Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 27, 1966, p. 8

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georgetown winner goes to nassau fob dentremont and his wife kathleen df 14 durham st georgetown have usl won ihe top prize in a provincewide contest held for the 80 beaver lumber managers in on tario the presentation was made in the company s head office in sheridan park by division manager j w dupras and his assistant w l noble del and kathleen will leave shortly for a week in nassau nurses consider new bylaw as prelude to collective bargaining afalrs and promised i up with hu bead office for contribution tur questioner seemed i j t r if f m mpnkknti utri txpect ur harley to head in and promised to take it f commons drug committee ruth evans our secretary had a thought that we think deserves a great deal or merit with groups and organisations looking for centennial pro jects for 1967 why not give ser ions thought to starting a hos pital project for 67t any org anitatlon could do this because there are any number or pro jects that could be handled from a modest cost of 25 to the more ambitious projects of in stalling air conditioning in jop- hospital news by la clark tlie regular monthly meeting of the hospital board was held last thursday evening in our opinion it was one of the best ones we ve attended disposing of a great deal of business sfcs jjl well as being highly informal ive tjie meeting while a long one accomplished a lot of work as well as andinour opin ion just as important explor ing possibilities of future needs growth etc fred whittaker and harold mcclure told of their attend anee at the formation of the guilding body for the new nur ses regional school to be es tablished in the near future at and in conjunction with south peel hospital this training plan for nurses will be uniqi in that it will use the facilities of all hospitals in the group to would endear any group or in dustry to the medical profes sion or the larger scheme of a pediatric ward information and cost and de tails of any scheme ou may have in mind can he given by contacting the adminstrator chief of medical staff or any members of the board elja herd has champion junior four year old new all time jum by parmer ttsslnftmi the government made it clear last week that it intends re-establish- the commonls special committee on food and drugs the man almost certain to head up the committee again is halton mp dr harry harley who chaired the committee dur tag the last parliament originally the committee held extensive hearings on the safety of drugs and produced a report last year which made a number of recommendations for tighten ing up the rules under which drugs are tested manufactured and distributed just before parliament journed last june the committee was planning a series of meet ings to investigate drug costs this is the field the committee wilt explore this winter and spring as soon as the necessary machinery to establish the com mittee has been put into opera uon there has been pressure to lower the cost of drugs by re moving the present sales tax but 4 year former finance minjsler walter with his medical bacjtgroqnd and with medicare expected to be one of the major pieces of government legislation on the books dr harley appeared to many as the logical choice as parliamentary secretary to health and welfare minister allan maceachero thi oioroltown hiralo thursday january 17th ifw page 8 conokti gtavm impino sand kad ofcavh hu and top son stone wotk tom haines ma wllluma t 74srj train the student nurses the old jersey milk producing gordon indicated the govern entire cost of administration is champion the jersey cow ment would not take such action expected to be borne by the brownlane kavola s josyl has until the committee bad met j nu ontario hospital services com just established a new all time and made its recommendations a new bylaw under consul participate in collccuve bargain secretary o the ontario govern im production record lor milk as a similar course is expected ration by the halton county ing ment allows the association to i od n ms d be i this year which ourtrict of the ensured nur khange its incorporate letters the idea is unique in north observers feell will almost cer jes association wll pave the 1 america and b utitong exist oducrf 305 d unly rule out eupinhon ol y for collective bargaining to sulljllor an ing jaciliues could do a lot to m2 m 763 fal the sales la this year s hud introduced into the hospitals collective bargain ii p n w thus qualifying for a si 8 nance minister mlch ahrough membership in the as- i in of nurses working for gov this province the school 1 ver med gold medal ell sharp moaubn ngoganixa ernment agencies such as h u 11 tabult adjacent i j tal interviewed here following the measure however is on i the clause n the bvlaws halton health unit the south peel hospital j the ihrone speech dr harley i a final report if collective which would allow the associat dr c a thompso ga etthe nrcxusthnion pw pleasure that the bargaining rights cannot be ob- vij h an interesting medical report wrlick dresm i salh a cow roverncment proposed to set up jained through a proposed act collective biimnhvs h to achieve collective bargaining mentioning that a new doctor jj h seed 16991 b cnmmittee he said that has been presented to the one of the objectives of the le- thr the new bylaws of the had been obtained lo look after 7m lta f m 4 24- hat he hope to be chosen as a minister of health for consider 8 corpora ion would be to re 15so oul w do f we the needs of the community an i 10 71 of the committee and if hon by the provincial govern ilte employeecmployer rela gel u legisl teresting sidelight was the 1 18k elected as ohairman he will attention home owners we have wild bird feed mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantities we also have good supplies of ice salt water sofetener