Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 3, 1966, p. 2

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r tr r r xtditjfeley authority owns 1979 acres in conservation plan nwmlmbim hx mcmillan welcomed five i bewtaembers to the credit vltey conservation authority at its recent inaugurey meeting frtnt webb and tj j dale ito township edward black from caledon township amo ferri from cbinguacousy township william weber from erin vulagft after roll call it vaa noted that there was 101 er cent attendance with both old and new member present from one municipality a year end report stated that with the purchase of an extra 80 acres daring the tear the toul holdings of the authority now are lsh acres these are divided as lollowi multiple use conservation area developed 380 acres undeveloped 400 ac res forest and wildlife conser vation areas 718 acres water reservoir site 531 acres flood control work is progressing or has been completed in glen wll liams orangeville fletcher s creek in brampton and mea dowvale bloodline mapping has been completed from lake on tario to credit forks the lnlor nation contained on these maps will be of utmost import tnce in the formulation of fill regulation along he river the dam at the orangeville mono conservation area was completed early in december this will be filled id the spring and the water storage reservoir will contribute to recreation in the orangeville area in cooperation wttjh the trio water resources commis sion the authority has carried out a water quality surrey along the credit river samples were taken twice monthly in 6 points and chemical anaylsis re ports are sent to flhea the channel relocation at glen williams to prevent bank erosion by the glen williams cemetery has been completed and the two upstream weirs at erindale conservation have been repaired these weirs were damaged last spring dtn- ingxfhe flood repairs to the huttonville dam are almost completed during the spring 450 00d trees were planted on privately owned land in the watershed authority staff and maonf planted 348190 of these and the others were planted by c ners with a subsidy paid by the cvca wildlifi the ponds at terrs cotta conservation area were stocked with speckled trout during tb trout season wth the coopera tion of the dept of lands and forests during the summer a fish survey was carried out on pot tlona of the river in coopera tion with the dent of zoology of the university of toronto the field work was don by iflss d a roberts a graduate student and an undergraduate assistant the authority sup plied a vehicle driver assistant and a portion of the expenses for the accommodation of the party when the report of this survey is compiled it shoota provide interesting information concerning the distribution of fish species and environmental conditions in the river and trib utaries build credit dams despite federal government turndown fjust a year ago we were told that we could not expect fin anejal help from the federal government on our flood con trolflan but with the help of the ontario government we have gone ahead anyway chairman b k mcmillan said at the inaugural meeting of the credit valley conservation au thority if vrttcant build six big dams well build 12 small ones on the credit and its trib utaries we are well on the way at orangeville glen williams and have a start at meadowvale we are in an excellent position financially and can meet any charges without further stress to the municipalities he con tinued the members of the cvca approved the budget for 66 and set the municipal levy at 90 cents per capita the same as it has been for the past four years erie m white mono town ship was elected vice chairman a position he has held for four years j w fawley brampton was returned as chairman of parks and recreation advisory board r r- parker acton chairman of flood control and pollution r f hardy hornby chairman of historical records a m greenaway port credit chairman of public relations jack bailey streetsville chair man of reforestation land use and wildlife vice chairman of thes advisory boards are t j dale toronto township g a blackwell georgetown clarence king east garafraxa township b c smith port credit and charles bryan amaranth town ship in that order w q magtll erin member of the authority since i960 joined alex maclaren of george town as an honorary member be has been replaced on the authority by william weber member of erin council magill has worked hard during his years with the cvca chanman mcmillan said i want him to know his work has been appreciated and he will always be welcome here thi ormtown h1rald thursday mmtuaky rd page x tmmjuulbav hyde is vicechairman fire prevention group a georgetown fire fighter william hyde has been named vicechairman of the hakon co unty fire prevention bureau he was elected to the post a t the groups annual meeting in milton fire hall recently capl harold coulson a mem ber of the milton area fire de partment was named chairman succeedinginsp wea miller of oakville the bureau also named members to chair committees covering the various aspects of its yearround fire prevention programs chief a e clement of milton was named public relations chairman chiefs m holmes of acton and e lewis of george town are in charge of blitz in