Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 28, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald psbutlwd by horn newspacmrs umlmd 22 mahlstrwt s gaorgttlown ontario i w c whn publulwr page 4 thursday april 28th 1966 editorial comment discipline is needed a united church minister was reported ft the daily press as telling group of foung people to rebel he t the high scho co un- magirfetive and dull tnticized the conform- ty demanded by principals what have hair tuts to do with education and generally conducted himself like a university sopho- cre instead of the supposed community der which hi position demands he ended his oration when he was told by some of the youngsters that their parents don t understand them don t lis tan to anything they say by advocating tscussion groups between parents and people when- such statements are made to ng people is it any wonder that today having trouble with our children their difficult adolescent years thank god we went to high school n a teacher s authority was recognized by both students and parents if miss jones told a girl to leave the room and don t come back unt i you get that paint off your face and put on some stockings it was done oh there was griping and some black looks but never did a parent appear to tell miss jones she was destroying her girls selfexpression time for some sense sunday we watched a television pro gram which struck fear in our heart it was a documentary on the effects of lsd a new drug which according to the program is becoming widely used among vwvenity students it apparently causes a state of introver skn and hypnosis is being promoted by an xharvard professor who runs some kind of establishment where young people visit t gain the unusuaj exper ence which the drug engenders it is an even more frightening manrfes on than the easter trips to florida the trouble at california universities where students are resenting alt authority and demanding to run the whole show lves the open rebellion against con vflntion so prevalent today on the one hand we should not get rconcerned for it would be unnatural if youngsters all of a sudden away from and in an exciting new world didn t icfc over a few traces cleanuptime here the weekends fine weather brought out the gardeners in full force everywhere n town one saw people out raking up the winter s debns casting longing looks at their vegetable and flower gardens h is nice to see accumulations of trash disappearing the town is planning to rent a street sweeper and soon the sand lend calcium used for winter control will be disposed of main street had one wash down recently by the town works staff to iget nd of some of the dust we hope all residents will join the cleanup and help make the town a beauty ispot it is particularly important to gather i waste paper bottles and pop carts bits of broken glass which seems always to plague our high school principal had the knack of letting things go ust far enough then clamping down the lid that applied to clo thing hair styles and what have you teen ers today don t need to think they have discovered how many weird and wonderful ways you can spoil natures beauty until the principal stepped in boys at our high school affected corduroy trousers in rain bow colours bell bottoms turtle neck swea tors with ouside braces gaudy suede shoes and when the girls started wearing boys shirts and pants authority descended and put an end to the whole craze as for high schoolers rebell ng at the courses offered and the teaching methods set by the department of education this young minister shows he s st ii wet behind the ears how on earth can boys and girls in their mid teens be expected to know what is good for them academically has he for gotten that a good deal of our schooling is geared to discipline ii s not so much what you are learning as that you must learn it a form of teaching that when one gets out in the world he does not just choose the things he likes and wants to do but must tackle the bor ng unpleasant aspects of his ob with good grace news echoes from the heralds of 10 20 and yean ao 10 yiats ago 0 seven new teachers have been hired for georgetowns three public schools they are logan macoonald mrs nellie gardiner barbara cunningham marjorle lacey mrs l g dixon heather johnstbn and charles pinker- ton 0 three new teachers have been hired by the high school board carl schenk maurice pasryr and margaret burke first lines were laid yesterday for georgetown natural gas distribution system which united suburban gas co hopes to have in operation for july 1st three members of 1st georgetown scout troop became queen s scouts friday bill farmer fran hulme and bob tracey received the highest honour at a ceremony inniagaxa eajjs 20 years ago 0 seven children were christened in st johns united church by rev r c toddsunday they were- wiu ham john mcclemerts larry charles allen james wal ter turnbull lome james cofell paulene watson myma mane cook and beverly shaw ft another business change on main street took place last week when russell thompson sold his taxi business to james ross and thomas clapham of toronto the new owners will operate the business under the name of georgetown taxi but when drugs tex and degeneracy replace the relative harrnlessness of rad cal poll tea i theories a bit of drinking pacifist clubs then its time to take a good hard look at where today s world is headed if universit es are to play their proper role m our society wh ch is to tra n our finest young minds to be the leaders of tomorrow the teachers pol t cians scien tisrs engineers there is a great deal more discipline needed there than is be ng ex amplified a university has much