Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 3, 1966, p. 11

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telk how women can lelp cancer services maple baptists to salute christian service brigade mrmw t crali raid 2q dripper court ra beaten to a special meeting of the won- en services group ef the geor- jtom unit oi the canadian caneersoelsty toetrjan tb mlaasayrea bead of womans sendees oakvuie was the guest speaker and outlined uu ttr- looa ways in which the local sronp could work 9m told of aim services available to pat- wart drags dressings horn visiting nursing services lodga accommodation braaekeeping aetvfce faomenurslng service dtverstonal programme and pa tient transportation at e condttttofa of hertalk he snowed various pieces of comfort equipment that could be made fcy the branch or secur ed tw thiwvfor the convenience and welubeing of patients she stressed the necessity oi handling calls for help with delicacy and secrecy since peo- isjrouble do not want their attain known publicly ib the local unit this has ahayi been the practke since volunteers have no idea who the drassinga they are working on art to and u yo lumpen to b werung dir ectly with a patient you and the patient are the only ones who know at a recent training seminar l h for vo workers lady henrietu banting director of the cancer detection clinic said that norall woo choose a career in medicine nor in many other prof essioos but all can reach out into a larger world ef interest and en deavour in strrice to the com munity w she also stated that in a changing world the human need stays the same and it remains and probably always will remain for the trained knowledgeable volunteer 4o fill this need mrs field served a delicious lunch to dose a most interesting meeting municipal building addition land price would be 6800 the staple avenue baptist f c w naht h w february tfth in the regular sunday evening senior in which the boys and leaders will be faking pare in addition the boys will host parents and m ends at open house atany of their regular weekly meetings through the month mr r olkvier is captain of brigade battalion no 1235 fox boys 12 to 18 and is assisted by lieutenants l sullivan and e sarchuka tfee stockade for boys 8 to 11 is led by chief kan ger u wuerch and is assisted by rangers d mius d dairies d holmes and e sarchuks the maple avenue baptist church has appointed mr n palmer as brigade committee chairman air e presley u in a letter read to council monday from sam mackenzie and sid silver owners of the jand adjacent to the municipal ilding a strip of land twenty seven feet wide next to the town building was offered for 8800 in an attached sketch u was shown that a two storey ctibon providing 4000 square feet could be erected on the twenty seven foot strip of property councillor fred harrison ob jected aaying that he under stood only the price of the land was to be ascertained and no authority was given by council to do more in reply the mayor stated that he had promised to find the ap proximate cost of the amount of square feet mentioned 1 think us a distinct advantage to have this knowledge and it a not costing the town a nickel he added after a further exchange with coun harrison mayor gibbons stated i got the answer wanted to know it will cost us 96800 for a strip of land twenty seven feet wide i doul feel i stepped out of line at all since i got as much information possible at no cost avert cemetery erosion by glen flood project the threatened erosion glen williams cemetery has been averted through the com fclned efforts of the credit val any conservation authority es- qcesmg township and the on tario government the authority was respon sible for moving the river away from the eroding bank divert lng half of it back to an old channel then cutting vxough to join up with the other half mrf the nver this curved the river away from the bank stone rivragr was used to hold the hank more work will be done on the river by halton county this time when the county er ectod the new bridge they mo ved it over one hundred feet to improve the traffic approach as a result the river channel had to be moved it is planned to straighten out the sharp bends in the river changing them into slow curves in an effort to prevent ice jams such as last years the channel will also be deep ened ft is felt that the combina tion of slow bends and deeper channel will help prevent flood- he sainteheleoe the site of expo was named by samuel de champlain alter ins wife helene the hoys of brigade battal ion and stockade no 1235 o the maple avenue baptist church are joining with 50000 other hoys throughout the vs and canada la observing brig- month during pahmmry brigade month u a time of 1 j recognition ef christian service brigade an organisation for boys 8 to 18 with 100 units in 48 states and 7 provinces in canada mtenma m cook and rev b woods share in committee re- possibility the regular meetings of bat talion no us5 for boys 12 18 on thursday evenings a t mania avenue baptist stock aders meet on wednesday even ing for boys 8 to 11 christian service brigade is an organisation of men and boys banded together to win boys to christ and irain them for his through a weekly -me- of achievement ranks and relat ed activities such as sports and camping brigade seeks to help boys grow into mature christ ian manhood such training in christian living and service takes them better citizens of the community and the nation egular ffp headquarters of christian ser vice brigade is located