Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1966, p. 5

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georgetown herald pubhshsd by horn newspapers limited 22 main street s georgetown ontario w c biehn publisher th0rsda1 january 13th 1966 editorial comment we intercet itercepted speaking at mayor gibbons inaugural dinner rev collin todd proposed that party politics should be a part of local govern ment and remarked someone will probably intercept this forward pass im throwing we did we hold the very opposite view that municipal affairs can be conducted much more efficiently by citizens whose minds are opsin to localaedquertionsand whoarendt swayed by loyalties to national political par ties the sad state of our federal parliament these past three sessions is proof enough on the threshold georgetowns industrial scene seems to lupvitfdump and there is general optimism mar continuing growth writ be the keynote this year location of a large american firm which will manufacture office furniture another making industrial equipment and a cana dian firm m the church furnishing field were announced recently there are expan sion rumours from more than one estab lished firm and several interesting contacts have been made through the industrial commission which if theybear fruit will add substantially to employment possibili ties m georgetown h is nothing new to those who live here now to know that georgetown has all the advantages and few of the disadvan tages of big city living we have the city attractions right on will be missed death of a young georgetown physl dan two days before christmas oast a sad- nets over the community which is rarely seen in a town of this size in four short years hi town dr ber nard bebenek had won the respect of a large segment of the population he was dedicated to his profession tireless in hit energy it will be some comfort to his wife end young ferniry to know that so many people shared in grief when the sad news came it is a tribute which few of us deserve end even fewer receive of what could happen if mr todays idea were put in practice in ottawa where being a member of parliament is a fulltime job it is possible to get major work done despite the filibusters ana the delaying tee- ics but when businessmust be done by vpart time politicians meeting a night or two a week h would be disastrous to occupy time with political debates it is refreshing to know that men with diverse political leanings can come together around a municipal council table and work for the common good of their municipality let s keep it that way our doorstep while still able to go home for dinner at noon walk to work if we so desire play golf or cud without driving miles we can know our members of town council the merchants with whom we deal the mechanics who repair our cars much more intimately than is possible in big cities we have country air and rural scenes near at hand hockey and baseball leagues for our children a multitude of service dubs and lodges our schools are modern and well- equipped our roads are better plowed in winter our hospital is an efficient and well staffed institution no wonder industry is interested may be our ob in future will be to pick and choose what industries we most want and what will best fit georgetown s future needs georgetown lost another esteemed rev ident a week later with the death of miss isabel la preston an adopted georgetowner we can bask in the reflection of knowing that such an important woman chose our town as the place to spend her last years quiet and unassuming many did not know that her contribution to plant breeding had mede her world famous countless gardens will be more beautiful with flowers which her skih and knowledge developed during hef years at the ottawa experimental farm out into toe wild white yon der grab the shovel and make the snotf fly chuckling heartily all the while as you think of those poor slobs la the south with nothing to do every day hut the same old thing the clean fresh northern air hits your lunga like a dundun ballet bark hal like greeting to neighbour whose head is just visible over the snowbank off to the garage excltsment of wondering whether the car will start the sheer demonic joy of belting out the driveway backwards and trying to smash through the bank the snowplow has throvmup sometimes you make it the skidding slithering ad venture of the drive to work wheels spinning visibility twelve feet every man for him self the goodfellowshlp and viva dty of the teachers cloakroom everyone stamping cursing and running at the nose and another day of glorious winter living has begun dpnt try to tell me about the leduc- uobofthe 4sngufous soi land just give me the erlip virile challenge of uvhig where men axe man and you can tell them from women when you get them thawed out practice slope don t always need industry expert tells esquesing dinner l of 1udj towns now competing for industry should never have industry at all but should be left lovely fresh places in which to irffi so spoke gordon blair director of business develop ment for burlington friday night at a dinner in stewart town call given jointly by the beeve george leslie and dep uty beeve wilfrid leslie all the mnety guests at the dinner were in some wsy con nested with the township and it was the first reeve or deputy reeves dinner which included wives oy officials mr blair a pest mayor of partington contended that the present system of taxation on p for educational pur poses forced municipalities to compete for industrial assess ment frequently where it wis neither desirable nor economical fsr the nmniapahty the oft heard statement we need more industry tojielp pay taxes is the