georgetown herald ubllahed by mama newtpapen umlmd 22 main streat s gaorgatown ontario w c mum fiibllaltar thursday juiy 21at 1966 editorial comment welcome to new firm with the new plant of economy formi starting operations in georgetown we wish a long and successful future to this latest addition to our industry the firrn will manufacture steel forms used in the concrete industry for various shapes of molds erco forms as they are known are becoming increasingly popular with contractors they are reusable and r are made in sections which can form almost any shape depending on the combination vvbich4ssd and the canadian ptent has been designed in the same manner coming to town are gentral manager t w brorherington and production manager e lampton some 75 employees is the eventual labour force en visaged for the plant which has beerr built on todd road with another mor firm general fire proof ing in process of building and with additions and new plants scheduled by sev eral of our already established industries geor is e a modest indust economy forms has produced its pro duct up to now mainly in its iowa plant boom which will greatly benefit the town s economy in future years where does it end the ceaseless increase in urban con centration brings greater and greater strain on facilities like highways thousands of commuters set out each morning by car from towns ke george town converg ng into a tight orbit of fac tor es and offices as each year goes by more and more traffic crowds onto our highways at rush hour government engineers are constantly at work plann ng new traffic arter es wid ening existing ones in an effort to cope with the problem we heard an interesting talk recently by a h ghways department head when he detailed to the i ons club some of the fut ure pr def nite and not so definite for ferry ng traffic into and through the metro toronto area one l on asked if t m ghtn t be more economical to consider moving industry to the people and perhaps he has the gem of an idea certainly more and wider high ways will never solve the problem for the more transportation is improved the more cars will attempt the trip end the more highway lanes we will need to lake care of commuters there are other possibilt es of course there could be a mass reaction to risking ines life twice daily and a trend to com nuter trains if things got impossible it it onceivable that the government would have to limit traff c to so many cars per hour to avoid the traffic jams which are occurring more frequently but would it not be best of all for in dustnes to spread out not ust to towns like georgetown but much farther afield there are towns to the north of us in count es like huron and bruce estab lished for a century and desperate for in duttry to hold their young people at home couldn t more people be happ er if we had hundreds of communities of ten twenty and thirty thousand spread all over the province instead of three or four large urban masses growing by leaps and bounds and br ng ng al the bad th ngs with them too the slums crime nc dence squalor which hide behmd the glamour of the big c ty lights it might take some subsidies to get a new pattern rolling but subsidies are not uncommon today lets get tome of our ec onom sis working along th s line before we pour any more millions into the merry-go- round which is twirling faster and faster for e large share of ontario s populaton today farm safety week the canadian farming com munity will join with the rest of tile continent between july m and 30 to participate ttf farm safety week according to the national safety league of canada the canadian high way safety council will concur rently promote safety on rural roads and emphasise safe proc edures for drivers of farm yeh odes on public thoroughfares leading cause of death on ca nadian farms according to the league has been machinery and prominent in this category fa the trie however the home chemicals construction and vehicles play important ro les in the drama of death and buffering on the farm guy he laren general manager of nsl has issued a plea to the farm ing community to nuke eftnn safely week a time to assess the dangers on the farm and plan to avoid or eliminate them the t urged all organlza tlons such ai 4h clubs agrlcul turil societies and associations and safety councils to conceit trite on farm safety during th- july campaign so the rural community of canada may ben ef it through the year urmmivmim coftennial centre of science and technology canadas aceeaslblc by escalators and elevators is the building fore- fitwiencernuaurn begin to rein a parkland ground- homin the exhttfrmiha workeho end cu etting in the don valley at the geographical heart of lections the centre ia ontario a official centennial project metropolitan toronto this architects model ahows the and the hon james auld minister of tourism fi responsible reception building upper right joined to the main building to the legislature for the centres development and upper left by a 260foot walkway ninety feet below and operation sugar and spice by bill smiley all agony no ecstasy weathers ups and downs someone s misfortune is always some one else s bread and butter so it s that while farmers are bemoan ing the lack of rain for weeks wh ch has ser ously affected grain prospects n most of ontar o tour it resorts are jammed and the men who must make the r money in a few short summer months have a bonanza the like of wh ch they haven t seen for years for those who have had june and july vacations the weather has been ideal wh le those at work swelter in the s z zling temperatures vacationers loll on the beaches sleep restfully in the cool n ght air by lakes and r vers and taste the oys of the outdoors as sunny skies