Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1966, p. 5

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georgetowns 1966 affairs in their hands the annual official photograph of georgetowns municipal council was taken at last week s meeting at the council table from left to right are councillors william smith ward 3 arthur speight ward 2 erne hyde ward 1 reeve william hunter mayor joseph gibbons deputy reeve james yoyng os wheldorubnmerson ward 1 fred har rison ward 2 and roy ballentine ward 3 in the mail bag wants teenagers know acts of smoking habit 15 hareltod ave toronto 5 ont dear mr editor i note on the front pagt a of a recent herald the news item discuss smoking area for school students as a form er resident of georgetown and a teacher of many years exper lence this situation is very dis tressing to me i wonder if these teen agers liave been given the facts re garding the illeffects of this habit i enclose a discussion of this subject by a scientist who is evidently competent to speak about the matter if you or any one else can make use of this for the benefit of these young people and the community in general i shall be thankful indeed your truly mrs cj3 catherine dayfoot a medical man wiwpoint by john v bastnailan yoa may well be asking what has conscience to do with cigar etiesmokinff in fact you may resent my presenting this whole butter from the point of view of christian conscience but this is a grvous moal problem 0ly by urn ng c7cr jhe rotten planks o olt s ty can we hope o bn3 ti se ahine o truth ta wa l b- neath tie tae hss cerr- to lorn th2 plant on cgare e i-io- bng the knowdge lot lve nimble j ttat th td- ten or habit killing more fellow atixens than all th- dreaded la fectious diseases together in canada in 19zz 1iag cer frill 4lfc more prsons than did til the infecticis diseases n eluding tb combned as the canadian medical associa ays in an official etlonal tfcj statistic becomes the mrc dreadful when it is noted that lung cancer still has a ok fa ality rate of more than ss x might add that incidence o lung cancer caused by cigars moung is rising rapidly so that h bas become the icailng ca of death from cancer and i passes the death rate from car accidents except for a very small group lung cancers are caused by or are closely related to smoking cigarettes non smokers pipe smokers and cigar smokers hardly ever develop lung cancers persons who quit smoking radically im prove their prospects of not dy ing of cancer all the research studies confirm this this also answers the plaintive question of those who smoke and shrug fatalistically thatjheres noth ing they can do about it there is and it can save their lives up to now i ve only referred to cigarettes causing cancer which is serious enough un fortunately cigarette smoking is an important cause of several other fatal diseases most impor tant of these is coronary artery disease fatal coronary heart at tacks are three times commoner among cigarette smokers than non smokers recent studies have shown that smoking ranks at least as high as cholesterol in the causes of serious heart dis eases a young man or woman who starts smoking regularly may not live long enough to die of cancer because his chances of dying in his thirties or forties can only be described as shock ing i don t tell you this to fright en you although it is almost in eviuble that it will my concern is to examine what our moral obligations are as professed christians do we just stop smo king and feel self righteous do we obnoxiously run around scaring everyone and acting holier than thou do we organ whose livhhood depends in par ize programs within the church to combat this obvious evil ac tually is it any business of the church ii it is what should the church do in particular what should the united church women start doings ow it to family if you like 50 of women are a non smoker in good con science you owe it to your fam ily and yourself to continue to avoid abusing your body and lets play bridge by bill coats when you suspect a bad trump split it is often advisable to try to make your trump sep arately if yoa are lucky you can often force a defender to run his partners tricks and give you a free finesse just such a hand occurred last week to a rubber bridge match here is the hand dealer was south and neither aide was vulnerable north s a 5 2 h a j 8 6 4 3 d 4 ci 10 6 wast east s k q j 8 4 3 s 10 9 7 h q 2 h k 0 7 d k j s 8 2 d 10 6 5- c oid c k8 43 south s 6 h 10 5 d a q 7 3 c a q 8 7 5 2 thm bidding west north east 1c is 2 h pass lc 3d 3 h pass 1 4 c pass 4 h dble i fan 5 s pass pass j s c pass pass dble ajjpss the only thing that id say i about the bidding is that our i friendly rubber bridge matches i are quite aggressive west led the king of spades and declarer took stock to take 11 tricks seems to be quite task but since declarer can take three side aces all that can be done is to take eight tncks a trump this will include all six clubs in declarers- hand plus two ruffs in dummy so here we go win in dummy with the ace of spades and lead a diamond to your ace ruff a diamond m dummy and run a spade back to your hand ruff another diamond and lead dum mys last trump when east plays low it doesnt matter if he covers you duck too now lead dummys last spade and ruff in your band lead a heart and if west plays low you fin esse must not let west ge the lead the best that east can do is return a heart just lo make east feel badly you ruff a heart and lead your last diamond west beats your card but east must ruff his partnera good tnck and lead trump you take the last t tricks- with the queen and ace trump last weeks winners at the acton bridge club were first bui barbour and bill hamilton second gloria coats and duke wilson third kay campbell and cam snrfoir school board gets letters but new school still j georgetown s partiallycons tructed senior public school is still nameless trustee gidnl slgurdson who advocates a name incorporating a reference to canada a centennial tabled a motion at a school board meet log wednesday night proposing canada centennial public school as the new name but he later withdrew it so the board could give due consideration to sug gestions from thirtysix letter writers you have probably read of the irjjous disruption caused by he poor sales at the tobacco auct necessarily bring by premature death for i have often preached against such fears as being pag an what i ask is that you avoid bringing unbappincss through your carelessness just as i m ght warn you not to drive in the wrong lane of a superhigh way for those who already smoke the lesson is obvious and choice is yours i only pray hat you arc not misled by the clg arettecompany propaganda all the ads are trying to discoun the medical evidence twenty million