wrong philo sophy to attract industry he maintained he pointed out thit industry la a mixed blessing necessitating many expensive services he stated that the formation of a helton county industrial commission the first on a coun ty wid bas was only common sense white the municipality in which the industry is located is the only one to accrue taxa tion the other municipalities do benefit since che county as sessment goes up and keeps the comity rats down he added the plunkett bsferrtng to ki needs study ri that this study was closely con- 4 nested with regional govern- 1 meat which be said might be the answer to the ugh edocat urn easts 4o individual munici palities he wondered if regional gov eminent would mean the dis appearance of halton county as an entity since this study includes peel and ualton joint ly the- signs seem to point to regional government with present boundaries being chang ed or completely disregarded he explained that in divid ing ontario into ten regional development areu burlington was included in the niagara area many of us felt if the government could separate bur lington from halton when bur lington pays 40 of county costs we d better look care fully he warned he pointed out that if burlington s 40 were removed the heavy weight could fall on the next largest municipality oakville in which case he continued oak nils could spplyto become a city leaving the rest of halton a dead duck governments are sneaky he joked except of course municipal governments he ad ded looking around the hall a large conference on region al development was held which it became apparent an environment favourable to re gional government was being created in conclusion he pointed out that noone knows the right answer butadvocated everyone trying to make themselves ware of current happenings if you dont try to solve it somebody else will solve it for you and perhaps less to your liking be stated cohost of the dinner deputy he remarked beeve wilfrid leslie thanked the speaker andfrs w leslie presented mrs blair with mrs george leslie thanked womens institute for the deli cious dinner and congratulat ed them on their upcoming 40th birthday following the speeches the evening continued with euchre playing and dancing to doris hulls bill hulls and clarence varey at the beginning of the eve ning reeve george leslie ex plained that in the past it had been customary for the reeve to have a dinner at the end of the year and the deputy reeve to have one at the start of the new year last year however there was none at all so this year the reeve and deputy reeve decided to pool together and have a large dinner which would include the ladles county govt out is whitings forecast county government wlb be relegated into limbo lester whiting predicted at a halton county planning association meeting last night he said county government as known today would be re placed by a new concept of government along regional lines following the peelhslton report of thomas plunkett which is expected later this year when the report is received the association would receive a new status and authority in county planning mr whiting said the associations chairman robert serena of burlington al so stated that qtgerjqcm ef government is in the offing car tip never race a cold igine it burns a fearful mount of gasoline and increases t ladies of the aahgrove wear on the motor sugar and spice by bill smiley the sturdy ones remain hhis is the time of year when we get rid of all the undeslra hies in the community by un desirables i meai people with more money than l they leave northern community florida mexico the west indies in one fen swoop we get rid of all the softies the cowards the sybarites in short the rich white trash as much a part of our heritain as the saurday nigh bath or spring cleaning and i think its a good thing when the last barber bricklayer has bragged about being off to the bahamas when the last druggist or doctor has informed me pompously that well probably take in acapul eo this year i feel a sense of relief the rats have left the freex- in ship and theres enly the hard cere the sturdy l types the rugged individualist and the poor people left tn the hah me the rest of us the best of us can get down to the real glory winter living without stum bling over a lot of sissies who are better off down there get ting sand in their- navels as one of the old trueblue breed fighting it out with the elements i am inclined to scorn them as a humanitarian i can only pity them think of what theyre missing what is there in the soft and sensuous south to equal that crunch of toes breaking off the crack of bursitis in the shoulder when you throw the first curling stone that snap of thigh bones on the ski hill lets take a look at a couple of these hot weather hounds look at tins bird in florida gets out of bed and theres that same old crumby monotonous sun blazing down just like all the other days same old rou tine the inevitable orange juice on the inevitable patio the inevitable trip to the beach with the inevitable obscenely fat softies lying all around or the inevitable sweating it out on the golf course with a lot of other middleaged liars and heres our pal in mexico just getting up at 10 30 he hasut paid last years income tax yet but he borrowed 1500 from the bank to make the trip he has a hangover from those sixounce fortycent mexican drinks and a twisted back from trying to tango his wife in the other twin bed looks like an inmate of belsen because shes had mexl can complaint commonly known as dire rear ever since they crossed the border she whines he snarls they totter out into the muggy heat and another horrible day in acapulco has begun its not like that