hwttb a t walkiat lo o0ju 6ryomattstirr 12 ualn sl s bramptaa 4314474 hs 43htj4j hour 0 ia te t pro tuesdsy to ssturdsy kridsy s sjn to 0 p u- kvenlngs by appolntualrl carr wggtwooo onlarl land survey lit llountainvlew rd s triatsiu mill w h care h wmj tr mttt ra tat 44144 10 yeah aoo georgetown has a new deputy reeve and two now coun cillors as a result of mondays elections douq sargant was successful in his bid to become deputy reeve de feating former mayor harold cleave contesting the reevethip allan norton lost his council seat when the voters returned stan allen to office the other top mun icipal office was filled by the acclamation of mayor john t armstrong leroy dale who returned to min- icipal politics after some years and alf sykes will be the new members of council electors elso chose incum bent garfield mcgllway irwin noble harry hale and walter gray fja new high school ii in th pictur for georgetown in 195 a monday at the school board meeting in acton members decided that ii is not sensible to put another addition on the present building a recommendation has been made that georgetown council acquire a new school site 30 years ago sj members of the mens and ladles lawn bowling clubs venjoyed a joint social evening on tuesday nov 27th in the oddfellows hall mr howard kenfner presi dent of the mnt club was toailmatter and called on a number of the members for informal speoches euchre was played later and mrs e duncan and mr george c brown held high scores the evening was under the convenririhlp of mrs e b tyers and mrs ld mac kenzie third goorgolown manufacturing business to change v- ownership in thetwit year is herleykay limited which tie been told to mr stanley marsland of the marsland engineering co kitchener the deal involves 4he com plete knitting machine business ftlunt and equipment which la located on water st previous business changes this year involved the sale by mr b stone bf the smith and stone plant to duplete limited and the bale of the c b dayfoot shoej company to mr j j jojiniton dax developments limitid rulldar fliw hantaa prop walter paeholok 1774111 ar j74i5 monuments pollock a campbttll designs on request inspect our workln greenwood cemetery hon 4317md a water strt north 0 a l robl r hamilton opteenetrtsi 116 aloubitltwitw rd s camlal bldg kor appolntment iw 8773971 dale bennett utiroef baines aanum ft blultae douglas v latotzb ttaslnc r btawial teland 7sml u mill ut gdrgesore ortomjti5t l m brown 35 mill st far appointments phas tnl71 barragers cuanareshlr lauiksrar t 73v 18 ualn 1h guelpb all vfk 4an h prmlia frederick a helton surrtdw teal felkhw 11 uounulnvlaw si v csrreul bolldlnfj george tows t 736 he meleti barrister and solicitor 61 mill si georgetown tb 724a4 rank f i t c h ucepjfim auctionult prompl service pa bex 413 tr 7mtj4 georgetown murrciy rumack stem co charterid accountants 40 yens st yernt ti m47mi hakoid fobert insuranci k maltok 14 oualphst or geo mundy 773374 1774473 auto wfiflj rvan sickler ba isarrlelee swilchw neleev dr wiulanu bldgj m atalst i w 74sji wallacat ttt6mrton vj dtvlsian ceurf ctahs cmmlulnr tr 7m4j oaomkrrown animal clinic in otselpli street dy r l oasstln v zavttc dvm clinle open b g qbl moal wtd ml saturday f 11 aj- ii printing of diitlnction statstjckntb lettxehkada v v i3jkt

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