Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1966, p. 9

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all next week at the delrex centre luckydraweor mllcojfiansistoiuuumaamusememts rides kerr backs proposal farm crop insurance hie recently proposed prov iul4egialatitm on crop insur ance for formers has been back ed by ballon mpp george kerr the insurance will provide proteetiontgainst total or nesr total crop lots for halton coun ty fanners this has become more nec essary then ever before because of freak storms severe drought or even excessive rainfall in re cent years mr kerr said the ontario government has provided assistance during these periods in the form of transpor tation subsidies for hay bank guarantees cooperation with the dept of energy and hpsour ces management in the construc tion of farm ponds and during the past year coupons for the feeseof livestockfee with extensions of utilization of the coupons the last one being to may 31st 1966 guaranteed interest free bank loans to a maximum of 1 000 have been made available to farmers for the purchase of seed and fertilizer in the case of those farmers who have suf lered 25 percent or more crop loss all of these programs have been very well received and have been of considerable help to the farmerproducer mr kerr said t however he said an ade quate crop insurance program is also needed the proposed program will provide coverage up to 80 per cent of the normal production of a particular crop protection is offered against audh- perils as drought e nve flood frost hail winter kill wind disease and other pests fears spiralling costs cut government cvca aid spirahing construction costs may cause a slowdown in the help we can expect from the province chairman uk mc hillan told the members of the credit valley coservauon au thonty at last week s meeting mr mcmillan was reviewing the budget statement of hon j r snnonett minister of energy and resources management all applications for grants under the new reservoir policy must be in by december 1966 but we have reason to believe that some type of reservoir policy will continue into 1967 he said last year the total money al lotted in provincial grants to conservation authorities was 86 million this year the bud get has almost doubled to 14 655 000 almost 93 percent of this money has been designated for water conservation the state ment added on executive mr mcmjilan announced that he had recently received word of his appointment to the exec utive of the ontario committee of conservation authority chair men this is the first time that the cvca has been represented on the executive of the group flood contra rr parker chairman of the flood control and pollution advisory board spoke of a meet ing held recently with deputy thk georgetown herald thursday juno 2nd 1966 paje 0 nthe minister t r hlluan is seeking a change in the con servation authorities act which will allow the authority to work on private land without buying it it seems ridiculous to buy all the land we wish to protect mr parker said if we couldobttin easements or temporary leases from private owners the land could be turn ed back to them when the work is completed the change in the act is nee essary before dredging operat ions proposed by the authority for slltedjn small reservoirs could be put in use last sunday with the coop eration of thomas niven geor getown mr mcmillan flew the credit river from its source to its mouth he said that there was trouble in several places which could only be seen from the air but the overall situa tlon was encouraging invades mans world will study forestry with a list of interests as var ied as the colors of the rainbow pert 19yearold helene balabon sees no reason why a young lady can t pursue a career in conservation after working from the hal ton region conservation author ity office for the past two weeks the blonde haired green eyed university student reports i ve heard a rumor that i might be the first woman in canada do this kind of work but it doesnt make any difference to me i don t see why others can t do it as a summer assistant she will have to learn to scale logs and measure them make a col lection of plants do odd jobs around the office cruise he woodlots learn a little survey ing and work on the blueprints for a creek diversion plan most of these jobs might be considered mens wark but helene doesn t see why i should be able to do them with out too much trouble every one seems very friendly and theyll help if necessary she said she has just completed her first year of an agricultural course at the university of guclph and next year she hopes to start a haveyear forestry course at the university of to ronto it never really occurred to me to do anything except work with nature wildlife intrigues me and collecting plants has been a hobby of mine for a long time helene indlca ted although some might consid er her a misplaced lady she refuses to accept the suggestion that