around here my daughter wakertne at six news echoes from the kerams of 10 20 and 30 years age january 1956 with purchase of the service station and garage business from dick rtddoll the new owner ken meers is plan mng to add e snack bar to the business at the top of main street hill which he will name the jack o lantern raider star junior beaumont was seriously inured in a game against milton friday when he collided with another player and was hospitalized wtfti fractured cheek bones on both sides of his face january 1946 ft one of the best known of georgetown bjusinessmen mr walter whitmee has retired as operatorof the taxi he hasopersted for the past 25 yean he has disposed of the business to his son mr ray whitmee this week ihe people of georgetown are welcoming home from overseas service pte william isley sgt norman wright l bdr don mcdonald dvr frank rolfe dvr carmancopland cpl c h boyle lac har old schenk l cpl j el packer spr j l ellerby sgmn stanley allen pte walter rasmussen pte leonard raynerl cpl cecil davison sgmn earl marchment cfrn don houston cfrn erwin lewis and sgmn t w mcdonald january 19s6 tne georgetown woollen mills and equipment formerly owned by h corke were sold by public auction on mon- deyjest to mr htmmell of torontifor 4725 svw saturday at noon hour chief w g marshall arrested e lady giving a toronto address after the local branch of the bank- of montreal notified htm a woman answer ing the description of the forger was in the bank the arrest came after she cashed a cheque here for 40 thirty and i call a cheery good morning tt may sound a bit more like humph but its well meant my lifes partner shoves me out with her foot ten minutes later down to a jolly breakfast vi tamin pills cuppa tea and half slice of toast theres the thrill of variety as you prepare for the day when dawn comes will the sun be shining the snow falling or a blizzard howling same old story exp licence plate lineupt it looks like the tarns story again this yssr with ups for license plates to expected since according licenseissuer mrs l dart tale of platss u very tmrj slower even than last year this time with over three months which to get those plato aoesnt stem reasonable to till the hut minute bat a lot people wilt it is not only georntowni who are lax la this regard cording to ontario statistics only 103 of the platss nai been obtained contrasted wh 114 at this time hat year this leaves 1590000 plates to be obtained in ontario mrs clark said that the day december 1st aw quite a few pistes purchased bat since thenthe rats dropped sharply she predicted spldhjp in bushiest shout the middle of january when people have re cuperated from christmas hills with the office now opes six days a week on saturdays it la op oil one mra clark asks all car owners down and avoid that line up in te cold at toe end of february the flnal date for obtaining pistes is frebrnsry fofa georgetown herald pvbhsbed by homa newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcollvray production superlntenoent news editor accountant terry harley alleen bradley frank mullin advertising manager mrs william gegjle clerk tynist anne currie reporter leslie clark dsve hastings h gilson j hcclementa ernest slnko member oi the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario association ibls dloitt hb dean hide thv face from my sine and bktt eutalt my iniquities psslnv slitl we ought to be ashamed of our sins and alarmed u arent the wages of sin isl death but the gift of god li eternal life through jesus c our tord printing op distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedd invitations georgetown herafal 774201 business directory chiropractor donald a gatdc appointments mad daily call tr 7m01 n mill st mwmli chiropractor cnld w cerbett dc opmi dally by appointment ifouse calls arranged 1776431 11a main st north cam a westwood ontorle lend surveyor 118 mountalnview rd s trianale 72211 w h carr b westsreod tr 73j00 roe tr 46144 dm develoritents limitid ullilers flnehomes prop walter paeholok itzjtjll or77415 monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phone 4217s80 62 water street north o a l t o t walker ro dosc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 bes 4910241 hours 9 ajn to 6 pjn tuesday to saturday friday am to 9 pm evenings by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 hountsinview rd s carretal bldg for appointment 8773971 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 77k71 barragers clsanerashlrt launderars tr 7m7 18 main s led guelph all work dene en premlsea frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service pqjbox 413 tr 73864 georgetown- the herald likes news your visitors weddings club meetings vacation trips all help to make a live weekly paper phone 1772201 no chsrfle for n hou fobert b s msumnci i hmtor rtt 1m oosrph st or omt mutter 0 771374 774473 onos dale bennett latimer tvrbaines barristers a sollclton poufjlas latimeb terence r bathes ttulnjla 749u a wil st frederick a helson barrister and solkhsr 116 hountsinview rd s carretal building georgetown tr 1320 7j20 s me mandersonqx barrislnranopsollo 61 mill st goorgelc tr 72464 tvan sickler ba barrister solicitor notary dr wullanu bld m llain s tr 74sst i wallace thompson srd dhrlslon court clerk a commlseraner oeorsetown animal clinic 108 gaelpo street dr hi oaskln clinic open 08 pjn mon wid pel saturday 11 aja i beoroetown telephone i aniwerino service a perpnahxe4 sarvtea mrs j farmerveroa day and nlaht serrlear commofftlal p sarrlno o a 38 hall s 8770583 i car- tin keep toot tn 1 filled ao there is no mom i condensation to form and f griet by watering the fuel

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