Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 6, 1966, p. 1

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ihafpay fmmi ys or lfcf heram h rt am the ranha you the home newspaper fargeofgipvur and district toe 1m7wtarintk i i as sacaou claavmail peat ohin dept ottawa end for payment el pe h georgetown out ihunoay january orh ies first iri s5 fm nna louise wood hospitals new years baby j ladies tost in 1966 georgetown and district memorial hospital where baby fori donna louise wood was jjom new years day the daughter of mr and mrs idward wood acton she arrived at 503 pm to become the only view years day sabat the georgetown hospital above is 7 lb 4 oz donna and her proud mom ugh schooler ustees iusesso honorarium members jofll georgetown wet high school board have fcain chosen to serve swtis kerr than aucept the 30 per mon which rj entitled rttaujinfmiily waived t at thft inaugural mondit gain a community college in the brampton area their resolution will be for warded to the central peel boardto accompany theirbrief to the department of education industrial heads in george ibyvffl fr approached by igdas bowd- passed a fwsolutlon at the initial meet f lap supporting central peel pwstrict high sl board nmpton in thetf attempts to high school trjisteeseeking their support for the project the georgetown high school noard will host boards from sur- rounding high schools january 29 to discuss what was termed mutual problems the new saction of buildin will encroach on the schools present playing field which is being relocated utilizing prop erty bordering on maple ave which was recently acquired in a land swap with the public school thai eli tree sales spruce up kin coffers georgetown kinsmen clubs christmas tree selling project injected 625 into the club cof fers it was reported at a kins men meeting this week the kin sold 700 trees their debex market centre lot and discovered they bad under stocked when they sold right out about oneweek prior to christmas the tree sales grossed well over 1 000 but cost of the pine and spruce took about 500 of the total take kin herb wilson was in charge of the tree selling project a clob official told the herald tuesday that the kin will order a larger stock next year mystery caller annoying teens georgetown police depart ment and north halton detach ment of the ontario provincial jjpiic are a rash of nuisance calls apparently originating from the same lo cation georgetowns chief constable roy haley told the herald that flowers in garden bloom new years if one sees flowers blooming iir jhegiisottenweju jnihkput two weeks h dwpari- dayj thoft who hear the story have a right tobeaceptlcaland enquire how late jhe party was the night before i addition startstpian for mwhigh school students jtwork has started on in addi- to georgetown district i school wfafc will comt jate another 350 students l september ind was broken tuesday j on the extension which j the school to its maxi- ben opened in september fce fall tertn the geotge- ifbigh scnool will have tea- for i students the present enrolment of 1063 has the present space overtax ed j b mackenzie construction will build the addition for 603- 000 monday night at the high school boards inaugural meet ing sandy mackenzie of that firm and construction iiperin- tendenr jack gordon discussed final details of the work with the board before proceeding but when a witness i pro duced and the flowers are still there a day later itbecomes a horticultural facc so it was that a new george- town councillor fred tut harrison did a double take when he noticed a bed of pan- sies at his wildwood home in full bloom the first day of the year and called members of his family to view the unusual blooms they lasted a day during a mild spell then suc cumbed to colder temperatures smile- like all brides she looked heartbreakipgly sweet and tre mulous as they turned to march up the aisle she lifted her radiant face to the man beside her and whispered stand little stralgbter dear tdocates party politics re power for councils ment had been notifiedof thirtysix o th tefapfaoni calls the caller a male described as having a youthful voice phones teenagers and asks them 4er5naalguestions chief haley said the calls were not obscene but had become a nuisance most of the complaints reach ing the north halton detach ment of the opp were from the limehouse area nursing graduate marilyn ferguson miss marilyn ferguson dau ghter of mr and mrs lloyd ferguson 8 morris st has pas- aed cjtamtnauoas to obtain her degree in registered nursing she is a graduate of north storraont district high school finch- and cornwall general hospital school of huning fclblnowk member of the staff at cornwall general hos- t mayor gibbons foresees year of expanding employment here before a large gathering of guests and well wishers the 1966 council officially took of fice at monday nights inaugu ral council- meeting when clerk clarence benham administered the oath of office to the nine council members i first to be sworn was may- joseph gibbons followed by reeve wm f hunter and dep uty reeve james young tak ing the oath of office simultan eously were the six councillors ernest hyde wheldon enjmer- son arthur speight fred har rison wm r smith and roy ballentine a brief devotional period con ducted by rev lloyd whari and rev kelvin johnston followed the oath taking ceremony in his inaugural speech the mayor state ne was conscious of-fais- responsibility toenact legislation of present future and lasting benefit with hesuan- said the mayor i refer to a situation which existed last year that had implications of personal animosity this should not and must not con tinue he added he expressed the hope that the members would leave the meetings in a spirit of goodwill and friendship no matter wfiat disagreements had occurred at the council table he described the acquisition of the cedarvale school proper ty which is