Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 11, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald umllod 22 nuin3tram s gngmxn onttno wc thursday august 1 llh 1764 editorial comment elms are worth saving 1 driving through the ontario ooontry- sld on is struck by man inability to con- trot a tiny woe grab whrth is playing havoc with elm trees mom than any other treat j the elm hat tent beauty to our landscape the value of a building lot or a home which possesses a few elms has been enhanced be yond figuring i suddenly these huge beauties have fallen prey to a grub originally imported from holland which has given the scourge the name of dutch elm disease our government has been somewhat to blame in not imparting what information it has strongly enough to property owners who own elms we have read occasional articles which tell of commercial treatments claimed to check the disease these- am ex pensive but would still be used by many people if they knew they were available we consider the problem so acute that racial origin irrelevant the dapt of agriculture should allocate funds and either pay the whole cost or at leest subsidize it to tome extent before our landscape it blotted for a couple of decades from the chesley enterprise via the dundalk herald we quote one treatment claimed effective by carman wery a for mar dundalk reeve the plan ts to buy some 2 inch galvan ixed roofing nails and drive them into the trunk of the elm near ground level three inches apart the poiionfrom the galvan tzing assimilates with the sap going up the tree and kills the grubs at the top before they start their destructive work this is only a hearsay remedy and we would warn that if poison is inected it could kill the tree at well as the grubs so we would advise checking with a compel ent authority before you try it the treat ment has one merit it would cost only a few cants m af eymicw l a4apa a aamm chw we omoktho- trw writing to the gtobe mail an owen sound minister wonders why newspaper reports of crimes so often include the sus pect s national or racial origin when he ts not anglosaxon it is something we have wondered ab out ourselves and we thank rev alex cowan for bringing the question into the openmr cowan fay the way s not a stran ger here and was former united church minister at norval and glen williams mr cowan wrote specifically about two youths charged with robbing a toronto man one was termed a mop haired ger man born youth there was no mention of race for the other he says so presumably h was of canadian or anglosaxon origin never assume just the facts m am as jack webb used to say which applies equally to news paper editors as it does to detectives in a quarter century of reporting wet have learned never to assume last week we did to our chagrin acton evangel tabernacle was conduct fng a tent crusade at delrex market centre which began on jury st and was sched uled to continue until august 7th the herald had taken a picture of the huge tent and reserved e choice front page spot for the picture and details comes wed nesday morning we teamed that the tent u being taken down we made a fast phone call to check our story but couldn t lo cate the crusade organizer then de cided that our story slanted to the con- he goes on to criticize th headline homesick yugoslav charged in fires mr cowan enda his letter with this thought it is my conviction this pract ce of re porting racial origin in cr mes and of sus pects is discriminatory against the ind vidual and the race of which he happens to be a member further i believe such reporting especially in a great cosmopolitan centre like toronto feedsgroup vanities accentu ates sectional ealousies and helps give sup port to the more serious manifestations of the race problem in racial violence and even war what does it matter to the public awareness of the ever newsworthy area of crime and criminal acts what the charged or i racial of natlottattwigii is eluding services on sunday would look out of date and that a decision had been made to end the crusade earlier than originally planned so we changed our writeup to past tense patting ourselves on tne back for being sharp and uptodate we did a double take when we drove ottawa peace pipe a sugar and spice by bill smiley a visit to the hometown row did tha hilton peel ev nieuitln cruiida tjarted what was the uniting force tr t brought so many denoml nations together who is be hind the organisation these are some of tha questions that people are asking as they hear of th september 1829 crus ade in the brampton arena this fall country and with the best prices its a shed on a farm full of tools and baled hay cedar rail extends across front you stand there with your farmer friend lean on the nil and look at the lake down below we ve seen deer and bear from there and covered local politics and talked cattle got stuclt in the sand at the beach to tbe rage of my wife j 1j u s went ayin off to iltld spent a week in the old the young kids that your kids img j in 1 friend s car hometown recently and as us- used to play with are hulking while she was away i vas ual it wit anything but a rest adolescents seme ef them de p ou easily fcy the weather was perfect but tlnquents with police records j nt inns wno hl j the hospitality was exhausting and yeur om partner enee in- m hs lnmk a w1 to dnve lis not really my hometown h his car and gaggle of kibs i didnt grow up there physi dhww p- to help push sounds like fict rally but i spent a decade despite the changes there ion but its