Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by horn newtpapon umitd 22 main street 5 georgetown ontario w c ohhn publlher thursday april 7th 1966 opinions of others speed is the killer we have to disagree with harold pel- legnno of the kansas highway commission who said recently that ontario s speed jimit of 60 miles an hour is too slow and agree with ontario s deputy minister of transport a g aacnab who expressed the opinion that 60 mph seems to bea speed that gets you from point to point m good time without tiring you out aar pellegnno ruined his own argu ment for higher speeds when he told the national safety council that he speeded up to 70 miles an hour on highway 401 to jceep pace with the flow of traffic and that seems to be the point human nature being what it is motorists will always be inclined to travel a little faster than the law allows if the 401 speed limit were raised to 80 as it is on the kansas turnpike and 70 on interstate highways it would be reasonable to expect that traffic would move along at speeds somewhat beyond the lim it and that is too fast automation and jobs a was recently reported that because of the present labor shortage 44 trained and untrained girls are being brought to toronto from england to work on switch boards in the local bell telephone company offices there seems to be quite an expense involved advertisements in british news papers interviews in london and the refund of transportation costs if a girl stays on the job for a year but the company sees no hope of obtaining the needed employees from the canadian labor supply in toronto alone this year 3 bell official said there will be 47 000 ob openings and only 6 000 trained and untrained employable females over 16 looking for work in the same vein it is reported that ontario tobacco growers anticipating a dearth of casual labor next summer will bring university students from europe for this years harvest arrangements have been ffibdc ior 340 students to come from bel gium and representatives of tobacco farm ers are hoping to bring others from great britain west germany and portugal 1 250 in all it is expected that out of seven weeks work a student will be able to pay from the guelph daily mercury speed is the great killer on all highways and keeping pace with the flpw as recommended by mr pellegnno doeso t lessen the danger of high speed driving h increases tu and this is one of the questions to be considered in the matter of additional safety devices being advocated so strong ly by some people safety devices encour age higher speeds even though safety re searchers tell us that there is no protection agmst inury in collisions at high speed we are tempted to suggest that a gov ernor to limit speeds on all cars might be the best protection against accidents but then sometimes a motorist needs that extra burst of speed in emergency the fact re mains however that if we could reduce speeds we could reduce fatalities and the accident rate on u s highways certainly does not support mr pellegnno sconten tion from the oakville journal record more unidentified flying objects and make me want to laugh at a new calf travelling expenses and take home about 400 taking a look at those news reports one question that comes to mind is what has happened to automation busflfks and industry has been pressing on with the ah spring you glorious thing process oftkourse but where is the mass yo make me wam t0 unemployment that computers and associa of marriages ted technology advances were to spawn and baby carnage labor force statistics though perhaps not as interesting as news stones about tele phone girls and tobacco workers being flown in from europe are convincing evi dence that employment has been a contm umg sharp upward curve in january of this year there were 6 734 000 canadians with lobs an increase of 273 000 over one year before in the f ve year 1960 65 per tod employment increased by more than 900 000 for all practical purposes the coun try has n6w reached a condition of full em ployment however despite the evidence that jobs have multiplied even as automation has accelerated there will st ii be plenty of alarmists left to tell us that the machine is soon going to put us all on the shelf sugar and spice by bill smiley be winter puis he iron in our souls but the slanting yelli news echoes prom the heralds of 10 20 and 30 yarn ago m0 yiars ago nelson trafford a member of the toronto city police for five years will be georgetown s fifth policeman he was hired from 23 applicant monday night other members of the new force are chief roy haley and constables james bi labor row forrest inch and clifford found a major engineering protect is underway with the tun nelling of the cnr embankment behind the old day- foot shoe factory on john st in preparation for the hooking up of the swanek subdivision to the sewage system armco drainage co is working 12 hour shifts t seven days a week approximately 176 feet of tun nelling is required 20 years ago fire of undetermined origin swept through the cnr freight sheds on monday afternoon completely destroy ing the shed and contents mrs- frank tyler turned in the alarm but before firemen could reach the scene the whole freight shed was a blaring inferrto the tyler home close to the shed was also a fire victim and the flames spread so quickly that only a few items of furniture were saved furniture was removed from king st homes near the scene an estimate of losses suffered by the railway was 50 000 this week georgetown welcomed home from overseas lac bob hoare fo jim ruddell fo harry williams stop for a beer fvery 15 