Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 13, 1966, p. 9

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hightales the georgetown high school newspaper thi oiohoitown hikald thuriiy jinr 13hi 1m page 8 jerm tests relieve some of exam pressure david nlny thu is not an editorial in the usual sense of the word could be more accurately des cribed as a collection of thoughts connected with grade 13- before you get into thirteen you hear so many conflicting report that it la hard to know just what to expect after living through a few weeks of thirteen i am beginning to won der u to understandthe grade any better after im out of it there seems to be veryjittle which is consistent or which could be used as a common de- nominator even the large mounts of home work and the pressure which everyone talks of varies according to the course which you are taking the maths and science have heaviestload of home work but the others aje not far behind it is unfortunate that the teachers are required to try to force twelve months of work into about eight months of school this means that the class simply becomes a battlefield with the war waged between the teacher who is trying desperate ly to stuff the courses into the student while the student rapid ly loses interest in what is simply t racket with those who have the best memories win ning the prizes in the last two years however the exams have been set in such a way to provide the im aginative pupil ample opport unity to display his talents the increased importance of term work has also helped to remove some of the stress of exams much of the term mark is based on term tests and this year there is a system at george town high school which pre vents any class from having numerous tests on one day this is one thing that all stud ents do approve of even with these measures grade thirteen not pleasant at the best of iimes it is punishing year during which a serious student has little time for developing his potential in any field which doesnt result in high marks meet yourteachrs alfred madgett and robert sax mr d t turner taught mathematics at a few toronto high schools and then held the position of viceprincipal at scarboro high school the posit ion he held before coming here he lives in brampton with his wife and two daughters ages sixteen years and seven years when asked how the students of oar school rated in compar ison with those of qther schools he had taught he said the- aca demic achievements here are quite high but that students sure about the same everywhere withthe departments and bow well they are run he considers himself lucky to join our staff and is happy to work under such excellent administrators as mr turner and mr baxter mr ramautarsingtr is a firm believer in homework ai means of attaining high marks and feels that students should be encouraged by their parents to do homework the main pro blem facing students according to him is that many do not realise that teachers are there tohelp them learn some schools may have more extracurricular work but the functions of our student coun cil are the same as elsewhere one aspect of our school mr turner does find different is that this is the only school he has taught where there have been no regular classes during the lunch hour we wish mr turner a long happy and successful associat ion with our school one which will be satisfactory both to him and his students mr frank corning who is presently teaching history to grades nine ten and eleven at georgetown district high school is a graduate of mc- master university this is his first year as a teacher and be says he likes teaching andjlnds it interesting mr corning has the gift of humor and the ability to keep even an interviewer on the alert and im sure his students interested in their classes with him the fact that he feels there is too little time to cover too much work and sympathizes with students because of the amount of homework they must do makes him unusual to know mr-v- j- k2ss now teaching mathematics a t georgetown high attended the university of western ontario where be re- ceivd his bjv degree he taught at stratford before coming to georgetown where he now lives he likes georgetown because it is centrally located near te uton as far as irfhitig is concerned he feels there should be less material but that 4his material should be taught in greater depth mr kiss is full of praise for the mathematics department and its head mr bellamy whose personality holds the de partment together he feels that the students are generally not enough interested in learn ing and that some even resent being taught of all the grades he finds that the grade nines are the most eager to learn mr kiss believed that the student coun cil is necessary to raise school spirit wuch he considersniuite low right now represented france votejgdhsas best delegation beverly gosling a model security council for high school students was held at oakville- trafalgar high school on friday october 15 and saturday october 18 fivestudents were selected from georgetown high school to represent the country they desired in the council the student pave blaney secreta ry paul held lesley bureau bev gosling and andy spice chose france two hours were