greet them day after day too bad the weatherman couldn t mix h s blessings ust a bit those on vacat on my wife keeps asking me why i my hands shake it would not be polite to respond baby uv ing with you would make any one s hands shake so i blame it on the war some fellows have burned fac es aluminum legs sleeves pinned up glass eye some have great shirpnel wounds on abdo men or buttocks which they will happily show you at the satur day night party my hands she doesn 1 believe the war bit anymore so i blame it on booze the tension of teaching or the pills i take for my burst us but the real reason is that llv ing with her would make any bodys hands shake what brings this to mind is that ive just gone through ab out 48 hours of domestic purga tory cowardly husbands go quietly off to mental institutions or have heart attacks my hands shake the occasion was the recep tlon of our son s marks at the end of first year university and about 1 700 plus tax when the pffper arrived with the first year results i threw u on the table ran to the bath room locked myself in and star ted flushing the toilet st twelve second intervals as i suspected it was futile the alternative sobs of grief and shrieks of rage penetrated my refuge i had to come out and be a father i knovryou wan f believe it but that kldi name wis net at the head ef tha firstclasi hort- en hit nor the secondclass honors list nor tha third h had told me lust before saving for the west coast job to start looking for hit nam from tho bottom of thi paee up at east it wss there i tried to console the old la dy with stuff like rome was nt built in a day you know snd you cant grow roies with out thorns you know and what the hell we ii all be dead in fifty years you know and similar bits of homespun com fort it was is useless as trying to hum flow gently sweet afton with s beatles record going full bore kim was big help though she sat there tossing what lsxy buml why weren t you wouldn t grumble too much if they had say a day of rain n seven for they must return home eventually to parched gardens dried up lawns and the mosquito infes tat on which plagues those who try to lit outdoors on these warm evenings merchants are gleeful too they had a tr h spr ng for buyers waited for the sp ig v airier which never came and shel ves were left well stocked w th all the mtsr chandise which wain t bought summer clothing has moved br skly atr condit on ing sales have been on the increase drive in movies are prospering the ice cream and soft drink business is at a peak it shows us how much we depend on that unpredictable someone we call the weatherman and whether we i ke his pro duct or not the best we can do is grtn and bear it enjoy its blessings and hope its woes won t be too long last ng harley to halton weakly observations by dr harry harley mp for hilton tougher with him how could he be so stupid and other bits of oil on the fire frankly f was relieved that he d passed my wife was infur iated alternatively with the lord who badn t caused a mu scle to pass his professors who had barely allowed the kid to pass and the kid who had a lowed a year to pass as though he d been on another planel but she couldn t just keep on sobbing and uttering msledic uons we had arranged to go on a picnic with another family snd their four little kids so wo went and the results proved to me once again that stupid old platitude that life goes on it was wondarful combination sun and sand their baby eating algae and ants their little boys burning them selves as they roasted marsh mallows and a most peculiar potent of cordons lemonade i d mixed under this prescription my old girl was so relaxed that she burst into tears of shame and rtge only four times during tha picnic neit day she was dfefl on the mend she cried ungj noon brooded on her bed unq four pm but got up andvp the chicken legs in the ove for some people we d invited fo dinner by great good luck their jtfj had failed his year outright i dismally that cheered f up a bit later in the evening an ofl friend a professor of engal dropped in with his wife were on holidays their dau ter sn extremely brilliant a ent in high school had just completed first year versity they hadn t yet i her results we had the extreme pleaiui of telling them that she hugh had barely stag through they left logkinfcj we went to bed the boss air buoyant and she wonders why hands shake business directory the house op commons ify the four principles under completed its work in the early lying the plan are hour ol friday momma and rf a has recessed for the summer i h the final piece of legislation wr oms was the bill concerning the port i 2 portability strike at montreal quebec and three rivers this piece of leg 3 public administration or aud islation has been guaranteed m t part of the agreement arrived coverage of t least 00 of at by the government the rcs n oi the p chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 7ho jo mill si georgetown crusade comment for the next 12 weeks rev bruce woods of maple avenue baptist church will be informing our readers of the united evan gellstie crusade sponsored by churches of all denomimations from brampton georgetown orangeville streetsvllle and bolton the halton peel crus ade for christ will take place in the brampton arena from sep tember 18th to 25th and expec ted to nraw 3000 in attend in twelve abort weeks bramp ton will be the scene of the most significant religious event that has erer coma to these parts i refer to the mounting of an wngfliitte crusade eponsored churches in the hal v bruci woods maple avenue baptist church ton peel area including geor getown orangeville bolton streetsville and erin the fo cal point of the crusade will be the brampton arena and the date is