ules perhaps i should put them away in the fall but when the ice age has left and i go out and see them there its like meeting old friends rusty and ravaged but familiar and dear signs of spring everywhere sixty black squirrels moved out sign of spring rays of heat the joyous chuckle of my attic seeking acorns they of freed water the voluptuous missed last fall lady next door stench of rotten earth emerging who has 4 little ones hanging from the shroudi of death turn out washing with a fifth itnmi that iron by some magic into nent pure gold 1 endless chant nf kids skip- i can tm grouchy ai a hat ping moose bellow ol impatient chck firl about spring but to- steamers in the bay waiting for day i wandared about tha astata break up fire sirens saluting and fait tha tiny gllmmtnng the annual epidemic of grass coal of my spirit fanrtad into tires omathing approaching a buia y bittar liat around mouths there was the picnic tahle turning to am ilea ovrcoar and bloodj but unbo ved after six boota hurlad into closets paint months under the snow there pots brokan out taonagart was the barbecue outfit in standing an corners bunting three scattered pieces succulent hka young calvaa woman hats out of the maofiey flower beds beckoncr to the- charred red goofy axotlc irreverent aw weil thals about enough of steaks of julv there was the hi old ladles tippy toeing and make me vearn for a bout thtt hopc nonp ot my students lawnmower reminder of ijvs about tint tlmo out tinea with a trout rm it in my day 1 e written when yog wear nothing but vambar kids up to thalr ear and make me jov m squirrels son prc nasty pieces about shorts sweat gloriously andlln mud and envy girls spring but she s bounced back 1 and the sun uns i and the fairways beckon and the flowers reckon it s time they put their dopev heads anglers and golfers bragging speculating about the great new season housewives coauess shouting nothings to neighbours teachers cursing as they mark easter exams perhaps you can but i cant imagine living in a country where the cycle of the seasons is almost unnoticeable i like to be where the action is 1 uke spring to come like a shot of adrenalin not a lukewarm cup of tea it is httle wonder that myth and legend poetry and painting and music not to mention reli gion celebrate the theme of re generation in the spring if there is such a thing as the in domitable spirit of man which i firmly believe it would be un possible without spring think of it a year in which the days did not lengthen the sun did not warm the green did not appear the soul did not ex pand we would be lining up at the end of docks clambering for six shooters and packing the subway stations for hurllniuri der trainspurposes by the first of june their poise with boys when the blood runs i every year that bit of dogger el miv finish her off for good i and what a pity that would kerrs column mp p reports to georgetown from queens park by george karr spring brings new dangers a lot of things appear in the spring the buds come out on the trees birds come back from their winter vacation in the south and youngsters are out full force with the r bicycles skipping ropes bats and balls since the snow cleared away some young people in the closelybuilt residential areas have been a source of great annoy ance to motorists they nde their bicycles carelessly on the road string across the road with skipping ropes and some have been setting up nets in the centre of the road for ice hockey games to navigate safely through today s traffic the young cyclists need to know the same rules of the road that car drivers are required to know they must hapdle their twowheeled machines skilfully and know the importance of keeping their bikes in a dependable and safe condition from the brampton daily times some areas have started a crusade bicycle club to teach the children the safe way to cycle and if this is your youngster s first year on wheels you might be mteres ted in getting such a club started in bramp ton all you need is a volunteer instructor and a few neighbourhood children the club can be as small or as large as you have the time and energy to make it bui small or large every child you encourage to take the course will be a safe cyclist and latei a better motorist thanks to you the transport department has said will supply those interested in such clubs with free material an instructor s manual announcement poster nine instruction post ers bicycle safety check leaflets test and score sheets book marks lapel pins and membership cards so all you have to do to get the young people interested harley to halton webciy observations by dr harry harley mp for halton the budget for 19667 has been introduced and wilt be debated in the near future the keynote message of the budget is moderation no severe chan ges have been made as the car ter commission on taxation and the federal provincial com mittee are expected to report and make recommendations this year the main requirement ia canada is to pace our pros perity and maintan a steady mi sustained rate of growth it hat been decided to defer gov fftment construction projects except those needed for emer gencies there will be limited government departmental con structi on some centennial pro jects for 1967 will also be de layed but still qualify as ccn tennial projects as far as taxation is con cerned the medium and upper income bracket will be incrcas ed to approximately last year s level the lower income bracket person will have a lower income tax i feel this is as it should he the low income person who feels the rising cost of living most will benefit from a tax