Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald pubuwd by horn nmnwi uniml 22 main street s georgetown ontario w c mlw puboslmr page 4 thursday june 9th 1966 editorial comment closer to toronto a supec highway linking georgetown with toronto forecasts a rapidly growing current problem of enlarmg the municipal build ng better polios quarters future town w th estimates that george town will quadruple in population within twenty years to old timers who have seen a little country town of 2500 do this already m the r i fespan th s is not so revolutionary and yet when one thinks about it it is d iff cult to imaa ne what is essentially st ii a smalt town reaching the fifty or s xty thousand mark n the not too d stant fu ture it puts a ternf c onus on those who have posit ons of responsibility coun cillors school trustees members of the cemetery board the parks commiss on and the new cedarvale commiss on they must not only oversee the current munic pal needs but be aware of the ramifica tions that an expanding population will enta i mixed feelings exper mental on w th allow ng stu dents to proceed to un versily without the final test of grade 13 departmental exam- mat ons s a radical step n ontario s edu cation system wh le rel ev ng students of the pres sure of f nal examinat ons there is some danger that f the system extends farther than the mil al stage of accepting only a small percentage of top students into un vers ty t could work to the detriment of an tnd v dual who s not fully qual fied to proceed to th s next level of education there is much to be said for the old high school system which has gradually bfeen abandoned the days when there were few opt ons and everyone who in fended to graduate had to take a rather narrowly prescribed course there is a value in discipline of the mind in con quering a subject which does not come easily and much of the value of educa t on is not so mucrrm learn ng spec f cs as in tra n ng a young mind to adapt to a ob where one s not always g ven a choice of procedure the same holds true of elementary uxbridge gain the t me honoured phrase george town s loss s uxbridge s gam is cert a n- ly true when it appl es to big m ke peles chak who leaves gdhs at the end of th s term for a new position in the high school there one of several staff members who have taken new posit ons mr peleschak will leave a double vo d for not only has tie been an excellent teacher and a leader tn extracurr cuw work but h s boundless energy has enriched many facets of com mun ty i fe x eridge widenings facilities af cedarvatef park a park area in eastern georgetown school construction present a greetet challenge when one sees such a forecast the day is approach ng when the present cemetery may run out of space when two parks cannot adequately serve the popular on when the high school can no longer serve a town three or four tiroes our size it is an excit ng and challenging time wen we should be look ng ahead plann ing for the city we will become acqu si t on of the cedarvale property should be only one of the steps n ensur ng the green space v tal to a aty zoning be comes of even more importance to ensure he future georgetown will retain as much of its natural beauty and that progress will be orderly and serve the needs of the maor ty of its res dents educat on nowadays in an effort to help students whose ab ittes are such that they cannot place n the top half of the class there is a cont nuing trend not only to keep final standings a secret from others but from the ch id h mself pubhcat on of elementary school re sults wh ch once tnd cated grade and standing is now carefully alphabet zed and conta ns only the bare information that a student has passed to the next grade the w de cho ce of options in high school makes it almost impossible today to give any correct grading and there has been ag tahon by many headmasters georgetown s not ncluded to not releose any information to the press about high school results even including the grade 13 departmentals we believe tnat a good scnolar be he in publ c h gh school or university deserves the accolades to which his aca- dem c skill entitles h m were the same theory to be applied to sports we could reach the stage where no one would know who won a race or a football game in l ttle theatre he performed on and off stage w th d st net on he lent his ef forts to directing a y fund campaign served his church as a sunday school lea der was nteresfed in so many cornrnunit activit es that he left an ord nary mortal out of breath somet mes wondering when he found time for it all h s friendly personal ty will be missed around town and we wish him well in his future home town of ux bodge of one th ng we re certa n he will be a stranger there only a few days cen rep 1867 lbtl 67 by john fisher centennial commissioner i have met a number of can adians inspired by the coming centennial celebrations to re search the zirmily tree tracing back ones lineage can be an interesting pastime and may produce some sur prises one ioman from london o told me she lud turned up the uniform her harley to halton wtbcly observations by ml harry hatley klp km halton sugar and spice by bill smiley one week of sacrifice we were sitting around bick enng after church the other daj my daughter had a bad cold and was generally owl she didn t think much of god how can god let so many people in the world be starv lng se wanted to know well it s a fair question her mother and i tried to ex plain that it was not god s doing but man s we said it was man s greed insecurity and fear that made us live like kings ar better than medieval kings in fact while hundreds rf millions of people in the wotltf our brothers starved