in wbe- aton illinois with a branch of see in buriingtog ontario these centres provide traininj materials program helps and supplies for local leaders bead quarters and field representat ives train leaders and with churches to promote more effective brigade programs for boys in the mail a suggests improvements for traffic lights on highway mn angus mcdontm pies it dolly vrtin a resident of the ltoehmise district all her life mi an gus mcdonald 84 died at her dolly varden last home at dolly varden thursday jan 20th after a short illness the former emily scott she was the daughter of w w scott and rachel arthurs and waa born atlimehouh following their marriage mr and mrs mcdonald lived near acton la ter in limehouse and in 1885 moved to their home on the 4th line he died in 1bs4 dght children alex sandy and nor man of georgetown mrs w pearl liuie of evertou mrs s margaret muddle of mil ton kenneth russell archie and clifford of lknehbuse grandchildren and so great grandchildren sthd three sisters mrs robert lane limehouse mrs ed hu1 and mrs cedrte cross georgetown she was predeceased by three sons william joseph and hec tor and by brothers and sisters walter james john and jos eph scott mrs alex bubble mrs william hall and mrs jon athan lane rev norman young of ume house presbyterian church con ducted the funeral service on monday at the harold c mc- clure funeral home and inter ment was in limehouse ceme tery six nephews were pall bearers eatt and arthur scott lorno cross percy hill har vey norton and bob hall nurse highest corn yield middlebrook tops for hay one hundrecf halton county farmers attended their annual soil ec crop improvement meet ing at the masonic hall milton on january uhh president rus sell hurren stressed the in creased interest in the activi ties of the association during the past year membership has increased from 76 to 128 since 1862 with twentyone different projects earned on last year prise money was presented to the competitors in the high yield hay competition harold dlebrook milton was the winner producing 8495 lbs of dry matter per acre on two cut tings of alfalfa russell hurren campbellvillc waa next with 7820 lbs followed by george and l h leaver campbellvule 7680 lbs don matthews acton 6683 lbs and fred beu bur lington 6369 lbs a third cut ting on the field of harold middlebrook gave a total jield for the three cuttings of 10288 lbs thus this project proved that over five tons of dry matter can be produced per acre from three cuttings of alfalfa under good management geoff taylor extension field man commented on the 4h corn and grain club during the pest year the halton soil crop improvement associat ion assists with the purchase it of the 4h club barley average 1 yield of the 29 4h club barley plots was 81 bo per acre with a value of 887 per acre and an average coat of s40 per acre i f the 4h members had an ave- f rage profit of 27 per acre thu profit ranged from 87 to 53 per acre 1082 and tom foster camp- beuville 1082 guest speaker dr john bay lor extension agronomist pen nsytvania state university spoke in the morning on grow lng and utilising crops for silage he stressed the relative varieties of the various crops for silage their management harvesting and storage lunch was served by the scotch block women s institute henry stanley agricultural representative and c h kin gsbury soils and croptspeclsf 1st presented the annual re port on the association with comments and slides on the pro jects dr john baylor then ad dressed the members on lets make better quality hay election of officers and direc tors for 1988 are as follows past president russell horren campbeuviuc 2 president sam harrop milton 5 vicepresid ent calvin aitken acton 3 secretarytreasurer henry j stanley box 189 milton dirictors oekvhle hugh beaty milton 4 johnston neelands hornby 1 clarence ford jr milton 4 john wlumott milton 1 laeueslnc- r c alexander georgetown t sam harrop milton 3 frank robertson milton 5 earl wilson nerval 1 bvtrlbtflten fred bell bur llngton 1 harold middlebrook milton 2 tom foster campbelt- vule 3 messagsweya russell hurren ckmpbellvule 2 bandy buch anan moffat claude ingles campbellville 2 jan 25th 1966 dear editor in writing this letter to you i am hoping that those respon sible will take corrective action toward a situation that i am sure has provoked a great maj ority of motorists in george town i am referring of course to the traffic signals at the intersection of guelph and wa ter streets the town council has been informed about it and i have spoken to the chief of police if the traffic signals must remain i have three sug gestions which as i see it would help overcome an anooy ing situation 1 reduce the time for a pro ceed indication on water street by one halt i think that the majority of motorists approach ing the signals on water st make a right band turn they can still do so on a red indica tor providing they stop and the opposing routes are clear 2 take the advance green in dication away from water- and put it on guelph st ao that motorists going op the hill wul have a chance to turn left on water street without tying up a string of ears as it stands now one car trying to turn left is tying up several 3 at certain hours for exam ple 12 am until 7 am have the signals facing guelph st display a flashing yellow white water st displays a steady red thu is done in other small towns by the police dept at ap proximately those hours this prevents highway traffic in the middle of the night from having to stop