fact there in the ne lpaper husm u continuity as comfortable as r could only happen in or ess and maybe 1 grew up there an old fishing hat the cham around the old hometown in other ways anyway when ber of commerce is still fight i you walk down the main street ing over store hours the in the concept of united even gelistic crusades is not new as recently as three years ago gait and guelph hive held such crusades hamilton held a su cessful crusade last year and oshawa and kitchener this year two years ass the georgetown ministerial discus sed the idea bu felt the task too big for the town finally a group of interested ministers from georgetown and bramp ton met with mr james black wood of crusade evangelism to explore the possibility of bringing barry moore to the district these men m turn el ected a tour man committee to invite the ministers of bramp ton and georgetown to partici pate in a united crusade for christ on the doctrinal basis of preaching the gospel of jesus christ according to the inspired word of god those who responded were few in number but enough showed up at an organizational meeting held at kennedy rd pentecostal tabernacle to elect the following officers captain carl bowes brampton silvat ion armv chairman rev ron ste ens pentecostal cochair man rev doug tnnger uni ted secretary and dr max problems eagleson a baptist layman as treasurer ton georgetown erin aden cnragevillt bolton and wood- jfbridge to s tha bu eh ches that have showed int erest or outright joined the crusade number twentynine with more writing for inform ation every week represented denominations include angu can baptist brethren christ ian reformed nanrene pant ecostid presbyterian salvat ion army united and united missionary not every church of these denominations have endorsed the crusade in fact as many churches within these denom inations have elected not to join or hive simply not made the effort however be this as it may the congregations which have shown an interest are sufficient in number and dedication to make the halton peel crusade the most signifi cant religious event to come te these parts for many a year with the kind of backing we have enlisted for this cru sade we feel confident that the opening night on september 18 will draw 3 000 persons in the brampton arena next week what evangelis tic preaching is like bible thoughts for the week and as ye would that am should da ttt yeu do ye all te them likewise luke 4tl i here in the word of god is the answer to all the world a i the executive was chosen bur te do eaed and te munlcate f from brampton for practical sueh gnhee ged h well reasons but the committee that 9 lukiawi is 14 that they have so up now re presents bramalea mai on its too bad there so little port credit streetswlle mil effort to be good to shake hands and ask about vergeuf announcing a huge your family and tell you what new industry the fire brigade their kids are doing now its races periodically to the town your hometown jdump where the incinerating a smalltown changes and p j h yet remains tha same a few carets has bog busiiesses have changed hands or some of the stores have new some of the local characters fronts the paint on the hotel have gone to their reward but has been changed from pas many are still around the lo- sionate purple to ghastly green cal lawyer still puys his elec the hady tree lined street on trie organ between clients the which you used to live has local millionaire still lugs bags ben raped the stately trees of salt and feed into the back cut to ugly stumps as the 0 his 66 model and lugs it by the plaza thursday and saw the street is to be widened out to ferf his cattle the bar tent lut th meeest change re r with whom you once shar chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tk 73401 30 mill st geretewn then we learned the sad story a wind in the peepfo the young mmn ed a riotous legion xone rally i wu ucad t wartr and lklav lll cjulps with his customers torn had damaged the nt somewha and j jj ij uu ha tent on lo fight in temporarily for l th younl a r mn so yon thi ted 0 n liuwk oome toenny scot chortles a he ells w w 11 be more b h si s m mur v the same waiter insults the ume custo mers in the pub the same beer barrel in human form sits m the same seal in the i rt had been taken down repairs then promptly erected age sadder and careful of our assumptions in futui fori aoove a i else we sir ve for a curacy in our mail bag report ng in thi mail bag deputy police chief seeks dismissal reason saturday august 6 19w tan dear sir police department like te state at thii uaae that i have net received with reference to the article amy reply to my repeated in the august 4tb usue of the ejur it i for a heaving or herald regarding my di leera the charges leading as deputy chief of tie george- say disautaal news echoes heeea e eaw years ae oytau ago an off c f valveturning ceremony allowing natural gas into the georgetown datribuhon system took place this week on the 8th line south of town councillors and their wives the town clerk press representatives and a number of townspeople were witnesses to the historic ceremony f mrs b park a nurse holidaying in this area became a heroine last saturday when she applied her life saving knowledge to revive a brampton resident after he almost d et terra gotta a radical shift n public school population will lake place in georgetown when school opens next month wrig glesworrh school will stagger its dasses until harrison school is ready for ooacupancy wyiaasaqo a a meetng