Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1966, p. 9

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buffalo are big attraction moving to summer home harley heads food drug special commons committee ottawa spadel to the herald th1 oiorortown h1ralo thursday may 9 14 pfcge 0 the keeper of the buffalo ukes bis job and the friendly ourlegged heasta ilka him iti an ideal situation once last october five abas n brawn buffalo four females and a bull have been residlnf j in a fatar acre jencedia area t the hountsberg workshop of the helton region conservation authority their permanent 7saere home at the rattlesnake conservation area near the escarpment the four females have chang ed colour slightly now they ire e lighter brown and have liidtd about 130200 pounds moving from their home on the elk island game pre serve in alberta vaen they arrived at the workshop they weighted about 300 pounds each end were ex tremely timid now theyve changed their personallues theyte actually friendly and have gained weight besides to move to rattlesnake conservation authority em ployee eddie zurcher lives on the workshop property end for the past seven months hes been in charge of the animals he feeds them twice a day oats and bay and takes quite an in terest in them well miss thetn when they take them away he said the animals are scheduled to stay in winterquarters another two months or so and then move to the bull the personal fav orite of eddie and his three children bss been tabbed with the nickname of bobby and it seems to suit htm bobby at 00 pounds is the biggest and most lovable of the smah herd but as eddie says the bull is the boss to prove his superi- ority bobby eats nearly twice as much u the females and gen erally rules the roost or if you like the range 3 depends on mood the four females winder aimlessly about the enclosure about two and onehalf icres of which is a clearing but bobby seems to know where be is go ing and he never follows the fe males they follow him while the ladles remain docile of the time he can be extreme- all depends on the mood hes in when the bull is in a food mood eddie can get close ougb to feed him straw by hand but when he s in a bad mood be s liable to chase you eddie recalls that one day an overzealous photographer seal ed the fence and tried to get closer to the animals to take a picture suddenly bobby turn ed on him and the poor fellow bad to take refuge behind sbick in the enclosure during the winter months the buffalo lingered about the en closure and only in extremely wet weather did they bother to move inside the small three- sided hut inside the enclosure fun for children in recent weeks there have been quite a few visitors to the workshop and the children especially seemed to enjoy loo king at the buffalo eddie re call on one sunday afternoon can were parked all the way up the laneway and spectators lined the fenced in area to witch the five animals frolic about without objection from the committee members dr harry harley mp for helton was el ected tuesday april 2d ai chairman of the commons spe cial committee on food and drugs dr harley who headed the committee in the last parliament was almost not reelected chair man at one point when tome ob jection was ratted to the fact be already heads the standing conv pceaent urn he said the fin ance minister is anxious to hive the committees report on the whole question of drug costs and the matter of the sales tax would form only a part of complete package recommenda uon a steering committee com posed of the chairmen via chairman and one member from each of the conservative new democrat and social credit parties will be established dr mtttee on health and welfare but the objections were over come and he will again head hman committee which has charged with investl gating drug coats at the committees organize tlonal meeting tuesday after noon his name was proposed by conservative dr p b rynard of east simcoe and seconded by conservative dr louis brand of saskatoon there were no other nominations vice chairman of the committee is patrick assel- in a liberal mp from rich mond wolfe in quebec dr brand a freshman mp poor attendance could doom three town urban board the north hilton urban board may be an organization on the way out it all depends on attendance at future meetings the boards fate rests with councilnembers in georgetown acton and milton who must de dde whether the setup is worth maintaining just three members attended the april meeting in acton georgetown deputy reeve james harley said this group would hive to dlacuss the desirability of engaging the service of lawyer and an accoutant as full- time employees of the commit tee a suggestion that the com mittee broaden its scope to in elude the cost of food as well is drugs was turned down the bssis of its terms of refer ence which call for a compre hensive program to reduce the price of drugs to examine the question of food costs would mean going back to the house of commons for broadening of the terms septic tank pumping weeping tile trenching orfcvel iii halton sanitation sirvices tan and kill mcoevan 775153 tf kjnpi storage services send u your furs and valuable cloth garments our kbwonatd storaof vaults j am mlt you ptotktion all you can pack in the box km tegular dry cleaning box storage 495 barragers s 77227 it main st s j7 zwinl hni young acton mayor les duby made an effort to force the hendl h of the government on the con troversial question of the 11 per cent sales tax on drugs he moved that the committee im mediately recommend to the government that the tax be re moved and pointed out that fl nance minister mitchell sharp has indicated he would look with favor on such a recoro mendation but dr harley ruled that the motion was not in order at the drinkwater the entire meeting was spent discussing the merits of continu tng or disbanding the urban board it was decided to write individual councils and request three council members attend future urban board meetings in the event cooperation is not given by each municipality it is expected the board will be forced to disband train to montreal ask about convenient departure and return times wo for tnfoimation phon th local cn pumnoar sato office canadian national jxjttlu 404511 halton moion conservation