Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 14, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald pufcwwd by hm hwwrl urnlnc 22 main strmt s gejorgtrown ontario w c iiihn publisher pag 4 thursday july 14th 1966 editorial comment family reunions happy times family reunions to common among ontario families are in full swing at this time of year and the herald has been recording many of these in its news col umns be the gathering small or large it is an excellent way of preserving family h s tory and it is nice for members of a fam lly to get together at least once a year for happy time instead of what is all too frequent a gathering of the clans at a t me of bereavement flsfhcr families have compiled excellent historical booklets tracing the family roots to the first member of the fam ily who came to a new land from the old country several old d sir ct families go back to the late 1700s and early 1800s when there was large scale emigration from britain and germany particularly tome by way of pennsylvania some district fermi are stilf in the family name from crown deed days it is easy to lose trace of the early days of a canadian family which has been estab lished for several generations it takes a great amount of research by an interested relative to compile a family tree but t is a most worthwhile endeavour and one lyhich every family should have afkmhe-yeerlyr-of- oeeasionelrgether mg of the clans is a great time for catching up on fam ly h story meeting relatives one seeds infrequently and perpetuating the pride of family which everyone should have americans better drivers our limited experience in driving on highways across hie border compared with i great deal of travelling on hwy 401 par ticularly leads to the generalization that americans are much safer drivers and much more inclined to obey traffic rules than their canadian cousins travelling on highways n new york state pennsylvania and on the southern ronte to florida we f nd the great major ty of us drivers obeying traffic laws particu lariy the speed i mit the reverse is true in ontario we drove to the city one recent even tng and made partcular note of the dr v we kept our speed as close u we could to the 60 mile limit we were passed not by one or two cars but by the great mapr ty of eastbound traffic includ ng trucks buses and every variety of car from luxury cruisers to compacts many of these vehicles were not usl a few m les over the speed 1 m t we estimated many wvre travelling 70 to 80 miles an hour church consolidation sale of the united church manse at bal hnafad marks an historical change for res d ents of th s commun ty it has been the home of graduate and student m n sters for near a century the dec sion was made when a change was made in the composition of chu en charges ass gned to distr ct m nisters for some years comb ned w th churchill and melville the latter church was closed a few years ago now churchill has been comb n ed with acton wh le georgetown s bt andrews un ted and ballinafad will share the services of one minister while ballinafad will now have no re sident pastor rt will have the advantage of a graduate minister for the first time n many years rev kelvin johnston the st andrews minister has also had another rural charge which he in turn will be drop ping for his ballinafad post consolidation of rural perishes is ev dent everywhere in the province among all denominations these days rt has become on a road clearly marked with a 60 mile imt the presence of an occes onal pol ce cruiser at strategic local ons usually ust under an overpass had only a trans ent ef feet on motor sis and the cruisers presence was usually gnalled by one of our queer qu rks of highway et quette bl nking of i ghts by oncoming veh cles to warn of is presence there s some talk of ra s ng the speed i mil on 401 if the h ghways department feels that this can be done w thout endan ger ng safety then we re for t if as theres atwats somethihg to spott things harley to halt0n weekly observations by or harry harley mp for helton y the majority of this list week hsi been spent debating the canada asaietance plan and references to the croll report this assistance plan has now received second reading and has been approved in principle and awats detailed clausebyclause examination the bank act revisions have been introduced in gencr receu and that the bill will be nude public it may then be considered by those interested in these matters in the fall tt will be referred to the banking and finance committee winch will hold public hearings on this matter and the interested parties will present their views before the bill is returned to parliament for consideration it may be that the committee will al terms only the changes to be recommend changes in the bill introduced of a general nature s n tncsb meetings are as follows 11 no bank is to hold more than 10 of the stock of any canad ian corporation 2 interlocking bank directorates same people acting as directors for different banks will be con trolled before parliament passes it u law district news at a glance sugar and spice by bill smiley the sailors lot erin erm village council 3 almnnli on interest on v if july meeting to loans petween hanks will be p a mi prohibited and will be tntroll thchomrs in t ed by the restrictive trade acton superior glove practices commission works on vimy st is undergo- 4- the present interest rate 8 its third expansion program eel ing will eventually be re our vears and owners frank moved the timing and extent i and juuan zajae have ot this is unknown at this stage p for another addition in however it has been suggested uture that loans below 25000 will campbellville scenic continue to have an interest campbellville pond a favourite ceiling and loans above this i sw mi r the local mount would have no ceiling fry h cjo b could have had not much lor 5 bmk 1o publiclj the halton county health unit the soul there lnner n yo ngsters who swam in the and he s lonely lonely for 8 a