of the war service recognition commmtte of georgetown m the muniopel building monday night w we decided to give each georgetown veteran of ati 2 wsr bond 9f rnated l ere tram 250 w 300 men and women to be on june 21st my services as deputy chief were terminated efforts on my part to learn the reason or reasons from the chief and the police commit tee were to no avail on june 30th i appeared before the committee and requested a hearing i was told that they would divruss the mattei and i would be advised of their de cision 1 have not u yet receiv ed any reply having given the committee ample opportunity to inform me of their decision f felt thrre was no alternative but to place the matter in the hands of my lawyer contrary to what mr young was quoted as saying 1 hsve ot bad a chance to defend my self or to reply lo any charges if in fact there are any thsnk you for the opportu nity to eiplain my position in this matter i remain says theatrical groups wmevb hmim pool talents the rm peopl 5llu comc jiiuuiu ltoi ldlcll u the same cottages except 17 edith street that the pregnant young matron august 4 1966 1 was a skinny kid in bare leet pear sir j time ou saw her and the mrs walkers exasperation handsome young chap who at the confusion f identity be- t v 7 tween globe productions and chiropractor tanm w cerfcah dc open dally by ppeantmant house calls arranged i77m31 ii main st north w h cam profeuianal engineer cantultlnfj engineer ontario land surveyor office 177 3211 77m00 home h e miaderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill si georgetown tr 7 2464 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st fee appointments phono i77m71 robl r hamilton optofnetfttt 118 mounuinview ltd 5 camtal bldf for appointment 8773971 wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner til mh1 georgetown little theatre ume you aw him sincerely robert a wilson industrial aiscssment upped by 126000 a 106 000 addition to inter ebemical preastlta ud boost ad tha tola or july building permit to 170m5 another 18000 waa taken up by an ad dillon lo ew bliss co ltd and 20 000 for halton steel joists ud this company u an associate of ftrro structural steal en armstrong ave tha new company is adjacent ferro well taken and certainly each however it i good to get group deserve credit for the back for a ml and its never contributions it has made to uneventful i local entertainment kept my hand in by writing on the other hand there are a w news tori for ttw p- many performers and back iter tea my family te the li stage people who work with dlan reserve same beautiful both groups and the confusion i and easy twin inhabit- is understandable surely it is aula dropped in dax developments limited builders of pine hemes prop walter pachoiok 774111 er 77 94u friends and eat all the latea dee en who waa vol cra and whe was runnlne areund with whern had i beer at the cedar rail most untqua bar in the bout time that tha two groups worked together at least at tbe esecutive level to lay plans for a community theatre build ing so that theatrical present atiom can be held locally in a building properly designed for tha purpose the ideal site would be ledarvals and dur ing he nt season films could be shown as wall the high school auditorium while ad equals for its intended pur pose has loo small a stage poor facilities or lighting and of course no suitable facilities for set construction rehearsals or make up the old town hall in properly damage in the 3 r iea- 1 10 tie iuly good month for halton road safety only is accidents th low et monthly total to date in ibm were investigated by north halton opp detachment during july there were 14 persons injured and gllbso eurrrntly used for rehearsals by ultla theatre is hopeusa- ly primitive and cold during the winter months a proper building in leder vale could provide all ot theie facilities with lobby spare tor an art gallery and refresh menu iet us see both groups svork with one of the service clubs and other cilliens to pro duce somethingthat george tha remaining 4tms areitnwn really needs permits laaued fe uirealsoua- sincerely a jim warren t monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone uljjon t water stroel north 0 a lt barragers cteaeeersshirt launderen t 7m7 ib uatn s 166 guelph prank pitch ucknskd auctioneer prompt service pa box 413 til 7x864 georgetown a t walker ho dlosc optometrist 12 main st 5 brampton 4514474 res 4516m3 hours 9 am to 6 pjn tuesday to saturday friday ft am to 9 pjn irejungs by appointment georgetown herald accidents and no fatalities january stl ranks as the biggest a tent month of the year as 57 accidents were re- nmt editor ported that month the ume terry harley meejieepereliwrted oeontetown ontario walter c aienn publisher month has the highest proper ty damage toil to date this year 152 490 to dste m 1968 the opp have investigated 368 accidents in north halton there me been four persons killed 100 eriletd mcgllvray production superlntenaent accountant alleen bradley prank uullln advertising manager lira frank capes clerk typist anns currle reporter leslie clark dave hastings injured and 153270 in prop- n guon j keclemeota rty daouga in the seven i andre conway months i printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald i7mm1 john b l0v1 architect 17 chopol st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 4s19ms mokgetown animal clinic 106 cwelph stroet or k b goskln clinic open 8 pjl mon wed fel sohsraop 11 ej

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