spent organ ising the council and commen cing the programme on friday night then on saturday the rest omhvgenda was debated for approximately six or seven hours world problems were presen ted on the provisional agenda and the delegates discussed them in an orderly fashion a few of the topics discussed were north vietnamese agress ion apartheid policies and ex clusion of peoples republic of china from membership in the security council there were 11 schools from toronto and surrounding area the best delegation plaque went to georgetown district high school dave blaney was named the second best secre tary of the delegations mr ramautaraingh enjoys living in georgetown not only for its central location but also because he has met so many friendly people here he is greatly impressed with fine fa cilities offered at the school but feels that people and stud ents of georgetown should make e use of- these excellent facilities mr bamautarslugh concluded by saying that it was a pleasure to be here and to work with the students and staff of geor getown district high school former principals picture is showcased in main hall andrew spice university lite is like transcanada tour commented miss pauline rowe the valedi- catory speaker at the 1965 commencement exercises her keynote of the evening miss rowe also philosophically described the high school years in dickens famous words from a tale of two cities it was the best of times it was the worst of times the cheer leaders susan schattl most people do hot seem to realize what a cheer leader really is the cheerleaders purpose is to gain school spirit to sup port the schoorteams the cheer leaders are not there to cheer alone but to lead the crowds in cheeranow that ive told you what our purpose is ill tell you how cheerleaders are pick ed first there are a few weeks of training sore muscles will of course accompany that then there are the tryouts six girls for sfcnlor and lx girls for junior plus two subs are chosen the girls in the senior team are captain ixssley buresh team members are jody sargent jackie bowell rosemary francis june munt and susie schaoi the girls in the junior team are captain andrea chaplin team members are marg sargent jackie rayner marilyn mackenxie arlene crawford and diane holottuk we cheer at iootball games basketball games and other school activities we cheered competition at vmelph at the santa claus parade de cember 1 at the bazaar we sold coke and our specially pizza in an extremely fast game in our third game of the sea we played poorly but defeated a lively r acton club 10 to close out our schedule we visit ed guelph to pliy the bishop mcdonnell team we lost this rugged contest 31 a definite standout on the team in this game was frank vaik many of our players were still suffering injuries when journeyed to erin to play our first semifinal game the big erin team got off to a quick start and soon we were behind 24 we fought back in the second half but luck was not with us and for the first time in seven years we were elimi nated from contention lor the cup although we had a compara tively dumalei8oui can see nothing but hope for the future next year we will have almost ourentire team back and im sure many of the younger play ers now with a years experience under their belts will make us a powerful unit and lead us to a cup victory in 66 in closing i would like to thank both mr dzierzek our coach and jim bowman our captain for their fine leadership yote mintern to second term as board chairman park school principal obtains b ed degree park public school principal winijcw french received word recently that he has bean suc cessful in ms work toward vkj bachelor of education dagra -i- mr french attended msuaf- school to attain his b rd he told the herald ha hops to qualify or a laastar of wo cation degree and la worun toward that now announcement volleyball teams in this brings an end to my little explanation i think i can safely say for all of the cheer leader that we enjoy cheering immensely and besides it keeps us in shape critical of allocation of school bazaar profit lesley burash there is considerable doubt in my mind about the fairness of the arrangement for sharing the profits of the annual bazaar the bazaar held in the au ditorium of the high school attracts a great many people the attractive displays and the real value in the goods for sale satisfies both those who come to look and those who come to buy interest wanes seek more parentrpiipil cadet support the latin club uble with its varied selections of christmas candles was the biggest traction of all the language dub displays the book table the bakery sale and the wood working display drew a lot of attention as did the biology and the cadet display during the evening second ary school graduation diplomas were presented to graduates of the academic commercial and technical branches of the school certificates of training and secondary school honour graduation diplomas grade 13 were also presented this year a large number of special pro ficiency awards were presented at the commencement exercises and were climaxed by the pre sentation of ontario scholar ships to elizabeth davidson and keith allen in recognition of mr j lamberts years of