needlessly surely the testing period for this signal installation is over now lefs have some imagina tion in setting the timing se quence for these traffic lights sincerely hrc r clancy 42 hewson crest georgetown ont aden dmrkf calvin aitken harvey nurse georgetown received a gold watch from doug lofsdall of aba plant it food council of ontario fori acton 3 l winning the halton high yield i it corn competition with a yield delegate tom foster camp- ii of 1478 bu per acre prise beuviue 3 money was presented to the other competitors in this com petition norman smith cam- pbellvflle 1237 geo a l h leartr canpbeuvule 1192 craig reid milton 117 6 rus sell hurren cempbeovibe alternate 1 john willmott ontario soil and crop im provement annual convention coliseum cnx toronto jan 2628ul asa matter of sun life inauranca is a sure way to financial independence for you and your family at a local sun ufa represantanv may i call upon you at your convanianca clarence kr0ll 1 1 qiuons place i774134 sun ufi assurance company of canada a mutual company sheep club meets elects officers on moil jan 24th the hal ton 4h sheep club held their second meeting for 1966 in the ontario department of agncul tore office hilton a short history of sheep pro duction in canada was given followed by a panel discussion on sheep housing and equip ment questions from the members were directed to the panel con sisting of lois hunter vcrna thompson and doug gardhouse election of officers for the new club year were carried out nd the following positions were filled as follows president don harris what are you doing about your recreation room this year winston stone co specialists in fireplaces room dividers rec room walls are now in thl ktah 1usinus in youi aua we will design create and instal to your liking w m 4 vtrir naturl simm hwh fronts free estimates phone 8263211 streetsville tm mormtown hmalo thursday ihsruary m meat prices stones appeanng in most newspapers recently report a continuing shortage of meat products in the united states creating a strong demand for canadian beef aa pork all indications are thhtondrhon will continue for an extended period j4eavy exports from canada lo meet this demand may wall force even higher fneat prices than presently prevail a in the light of the above facts blui vauey meat markets with stores in george town and brampton are urging their customers to stock fheir freezers now out wide contacts in the packing industry indicate there is no prospect of lower meat prices in the foreseeable future but that further increases in the comma weeks are very probable the management blue vauey meat markets fill your freezer nolaf at these moneysaving prices hind v beef 59 side of beef 49 front vfrbeef 45i cut and wrapped at no extra charge we feature red blue brand beef this weeks specials round sirloin lean rone1es stewing beef 55 han meaty razing ribs 35i tasty skinless wieners 351 ldis hunter doudgard vicepresident sec treasurer house press reporter taehlk archie itcklnaov will once again be xh 4h sheep qob leader id halton county this tear keabers are reqiured to care for a flock of at least bve ewes and their lambs keep ing records ofyprodaetion costs ete and to exhfbfteae lamb at the achievement day held in the fab oubetwr expo wth open april 21 and close six raontha later on octo- attention home owners we have wild bird feed mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantities we also have good supplies of ice salt water sofetener salt master rabbit pellets and master d food snow fence and steel fence posts rv sdf omf iwcttmmmf w masterfeeds master feeds stewakttown dial 177jsh oeotottown wi dtuvbt wtad ftjn mai sat jm mdi weak m oiaiga steak 79 blue valley meat market link sausage 35 148 guelph st georgetown 8776331 christian science lecture at etobicoke who is your brother s kee per is tbe title of s christian science lecture by neil h bow les csb who will speak in welcome service jtecent arrivals in the geo- rgetowia community visited this past week by mrs laura k dit tricfe of the hi neighbour wei come service mr and mrs anthony evans are urlng at 5 ontario i street mr bvant ti teaching i at park school they are from england and mrs evans is an australian mk and mrs cuvk cress- well of ib academy road are also from england they have a baby girl 18 months old etobicoke on toes february under the sponsorship of carta- tian science society etobicoke the lecture will be in tbe richview collegiate auditorium at 520 islington ave n rtch- vtew islington mr bowles is on tour as i member of the board of leet urestaip of the first church ol christ scientist in boston ma a native of chicago i1u mr bowles withdrew from bosinesi in 1942 to devote his full unm to the public practice of christ mr cresswell is with dominion science healing since i becoja steel in read mr and mrs r raine have moved to town from chln- guacousy township and are uv ing at 14 rlverriew crescent they hare two little girls mr katee works for benson hed ges in brampton mr and mrs hendr1x keen of 81 charles street moved here from kettleby they 1 have two utile girls mr reef works tor regal die casting ing a member of tbe christie- science board of lectureship 1 1068 be has travelled widely u europe and other areas as wel as the united states and cana da his present home la allan ta georgia where he is also i recognized teacher of coristlai science the canadian pavilion wtl have bve aeparate jheatt- showing the history of ouotry

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