authority employee eddie zurcher hand feeds bobby the buffab built at the same time keeping a cautious distance from the tempermental wes tern import halton manor park pupfts give musical concert at halton manor seven of the world s 24 stand ard time xones cross canadian territory on tuesday night april 5 45 pupils of the park public school choir georgetown paid their annual visit to the residents of the halton centennial manor their principal mr william french came with them and their grade 7 teacher mr brown acted as chairman their musk director mr k harrison performed the duties of leader and accompanist the boys and girls presented a very enjoyable concert from the opening number let s go fly a kite to the closing num ber oklahoma the choir mem ben displayed great talent in addition to other numbers they sang ttie church in the willows its me o lord and a medley from mary poppins the pupils of several grades sang as sembles grides 8 7 and 6 sang mong other songs aura lee wooden shoes and shepherds song respectively variety was added to the program through the talents of individual per formers vocal solos and duets were sung by r wicks b niv an c maugenest j draper b allison p todd and r run ham piano solos were played by j bundle and a harris pia no accordion solos by j brown and hom solos by d brown at the close of this interest ing program miss lottie moore thanked the children and all the adults responsible for pre senting such an enjoyable even ing for the residents cookies and cold drinks were served hie easter church service on sunday afternoon april 10 was conducted by rev stanley smith minister of omagh and boston presbyterian churches the bister weekend passed off very pleasantly at the man or many visitors came to see their friends and relatives am ong the residents the manor looked lovely with its special decorations emphasizing the ea ster symbols the residents en joyed a special easter dinner for which a seasonal favour for every resident had been provid ed the favour was paper cup of candy attached to a paper easter duckling and a paper easter bunny the favours had been made by mrs freida kopp the housekeeper and decorator at the manor the chef mr berg bad made special abort- breads for the dinner during the week preceding easter every resident had re ceived a bag of candy from the salvation army ladievesthe braraptop corps who are a faithful in calling every week eyangetistic crusade gets support from 22 churches the local arrangements com mittee of crusade evangelism has announced the first united evangelistic crusade ever held in halton and peel supported by 22 churches brampton mem orial arena has been chosen as the place and evangelist barry moore of london ontario has been named as the missloner for the eight day crusade sched uled for next september interest in the project has been widespread with inquiries tram orangeville to streeuville and from acton to woodbridge the executive committee is headed by capl carl bowea of the brampton salvation army citadel with rev gordon stev ens pentecostal as cochairman secretary is rev d stringer united church and dr max eagleson serves as treasurer already the committee has brought in an evangelist film from the billy graham head quarters called the restless ones this is a two boor dram atic film in colour and sound whkh la to be shown in the peel high school auditorium the second week in may admit- wool realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own organization jship collect to our registered warehouse no 1 waston ontario obtain sacks and twine without charge from w l sanderson ballinafad william a wilson shearer r r 1 georgetown a n stark shearer r r 3 georgetown or by writing to canadian cooperative wool growers umiteo 40 st clair avenue east toronto 7 ontario lion is by tickets costing 100 and on sale through the church es and local business merchants the contact man for george town is rev brur woods the production of the rest less ones film bss given our organization the opportunity to function in advance of the sep tember crusade chairman bowea said now we can bulla on this experience to pack the brampton arena for the sept ember crusade evangelist barry moore has received national attention ev er since his evangelistic cms ade in winnipeg climaxed with 12 000 in attendance 4iis mete oric appearance on the canadi an scene has captured headlines in almost every major newspap er across canada including the toronto star which recently gave him a half page coverage under the caption a new ev angelist arises the organisation already in dudes over so leading clergy men and laymen throughout this area and hopes to secure the backing of the majority of christian in the north peel- hajton area gu investment certificates a mttrest for 1 5 years mounts from sim sin 000 mttrest paid half yearly bydiiqui isvtstsrs ikioo insurance cmhcmies societies taeemenlhles estates legal for trest feeds from domtar comes sifto salt and a world of products for a world of people your local trust company halton peel trust i savings company 28 main street n hampton 252 main street muton sifto salt is domtar product if a mined from beneath lakes marshes and wheat fields it journeys across canada and throughout the world to meet the needs ol homes farms and industries but sifto salt is not the only domtar pro duct howard smith fine paper is a domtar product so is cooksvlllelapralrie burned clay brick gay liquid detergent domtar asphalt shingles and much more your domtar today is a world ol products for a world ol people six companies make up your domtar the domtar companies develop produce and market pulp and paper products products for your home and kitchen chemical pro ducts construction and building materials and packaging products 283 domtar plants mills centres and laboratories stretch across this country frbtn victoria to halifax with facllittes m the united states the united kingdom europe arelttie west irlesji 000 canadians of all ages and skills work tor domtar 41 000 shareholders own domtar and almost alt live right here meanada your domtar today fa one of canada smost vital and diversified companies your domtar today is a world ol products for a world of people i domtar domttar umiteo

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