dollars was spent last year in canada to lull your fears and even to deepen the grip the habit may have on you if you are one of the true addicts o nicotine then you need medical assistance and i earnestly ask you to see your family doctor about it if you are only a social smoker let your conscience guide you if you listen to your conscience you will quit easily and not miss smoking of course you can switch to cigars inftuonco children studies by two american pub he health experts salber and mcmabon showed that one of the leading causes of early smoking among children was addiction to smoking of one or both parents if the mother as well as the father smoked iwice as many high school students about 40 reported they were smoking themselves i will not go into all the figures but an appreciably smaller proportion of high schoolers smoked if only one parent smoked the lesson to be learned here is obvious your pleasure in hav ing a cigarette influences your children s decisions if you and your husband smoke the chan ccs are about 50 50 that your daughter will be smoking in he middle tcena if so her chances of reaching age 45 alive about three times less than they would be if she never took uo the habit again let your con science be your guide obnoxious or not it js our christian duty to our bro her to inform him of the truth and to persuade him away from delib eratcly harming himself and his children wc cannot in good conscience leave it up to him to learn the slow way and the tragic way that hu path was wrong but how do we do this in the face of blandishment from the vocal and well paid opposition how do we avoid the mocking stigma of dogood er these arc problems that face the united church last september the proposed resolution urging the general council to record its oppositions to smoking was not reached partly because of the limitation of time can uc not push for an early reconsideration of that re solution surely a clearcut stand is now called for i hope that such a stand will influence more than the members of the united church of canada bu if the influence goes no further than our own ranks it still will be highly effective what of our responsibility to the t h o u s a n d s of persons whose livelihood depends in part or completely on the tobacco trade in the usa this is an 8 billion industry several states depend for their solvency almost entirely on the growing proces sing and sale of tobacco even in ontario a large number of far mers from brantford to wind sor make their living or part of it from tobacco the georgetown herald thursday june 9 19ao page 5 ions this past wittier apparently because of the controversy be tween the buyers and sellers the government has decreed a 40 reduction on acreage why is it to save lives no7 it is to maintain the price struct ure considered best by the mar keting board if the marketing board can be so ruthless just to keep prices up we should not shed tears if farmers gradually have to switch to other crops western ontario let me tell you of a personal experience someone who very close to me has a small farm near leamington follow ing a scare from cancer of the lip he voluntarily gave up his tobacco acreage after thorough ly examining his conscience several years ago he feels that he has taken the right step moreover his farm has thrived in spite of it in a world chronically short of food i am not too worried that the great tobaccoland hold ings in the southern states will have to be turned over to the production of food and turning to retailers i cannot help but admire timothy eaton who be came a multi millionaire wih out ever allowing the sale of a flake of tobacco m his depart ment stores perhaps there is a lesson in his example these problems all have soiu uons they begin with the indi vidual person spread to the fa mily to the church and to soc iety in general seldom have we met with an easier and more ob vious way of combatting a mor al wrong at the personal level thirtytwo harrison public school children appended their signatures to a letter proposing the school be mountainview sen lor school another wants it called cen tennial 67 public school reid public school should be the name according to another writer because of its location on the former retd farm harry dayfoot public school was another suggestion after the late prominent local indust rialist and one writer offered four names for the board choose from delrex senior school mountainview senior school georgetown senior pub lic school and george harrison public school presumably der lved from neighbouring george kennedy and harrison schools robert r hamilton optometrist office hours daily carretal bldg 116 mountainview road for appointment 773971 martins sodding landscaping industrial commerqal maintenance service telephones 8776241 meet the worlds lightweight the grand prut champion is suzuki the quick n quiet dualstraki engine accounts for that ghftt more hill climbing horsepower mora response easier starting and shifting quieter cruising you don t have to shout when riding tandem for comfort suzuki is speed out specially to canadian sizes and safety standards the only i ght weight that is sales talk no sirreei suzuki backs up its performance ejaimt with a written guarantea uuli the best in the business dtstfvbutm by suzuki ins a model just your speed take a spin on one or ill of the dazzling models from 50 cc sports standard to the 250 cc x6 hustler hurry over and take your p ck go ym wontbe ihne com park motors georgetown 1779439 no answer 8776359 hwy no 7w w22l fathers day special photos for the price of one special offer 1x8x10 for the home 1x5x7 for the office lx3kx5 for in the car or in wallet size au 3 for the price of 1 phone early for appointment home sittings if desired delrex photography 47 duncan drive georgetown acadian die dollarstretching budgetloving eauty from general moiors trimsize beauty froi acadian a low price carand proud it it u n t try to convince you it s an expensive car of course other people may get an inflated impression ol acadian s cost they ii cny you your new acadian thats contemporary styling for you and acadian has so much luur comfort roominess and performance loo pick an of acadian s si low price models and you vc just added another budget lover to the family and as uc all know you just can t get too many of them you ii find a wide selection of models at m your acadian pontiac buick dealers tndc in allowances are hrgh the deals arc great and delivery is faster than ever acadian by general motors awit k wmidi tetescope the fuatttve nd the red skdlon hoot now show m on televmon check local hum s for unte and channel pete mass0n motors ltd 124 guelph street georgetown ontario phone 8776986

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