more absolute power than even a high school to discip line its students it can set its rules demand that they be followed and dismiss any person who doesn t want to play by those rules we have royal commissons into almost every aspecof i fe today perhaps the time has arrived for government wh ch pays a good share of un versify costs to take a look at how its money is being spent sugar and spice by bill smiley pick your execution in its wisdom the canadian the canadian parliament s lack parliament has decided that the death penalty should not be abolished that capital punish merit should be preserved i agree completely in my youthful idealistic diys i had a of follow through it s pretty it would add a certain jenny disappointing to one who hasj to the whole thing upheld this nation against its whl th troubled petty attackers for years in th- bathtub or an ovardoia of sleeping pills for hm hards alectrocution gas diving into mn amply eoner tobottom swimming pool bulla through lha haad for the exotic the guillotine the executioner s axe impale ment on a sharp slake being torn to pieces by four wild girl reporters puke i think horses being lowered into a pil something could be done about of vipers this paper bags perhaps i u i i of course you have to take not a sinele mp suctcitcd whal vou jusl bccauee another z of dealnt with j re a flamboyant type doesn t murderers there are dozens l f but i believe the most sporting 7 v m way for the culprits and thcl at tne suke least lacerating way for a lh on wing death by touchy society would be to strangling tough throw all the varieties of execu bu lemt d fee somc uon into a hat and let the pros imaginauon in the wnoi th pwtive departude take his pick and lhva w d a fishing una and all three of thalr wivsthls would nil up our groat northom spaces smartly there are great possibilities pass along your suggestions and i u pass them along to par liamenl going to pick saying you 11 light keep quebec within fold but we gat this again and win taka th carda muming- throw tham all in a crazy idea that the cold deliber er cava a hw rad facas a fewtharas aomathing ate taking of a human life by tv taars and tfi all ovar body for tha toftlai days the civilized society was wrong but 1 m becoming blunted in a world where young men who never did a nasty thing are killed daily and women and children are bombed and burn ed daily all in the name of peace through the whole penal systei shoplifters could be deported to the ii s kids who stole pies would be branded on forehead with t for thief incometaxchaatar and avary pla who ware tricky with thalr flashing axpansa accounts would be aant in the capital punishment case our canadian politicians had a chance to set the world on fire did they do if not they they cast their vote and went home for the holidays of wrists and gantla expiration to tha tundra with four dollora georgetown herald published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garftsld mcgilvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley aileen bradley frank mullin advertising manager mrs william geggla clerk typist anne currie reporter leslie clark dave watf m gilson j mcciementa member ot the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ootari association in the face of this who worry about a handful of hood lums about to be hanged it there s the odd one who wasn t guilty tough there are a lot of other non guilty people dying these days and always have been without a trial and jury what i can t undcrstasgjis in the mail bag not an iota of imagination ii the whole hangdog group thisj was their chance to give canada cn a penal system unequalled in the world business directory t don t for one instant think all those chaps who voted nay are in favor of hanging it s a pretty crude business after all sometimes the rope is too loose or the bead is too loose and the our cleanup efforts another thing often overlooked is to keep the space between sidewalk and road tidy grass clipped and free of weeds we have said before that a painting is enhanced by its frame so it is that no matter how attractive your lawns the pic ture canb e spoiled by an unkempt road aide and some stray trash even if t is tech nically not on your property we particularly noticed saturday the litter or paper along the h ghway the jaycees on at least one occas on did clean up ob there h would be a good protect for a service club or a scout group to spend a few hours there from time to time for th s s georgetown s show win dow harley to halton wbkly observations by dr harry harley mf kir halton says union shop not wages strike issue april 22 1066 dear sir i was very pleasantry suprls- ed at the genuine interest shown to us by people driving by stop ping taking time to encourage us in our vause many people also have ques tioned our cause- as rumours have persisted and will do so until certain issues are straigh tened out the strike that is being car ned on now by the e w bliss employees is not in any way a financial battle with the com pany in my opinion the member ship gave up many many good points to management in trying to reach an agreement we were certified in october and ncgol lations began on nov 3rd the one and only thing that the members would not give up was the union shop looking at it with an eye to the future we could see that if the com pany continued to grow as it had in the laat year by the time our two year contract expi red and we did not have a union shop we would lose everything chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 73401 30 mill st gaoftfatown house ot commons r resumed its normal sittings since our return we nave been idebabntrtne budget this u a