final january 6th as one of the most important civic projects in his long term of municipal work he warned of any increase jn twonew members esquesing- council takes office oath former georgetown resid- i collin todd returned a monday night as guest at mayor joseph gib- mgural dinner in knox rhall jdd who served as mini- jfsl johnvunlted church flml uu ims advocated lities t the municipal jring nil address re- i on municipal govern despite the department of educations philosophy smaller units are more efficient he claimed and would encourage the participation of more citi zens he went on to emphasize that religion and politics do mix saying christianity has to mix in all ways of life christians cannot close their eyes to the bom to racial in- tolerance7 to hungerof tawar foed itepower otjnu- mta abouia be 1 rarhr than curtailed are suggesting he s that nlgher grants and control of their own t could effect this that any effort th power of local ittouht be fought nment is fun- itob governments tbspeaker and tte provincial and governments would a atandstill he added sometimes they do f that it is hypo t that party pouuos town i fplaob in local govern- valao urged the ttreh- l cjoanty government tees perhaps ly lines redrwjl john t jj becausechrist did not close his eyes he stated as chairman for the evening in troduced the head table guests they were reeve wm f hun ter rev lloyd whan mrs gib bons miss jean lee mayor gibbons rev collin todd gra ham farnellhrs todd george kerr mpp rev kelvin john- ston and clerk c g benham in a brief speech george kerr mp stated it was his third inagural meeting of the day and at each two topics had been dis- eusscd that of industrial assess ment- and the rising cost 6f education there are really no higher and lower levels of governinet said mr kerr they all serve the people and without coope ration of all there would be no progress in conclusion be pre- number of schools but io said one tiling that does not change is joel rgtwjbttsrhe looks just the same as when ne cut myhair in hi barber shop and would leave me to talk to a citizen because he was mayor then too inj his shurbductioh of mr todd graham farncll pointed out that upbn leaving george- mr todd has served in niagara falu till 1961 when nwyed to rexdale 3phere he who acted injuries thigh when car hits rock pile mrs john westerhock of thornhill was admitted to geor getown and district memorial hospital for treatment of thigh bruises after her husbands car left no 7 highway west of here new years day mr westerhock was east- bound on the hwy when the car skidded on the wet road slip ped over the shoulder and- into a deep ditch where k hit a pile ofeqcky the damage to the car was 200 a second accident on no i highway west of town occurred i tuesday january 5 m front of murt allison equipment ltd i north halton opp said the province gives cedarvale ok and 10268 approval for a grant of- 10 268 from the province of on tario towards georgetowns 1967 centennial project has been given george a kerr mpp in formed the herald this week that he had been advised by j w spooner minister of mu nicipal affairs that georgetowns application for a grant was ap proved on december 29 it has now been forwarded for approv al to the centennial commission in ottawa purchase of the former ce darvale school buildings and land will create a community centre and park in the central part of georgetown the town will pay fifty per cent with re- deral and provincial govern ments sharing equally in the balance a short monday morning meeting saw the five man es quesing council sworn into offi ce by clerk k c lindsay for ita reeve wilfrid leslie and coun cillor george carrie it was a familiar procedure but not for the two neyr members c i pat patterson and thomas hill following a devotional period conducted by canon j e max well of hornby and stewarttown anglican churches the meeting was adjourned for lunch when council resumed in the car involved left the road and received 125 damage it was operated by winston tjytesbogaart malton gift pups will be summer strays says dog officer before launching into his address mr todd reminisced about the georgetown of twenty years ago when he came here he noted the changes in popu- lation in the town limits in theuctoj great yndustriai expan sion in georgetown in the coming year four ex mayors were in at tendance harold cleave doug las sargent ernest hyde john t armstrong in addition to the mayor himself wbo served mayor years ago- other dinner guest cere members in winding up the evening chairman john t armstrong stated i appreciate being chosen chairman or the eve- 4jiingbut it was the only thing joe could same lor me tor jnusymra eztr1z2ljt for approval of a water gauging station oh no 5 sideroad the ontario water resources com mission plan to erect a small water gauging station over the creek on no 5 sideroad at a bridge between the 3rd and 4th line to measure the sow of water in the area r doesnt matter whether we approve or not commented coun currie its the o w r cs business in discussing- an upcoming meeting with morris and son builders regarding their pro posed subdivision on the 8th line and the 15th sideroad clerk k c lindsay pointed out that they were not in dlgents but paying tenants 3b clarify the situation foe everyone it was decided council shonld inspect the units already constructed in erin and orange ville and- talk to municipal re- nresehtafives hefore they meet again with the kinsmen as is customary at the be ginning of the jrear various ap pointments were made to the balunafad community hall board thomas hill to the hornby parks board george currie c wrigglesworth and conservation authority wil frid leslie and to the halton region conservation authority george currie a a fox boundy paid in terra cotta drew this comment from reeve leslie i dont suppose the fox knew which side of the road be was on one side is esquesing and the