she is invading a man s world when she joins a conser vatlon stag this type of job suits me fine and i hope i do well enough to encourage other girls to do this work that is if im really the first woman in canada to try it she added versatile is the word for her entertainment diet she ikes folk singing playing a guitar lis tening to classical music paint ing both nature and modern abstract dancing and reading model of halton flood scheme designed to save thousands tarzwell pays 2950 for hillmac cow georgetown cattleman how ard tarzwell paid the second highest price of 2 950 for he very good cow hillmac maser elgn abbekerk at the dispersal sale of the hillmac hoist e in herd of jack r macdonald thamesford may 16 he also paid 1 750 for a two months old heifer calf that is a full sister to his heifer pur chase rockwood international ge orgetown paid 600 fr a bred heifer at the same sale delrex plaza stcsu s5 carnival rtitiiuilt special dresses carnival week specials 1 piece carefully dry cleaned and finished when coupon presented with incoming garment limit 1 69 coupon good june th to 11th carnival hb9 childs suit up to 10 year size dry cleaned and beautifully finished when coupon presented with incoming garment limit 1 coupon pood june 6th to 11th 49 pleats extra skirts sweater trousers or any combination 79 i jl 1 for mens business shirts laundered and flawlessly slacks dfy cleaned and expertly pressed i a9l j our guarantee to you jtynjhtnd our work in any way lass than rha finest you dont p ayi gentle thorough cleaning in crystal clear solvents plus perfect finishing to assure you a garment you are proud to wear 2 for 39c j over 40 stores to serve you i georgetown delmx centra brampton 57 kennedy rd n 393 kerr cor stewart strettsviuj atp plaza c bramptc stores at mtlton a relatively inexpensive pro ject being carried out in the basement of an engineering bull ding m queen s university may save residents in the area of the 6th une in halton county faun dreda of thousands of dollars and possibly even cheir uvea the project is the testing of a mouel of an open channel which would contain and control the waters of morrison and wedge wood creeks in the event of flooding caused by another storm like hurricane haiel tests on the model are being done by dr a brebner and professor s s lazier of queen s civil engineering department for j m tomlinson and associates of burlington a consulting en gineering firm which has been engaged by tlhe halton region conservation authority the plan calls for the waters of the morrison and wedge- wood creeks to be diverted some 2 000 feet into 16 mile creek queen s engineers were given the job of testing a model of the chute spillway section of the channel which would tame the torrential flow in the event of another hazel maximum flow along this sec tion has been set at 3 000 cubic feet per second or nearly 2000- 000 gallons per minute prof essor lazier and student assist ant david carney of elliott lake ontario are now testing the model at what would be peak flow 380 gallons per mi nute constructed of plywood on a scale of 130 the model consists of an open channel of rectang ular crosssection with a slope of four per cent followed by a chute with a 30 per ceqt slope at the bottom of this very steep slope the velocity of the water is approximately so miles an hour the tremendous energy in this high velocity jet must be de before the water ea ten 10 mile creek said pre feasor lazier if it was not there could be largescale erosion which would threaten bridges and other structures along the creek destruction of this energy is accomplished fay creating what u known as hydraulic ju at the base of the steep chute there is a stilling basin u blocks which break up the wat ers flow causing k to swirl and expend its energy working with plans provided by the consulting engineers pro fessor lazier and his assistant began their work on the model last march testing has been going on since april 10 and wul be completed in another weeks get your free ride tickets at delrex smoke shop complete una of summer needs sun glasses sun tan lotions photo supplies smokers sundries take the fashion our swinuuh fa shion have prov sen join merry mermaids fn a frolicking km at rha and watcr- ttw compliments crest in your direction all the pretty new styles for ladies teens preteen children delrex fashions 306 dabex market centra ladies childrens and infants wear 8779441 free ride tickets big special from philco transistor powered portable tv irs mo pmica nomad can be mod in car home cottage boat avorao diagonal alumiruxed 90 degree pkfurotutm autaemtk picture pilot powerful 4 stage if amplifier 0 oval earphone jacks 0 can bo plugged in regular electrical outlets optional extras rachargoabk 12voft battery pack and carry case- auto battery cabw car antenna 189 set you ree hoe tickets here 95 gs television delrex centre 8779541 sales service

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