and died of illness unnecessarily she wasn t buying any it all sounds pretty foggy to me she grumped i don t think much of god if that s the way be runs things sked twr what she d do r th situation like all sha dldnt know except to it it was all well you can t have a 15year old sitting around running down god so like all fathers since the district at a glance in this column i would like to say a few words about i the old age pension old ge security pension the age for receiving this pension pro gressively being reduced and there are some people who arc in fact eligible for the ension nowbut who have not applied end are therefore not receiving this this pension is adminis tered by the dept of national health and welfare under the terms of the act a monthly pension of 75 is paid upon ap plication to all persons who meet the age and residence re quirements age and residence xe the only considerations canadian citizenship is not re quired for eligibility the age at which pension becomes pay able it- being gradually reduced l 70 to 65 beginning in tok pension was pay l at age 68 beginning in 3mt attfe 68 and so on until by january 1970 the eligible age will be 65 residence requirements an applicant for pension may qualify if he 1 has resided in canada for the ten years immediately pre ceding the approval fit his application or x has been present in canada at any time prior to the ten years mentioned above for periods which equal when totalled at least twice the length of tus abscises din ing the tenyear period and has resided in canada for at least one year immediately preceding the approval of his application or 3 has resided in canada after attaining 18 years of age for an aggregate period of at least 40 years prior to the approval of his application some types of absences from canada during the quali fying periods re to above are considered not to lntenrpt residence these may include absences doe to the employment of an applicant or the spouse of an applicant ad facts ab out such absences should be given to the regional director these three methods of mee ting residence requirements are the only enes provided by law o allowances is made for any exceptions applicatioks for pension if you were born prior to november 189 yon should have made yor appbeabon by now u takes sax months to process and confirm residence and age requirements so always apply srx prior to your date of re your pension date or details oa requirements yow should pack np an applica tion form from any fast fiee milton fed up with what it termed the constant inter fere nee of town council milt on s centennial committee dis solved in disgust the commit tee had planned a project to re furbish the towns mill pond a the centennial project acton charles kelly browne acton s oldest active merchant celebrated his 96th birthday saturday the nonegc enanan who seldom misses working in his main st variety store greeted many customers and friends on the day ohangevtlle six year old allan johnston of orange- viile wat killed on friday at a road construction site opposite his home police say the boy was apparently struck by a road grader as it backed up enn the erin district high school band members are sporting new uniforms through the kindness of the enn lions club the school colours purp le and gold are also the colours of the lions and have been used in the uniforms brampton brampton s new police chief stan raise has stated that the city s police and ambulance services will have to be divorced if residents want efficiency he said if police con tinue to operate the ambulance service it will result in both scr tkes being only fair oakvtlus officials of hack truck manufacturing co announced this week that the firm will build a new plant in oaknlle across the queen ehz aheth way from the ford of canada plant production capa city of the plant will be be tween 1 000 and 2000 per year the cavedays i tried to come up with an answer first i explained that the government did a great deal to help less fortunate countries with our taxes when she cor nered me on details i had to admit that it was a drop in the bucket with a lot of strings at taehed try that metaphor for size i further admitted that government could not so much more without creating a hue and cry among the taxpayers in desperation i looked ar ound for someone else to blame the churches should take the lead and start a nation wide campaign to help feed the hun gry my wife reminded me that we give a buck a week to missions yes and all these piddling church missions add up to a spit in the ocean says so what would you do mr smart alex says she so i can probably think of something mrs wise guy says i and 1 did the result is national tighten your belt week it s very simple for one week a year every canadian family willing to help will live on a bare subsistence allowance the difference between that and the normal cost of living goes into the pot every cent of this pot goes to buy food clothing contraceptive pills and other necessities for the vast poor down trodden masses of the world its hard to believe that this worldshaking concept took seed and blossomed ripht there in our livingroom but it did swiftly we did some figuring it was rough but close enough the average family spends from 20 to 30 a week on food one week a year we exist on 5 per family lots of rice macaroni porridge bread homemade soup water instead of coffee tea milk beer the same week we walk everywhere and save 3 on gas we turn off the furnace and learn what its like to be cold we cican our teeth with salt we avoid shaving and hair spray and dc odorants and drugs and cigarets we wear nylons with runs we turn off the hydro except for cooking and use candlcs the