Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 25, 1966, p. 3

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k it j i in esqiiesing township i at ike bar- at tafias wt rxbterf ia tacfirat pat ike 171 eatery practice lias cnasj diertteth jaacaafa at lac arte all 1 has beea sot to tne the r of tonaaa aav critaa national selene foun aad the national mui tins project ls t health tot indian fa relation to their diet aithtawi at material from caatari and new york state m the last 2j000 years has beea examined to deter- nate aaartalkjr rates average ajc at death state dental reseace of diseas bone and the in 4 ri of congenital abnorm the skeleton this in is being related to of their cultural lie area is rich in the of the neutral indians hat abforbmately most sites have beea badly damaged over when a site is found professmnal ad nee should be sought by re portuig it to the anthropology of the- university iof toronto or the boyil ont the digging of a site by interested but traiaed people destroys most ofl the imp information that eaou be recovered many amateur aieheologisis belong to the ontario areheol ogual society which holds xtgj nlar meetings and provides training id excavation tech nique as well as professional advice information on mem bership is available from the president dr tlde n axleson 347 trumon road wlllowdale ontario personnel working on the hcclenahan dig included e anderson md director of the project and patrick hart ney ma field director the i crew consisted of graduate students from the state unl versity of new york barbara butler jerome cybutokl an thony guuo caralyn hartney michael pieutrusewski joyce sorianni and robert sundick two ontario high school stu dents were valued members of the crew ralph mccormack of hilton and charles wmegard of cooksville during the next year the ma teriil will be analyzed and a report wih be published at that time ratvi mum wood maple avenue baptist church what about the people whoi make decisions at the halton peel cruswathif september wiu they laatwe are looking forward to this evangelistic campaign with the full expec tancy that aa many as three or four hundred people will pub licly take a stand and register their decision to follow christ the critical observer nw these people dedicate their uvea tin der the sway of mass evang eliam and sardonically quips it wont last so let s look at the critic s arg uraeot is there a valid critic- ism of mass evangelism as it so often refer ed to recently billy graham reported that ov er one mlllidn persons have made decisions at his crusades since he first began preaching surely it would be the height of impertinence to infer that of this vast number none or very few had been helped i meet christians all over cana da and united states wha re- cefrved their initial start at billy graham crusade reliable reports after extensive follow up reveal that over half of the converts remain true to their j commitment s what is true of billy gra hams crusades is equally true of barry moores crusades but let s hear what the people say who have made the decis ions the following are a few the decision i nde at the crusade has been a blessing i am a changed person new convert in port arthur ont i would like to express my sincere thanks to you for help ing me to find the lord jesus as my saviour it has made new person out of me and i very grateful young ad alt victoria bc my husband and i have been rejoicing in the lord since january 17 when we were saved at your evangelistic crusade in ottawa it is a won derful experience becoming christian and a joy to live a christian life our only regret away the layers of soil asd mcdonald visits idp chief speaks in halton lasts high rents housing short establish such a board hasi t is ao acute it as dnvuuf beea one of characteristic amb- t up at aa aaanaaaa rate mr hacdonald charged bobarts government with sy footing with the problem of high rents he noted that halton county particularly in oakville area is suffering from a shortage of middle class homes and he suggested town officials exam me the problem in detail golf clubs caterers visit overseas family birthplace and mrs bill bingham rk at their catering job at north halton golf 4 country chn following a trip overseas leaving toronto airport at ilbl on july 7 they stopped note to belfast ireland at ander they were met at bel fast by mr bingham s sister in taw and nephew and on to a reunion with his two sis they spent ten days in mating old friends and and doing the sights historic castles and forts they visited several of the irish seaside resorts next by alaae to london for three days of nghtieeuic which included a crane down the thames they awarded the old cuuy sark and took pictures of scott s discov ery ship they travelled to glasgow by tram staying it the central hance to tour country id get paid for it driven f areas aa di anal track driven beavyj ut7 and december 5 1967 the brain will be open to ex aflat 7 days a week it will anas s3 exhibit stops across a staff of 24 will be the confederation the co caravans s aa aaaaber will operate re- spaaallr from may 1 1967 until aaaanomately mid november b b expected that they will rart a total of 657 towns each caravan wid have a staff of 28 1 thumoavv fags a is that we waited ao maoy yean before comlnc to christ middleaged couple ottawa ont my life is now so complete whenever i am faced with a problem during whatever i am doing i ask god to lielp me defeat this problem i can feel him working for i