service to georgetown district high school the high school board presen ted mr lambert with his por trait painted by miss dorothy stone mr lambert very kindly donated the painting to the bigh school and it is now on display in a showcase in the main hall it will serve to re mind us of a man who served his duty long and well in his remarks mr lambert urged students to go on to higher education not only for the mo netary reward but because it is fun in concluding be feels that atudanto iusould not take things seriously and should not let failure stop tbem from event ually attaining their goals mrl bamautaesingh at tended waterloo lutheran col lege and titught at kincardine 7 sjnd ljucjuadw high schools be- fort cosning to georgetown he politics aid la impressed when the last customer had left shortly after ten oclock there was no doubt in minds of those taking part or the minds of any who attended that the bazaar had been a suc cess however there was doubt as to whom it was profitable each uble representing a group or a club works on its own to set up a display and make as much money as poss when after the evening is over and the profit has been worked out the student council takes one third i cannot justify this trans action at all the students coun cil is the only school organizat ion which has the right to make money this it docs on the dances held legally as of this year no other -schoof-organibat- ion may sponsor a dance this leaves as the only fund raising activity of the year for other school clubs and organizations the bazaar which was a suc cess this year the georgetown high school cadet corps is ce lebrating its fiftieth anniversary as one of the best corps in ca nada in the past few years many corps have been disband ed because of lack of participat ion and interest within the schools s se far the georgetown corps has escaped the axe but be- cause of the waning interest ui the corps in the past couple of years officers foresee the day when our fine corps may also be dissolved did you know trom 1955 to 1965 the prop- orbbn of- canadian households equipped with cars increased from 57 to 75 jjercnt with central beating from so to 79 per cent whfc telephones from 71 to w per cent with washing machines from 83 to 86 per cent with refrigerators from 76 to 96 per cent with television all from 31 to 93 per cent quick canadian fact john graff the bazaar is not even run by the student council as such but by an independent bazaar committee this year headed by chris mclntyre who be congratulated for the results of her hard work of the past couple of months s many of the clubs who did take part at the bazaar will find that the student council take is under 500 dollars bill- it li a sizeable chunk out of fifteen dollar profit perhaps the latin club will feel thia demand most of their takein not counting expensesv was a little over hundred dollars the student council did very well on this bazaar without contributing too much themselves well eest la vie i suppose however i shall continue to think of this as un fair until someone either proves to me that the council does not only have the right but also deserves this money or until school clubs are allowed other fund raising privileges what this corp needs most in order to continue in good stan ding is that more boys and girls of high school age take an interest in the corps and that their parents encourage them to join it may not seem now but in later life you will see that the cadet training has been a great help to yon involves only one night a week wednesday at the armories a very interesting program hasbeen drawn up for this year it includes trips to camp borden target ranges to fire 303 and fncis with semi au tomatic weapons it also in cludes aucb tours as a weekend trip to kingston in the spring there are occasional sports nights in the high school gym and films in the armories we regret to learn that our company commander cadet major hiddleston and our train ing officer cadet lieutenant hamilton are resigning last sunday we entered drill competition with the air and sea cadets however be cause of- lack of interest in the corps we did not have the re quired number of cadets this meant lost points although we did not win we placed well up john mintern a georgetown public school board member since 1962 john mlntern was named to his se cond term as chairman at the boards inaugural meeting in harrison public school wed- nesdayrjanuary 5th mr mlntern succeeded stan finlay in the position in 1965 and bis reelection to the chair was the 1966s boards first or der of business mr mintem joined the board when it expanded from six to eight members because the towns population crossed the 10000 mark volleyball teams from differ- it high schools met in keen competition at guelph collegi ate vocational institute on ocjg of fl v chairman to tober 20 for the annual tourn ament although the junior team won only one game out of a possible four we still had a lot of fun we won against bishop mcdonnell but lost against the f ross high school guelph collegiate vocational institute and against st marys most being close games the senior team however came home with 2 wins and 3 defeats also close games they won against milton and bishop