salt master rabbit pellets and master dog food snow fence and steel fence posts we sell and reconnew rap masterfeeds master feeds stewarttown dial 773512 georgetown we deliver and sat a m ttach week in gorgrown jjnent the collective bargaining clau aes of the new bylaw will onb fee effective if the provincial hon said miss dons gibney assistant executive secretary tor rnao says delinquency statistics point to wayward parents atct c criticism ol people vho sa thev hae no had it in the q ves inofboihst nurses in halton county he h counlv uthonties or religious conviction lo air iheir 0 ln j been pioneers in seeking eollec lack of respect for the admims nevs am of brownlane kaiola s jos fact that his wile is a doctor brownlane kavola s josyl va be happv to carry on the workl also at present completing her bred by sterling brown sons n the new parliament internship in a toronto hospital harvey station n b and is ow earlier it was rumoured in ned and was tested by kenneth ottawa that dr harley was the medical proxy also said rua j h 6nl the being considered as a secretary that he was pleased to announce kno a slre brampton in the new parliament which a new piece of equipment for snth g and opened yesterday the hospital and that he andl m tc superior lj d1d yqu knqwt n nrnl or n ihe rartin a 01 iirowniane naoias jos it is expected that some 300 l n pnn or on for examination by the medical amateur groups from across ca tive bargaining rights ln 1964 on of justice in placing a staff rlli1i n 0 sfrssrlhsssa l mhftamin r h tz sj lng but hat much more a on the progress of the beb- 3 silver uedls and 2 gold med fhbhon grounds choral right to bargain wee opened the ontario sup enek mtmonkl furid nd r al tor production as a junior group dancers bands and spe since that time nesotiations 9 their children with histories 9 ported a meeting was jo be held 3 year old she has in 305 das clt acta will all uke part and behind the scenes talks dress to 1 j promiscuitj delinquency and in the near future between the 11883 lbs milk 722 lbs fat the expo corporation wants to have resulted in tentative counlv counnouse othpr domesllc pro i im doctors and board committee 6 08 and is a ton of gold g talented younj canadians agreements permitting nurses we are living in a thorough amazed that teenagers measure to discusi the form the memor cow she is now fresh again chance to show what they can up to the rank of supervisor to ly mixed up sociel unknown to up as lhc do considering the il should take mr armstrong j milking over 70 lbs per das do in an international atmos our grandfathers he declared problems put in their vy b also reported an interesting let testing 4 8 per cent pherc bdihltc ci iip they called cigarettes coffin parents said his iaordship ter from a memberof the doc dkiuuc llud nails and it look 50 years to people who go to church don t tors graduating class it told georgetown duplicate bridge prove they were right i appear in court of plans being formulated by club has set the third tuesday x1r jnmt wnnrhn 1 f of need 50 to 5000 call today m mike eland manager atlantic finance corporation limited fridays to 8 p m other venings by arrangement 1776971 12 main st 5 r justce moorhouse cited medlcine v of t 140 members revy in which he said 86 nw prctll throughout can tejk at the sder thc nght way to per dem children lnd usa to e to test the lhe r st w bwn to be the offspring tnemonii l0 cuwmite 6 llw s jusu he 5 ot dhnquenc parents ir inler8tinf o note th the he continued the mora law of each month as master points members of eoa night and there were nine tab- les of players last wf legion auditorium to meets mch tu qvencvthavernarandvuv regular employment of the day night at 8 p j 1f dlvo d king ind mother t d the h has of m nekmg northsouth winners last other deviations from mpral worse effect than if she were week were 1st mike lomsso standards as problems facing regularlv employed his lord and bob remington 2nd geor modern societj but he said no ship added where there is i ji probability this will fin ge solty and campbell sinclair society anywhere has solved the suitable supervision by the a as a hursarv or scholar 3rd robert williams and fred problem of morals without re mother it has been found there s n medicine al the l of t allen brampton th mr and igion whether it be christian are only 10 per cent of delin mrs walter biehn jewish buddhist or any other cast west winners 1st mrs commenting on modern com wallace thompson and mrs mumcations mr justice moor anne pntchard 2nd mrs ern house said that much of what hyde and mrs reg williams we read in print hear on thcair 3rd mrs fiona nodwell and we read in print hear on the air mrs marjone gilmer 4th mar is not theruth but propaganda hvior gery mackenue and olive logan there seems to be no trouble for quent children compared lo 86 per cent lets play bridge by biilioais last year the board sponsor his lordship urged parents to ed a number of nights designed teach children to curb their to show local groups and in primitive tendecirs and to d us try how their donations to leach them nondelinquent be the building fund had been us ed and to show any interested parties the hospital itself a divorce said his lordship rurh ta is merelv method devised to ml f fnt s nilht being a lades night first is still living but do people v- hrm for women s organisations as soon as details have been final lied the three board members consider the effect on the chil dren involved they come to learn that marriage is not to be taken senously that marr f ie age vows are not final and ruth v joy hewsnn it is often necessary to delav west jed the four of spades i that their position has no per p details for this column taking out trump in order to which was won by declarers manence and stability they lose set up a side suit when the ace ieclarer is faced with a confidence in their parents trump are needed for