Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 14, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald published r heine new limited 22 main street s georgetown onuno w c iiihn pvkueher page 4 thursday april 14th 1964 editorial comment retain death a3sooo aj4t mh vkibc avetaftmo for tu wt vmk m tm thm canatva aooo a t mals ites i av m a nation o ntacuwcn pouutmn u- jm au ow vmmr umbpklncals penalty retention of the death penalty for mur der in canada will be welcomed by those that believe it has the double effect of re ducing the incidence of crime and dealing most effectively with those who have eel lously robbed another of his life there are those who argue that it is not in mans domain to set such rules oth ers sy that statistics prove no higher inci dence of murder if the death penalty is not the penalty but is it less humane to rob a man of his freedom for a lifetime and does not the possibility of death for oneself deter many men from murderous inclinations now that parliament has dealt with the subject the next step is to abandon the doublestandard which is so common today in caneda trial conviction and last mm lite reprieves by the cabinet unleu this is done then murder will continue to be one of the least pun shed of crimes for many murderers eventually are paroled back into society as soon or sooner than those sen tenced for lesser crimes if is difficult of course for our courts to set the perfect system of punishment but it is becoming more and more evident that a complete reorganization of uws and punishment should be undertaken it would sometimes seem to the lay- man that the only clearly defined crime is bank robbery one seldom heart of a bank robber getting less than five years in jail while motor manslaughter assault intimi dation often receive only token punishment it has often seemed to us that our world pieces more emphasis on money than world place more emphasis on money than it does on human dignity that our courts are more concerned about a money loss than bodily inury nor do we agree that a man under alcoholic influence should be any less gu ity for his wrongdoing v4ua njcttom 3 walhww all oupl ffdavs will mm wrm no champ this year last hope for an ontario hockey eh am ptonthip faded sunday when the juniors lost a deciding game w th new hamburg in a cliffhanging overt me thriller h was a disappointment for fans who only few weeks ago had dreamed of at least two and maybe three ontario champs such are the fortunes of the game while we didnt win georgetown had a good season of sport and the juniors brought some of that old time excitement to town when the series with m hon filled the arena to capacity for a couple of games it s been many a year s nee people were turned away from a game it brought back some nostalgic reminiscences to old timers who recall when acton and george town moved in a body to whatever arena had scheduled the game and when hoi ckey trains to gait left only a handful of people at home there were years when reserved seats for the playoffs were sold out an hour af ter they went on sale when hockey offi ciels were almost mobbed by irate fans who couldn t get a ticket maybe this glimmer of the old days w ii be mtensrfed next season and hockey will again become georgetown s no 1 live entertainment a heated arena should encourage more regular fans and the cal ibre of hockey which the juniors presen ted this year will encourage larger crowds during the whole season sugar and spice by bill smiley its a state of mind spring it not a season us a are up they re out there you state of mind to browning see this is tht year when theyl attend the tournament for the sixth straight year red as tehines international bantam hockey tour nament is draw ng crowds to the arena as a total of 44 teams vie for the coveted awards the tournament has become a fixture m town hundreds of young fellows find hornet for their time in town with families who bhiet them and scores of men and women devote hours to their assigned chores of refereeing feeding and entertain ing the young visitors from many parts of cenada and the states it brings an air of excitement to town during easter week colourful jackets and crests bob up around town the arena s a mecea for youngsters during the day and for adults at night as they drop in to see a game or two and the excitement constantly builds to saturdays climax when the competition narrows down to the final e ght teams and the grand championship match at 7 p m whether georgetown is n the finals or not the game is always a must for those who like hockey by then each team has its own following boys in that age group make fr ends fast and whether it s gait or coppercliff orillia or peterborough the teams have developed crowd support their games during the week georgetown with high hopes this year has only reached the finals once in 1962 when gait copped the champion ship in tht final game other winners have been peterbor borough york steel toronto and last year winn peg writing in italy it wis oh to be in england now that ap ril there to botticelli h was delicate long legged ladies in long nightgowns scattering petals as they danced to bee thoven it was iambs gambolling will slice not nor will they book they feel it in their bones anglers are snoop ng countryside looking for new beaver dams checking last hospital news by lea clark the plans for the regional school for nurses are coming right along it is hoped to uu ue all the hospitals in the area for teaching purposes how ever the school itself will be located near the south peel hospital and will use that in atitutlon as a base harold mcclure and fred wnittaker are local represent uves on the committee the lady in charge of volun teer help at the hospital has mentioned proolem that is recurring quite often we had an item devoted to this some time ago and for