federal provincial confer pond recently have developed a his family and maybe has gull- ence la to be called on consum ty knowing if a not a square er credit deal far the wife bringing up the kids alone brampton an emergency 7 deposit insurance will be in operation to amputate a leg troduced to insure deposits of earned out on 17 year old bank and trust company costo brampton high chool student mers so that in the event pi a i after he was seriously injured failure of a bank or trust on ra a motorcycler co mson pany the customers deosits thursday night john paul rob in guaranteed safe inson gr 12 was active in school i sports and on his high school s 8 banks to be allowed to make basketball team loan on mortgages and b misses the land the shady streets of the small town or the beat eicitement of the city the green of trees and grass and the glimmer of brown young limbs on beaches the smell of lilacs in june and burning leaves in october there s a little of this in the reaction of cash reserve coin operated meter for the sale life of the inland lilor it s v n v he mentioned a lot of things fcetft m of our that seemed petty at first t glance coarse sheets on thr bunks crowded quarters not a r rea1 the iruc enough showers cheap soap eouldnlhelp comparing the scanty recreational facilities om4ob tod y with thai of not much of the spirit of th hen i spent a spell drake and nelson and rounding on ne gnml lkkts ztjtzztzz z thton swz5 1 tituuonto icmn i wa reading the other day a tailors my is twod com- an interview with a canadian naratlvaly meat boats feed their the seaman he was telling a report craws well what really gets the j ki r uk u r why he and so many other sailor down are frustration announced case ot no 7 highway this is sailors are nou happy with their boredom monotony and lonell- clean and iresn out on ine laaesi j v cjoincrto berjonemamvijecametttostpeoip nwnrthaw sullerrom themeev ft on iwkannicni coaaejprecvey in t area was appr by dm one aiai m ntnimnt tnr loans uit f lid wrm pie drive that speed anyway then we are off the beam what we need most is a concentre on on safety tra ning for drivers an awakening to the fact that laws are made for our pro tect on and must not be del berately flou ted and a stepup in speed ng charges ag ainst offenders last one and every grimy dock depo art exactly like the you vet jjs expected that just come from bank act changes will receive j j iranid don t knock the sailor he hasj gni nttiiat before the summer j p vashlsn his ghosts just as you and i 1 growui t words of the wis liberty when it begins cape horn there not much but then the truth came out tanls the 1 tie concrete mai testations of a deeper discon economcally impossible to support a mn tent ister n most small churches and w th easy transporter on churches are f nd ng tt a bet a bible thought ter propos tion to have a m nister travel to the people than to have a number of rural cler gy ek ng a precar ous liv ng supplemented by a d from the church head office in some today he works a 40hour week has a basic pay of nearly these were only the minor irri jil ij i ii mbn w month ind ls protected business directory for the week dean sanctify ye a fast call a o b a tough union in those days he worked m to 60hour week picked up a handsome cheque for 40 at the end of the month and rould be fired if he even looked unhappy and perhaps that s whv if memory serves the sailor ofl those days was a pretty happy character he did a lot of grous ways we have returned to the days of the g gather the elders i ft miors have done since crcut rders but with a difference for tand all the inhabitants of the i and hw crew left troy land into the house of the lord he d lot of horsing your god and cry unto the round and took life very un lord joel 1 14 senousl th road to ropontanca is rtaid but rewarding soak ya the lord while ha may bo found call yo upon him while ho im near chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments mad daily call tr 73401 30 mill st goorijotown is posj ble for a m n ster to cover ground in a few m nutes wh ch used to be a couple of hours or more on horseback today s mm iters too are a different breed of man the days are gone as they should be when a man of the cloth was content w th a tew dollars some free meals and a handout of used cloth ng and furn 0nc a jew th prf ture f h s par ih oners felt so ind ned the caution against hard to budge mnstry hs become a profess on which re windows dip a small brush in a vaseline and paint the oint qures many years of tra ning and mm ment on ming and p ster rghtly expects that he s entitled to strips of windows as decent a i v ng as at least the humblest member of h s congregation centennial report 1867 ii 1967 r rshe centennial commissioned h is still possible to put a canoe into our canadian rivers fnd tributaries and paddle to one of the oceans brie w horse an expert on oar fur trade history who has traversed and written about the old canoe routes of canada says there are as many miles of in land waterways in this country s in all the other nations of the world combined in fact it la estimated that one quarter f all the fresh water in the tnrld is to be found in canada b in article published a few years ago called canoe routes f iha voyafenrs eric morse moated that sometimes as nek history can be learned mm as from a history task tt that is the case and mim be is o a fdwf ifhflav mrs ab- out canada history when our attention is attracted to the 100 day centennial voyagcur canoe pageant next year from rocky mountain house near the alberta british columbia border canoers will dip their paddles and follow in the wake of voyageurs and fur traders along the early inland waer ways their destination expo 67 at montreal a distance of some 4 000 miles the centennial canoe pag eant will create considerable ex cttement because it it to be a raee between teams chosen by the various provinces of canada and the territories the race will be conducted according rules similar to those of