mcdonnell but lost against j f ross high school guelph col legiate vocational institute and st marys many thanks for an interest ing tournament go to our 2 volleyball coaches miss schuller and mrs thompson he was finance committee chairman in 1964 and prior to that served as a member of that committee there was also no change hi which reginald mooney was reelected for a second term mr mooney joined the board at the same time as the chairman and headed the management committee before becoming the vicechairman football jmmary john hamilton game 1 georgetown 30 st jeromes 0 played at kitchener big scorer nurse 3 t ds came 2 fergus 0 george town 02 played at georgetown big scorers nurse 3 t ds burrows 2 t ds game 3 georgetown 6 john f ross 20 played at guelph big scorer nurse 1 t d game 4 g c v i 0 geor getown 18 at georgetown gam s st jeromes 7 geor getown 12 played at george town winning touchdown mit chell gam 6 milton 0 george town 37 played at georgetown big scorer nurse 2 t ds total 5 wins 1 loss the boards secretary is james f evans appointed committees are as follows finance david baker chair man s finlay and g sigurd- son property g sigurdson chair man h shortill and c walker planning c walker chair man e wilson and b mooney management r mooney chairman e wilson and h shortill two reappointments were that of t h van stefcler to the georgetown public library board and harold moyer atten dance officer- mr mclaren mr coaches legge captains pete lavell defcn- sivejjeff nurse offensive septic tank pumping weeplna tile trencutne gravel phi halton sanitation services roh and jill mcgowan 779155 h we look forward to enough improvement in the coming year to enable us to go on to win the competition next year missed veteran players soccer team eliminated richard lni the soccer team of 1965 faced a mass rebuilding job many of our established stars bad grad uated and we bad to build a team around about six veterans the team we fielded was there fore lacking somewhat in the vital elements of size and ex perience but certainly not in heart for our flrstgame of the season we travelled to playing field and after leading for most of the game we falt ered slightly and allowed erin to tie us and subsequently defeat- us in- overtime on the friendly confines of our home field we defeated milton 21 did you know windows sticky paint the window slides with floor wax or rub them down with the end of a candle tight windows are sometimes also caused by the divider moving out of place heat your home hi modem way with wshiral go and smarts chinook automatic gets furnace iii- bta natural aoi with tha oto- moiic chinook will r bsadaat haol national employment service jn order to improve the service offereotfi residents ov georgetown employment interviewsw1li beheld in the municipal offices each wednesday afternoon by appointment telephone the national employment service 4511240 for an appointment for your new factory location u check georgetown industrial park serviced land 1000 per acre for brochure writ or call georgetown industrial commission po box 45 georgetown ontario tel 8773271 or 8773921 or your broker the above ad appears regularly in the financial post your industrial commission requests the assistance of the citizens of georgetown to continue the industrial growth of georgetown if you have any leads or information 1 please contact your industrial commission homby site mooted for regional jail a qiieena park official wa quoted this week as stating the proposed haltonpeel regional jail project will be located in the hornby area south of geor getown he said officials in both peel ind halton counties are agreed to a hornby area site this is seventy per cent of the battle he added the haltonpeel regional jail plan was introduced as an alter native to halton county partici pating in a scheme with went- worth county and the city of hamilton good impressions start with a good idea it costs you nothing to get our idea as to how to make your next piece of printed mat ter more impressive more persuasive more productive of results just call usl business cards office forms brochures complete facilities attractive prices the georgetown herald 22 main st s llphon 8772301 whf wait for ipribfj doitit r h thompson hardware plumbing ft heating tr72971 the wise ooas toka odvontoo ol wintar skilled mn or nor reodlty avoflobu in lb yrtntartima raody to do your repair and renovations when you wmnl them motariab am in ganarous supply too and your renovation budgat wiltoften go further in winter thonb to off- dbcounts ond extended payment dions you con borrow up to 4000 with up to tan yaors to repay a tow interest rates with o government- tponsorad nha home improvemant toon from your bonk if youre the owner of o small butiness then you nay lake odvontoge bf spedal sokmi buswwa iooni ovoitobte at your bonk and fomwn con quolifyforupld15i000 witkten yean lo repay with a form improvement loon so you see there ore a whole tot of vary good racoons why you should have that work done orourtd your home or pteca ol buwrn during the winter do it now everybody benefits when winter work is increased for oaviceond ossistanca coll your national empjoynvboi offick

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