entries it club loser and at lean two i two weeks ago we took occa is essential to plan your play diamond losers the only reas th comments by mr justice mon to mention in this column carefully a hand occurred at a onable place to get rid of a moorhouse follow the recent tna there were a few new indus rubber bridge match last week diamond loser is on heart in w publurd speech bv hal tm in georgetown since the in which careful management dummv if this is to come about xon county senior magistrate pj cim 0 kix ymrs of the trump suit allowed declar declarer must get to work on km langdon during which he ajo nd su build the heart sut immediately tat s n reforms of ho tna that south led the singleton heart magistrate ingdon during a donations were still not onh and won in dumm a lo heart s l th opening or new welcome but vitally needed was led and ruffed declarer couri quarters in oakville cal w did not by anv means try now ruffed a spade in dummy ior law restricting mar to single out or embarrass any and led another heart ruffed n this and other comments one however there may have high south must not ruff whh ttld received nationwide been grounds for misinterpret er to make a difficult game con tract dealer west east west vulnerable s 8 ii a 10 8 4 2 d 7 a 2 c 8 q 4 2 wart tart sj 0 8 4 uk q io 7 3 2 h j r 4 h k q 0 3 d1j 1088 1va 9 c a c 9 south s a 3 h 7 d k 5 3 c k q j 10 7 5 3 the bidding these contractors suppliers are ready to do it now do it now remodel repair instal new wiring build a rec room new plumbing heating painting decorating tile floors walls ceilings etc winters the time why wait for spring winter work advantages people stand to gam when they have renovat on and repair obs done n winter tradesmen are on hand and so tan be qutckty on the jpb and the extra care and t me skilled work men can devote to a task during slack months gives the plant or office official or the householder more for his money he is also ijkely to f nd there are fewer delays in the delivery of mater als and n the case of an addit on to a home or business prem ses there s the i kel hood of earlier occupancy ther the club fie or seven club publicity ing our remarks wert pas zd north east pass 1 s pass 3s a fnend and head of a small industry brought this to our attention when he pointed out that his firm had established in georgetown lonz after the building campaign had been completed and it was their un dentandlng that adequate funds had been raised this of course wai the case but as so of gets so heavy ms out does not give a south won the diamond re that traffic isparalyied one place j picture anyone familiar turn and led the carefully pre where there a no panic is the wth hospital financing know served club five and won jnlwynfield slock farm of boy lhat ctnnisstm pays only south dummy with the six another and joan lonson rr 2 geor dayteday operatmg costs 2c heart was ruffed high establish geton i any extensions repairs new finding themselves short of services or equipment have now the lime had come to take out trump the king was led and bolh the opponents trump removed n one round not w shing to give declarer ruff and a sluff west led a dia mond east won and returned the suit but this was the las4 trick for the defense horses fill the bill for town shopping trip when i heart was ruffed high establish jgetown pass 1t dummy s last heart as a pass w the club seven was led to dummy s eight and souths supplies sunday u be met entirely by the generos- vnnltonv sti s sixst- dummj toodjmrt uml mm thrrt and industrj i f tklp sibotaan mama- bcak when dummy is short of ent and moseyed on into town with dole all pass i was sitting in the north position when the opponents 1 bid up to four spades on reason i my atxxmg btdchng i deeded j p r r to sacrifice at five club don from j in dld l one or two not vulnerable s aml would cost le points than let lnr found ting the opponents make four wbe lbey requred spades as i pointed out in this bridge results 1st pair bill column a few weeks ago onewandel jack coats 2nd pair of the joys of sacrifice bidding bill hamilton mrs kv coats is thai ottautionally you make 3rd pair mr and mrs pat jet the contract i cares ot their western quarter hofses this then is the situation and we feel lhat industry that has been established in the past fewi after purchasing their needs years should if possible help he mounted- threesome plowed maintain a facility that they back through the deep snow no doubt will use from time to mhilejstranded motorists atop- time it is our firm belief that ped spinning their wheels tocher has been a great deal af watch- them pass one truck i misunderstanding on this point tin ver said the expressions on and we hope that the foregoing the faces of the horses were al explanation of our continuing most smug needs will help dispel it w b hamilton construction ltd canaral contractor carpentry ifcork 77440 i raid court i i j b mackenzie i son ltd i buildinfl supply centra i complete design sen ice free estimates i 1 james st 177 2307 lahakk m taaa m jdb al dave williams electric and haattna commercial a residential factory maintenance gar w ood gas oil burners 1 elin st 1773313 robertson electric contractor commercial residential industrial water heaters lighting fixtures 453 norton 177 2934 free estimates ken nash plumbing ft haahna repairs alterations water softeners water systems r l cun williams 177 2141 wm garbutt plumvinf hot water heating sheet metal work general repairs oil burners furnaces water softeners h elatn st 177331 hawes nelson general contractors houe building and remodelling alterations andrepira free estimates phonal 177jjn or t77mw contractors on this page ht abie readymix concrete building supplies hu main si sorth 774 do it now far information r assistance call the national employment service 1 union strut rramrton phoni 4ji 1m

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