spectlpns glenn stringer of milton is poster contest chair man the christmas campaign will be handled by district chief george wright of oak ville and oakville chief doug wilson chairs the literature committee auditors are w miller dis trict chief wright and william beck au of oakville lets play bridge by bill coats when you are in a difficult contract you must ose every mi ans at your disposal to help ou get a a esu t in look rg over last week s action at the acton bridge club i came across this hand which was played by my mother mrs ka thenne coats dealer east east west vulnerable s 8 7 3 h a8 4 jw9 2 c aq86 wst east s q 9 6 5 2 s a k 10 4 h 3 7 2 h 5 t7 5 d a k q 10 8 6 cj 10 4 c k 9 south h k q 1 0 9 6 3 d 43 c 7 5 3 2 had two clubs surely from the bidding one of these must be the king declarer led a club to the ace and ruffed a spade to get back to her hand now a low club was led and when west played low declarer ducked thus south lost only three diamonds and one club for an excellent result down two doub led and not vulnerable is 300 letting the opponents make four spades vulnerable would have cost 620 points mondays results game cal led off because of the stormy weather the- bidding east 1 d 3 d 3 s pass dole south 1 h 3 h all 1 west pass pass 4 s pass north 2h pass pass pass i was sitting in the east posi tion and felt that my hand just wasn t quite up to a two demand bid i opened with one diamond and competed up to the three level my partner found enough in his hand to go four spades after i showed spades at the three level south being not vulnerable persisted to five hearts as a sacrifice this was a good move since either four spades or five diamonds is an easy contact for east west to make west led the diamond seven and played the five when east continqed diamonds when led the thud round of diamonds declare made the excellent play of discarding the spade jack this loser op loser play is not used verymuch it is often use ful irmhis type of situation south mustwse a spade sooner or later so why not now east now tried to cash spade but be was too late south raffed and extracted trump now declarer paused to think about easts hand east had shown six diamonds and four spades in the bidding ha had one heart when declarer took out trump so at the most east bridge club snow and cold weather can hamper some activities but not where bridge is concerned despite heavy snow and zero evening there was a norm al quota of eight tables of play ers at the legion auditorium last tuesday for the weekly meeting of georgetown dupli cate bridge club again two sets of winners were chosen with campbell sin clair and george solty best for northsouth and brothers jim and doug sargent for east west others in the win column northsouth 2nd lloyd keir and dick prust 3rd mr and mrs walter biehn 4th mrs fiona nodwell and mrs well ington wilson east west 2nd del wallace and bob heminz ton 3rd ernie dawson and wayne wolfe 4th olive logan and mrs joe gibbons young homemakers to leam etiquette of entertaining 4h homemaking club lead ers from halton county will be attending the training school for the spring project on wed nesday febaruary 2nd and on thursday february 3 at grace anglican church milton the 4h unit that the girls will taking is the club girl enter tains leaden will be attending from ashgrove ballinafad dub lin hornby limehouse paler mo scotch block and silver wood women a institutes in their meetings the girls will learn about many of the various aspects of hospitality such as entertaining a house guest being a guest bow to set the table how to entertain at a tea party ideas for both menus and entertainment and good etiquette for all occasions to add party airs to their en tertainlng the girls will learn how to make fancy sandwiches and how to arrange flowers to make pleasing displays for var loua occasions this project will consist of eight meetingaand the final meetings will be a party or af ternoon tea which the girls will plan and invite guests some words of praise for works department 51 hawson cres george january si u68 every winter seaso espec ially after a heavy snowfall you start pushing the family car shovelling the driveway and complaining to anyone who wtu listen about the snow plow that has just plowed in the en trance to the driveway for the second or third time father cant get in the drive way when hft arrives home from work that is unless junior did not tarry on the way home from school and if he did or there is no junior at yonr home then mother foregoing r the daily pleasure of preparing your fav ojnrite supper of baked alaska and marmalade insideouts must shovel the snow or leave it for father to do result no supper or a cold supper an angry mother father or both or junior is now too tired to do bis home work or mother is too tired to get supper so sister mary pre pares a burnt offering if there is a sister mary who cries bit terly and flies to tier room when junior states she failed her last term in home econom ics so what could you expect anyway paper boy didn t de liver the paper couldnt get his little sister to climb over the snowbank at entrance to driveway father is really mif fed now and will be further tested when junior requests as ststance to clear the local skat ing rink which the town plow failed