a car rally so that competitive spurts and steps can be made at com munitier for the teams partici patlon in local centennial- cele brations like the old fur bn gades they will travel in floul las and judging will be done on a points system while the race will create excitement it also wilt stir our imaginations it will remind us bow some of our colorful plan eers travelled and developed the early economy of canada it la incredible as eric morse describes it that in an age be fore air travel id a land devoid of road or rail on a route set with obstructions dangers and difficulties men burdened with hundreds of tons of fur and trade goods succeeded each year in crossing over half continent and back again in the scant lve months between break up and freezeup the modern day yageurs ho have been chosen for the 1967 pageant have been getting into ahape for the big event and this summer they will partici pate in advance trials one ol the test races will be held in august in conjunction with british columbta s centennial celebration from fort sl jam ea down the stuart river to prince george and then down the fraser river through quea- nel to soda creek the crewa will portage by trailer to yale and then paddle on to hope new westminster and vancou ver and across the strait to vic tona will shoot the treacherous la chine rapids now within the boundaries of metropolitan mon treal and on to the expo 67 site from montreal the pad dlers will move up the st law rente down the richelieu thro once hostile mohawk country to lake champlaln then on to new york for the labor day week end there silhouetted against the manhattan skyline and dwar fed by the sleek and modern ocean ships their journey will end for this year not manv were married in those davs they couldn t afford it they d blow their 40 bucks on beer and girls and poker in a couple of days and then it was penny ante and practical jokes and makings for the res of the month todays sailor is a much lummor individual ha s mora llkoly to bo married and hava children ho has a mortfeago and insurance and income tax and dental bill like all the olhor suckers in society theoretically he s 10 time better off than the deck hand of the 30 k he works a whole lot less and makes a great deal more he is better fed and quartered he can watch tele vision he has 10 months away from the old battleaxe and the kids two months holidays in winter during which he is paid unemployment insurance chiropractor gerald w corbett dc opon dally by appointment mouse calls arranged s7704j1 11a main st north w h car o professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 1772211 77300 homo ne ibndersoqc barrister and solicitor ol mill st georgetown tr 7 2464 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 m ii st for appointments pheoe 1771471 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mouatainview rd carreui bldg for appointment 8773971 phoi waixacs thompson 3rd dhrtston court clot a commtsauonor tr 72m3 what s wrong then why is he griping threatening to strike twelve canoes of special des every so often wishing he v a ign resembling the old northern shore job it s simple enough canoe type used by the early voyageurs are being built in fredericton n b for the pag eanl the first was tested in ap ril on the north saskatchewan river near rocky mountain house alberta the big race in the summer of 1967 will be one of the high lights of the centennial many canadians who live on the route will be able to witness the pag eant and the others will enjoy following the teams by way of press radio and television re ports during the 100 days think of it 4 000 miles in 100 days this includes portages over slimy rocks up mountain tides lifting their canoes and heavy loads of equipment leaping outdoors soaked hundreds of times tired wor ried stormbound plagued by black files sand flies mosqui toes well i have two comments our forefathers did it in the other teat race crews i m glad i was not invited sailing is deadly dull for offi cers and engineers it s lively enough they have delicate ma ehinery decisions responsibtli ties special skills but the deck hand is the poor bloody infantry of the inland ea llis work is often dirty nearly always monotonous occa aionally dangerous but hardly ever heroic there s no going aloft to reef the mainsail in the teeth of a gale he s more likely chipping paint there s no landing at ex otic foreign ports hiring a nek aha and heading for the high spots he t mora likely picking his way across the railway tracks in a dirty dock area heading for a beer parlour he spends most of his waking hours with crowd just browned off as he and they curse and play poker and grouse and watch television crud and brag about the shore job they dax devtoophents limited builders of fine homoa prop walter pacholok 774311 or 077 9415 monuments pollock 1 campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 421 7sm 62 water street north o a lt barragers ctoanersshlrt launderers tr 7 227 is main s 166 guelph all work done on promises frank fetch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 73884 georgetown a t walker ro dosc optometrist 12 mam sl s brampton 4514474 res 4518243 hours sam to 6 pjn tuesday to saturday friday s am to 9 pn evenings by appointment georgetown herald nawagapara limited georgetown ontario wattor c btohn publisher oarbeld mcoiivray production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley aileen bradley frank mullln advertising manager mrs frankfllcapea clerk tt anne carrie keporter leslie clark dave hastings h gilaon j hcclementa j andre conway printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald john b love architect 17 chapel su brampten commercial industrial and institutional buildings 7730 4519345 ceokcrrown animal clinic 106 geph street dr bl gastrin clinic open b s pnv mon wed frl saturday 11 ft harold fobert a5 wsuuna imufcanci t ualtor m 14 goalph st oas mundy uk 1773174 i77447s onds

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