central debate and will last for a few more days we bad amendment proposed by itjdp to raise the basic income exemption but this was de feated aa they received very httle rapport on this matter we still have an amendment by iheconaervattvea to deal whh lmt it it not expected to cause any serious problem this a avtadmentii a general condem tttiion of government policy aa aw in the btvtgel there r been vex few complaints jran hattpat following the prea- entation of the budget just prior to easter next week will probably see the debate on redistnbut ion i expect to participate in this matter on behalf of the township of nassagewayta distribution puts nassagewaya in the biding of wellington rather than halton wentwortb a great seal of talk has taken place over the cbc and the the pro this hoar haseven days the cbc waa set tfpty parliament in its pre sent form to keep political lnfl aenee out of the broadcasting media it would be terrible have broadcbrtrng policy de pendent on whichever political party was in power the parlia ment cannot and should not in terfere- with the programming of cbc who in fact run their own affairs the house of com mona has a standing committee on broadcasting and this has begun sittings on this problem we tried and worked so hard for minister of trade and com merce mr winters recently sent letters to all american firms in canada asking them to con tinue in the good will of man agement and business what amazes me is that this american firm which has many branches and their head office in the usa the majority of them unionized and working with contracts would start ap here and deprive us the rights of a union which their own people have and flagrantly and openly defy our labour rcla tions act then have everyone believe we are trying y hit them out of business by hold ing thorn up financially this was by no means a split decision by secret ballot 99 per cent of the members favoured this action gratefully olga murden member of local 876 chiropractor garald w corbett dc open dally by appotntmtnt house calls arranged 1776631 11a main st north me mandersonqc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 7 2464 all interested and involved parties will be invited to ap pear and testify before the com mittee in this way a fair hear ing will go into this problem not only the problem of this hour has seven days but into the problem generally between management and programmers- hv it seems probable that the cbc mr cowan in the mail bag which covers the news will it self be the main item of news for the length of time of these hearings it does seem ironic to me that the programme id ques tion which was often unkind to say the least to parliament finds itself before a parliament ary committee for hearing and justice it also is ironic that the broadcasting media which has often applauded the actions of the honourable member of yorkhumber mr ralph cow an her finds themselves on receiving end of these actions this home of commons com mittee met on thursday morn ing and wanted to meet again m the afternoon hut this re quired unanimous content of the house and it was refused member for yorkhumber impressed with council admires job they do 112 mclntyre cresc apnl 21 1966 dear mr editor would appreciate having this letter which i sent to may or gibbons included in your mail bag column in the herald this week dear sir i would like to take this op ortunttytolhapk you and the gentlemen of council for the courtesy and consideration ex tended to my wife and myself at the council meeting last monday evening like most taxpayers we read about council meetings or hear by wordof mouth what trans pires in council chambers and aeldom take a great deal of in terest until we personally are involved i must admit that we would not have visited council monday if we taadn t had per aonal nteresu at heart how carr a westwood ontario land survayors 116 mountainvlew h s triangla 7 2211 w h carr b- f wastwood tr 73300 rm tr 64164 dax developments limited builders of fln homes prop walter pacholok 1774311 or 877 941 s monuments pollock 1 campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni 621 75w 62 water street north g a lt optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phom 773671 barragers cuanarsshlrt laundarers tr 7 2279 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on premises prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service p o box 413 tr 7z884 georgetown ever i am glad that the oppor unity did present itself to see our local government in action we were pleasantly surprised to bnd bow many resolutions were passed unanimously after onei reasonable discussion with no atmosphere of personal animosity or vacillation i have only admiration fori the job you and the council arc doing and haying sat for over three hours at one meeting i think they earn every penny they receive forlar hours they spend at council and committee meetings yours vcr truly w f barratl printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald robl r hamilton optometrist 116 hountainview rd s carretal bldg for appointment p- 8773971 wallaci thompson 3rd division court clark a commissioner tr 72963 a t walker rjx dosc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4516343 hours 9 jftmuj 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 p m evenings by appointment john b love architect 17chpl st brmnptan commercial indiutrill and institutional buildings 6773032 451935 georgctown animal clinic 106 gaelph stntt df lb oaskln clinic open 6 8 pja mom wed ho 11 mn harold fobert insurance ruitor 1m oimlph si r773374 i77u gtnstal insurance hm auto mnds

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