Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 18, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald mmiwi by hm nerspepors limited jj main strati s georgetown ontarlc w c mhn publisher thursday august 18th 1966 editorial comment promote cycle safety the ywywca coed club is to be congratulated for its efforts in traffic safety in making instruction available for rnotor- cychsts the highways department which h stringent rules for those who would drive an automobile has been remiss in not hav ing similar rules for cyclists at present all mat is needed for person to appear on the highway with a motorcycle is the mon ey to purchase it and a beginners licence a physical examination or knowledge of traf fk laws is unnecessary this has been a contrtbutary cause to the statistics which show mat nearly 5 of all motorcycles in ontario have been m serious accidents the rate for all other registered vehicles is 1 3 the coed clubs atm is to give each theatre in the news j the herald mai bag has had a slant to the theatrical these past two weeks the editors tendency to confuse in prmt the little theatre and globe produc tiorrs finally led an irate globe member to point out the difference which in turn gave another reader an opportunity to sug gest that the two theatrical groups combine efforts which then led to a member of the little theatre announcing a fund raising plan with hopes of building a future com muntty theatre with live theatre in the news it was a coincidence that another member of the community should write this week pointing out georgetown lack of movies and the opinion that we are now large enough to support such a venture both ideas have merit both are diffi cult to envisage in the toonear future but neither are beyond the realm of possibility the cost of a suitable building for amatedrdrsmaticstsone vhtch the hopes of those ourselves included of the limited eudiences which little theatre has attracted to date a movie theatre differs it is strictly a xlal proposition for one or other of on the verge impending opening of a new bank and a trust company branch in georgetown can only be good news for the town s econ omic future such locations are made only after careful study by the firms involved and means that we are on the verge of the long anticipated commercial and industrial boom which has been predicted for the last dec ade with factories hke general fireproof trig economy form and dennison on the horizon and with house building on the move again we seem to be emerging from a period of suspension it hasn t all been bad for it has given us an opportunity to consolidate the rapid growth which for a few years had municipal officials out of breath keeping up entrant banc knowledge of how to operate his machine which can contribute to his own safety and to the safety of others the yellow jackets motorcycle clob is cooperet fng to provide tuition safe driving will be emphasized the highway rules will be studied during the threeday course and there will be two written tests prizes are being offered for most improved and safest drivers and the course will end with a street dance evefyone owning a lightweight motor cycle is urged to take advantage of the course georgetown is juclcy to have a group of teenagers interested in such activity with the foresight to do something about a situation which can increase in ser lousness as traffic increases on our high ways the big cha ns which control film dtstnbu tion we have heard that the development firm which owns the shopping plaza is at tempting to arouse some interest in that direction and we would doubt that any pe tition of townspeople could have any direct influence naturally it would be easy to induce any resident to sign a petition say ing ha would like to have a movie theatre here but judging from the closed theatres in every ontar o town the trend from tv s viewing hasn t quite swung back to the place where a firm would r sk a large m vestment even m a town of georgetown s size perhaps the two ideas could mesh as sume amateur theatrics supporters raised a fair sum of money but were short of their goal it could be possible that an arrange men could be made then to contribute this to the cost of a movie theatre with the proviso that it be made available for re riearsair and a certain numberof perform ances yearly the important thing it that there is an awakening interest in drama both live and filmed which should be encouraged in ev ery way possible we are well equipped now with maor public works for water and sewage our streets are not perfect but have been kept in reasonably good shape some necessary storm sewers are in operation schools have been able to meet the student load and we have learned what to expect and what to demand from residential subdivis ons we can now anticipate a steady growth m population in factories in commercial establishments it wont all be rosy each jump in population br ngs its own problems future town councils planning boards and civic officials will not have too much time to spend twiddling thumbs the next decade is one of challenge which will tax us to the limit and