to clean because they were too busy going around selecting driveways to fill in neighbour living across the street who doesn t like you anyway rubs his bands in glee when the plow on its first pass fills in your driveway and then blames you for having yours cleared when his is filted in on the return trip of thctlow resident eleven doors away calls to say she has your gar bage pail do you have hers as if a fair exchange is to be made or else you can t have it the man next door put his garbage pail in a safe place nine feet up in the air on top of the pile of snow at the end of his drive way he will need a team of huskies to retrieve it at least he will think so after the collector emptied it with the use of an aerial ladder he deposited it in the vast wastes of antarctica under the living room window obscured because you didn t put away your wm dow box the one full of dead petunias and the geraniums that you men going to slip for next year also breaking two remaining christmas tree lights one which was burnt out and the other that flickers because you didn t buy canad ian which were missed by those who borrowed all the other bulbs t m 1 aw i v la royal guest rinmess such tasty f nutritious suced sidebacon95 pork liver 39 we kservtthe mght to umit quantities ruces ehectve february 2 3 4 5 tlburlte canadas f1nbt quauty sb or beef kja save ac apple juice stokelys save 19c peas 3 15 ox tins 29 cohee79 kieenex save 10c 49 towels colours twin fill california sunkist navel i oranges produce of usa can no 1 grade bunch carrots 2 produce of usa can no 1 grade m cabbage good sin hud canada no 1 grade bradford grown lb cllo beat cooking onions 29 19 15 frozen fed gov inspected 40 fothom sole fillets reeves standard suced mushrooms beekist liquid honey kraft regular cheezwhiz hospitaiity pumpkin pie jeuo instant puddings 16 tilt 16 ex ill family tin 49- 59 29 61 49- 45 ran stxe pkgs georgetown iga store 1 6 a lucky shopper mrs h henderson 93 raylawn crete 928 so shovel your snow take in the windowbox and christmas lights less bulbs put out your garbage and hope for the best after last weeks snowfall geo rgetown streets were cleared completely one and a half days before brampton and three days before metro and the garbage was collected on time brought about by round the clock efforts on the part of the town haintainance staff how many called their councillor or the mayor or the town foreman and said thank you for a good job well done did you i just did sincerely bob francis the expo stadium will seat 23000 library has showing of religious prints an exhibition of reproduc tions of well known paintings on a religious theme will be on view at the library until feb 20 the pictures range from 13th century to the 17th with two contemporary works lor conf parison one by george ropa alt and the other salvador pali they are beautiful prints and it is an excellent opportunity for us to see pictures that oth erwise might mean a trip to europe there are 850 employees at expo take second place in woodstock bridge a team of georgetown bridge players came within half a point of first place in a reg ional duplicate tournament at woodstock on sunday competing with players from a wide area including buffalo toronto and hamilton the foursome nude an excellent showing welllgton duke wll son was paired with bob rem ington acton and hike lorus- so with loo bertasson hilton in the competition the expo symbol was design ed by julien hebert a montreal graphic artist mcmillan to soo martin new delrex bank manager the delrex branch of the canadian imperial bank commerce now has its third manager since delrex market centre was established alan ai martin succeeds joe mcmillan this week in the position while mr mcmillan has started his new position as manager of the gore fc queen branch in sault ste marie mr martin has been trans ferred here from manitonwadge where he has been manager for almost three years a gait na tive he started bis banking career there later serving branches in delhi peterbor ough and sudbury where he was an accountant he is married to the former evelyn kendall of hespeler and they have a family of four janice lee shirley janice lor raine and wayne the delrex bank staff in eludes accountant mac miller mrs elizabeth hayward mrs kathleen ledwidge fred rob erts kathy sax mrs hleke seholemeer carol stevens mrs gwen timleck mrs don na varey and emest webb starts today 5fflg clean sweep maytag washers dryers tkis is your big opportunity of the year to save save and enjoy the celebrated quality and dependability of maytag washers dryers dryers maytag halo of hear dryers offer drying so gentle that dallcate nylon fabrics ere at fresh and sheer as new after repeated dryings there s a wide miction for bvery home every budget now at claen sweep sal prices washers maytag washers offer the prac tical work saving features woman want most plus the built in quality that makes fee long trouble free service just put- your clothes in push the but ton and maytag does the rest during our ton and maytag save now clean swaep sal let it snow let it blow whi martg uimdryculpmml kijw hpm yon cm bhord am wmhwt wigo 32 main strut north tv and appliances ltd north haltant uigt tv 1 appll olhwt 1773376

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