sunday september isth on the opening night 3000 are expected to hear canada s national evangelist barry moore in a recent editorial religious columnist allan spragget called barry moore the billy graham of canada in hamilton and oshawa he drew 5000 to his closing crus ades and in winnipeg 14 000 at tended the final rally what und of people attend a crusade in answer to this question we would admit that the church go ing people of the area will form the backbone of those who it tend hiwever just as in the case of the recent billy grab am crusade in london eng land there will be hundreds who never dsrken the door of a church some of these will be brought to the crusade by spe dal invitation on the part of christian friends others will be attracted by the large crowds and the poll of something novel and different indeed a church meeting in an arena is something different but it will be the unchanged old fashioned gospel that will ze preached in the same way is the old time methodists called for a decision so evangelist barry moore will give an altar call there will be hundreds who will respond and rededicate their uvea to christian serv ice many will be converted but someone will ask will the results be luting per haps there will be some that will prove insincere but many will be gebuine someone says is it worth all thii effort if only one life was revolutionized the pastors and laymen behind this ven ture would be satisfied how ever the experience of the past dictates that many will be tou ebed and startling conversions will take place place before the entsade ia over all of hilton and peel counties will be talk ing about this crusade two major p ece of iegila uonjthit will be ready when the house opens in the fall will be the medicare legislation and the implementation of the croll report the medicare bill has re eeived first reading this in no way changes the target date of july 1 1967 when it is hoped ill provinces of canada willi have a medicare plan which will qualify for the 50 federal j contributions at the present time the ontsrto plan omsip does not qualify f fede 1 as sistance but with some alters tlons which i expect will come about in this plan it could qual district news at a glance bronte thirty good samaritans leap ed into action this week they are members of the bronte branch of the canidun legion who are building a home for walter donovan and his wife and ten children who were left homeless jn a june 28th blaze which left their house a char red shell burlington they re quiet in the streets of burlington this week their very own girl at miami s miss universe pageant marjorie scbofield didnt win the title milton over 200 kilted dancers from canada and the united states look part in the sixth annual ontario highland din cing association champion th minister of national health and welfire his an nounccd hat the government will implement a guaranteed minimum income for our senior cilnens this will ensure that every single person over 65 years of age in canada will have a guaranteed income of 105 peri month the croll report alsoj suggested that for a married couple at age 65 the income should be 185 per month this income would be paid by the government completely if no other i come is present snd in part if other income is present it in expected that the basis for this would be the income tax return ships held in milton fair grounds saturda oakv1ll1 twrf tetincnes bp snd shell are cooperaung in a scheme to control air pollution at their refineries in west oakvllle odors emanating from the oakville refineries have been strongly criticized by srea res iden s chiropractor dc gerald w c optrt dally by appointment hoose calls arranged 1776631 11a main st north w h carr a profeulonal engineer consulting englnasr ontario land surveyor off lea 977 221 1 774300 home me manderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 aaill st georgetown tr 7 2464 dax developments limited builder of fine homes prop walter picholok 774311 or 177 wis a bible thought for the week h b dean he is like a man which built a home and digged deep and laid the foundation upon a rock and when the flood arose the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not hake it for it was founded upon a rock luke 48 rest yew- future on a sura foundation and all tho lam ents ef evil will never move you christ is hie rock of ages tor all ages trust him monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemeter7 ph0ni 621 7510 82 water street north g a l t georgetown herald fhifcllihed fay homo newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c fttehn publisher fterfleld mcollvny production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley alleen bradley frank mulling advertising manager mrs frank capes clerk tyijlit anne currie reporter leslie clark davt hastings l gilson i mcdements andre coowaj optometrist l ai brown 0 d far appointment phena i77w71 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mounuinview rd s carretal bldg tot appointment 8773971 barragers claanarashlrt laundartri tr 7m7 it main 5 166 guclph all work dona an pramlaea frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tb 72864 georgetown printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 772201 wallaci thompson 3rd dlvlalon court clerk a commlealoner tr 7mu a t walker ro dosc ru optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4fimb48 hours s am to 8 pm tuesday to saturday friday 8 tjn to 9 pm evenings by appointment john b love architect 17 chapel st brampren commercial industrial and institutional buildings 7730xt 4110365 stororrown animal clinic 106 gaelpb street or r 6 catkin clinic open 6 8 pji mom wid frl ii ejr harold fobert rowmkm itmltot 1m oaatejl st ear t774374 ttta