Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1966, p. 4

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grgetown herald published by heme newspapers limited 22 main streets georgetown ontario w c biehn publisher page 4 thursday may 5th 1946 editorial comment bridge underway decision of council to prooaed with at least one bridge project is one which will meet approval ofe largo number of the towns population the mountainview overpass across the cnr tracks harks back to the horse and buggy days a narrow bridge with ob scured vision for motorists on both sides it has been a danger to pedestrians and motorists alike particularly since the station crossing which connected one part of town with smith and stone and the papermllls was clo sed the bridge has been more extensively used both by commuters to work and by transports taking supplies to and from the mills there has been on increase tn resid ential building in this part of town too which means more children using the bridge to get to school that the ob must be undertaken at a time when georgetown is trying to keep it5 tax rate stable and make hving here big industry kaput news that a large industry which con tempiated buying 35 acres of land and tal ked of an eventual 2 000 employees has not picked up its georgetown option is a reversal of the optimistic upbeat in the towns industrial picture but wrth the town owning this choice block of land and able to sell it at an ex tremely reasonable price it is not the mis fortune that it might have been a few years back perhaps in some ways it might all work out for the best ideally georgetown would be best off wrth a number of smaller firms which would diversify industry when a town stmts too heavrfy- on one large plant bus iness recessions and labour trouble can be formidable disruptions to the municipal economy 7 days getting tiresome attractive for both people and industry is unfortunate but it is a job which must be done and cannot be indefinitely delayed a second bridge over the tracks on mairrstreet north is of almost equal impor tance andwill become more so if a plan ned shopping plaza is built on the moore farm here streams of highway traffic must funnel through a narrow bottleneck barely two car widths wide however pedestrians are protected with a separate footpath so danger of injury to them 15 minimized one impetus to replacing this bridge in the near future is the warning sounded at a town council meeting by cr harrison that if a new highway by passes this m fu ture there will be less government grant available while it cannot be considered this year certainly next years council should take a good look at an improvement plan here also it is not as if mr pringle s mystery factory were the only one on tap either the dennison firm is interested in a town location and at least one more firm has indicated it could favour a site in town georgetown s new water tower and the assurance that an ample water supply is available for the foreseeable future is a strong attraction to potential industrialists with top school facilities well organ ized sports activities attractive homes and an ideal location near enough and ust far enough from large cities to give us thetr advantages while still enjoying smaller town living georgetown can t help but at tract industry now we must continue to promote individually and collectively our good points which are many the reams of publicity about televis ions 7 days program controversy are get ting tiresome decision to drop the shows two com mentators sparked a situation where cbc producers threatened a strike induced a parliamentary investigation end riled up the public which apparently enjoys the sen sationalism so often featured on the show from what we have read the situation teems to be whether cbc producers are to be given a completely free hand to foist whatever they want on the viewing public or whether there is to be some control ex ercised by the broadcast authorities we cannot argue that a good portion of itie 7 days shows have been of high cal ibre but there have also been some ser ious flaws discussions which should ne ver have been aired and some flagrant sugar and spice mr by bill smiley imsi it s been a tough week map cannot exist on pain pills alone i ve nifntoned what a yellow streak i hac about needles the doc said as he took out this ele phan syringe loaded with cort isonc you 11 feel a slight pin turn tha doc rammad this huge prick as the needle enters the hypodermic in my eht and cold sweat stopped flowing shoved down thtn ha started nothing to it i to tuck marrow out broastbono as it turnod out in then he started o lean on the f- thoi news echoes from the heralds of10 20 and 30 ym ago 10 years ago i a 12 acre park at hornby which will be jointly admin istered by esquesing and trafalgar townships is jap- idly taking shape neighbouring residents have been generously donating their time and equipment on the weekends tractors bulldozers chain saws and hand labour have been used in this fine community endea vour a new alternating whisper switch has been introduced by smith and stone limited georgetown the new quiet nocltck switch is ideal for hospitals invalid rooms rest homes institutions kiddies bedrooms