a little while anyway the problem abated we refer to the practice of young children being left in the lobby unattended while par ents are visiting this has led to some rather sticky situa tlons and wed respectfully re mind parents that we just haven t the staff or volunteer helpers to cope with the situa tion we are speaking of the young children of course and would ask parents to arrange to have someone keep an eye on them in their absence cer tainiy it is no criticism of the children because if they are normally healthy they are us ually very active and can not be expected to sit quietly when dad or mother isn t there as we say however our volunteers and staff cant really be every where at once so its for the children s safety as much as anything that we mention this haltons new rate is 3 95 we understand a budding mills this is the first time in young gymnast tfge ot 4 man five years that the county s i med to do a back flip over the mill rale has been hiked i back of one of the chairs the other evening to the nor the new rate will net the ror 0 hose present this sort county the following amount 0 thing while amusing when all ends well could lead to ser ions injury we d ask parents to keep this in mind in future thanks district news at a glance acton police constable bruce kb slcr will be off duty for kbout six months as the result of a broken leg suffered during fracas with a man he wastry ing to question in the acton opp detachment station orancivilli dirk hoogendoorn 67 jas apparently lost the litest rarnd in his battle to avoid paying union dues to the unites workers of america clc his employer greening metal pro ducts and screening equipment ltd said saturday he must ei ther pay dues to the union lo cal or be dismissed milton steam era will be back to milton on the labor day week end again this year for its sixth annual appearance milton council renewed its invitation to the ontario steam and antique preservers association to bold their show in town at a meet ing last week brampton brampton council last week voted 7 to 3 in favour of erect ing a modern new bandshell la gaae park a site plan drawn of the park area with the pro posed new shell superimposed drew favourable comments halton county mill rate up county council friday raised i the county mill rate by 2 mills liens to see the hospital as it is today we are sure that any one who was present at the op ening will be pleasantly surprl sed by the solid progress made in the acquiring of hospital equipment and the addition of so many skilled personal to the notes of the shepherds vear s choice spots opening day is still not here but theyre dreaming of that first speckled beauty caught on that first cast pipe but in these parts h s a time of agony and ecstasy depending on what age you are and what you art up to ecstasy for bttle kids off with the snowboots and snow suits hurled into a comer out into the wonderful world from so long ago they can scarcely remember wading puddles building slnky rafts shooting marbles skipping picking pus sywillows and lovely brown soft silky sludgy sbmey mud everywhere heaven ifs ecstasy fer the young in leve per the first time in ihro months they can held hands wetaneted en the way heme frem acheel they can hang around the flrha back doer er the center fer en hour talking inenhice oyous in the certain ty they went frees te death could anybody be happier and cockier than the young mothers in spring trim girls last fall they wheel their prams down the street on the first sun ny day three abreast pushing honest taxpayers into the gutter harley to halton weekly obsatvatrons vf dt- harry harley jul for halton i ah sure everyone is award a trial period of are yean and thai the parliament of canada voted on 5th april to retain tb death penalty for capital murder in order that the peo ple of halton county may know how i voted on this important matter i would like to publicly state that i voted for the aboli tion of capital punishment not only was this my personal con vietjon hut it was also the feel lug of many hundreds of opin leas that have been to ma by the constituents of halton these views were exp ressed to me in conversations in phone calls telegrams and letters and notes those who ex pr their opinion to me were in favor of the abolition ef capital punishment by app roximately three to one and of these a small percentage were in favor of abolition with the exception of the murder of prison guard or police officer tt sewed obvious in the boom ef commons early on the anal day that capital punish- mest woeld be retained in can ada m order jo try to get more amendments base were to lor to retain capital punishment for the murder of m police officer both of these amendments were defeated easily and in fact split many of the members who would have votedp abolish cap ital punishment completely the issue of capital pun will i am sure not coma before this parliament a gain it may ba that it will be come an issue in the next parli ament after another election but there seems little to ba gained by debating this issue a- gain in this parliament con sisting of the same members of parliament in thi mail rao seek canadian members for pen pals club 28 parkside drive edgeware uddx england april 1 1066 dear sir as organizers of an internat ional pen friend club with members in over sixty countries we are continuously asked by members to introduce them to friends in canada we find that members in eng land europe and other parts of the- world are most eager to in crease their knowledge of can ada its peoples customs and respondence is an ideal way to achieve this we would welcome enquiries from any of your readers who would tike to receive letters from abroad if when they write they would give details their age interests and require ments we will undertake to pro vide them with the pen friends