reduction the 11 sales tax on pro duction machinery is to be re moved in stages over tbc next two jears no change in const ruction materials is to be made the government has re pcatcd its pledge to remove the 11 federal sales tax on drugs if this is recommended by the special committee on food and drugs this committee which i had the honour to chair the minister of education mr william davis made an important announcement last week regarding grade 13 examinations the sum and substance of his annou nee men t is that students in this grade will be taking fe wer tests and by 1966 final spring exams will be discon tinued this year there will be exams and the final mark will consist of 35 leach crs mark and 65 examin ation mark in 1967 if a grade 13 stu dent wishes to go on to uni vcrsity he or she will write tests prepared by the newly formed service for admiss ion to college and univcr sity these tests will in elude an aptitudr test and achievement tests as i mentioned no grade 13 exams will be sot in 1968 university applicants will again write the aptit ude tests as referred to ab ove the department of education will turn over to the schools the responsibil ity for conducting t h e school leaving examinations at the grade 13 level there has been a problem in com pletlng the marking of the grade 13 exams each year to permit admitting officials of the universities to give adequate consideration to examination results this new plan wilt eliminate this problem nd will give school systems greater scape and flex bllity in pro viding students with a more meaningful education al experience other developments will be the gradual reduction in the number of subjects re quired for university ent ranee dunng the past year most ontario urtiver sides have reduced from 9 to 7 the number of grade it papers required for un lvcrsity admission this will allow greater special ization and will permit more students to reach un iveraity business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 74401 30 mill st cwryriom me mandersonqc barrister and solicitor 6 1mtir5r tr 7 2464 year has not as yet been set up but is soon to bjgin its study of the problem of lowering the last cost of drugv excouncillor comments on 1966 political scene 51 hew son cresc georgetown april 2 1966 dear sir it has indeed been amusing recently to listen to the exoffic io and the exex officio attempt mg to express concern about aspects of the municipal del x agreement nf last year when the opinion of the town solicitor wa made known with regard to the town s opt ion to purchase on other indus trial iota in that area at 5000 per some members of council saw what they thought was an ideal time to either get even get out from under andor make a little political hay and fell flat on both their faces this manipulation of profess j onal opinion does not greatly assist the duties of the town solicitor which are made incr easingly difficult when faced ith the task of supplying some thing in the form of an opinion acceptable to all i srhcerelj hope that wis er heads will prevail again as they have just done with regard to the previous attempt to reap personal credit and further face issues such as when will enuncil replace the contingency fund which was absorbed to hold the mill rale why hasn t a new industrial commission been formed when will council shoulder their responsibility in regard to the centennial project and tell local groups what repres entation will be allowed when is council going to state its opinion and make a stand on the plunkett report and socalerhblonal gov eminent it is mv arm opinion that we axe over governed now by amix ture of governments at various levels who when not raising chiropractor garald w corbatt dc fpn daily by appointment house calls arranged 776631 11a main st narth r carr 1 westwood ontario land surveyora 116 mountatnvlew rd s trinat 7 2211 w h carr b f wastwood tr 73300 rea tr 41m dax developments limited bui ida r of fine homes prop walter pacholok 1774311 or 177 9415 monuments pollock 1 campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 621 750 62 water street north gal1 our taxes on everything are selling our birthrights to every body and generally accomplish ing nothing so why do wc need another to create more confusion the exofhcio recently stated that no such thing exists as i harmonious council and has ccr tainly substantiated that earth shaking statement by his actions in council for the past months i have been asked many times by people why all the bickering and arguing there by stowing down the procedure and functions of municipal bus iness well that question was just answered yours truly bob francis optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 1771471 robt r hamilton optometrist lountatnview j carretal bids for appointment ph 8773971 barragers cknortshlrt leondorara t 7m7 18 halo s 160 guetph all writ 4m wi pramlm frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tit 73864 georgetown printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 77b01 wallaci thompson xrd dhriatan curt clark a cammtsslenar tk71m1 o t walkck ko dosc optomitiiist 12 main sl s brampton 4914474 res 4518h3 hours in tolpn tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to pun evenings by appointment john b love architect 17 chapal st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 6773032 45m35 m georoitown animal clinic 106tielph strett dr r a geskln clinic open 6 pjb mon wed frl saturday h aa haroid fobert scsjsa insukanci haito hh 164 suxlph st om munojy auto 1774374 774471 0nds

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