other chln- guacousy to which george currie replied maybe be knew they didnt pay as much on the other side of the line the bytav offlriauy appoint ing stephen saxe as assistant assessor was given three read ings debenture debt except for ab- mlirte necesdueaioooo it the amount of our bonded in debtedness said the mayor the high school and new public schools are necessities accord ing to the mayor but he con- tended that following suggested expenditures such as the ov erhead storage tank could create a one million dollar de- tenhire debt tub year mayor gibbons predicted an unprecedented era of industrial expansion whereby any citupcq who so desired could find sbh ployment in town the only business conducted t the meeting was the vetting up of standing committees the motion to establish the follow ing committtees was adopted un animously reeve hunter is chairman of no 1 committee which will meet the first and third thurs days at 8 pjn and he retains his chairmanship of roads and public works era hyde is chairman of finance industrial and town planning arthur speight is in charge of water and fire protection and fred harrison sewage and sanitation ndj committee which meets the second and fourh thur days is chaired by deputy r reeve young who is also pok iccrcnaiitnbn t r t jj chairs the committee in charge of recreation parks and the 1967 centennial roy bauen tine is in charge of welfare ambulance and weed control and wheldon s emmy erson is chairman of property street lighting and tree trim ming and removal mayor gibbons as is custom ary is chairman nfh tion with the reeve deputy andcrsv hyde and sen committee members the cute little puppies that youngsters in and around geor getown found with tthe rest of their gifts christmas morning will start taking space in the georgetown dojjound in ab out ax months accorotngto georgetown dog control officer george herrington mr herrington made it cleaf the statement was not an idle prediction but a forecast bas ed on the ffacts and statistics of past years er wave of them breaking on us this summer be comment ed the number running the streets has become tremendous and were aun kn where theyre coming from and how to keep up with them id we expect a whole new bunch of youngjogs running at large about half way through the year mr herrington told thherald thats when their young owiicrsseem to lose in terest he satot fie said many of the new dog owners will take carcof their pets but there is also that group who will lose interest fart and forget about 16oking after the pupa when the-novel- ty wears oft dogs right now without aadth- reeve george leslie explained that mr morris claimed to have an agreement with georgetown to supply the area with water but now he wanted esquesing township to negotiate with the town of georgetown for sewer services the subdivision known flriarhill is situated on cromar farm but the area under discussion at the moment only nineteen lots of the seventy acre parcel of land an agreement was drawn up in 1958 between- morris son and the township but it was ntwrfgnodbyeilneiparty the developer will appear before council at their next meetingto discuss the project furthers also appearing at the next meeting will be representatives of thekinsmen ctabv seeking ap proval for the apartments for senior citizens project which they are now- trying to locate on the 56 acres across from park sclieevtbe land isin es quesing although- owned by georgetown reeve george leshe express ed some anxiety regarding res- ponstbulty tor sickness and wel- iare tf any of the residents could not pay their way he mr herrington urged morel po if pe land being in with wnipeiatiotifromthe dog ow i ebqnesing era in the new year responsible he said that the east end sub division was the worst part of town for dogs running at large and the problem is always grea- ter in the winter mr herrington said that on the average during the past year he had to do away with 16 dogs per month but found ho mes for about the same num ber he said some people picked up animals from the pound for christmas presents but often these end up back in cusfjra five dogs spent christmas in the pounov elect donald lawson high school ba head donald g lawson was elected chairman of the georgetown district high school board at the boards inaugural meeting monday night edward h gorth was named vraecttalrmanand four commit tees are made up as follows finance management and in surance b h breckenridge h gorth john d ord j property transportation i edwin e hall william h carr and thomas hwan slckler- council will attend first baptist service a traditional custom of geor getown council will be followed sunday when the 1966 council members will attend the 11 aja service in first baptist church council has for many years made a practice of attending divine service on the sunday following the inagural meeting moving in rotation local churches the township 1966 extension building com mittee william h carr ed win e hall edward h gorth donald g lawson james e hccraig and matthew h todd advisory vocational commit tee edward h gorth edwin e hall william b carr do nald g lawson and b h breck enridge from the hoard ap pointed members james e me- caigtmatthew h todd stuart c hall dr k lucdoaam and gordon a harley ot other appointments made at tiemeeting included m harold mayer attendance officer and the firm of pope and qoebehe 1 auditors 16 below january 14 coldest day of 1965 if mbs follows the pattern o last year be prepared for some cow weather this month statistics compiled by weatbv er reporter mrs alicia f c scott reveal thai the nrsretory dipped to- 16 below zero o sunday january 14th foe coldest day of 1965 tke3 record was set on i 6 with a leg february had tbej mow fall whet fell during the i with 409 inches hi rainfall nmcompleke- max 52 32 jan feb mar 42 apr 6 kay it june m july- oct dec a

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