of their choice we trust that ibis request win not cause toomany difficulties for you yours faithfully doreen black merchants are optimistic peo ple are coming into the store for something besides keeping warm building booms and the carpenter electrician plumber bricklayer feel a surge of hope after a slow winter where a the agony than everybody is so happy about spring wa v run almost the whole gamut and nobody is suf fering what about the university student there are hundreds of thousands of them they are chewing their nails pulling out their beautiful hair in handfuls sweating cold with fear outside beckon the sun and soft wind inside beckon bleareyed grind despair guilt and what about the ordinary middleaged codger like nt bursitis behaving badly in the cruel winds of april income tax looming like an iceburg house needs painting backyard looks like an exhibition of pop art car on its last legs chnitmai presents not yet paid for hair u they display with utmost hlniet wua tit mllaa tla nun p pride the miracles they pro duced during the winter they are women this spring for our senior citizens spring brings another kind of happi ness a quiet deep one they have been dicing with death all winter they have suffered lone liness and pain and despair that first balmy day of spring warms their old hearts and their old bones it s a promise of life renewed which they need bad ly i think farmers and sailors are happy in the spring for the former it means another eight months of back breaking labor with small return for the 1st ter it means back to work often dull often dirty and the loncli ness of absence from families but both are ready for it after being underfoot all winter restores purpose to life a man who tan t working is only half a man fer the housewife serine combinatlon ef ttie agony and hie ecstasy tieew s the agony ef cheesing the right paint end welleeeer the ecstasy ef attack like assyrian and harder to get out of sack in morning kids getting more dif flcult for us spring u for the birds and you should hear the little stinkers about five a m just when we re finally falling into a sound sleep from its municipalities georgetown esquesing burlington oakville acton milton nassagaweya 85439 61682 683 691 756291 43513 58170 23853 with our fifth anniversary in june we trust that there will be an opportunity for local clt georgetown herald published by heme newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c ftletin publisher garfield mcguvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry hariey aileen bradley frank uullln advertising manager mrs william geggla clerk tyoist anne currle reporter leslie clark dave hastings il gllson j hcclements member ot the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarte association business directory -9- chir0pract0r donald a cay dc appointment mad daily call tr 7j40i xi muljt tmi chiropractor gerald w cerbctt dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 1776431 1u main t nerth carr a wrstwooo ontario land surveyors 116 mounuinview btl s trianele 72211 w h carr westweed tr 74300 raa tr 44144 flardeners are happy gloves on tbty go out in the back yard and joyously muck about the squall over the first crocus in hale with delight the rotting stench of longburled earth pjan gjorious gardens in the minds eye golfers are giddy with glad ness the last streaks of snow are still under the pines the course is muddy the wind chill cultures and that personal cor concorde c club ing but the first day the sags whos delinquent we read in the papers wa hear on the air of killing ana stealing and crime everywhere we sigh and we saj as we notice the trend of this young generation where will it end but can we be sure that it s fhcir fault alonr that maybe a part of it isn i our own too much money to spend too much idle um too many movies of passion and crime too many books not lit to be read too much evil in what they hear said too many children encouraged to roam by too many parents who won t stay at home kids don t make the movies they don t write the books that pslnt gay pictures of gangsters and crooks they don t make the liquor they don l run the bars they don t make the laws and htey don t buy the cars they dont make the drugs that addle tha brain it 11 all done by older folk eager for gain dm dtmorments l1m1thd builders ef pine hemes prop walter pacholok 77431 wt77m15 and in bow many cases we find that its true the label deliquent fits older folk tool monuments pollock a oimiu designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonb mjsas a water street north o a li m e mandertod qc ftarrlttar and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr7244 optomltlltt l m brown 0 d 35 mill st per appelntmenta phene 177471 barragers clea launeerera t1l7jj7 u main s 1 guelpb abrkena bank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po bat 411 tb 7j804 oeoneunra printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes weddjng xnvttations georgetown herald robt r hamilton optoffmtnst us hoantakntcw rd a carreul bldf for appointment pw 8773971 wallaci thompson jrj dhrlaleo ceurt clark a c tr 7wo a t walkbk po aatc optomrmitr 13 halo sl brampton 401m74 rm- ulsml hoars 9 am to 6 pan tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 pja evenings by appointment john b love architect 17 chapel si brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 77mjj 4s14ms o animal clinic 10o oeelpn street or k b oeakin cunle opes s b pja mom wro pbl serereey 11 ejev a bible thought for the week tor the wages of sin is death but the sift of god eternal life through jesus christ our lord romans 6j3 sin cocoes with a play back and a pay back only fbreiven- less through christ can both he 1 erased habold fobert msurmnoi emlibt 144 oiieobh b77m74 774471 hm amto

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