and tn fact anywhere a noiseless switch is desirable terra cotta cnr station was razed by fire wednesday morning the building which also contained the living quarters of mr end mrs ren baker and their four year old son was levelled within an hour after the flra was noticed 20 years ago under the direction of harold newman georgetowns recreational director a program of sport handicraft and hobbies for the people in town is gradually taking shape since his appointment a month ago mr new- 7 man has made a questionnaire survey among the youn ger folk and using this as a guide has arranged a pro gram for the summer which includes organized base ball softball a grc sports day art classes hikes cam era clubs stamp clubs and archery smith and stone employees through their overseas ac tive service fund committee tendered a dinner to com pany ex personnel at the oddfellows hall wednesday the following ex servicemen were presented with pn and pencil sets by miss helen ritchie and brigadier wal lace jjipcollier bill collier frank connely tom gol- denjjoe hall bruce harley ray harley herb harlow ray harlow ed hill gordon james john keir clarence kennedy jim king alex korzack bob martin bruce mossop john macdonald don mcphail larry ritchie bill schultz albert simpson keith spence albert stap- leton russell varey dave wood and dick forster the following were unable to attend jack bailey jack young dave bryden john wilson john emmerson and bob mcmenemy needle have you ever had prick with a crow bar i pin errors of taste which interesting as we all find them should not be condoned employees of the cbc must realize that they are subject to control just as anyone employed by a firm television is too com manding a medium to allow even one crack pot idea to be disseminated to millions of viewers if performers become so arrogant that they will not subect themselves to the re i stratnts of other businesses rt is time action was taken to stay on the right track with the millions of dollars in public funds which we pay for public entertainment and even rf we seek scandal and sensationalism we must be protected from ourselves by a re sponsible authority in this case the appoin ted commission which controls broadcast ing harley to halton weekly observations by dr harry harley mp for halton we ve been a pretty lucky crew around our place this year all winter friends neighbours and relatives have been coming down with everything from the ordinary stuff pregnancy and insanity to exotic items like oriental hepatitis and whooping mumps we haven t bad so much as a sniffle it was too good o last and we got the whole bundle this week nothing serious physical lybut mentally and emoional ly shattering period first it was the dentist kim s was her regular six month check up it s a breeze she waltzes in blithely has her gums frozen and the dentist pumps a little concrete into a pin hole you couldnt see with a telescope ifi a llttl different for fath r i alao oo regularly to tho dantlit evory throe or four ytan what i havo a brokan i tooth or two and hava wild stabbing pains from sovaral of the other old stumps and hava postponed my appotntmont six times i go down for my roaular chockup sweating trembling and con derailing all dentists and their inane questions to the murkiest depths i sit there trying to tear the arms off the chair too gut less about needles o have the freezing i go through the aso- nics of prometheus as the poor man prods about among the snaggles of porcelain looking for a piece of genuine human tooth he can drill and then there s always that excruciating moment when steps back with some kind of chisel cocked in his hand shakes his bead more in pity than in sympathy and says hraimd visions of the blood the- pain the ignominy swirl through my head tho nca lv wall thafi tha way the week bogon worso was to come i ve boon suffering from a bad shoulder for years i know ev erybody hat one or a bad back a7 was smmettheni or a bad hip one weak the doc tor says ift an inflamatlon on the next visit he says if s an old injury aggravated by teniion next trip ifs bursitis next af tar xray 1ft a calcium depot- it if i had half the calcium in my teeth that i have in my shoulder i could be one of those grinning- pe models in the toothpaste adt nurses wound up on opposite sides of tho bod without touch- ly comparable expari ing the floor i was told later had was one time in a that i had been a volunteer for hospital i was a research project into this room well i won t bore you with a lot more sick detail suffice it to say that my wife and daughter went to the eye doctor kim who wants glasses like she veterans wheeled tests flat on my back two nurses held a hand each one on each side of the bed decent of them i thought comforters wants a hair lip got them my wife was sore as hell because she paid 10 dollars for the ex amlnation and didnt get any glasses just to cheer us up we phon ed hugh on sunday we knew he was starting to write bis fin al university exams on the mon day wanted to wish bun luck a croaking wreck who sounded more like edgar allen poes raven than our jolly boy infor med us that hed been sick as a dog with the flu for three weeks business directory the budget debate has been completed without