requ re wise decisions and action from those who guide our town s affairs harley to halton weekly omtvations iy dr harry harley jvlp for halton the first session of the twen tyseventh parliament of can ada has recessed this session was as important as any prev health hiii fund act a 500 million fund to assist province in the acquisition construction and renovation of ions session of the canadian health training facilities and parliament end indeed in terms of farreaching legislation was a very significant session and will affect canadians for years to come i would like to aum- narize the major pieces of le gislation for um people of hal ton and review matters consid end and under consideration canada assistance plan to authorize the rafting ol contributions by che federal government towards the cost of programmes for the provisions of assisuzieeand welfare servi es to aged persons in need the gorerotnent also has an nounced its intention to bring f legfaution to provide a apanateed income of 105 to those wsso will only benefit partly if at all from the can i plan 10yiarsaoo completing the roster of georgetown five man paste force rlariey lowe 29 of toronto was hired on mon day by council m a probationary constable hettv nam of bridgetown rova scotia t r onglnalh des to produce klystron tubes4nxa0- ada varsankssociates of canada ltd on mogntitrwiswf road has begun to branch into other lines to riseretao ironies field a raw graphic recorder has been placatd on thst rrsericet end is finding favour in industry md bennies the machine records pressure light lnteniflj temper and a number of other physical quemiets i some concern was expressed at council meeting jft lught about the maple avenue extension which was promi as a roadway for public school children wheat school opera in ssfeternber if the maple avenue sec tion between main st end the highway is not complete ed park district children would have only the amh 3 guetph st route to howard wngglesworth schools long dangerous walk the home of clarence heslop rekj court used natural gas yesterday marking the first use of gas in the town history mr heslop sales manager of rex heslop homes n one of many local householders who will be using the newtogeorgetown fuel being closest to that distribution system his home was first to be connected to the system 30 years ago i construction will start by september on the frhy vetef- ans homes to be built on cedarvale farm property pur chased by the town last spring this was the messege given to council at a special meeting last wednesday night by mr j v macintosh of the architectural depanv mentof wartime housing mr macintosh had architecf sk of the new development which will be a deci ded addition to the residential area of town some t will be of wood sidmcv tome of asbestos slate sugar and spice by bill smiley bigtime in the bigtown burning desire of most city waddaya mean old people people in the blasting heat of chorused her old lady and her midsummer is to flee from thei old han concrete canyons and head when k lhere north where there is cool blue ajn a h of wlo j water and glden sand and you that te le on exhausted joeers lun unrla hlanareite ntk nn thair nr i we loafed ma the real rch people their kids had an luhaa djat ner and took m knt oats comedyjcatchiiu three seats nmam ak in jrjlv the second row by pore taet ju enjoyed it hot tm afraid will tut broadway about same year i wu the vobel the brampton office of and the colour scheme of cream white brown end grey with varying roofs of red green btpe and grey will blend in a harmonious colour scheme the town derk has some seventy five applications on hand for the ho mes mr william cunningham of town is one of a group of men working on the recently started superhighway from toronto to barne he is employed as a foreman with the wallace a mackay construction co and is in charge of the work of clearing the land preparatory to the construction of the roadway jla district jobs the national employment service and hone sunday op tfcejpuced 415 persons in employ highway north rested and rej natal dorms the month of july freshed and tanghnm all the 1966 said the new manager mr hw fallard these fig within flexes cover vacancies sleep under blankets well we live in the north hj fcu comparatively and usually it- arj f how found ealeitj just aa the city denuens pic- ourselvm n ra0u5 or latam lur il i ous yorkville al midnight but this summer ifter sleep- 1 witb about 4 000 ing under nothing but a film strolling up and of weat for th week wel s couple of h jrjzlv jrn nth on their way back fro- the are served b the bramp- she graciously permitted vaha tnv g unlading bramalea orangevule sbel burne and surrounding areas this figure snows an increase of approximately 14 over the previous month s figure as the healthy employment situation continues to prevail in this area alogether 1m6 persons were registered for employment fat the brampton office at the end of july including 450 stu dents who are seeking summer work decided to seek refuge from the beat haw do you net it haad far ther north nope you south for the city and chock into an