average family could kick about 30 into the kitty take a town of 10 000 popula tion lets say a minimum of 1000 families that s 30 000 that will pay for a lot of wheat penicillin and birthcontrol pills multiply this modest to ken by all the families in can ada and you could jack up in dia in about two years i know i know you vc al ready picked 84 holes in the plan ail the supermarkets would go broke if they lost a week s business well there s no reason they couldnt tighten their belts too for a week ail the fruit and vegetables and meat would rot not if the producers knew such a week i coming and planned for it th provincial government would collapse if it lost a weeks taxes on booze and i doubt it a few mllas of highway might not b built so what seriously i think it would be fun many people would take part because it is something concrete rather than a vague thing like foreign aid or mis sions and there d be beneficial side effects slimmer waistlines a new slant on our good life and i can guarantee that after three days of macaroni the squirrels in our attic would never be a problem again theyd be stew grandfather wore in the nsh west rebellion of 1885 stored for years in an attic trunk be longing to a maiden aunt until the uniform was discovered she hadn t known her grandfather was involved with the prairie uprising the reason why i like to encourage people to research family history is that it may provide more than a textbook link with the history of the country history can become alive and personal a woman in ottawa for ex ample who has adopted canada as her country knew about the battle of the plains of abraham but she did not realize it was captain james cook who guid ed general wolfe s men to the shores of quebec she learned of this when she discovered she was a direct descendant that famous navigator it is worthnoting also that the spirit of the times rules out the old snobbery associat ed with claims of having dukes counts and other notables as ancestors recall touches or humor as sociated with a period 25 to 30 years ago when some families went to great trouble and some times considerable expense to have their histories researched those whose ancestors came from europe or the british isles often were hopeful of finding proof of heroes or royal blood in their backgrounds certainly a copy of the family crest on old parchment fram ed and hanging in the dining room wag a status symbol of sorts during the family crest craze various services across the seas published classified ad vertisements in north ameri can newspapers offering to re search official documents and produce bona fide family crests for a fee it was with dismay that some on this anje jif trie nf wmilrt la d- cover they actually had paid for a fictional drawing which came only from the mind of a sec ond rate commercial artist n a foreign land family history research can produce exciting stones too one of our young office boys at the centennial commission didn t grve a lbot about his tory until he discovered that an ancestor of his figured pro minently in the papineau up rising his eyes stared in dis belief as he spotted his owa unusual french name in mason wade s french canadians- they widened even more when he read on to find that a troop of the montreal volunteer ca valry had been sent to t johns quebec tocajture ancestor the ancestor evaded the cavalry and fied to the united states gee ive often wondered why i have so many american relatives he said now i know here in canada we had a price on our heads i recommend as a personal centennial project for yourself that you check into old family albums and books lying around the house ask the relatives too there s no telling what interesting canadian history you might find with a family connection of your own whether they have trees or not families also can play a big part in the centennial cele brations by making 1967 the big year for those picnics and 1 reunions which long have been typical festive occasions in many canadian communities business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 7j401 10 mill st gtorgatown chiropractor gerald w corbett dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 776431 11a main st north w h cam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 177 2211 s773300 home dax dctel0fnents limited builders of fine homes prop- walter pacholok 774311 or77y4t5 monuments pollock j campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 1 750 62 water street north galt georgetown herald newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c btehn publisher garfield mcgilvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry barley aoeen bradley frank hullin advertising manager mrs william geggie clerk typist anna carrie beporter xeslie clark dave hasrinfr gdson j medementa andre conway he mandersonqc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr7 2464 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 m ii st for appointments phone s773671 barragers oeanersshirt launderers tr 72279 18 ualn s 166 guelph frank fetch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview b4 8 carretal rldg for appointment 8773971 wallace thompson 3rd division court clark a commissioner tr72963 a t walker ro dosc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4516243 hours i in to i pm tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 pm evenings by appointment john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 47730x2 4519365 georgetown animal clinic 106 gvelph street dr lb gaskln clinic open 6 8 i mok wed saturday 9 fri haoid fobert insuiancf realtor im ouatph 9 r co 773174 77- gcneral insurance rm auto 10nds

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