lucid ent later in the session sped he recommendations of the bod get will be presented in bui form and debated in detail by the house of commons the last two days have been devoted to various pieces of legislation and jected on the grounds that the bill was unconstitutional in that it took away a ttoyal pre rogatlve the speaker ruled that the member had the tight to in troduce audh a bill that no roy al prerogative was at risk until the bill was in the last stages of being passed the leader of at least ten various items have the opposition forced a vote on this issue which appeared rath er strange lor a man who so strongly supports the rights of parliament and its members certainly do not agree with this bill and will vote against it if it comes np but i feel the mem ber was within tus rights to in troduce h two relatively minor bills concerning the construe tion of a bridge and a railway line in ontario passed the house in addition the follow ing bills were passed a bui to provide for the dev eloptnent of commercial hah eries in canada an act to amend the export and import permits act to extend its operations for an other 3 years an act to amend the farm credit act will give more doney for farmer loans the prime minister has introduced a resolution which will give the civil service bar gaining rights and in ac sea the right to strike the res olution was discussed briefly passed and now will appear in bill form which- is very technl ctl and detailed in addition a special commit tee of the senate and house of commons has been set up to bold public hearings into mis matter and to hear representa tion from interested partiear ome intsrebting feature took plee in the house this weak a member tried to intro duce a private bill which would have taken away from the cab inet the right of commnung evatlt entencm to ttfe fcnpris- the jjer rf the op- mr dmnsste ob- an act of agreement between the united kingdom and canada for the avoid ance of double taxation i know pensioners who receive a pension from the united kingdom will be pleased to see this agreement an act to establish a science council of canada the debate now moves on to redistribution which will probably take one week i hope to participate on behalf of nas- tagwweya- township which shes to be included with the town of burlington in the rid ing of hatton wentworth anyway i finallj decided to do something about it or my wife did she didn t mind mj groaning in my sleep it was the cursing every time i rolled on o that side that upstt her she was worried about m soul i vasn l but when it go to the point where t couldn t pour a bottle of beer any mnro with out weeping i realized hat chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 73401 30 mill st georgetown georgetown herald published by heme newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley ailcen bradley frank mullin advertising manager mrs william geggle clerk tyinst anne curric reporter leslie clark dave hastings vl gilaon j mcclemcnts chiropractor gerald w corbett dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 8776631 11a main st north w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office- 877 mil 8773300 home a bible thought for the week the gospel is the only guide capable of leading the world out of the darkness and into the marvelous light of christ it is the power of god unto salva tion tor the poor shall in coastout of tho land therefor i command thee saying thou shah open thine hand wide jmte the brother to tha poor and to thy needy in thy land dotfttr- 15 11 dax developments limited builders of pine homes prop walter pacholok 8774311 or 877 wis monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone ttl 7580 62 water street north g a lt n e manderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mihst georgetown tr 72464 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 77m71 barragers cleanersshtrt launderers tr 7m79 18 main s 166 guelph all work done prank mtch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown cars collide driver has cut on forehead a lincoln motors employee melville tamblyn of 199 guelph was treated at the hospital for a cut on his forehead fri day morning the result of a two car collision on the service station parking lot tamblyn was operating a 1961 valiant which was in collision with a i960 corvair operated bp marvin lovelace 5 mclau gnlin road n brampton police constable william oak ley estimated damage at 100 to the tamblyn car and 150 to the lovelace vehicle the accident happened uo 55 a jo printing of distinction e statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 773301 robl r hamilton optometrist 126 mountainview rd s carretal bldg for appointment phone 8773971 wallace thompson 3rd division court cleric a commissioner tr 7263 a t walker ko dosc optometrist 12 main st brampton 4514474 res 4516243 hours 9am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 pjfl evenings by appointment john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 67730j3 451 ku georgetown animal clinic 106 gelpb street dr r b gaskln clinic open b 8 pjn mom wecfrl 11 eon hawid fobert instjranc maitok 164 ouerptl st 773174 auto mnn -i-

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