alrcondltlonid hotel with swimming pool it was done on impulse with no room reservation we were lucky after four phone calls wa found ourselves ensconced in a fine big room cool as a tomb overlooking the swank swimming pool and yet it was right in the heart of the city very pleasant free parking and free ice cubes appealed to my scottish strain we called a few people and by 8 o clock the joint was jumping room service was the gallop and the room was filled with everything from teenagers to a grandmother who had just knocked off her toth birthday and wa prcpar ed to celebrate the event till dawn their nightly pilgrimage villi in fflvo minutes mns been spotted by one of my stvj rfontsj- who s do to catch mr smiley in the act to to spook- wa took rofue in i a cellar joint maybe i m getting old and crusty but the coffee bouses have changed eatly and for ihe worse in the fivt years since ive been there then they were run by en thusiastie amateurs you could spend a whole e v e n i ng for a dollar and a quarter and the music was provided by ybung folk singers some lousy some good but all serious and rather sweel now they e gone aal there s a sbffish en charge coffee is so cents wallop and rotten and the mu sic provided by groups whose sole purpose seems to be to drive you right out of you- skull is one great blast of elec- hm business directory chiropractot ponaid a at djc fortunately cooler heads pro- tronic noise and shooting vatlad and by 11 pm all had pone their various ways what to do too late for dinner or show too aarly for bod my wife who turns into a gogo girl when she gets into a hotel room and hasn t any meals or dishes or laundry to worry about suggested we hit the coffeehouse circuit my daughter whose foremost de aire is to do just that but by herself demurred who wants to go there with parents and besides i hear they don t allow old people in to them ironically the places have become too expensive for most of the voung people they were origintlly intended for per haps thats why they walk up and down outside in one vast rolling rrowd that is always potentially a mob oh wotl it was a food week end we had smdeotwj far one nleht only bwt wo dmnt wake up until c o ham was still and the elrts soma of that weird f look whkh proved thai could afford it if wo cot oiir0pmci0r lehadmdqc sumter and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 oftometkist lm brown od 35 mill st research institution c of yeuna canadians for the establishment of a company for the encouragement and development of social eco nomic and community program met in canada or abroad through voluntary service st leans act amondmen an ia000000 increase l the student- loan fund arda act amendnwnt to extend scope of this act to included rural towns and vil leges as well as farms farm credit act amendme to increase from 600 mil uoq to 1 billion the amount available in loan funds- for new equipment and more land implamontatlan of the automobile agreement a major step in strengthening the canadian automobile and autp prts industries and of special importance and slgnifi cance to uajton where the tut omobile industry la one of the major employers fund for rural iconomlc development act the provision of a 90- mil lion fund for the economic and social development of special rural development areas canadian dairy commission a commission to advise in such matters relating to the production and marketing of dairy products science council of canada act the establishment of an ad vlsory council for the coordin hon and efficient exploitation of canada a scientific potential continued en pao 5 rfv bruci woods maple avenue baptist church what is evangelistic preach ing like what la there about revival preaching that fires the imagination and stirs the soul on the week of september 18 to 25 you will have the oppor tunlty of finding out for your self as the helton peel crus ade gets underway in chlngua- cousy arena bramalea this fall note location change due to repairs on the bramp ton arena uscraaranns 77011 r iffms mrragers 1 mot lln s 168 guclpfc ftftnk pitch auct10neeh ptvaftyt serrie pa an u t t4k gmrnum printing of imotihction a statements letterheads f b34vklopes wedding invitations herald r georgetown herald robt r hamilton 116 iknsulnvlnr sd s caneul bud tor appointment 8773971 wallaci thompson m dmslan curt clark ommtatanar tkmhi a t waucix ko d0jc optomtmilt 11 ibib st s branploo 461m74 lit 431sk1 hoars 9 am to 6 pm taesdoj to saturday tfrldaj 9 ajn to s pjm by appointment john b love akchitkt 17 ckopol si braanpha commarciay industrial and instltnttonal bnildinss atmvtt isms- momattown animal clinic 1m gaalph straat dr b saakki clinic open 1 h mon wio nu 11 great eranceustie preacniat is nntortobately in abort ply theao days but it can still be foond oo im and g orcetown t will 1 the opportunity to hear finest when evangelist barry moore comes to oar area eonscientioqs minister tries no bnnx evansellsm into sunday preachinr banas a steady duet cewtwiuod on papa s ansae carrie i hahtxd fobert avukanct mumncxmmioi 14 tm m wwr j it74s74 crm47s

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