feel con tent and peaceful i dont know how 1 ever existed without i go rd fort st john bc ever since i accepted jesus christ as my saviour on janu ary 12 i have been slowly growing in the faith adult chatham ontario our hearts are still warm at the memory of the saskatoon crusade a year ago never be fore had anyone touched so ex pressly on the needs of us all adult saskatoon sask these are just a sampling of j the hundreds of letters from people who have been helped through the crusade some of the converts from earlier cam paigns are now training for the ministry all across the coun try the faces of people won to chnat through these campaigns are regularly seen in the chur ches that have sponsored the crusade rev hugh macdonald of st paul s united church fort william writes in my own congregation i ttnow that there are more than twenty 6ve persons who gave their i lives to christ in faith through the services in the coliseum some of these persons were wholly disinterested in the gospel until they attended the crusade what becomes of the con verts in the final analysis they are in the hands of god the holy spirit who will dir ect them as they take theirj place among god s people the churches and as they show by their lives that the gospel is still the power of god unto salvation to everyone that be lieveth romans 1 16 next week how evangelism changes the community dr martin lays cornerstone new home for aged building hotel next to oslo norway by plane to visit with relatives of mrs bingham they went to copenhagen denmark by stea mer a beautiful trip until taey hit the north sea 3oy were we sick comments mr bing ham the first day they visited tiv oil gardens a regular fairyland of colour and amusements next day a three hour city tour see ing the changing of the guard at the king s palace visiting carlsberg s brewery and climb ing life 300 steps to the city hall tower the next day they took the train to esberg where mrs bingham was born they found no relatives but did find the church in which she was chris tened and the home where she was born from copenhagen they trav elled home by plane via lon don belfast shannon and gan der c a martin or milton bandied the silver trowel like a master mason on tuesday raor hlng as he laid the corner stone for halton county s newest home for the aged martin house the 150bed building which is expected to cost about 412 000 has been named in honour pf the martin family of milton dr martin assisted by halton county warden h h hinton reeve of acton set the stone into the wall of the mam en trance to the building encased behind it was a bronze box con ulning articles pertaining to the building and a few mementos of the day this is a great honour to us we apprec ate your gesture very much dr martin told the small gathering this building will be a very great landmark there is nothing aa worthwhile dr enviable as constructing home for the people who have trioi to mould our country he said taking automobile without consent 2nd biggest error taking a car without the own ers consent earned an 18year old georgetown youth a suspm ded sentence and two years pro bation wednesday magistrate james black told aim the biggest mistake you made was leaving school too early but you may have lear sed your lesson now the accused was convicted of taking a car from a georgetown garage august 10th without consent of the proprietor master of ceremonies for the occasion was manor board chairman herbert merry reeve of oakville cyril atkinson ex ecutive officer for the homes for the aged branch of the de partment of welfare manor su perintendent stanley allen and warden hinton all spoke brief iy reeve merry commended dr martin for his work in the past and noted when there was a job to be done that no one else particularly wanted carl would always take il we appreciate greatly the efforts he has put into this building and his work for the manor in general articles includes in the box were minutes of the last meet ing of the board of management of july 19 a copy of he mil ton champion of august 10th a copy of the toronto globe ma of august 16th a program of the official opening of the original building on july 8th 1952 a copy of the program of the official opening of septem ber 21 1861 the committees report to the flunkett commis- simv aphoto of the 1965 com mlttee of management a copy of the 1965 report of the manor auxiliary and a 1966 silver dol lar hay fever sufferers stay away from ragweed plants troubled with hay fever then stay away from the rag weed a pollen producing plant growing wild in many areas of halton county v e mcarthur county weed inspector says it s an annual plant varying in height from a few inches to three feet its stem is simple or branch ing leaves can be either rough or smooth it has flowers of two kinds the pollenproducing ones which are in long termi nal strings on tbe ends of the stems or branches while the others are fertile reproducing flowers in single or multiples on the upper leaves the fruits are pear shaped with spines at the upper end the mature seed covering is grey or brownish mcarthur said it can be el immated by cutting pulling or spraying with 24d in august and september just want better peal says halton nurses vp we arent angry wt juat want to improve life for all nurses that was the aim plea of mrs janice armstrong vice president of the r halton chapter of to registered nur ses association of ontario pre- 1odinga mowby wow reply to the board of health chairman robert parker- deputy reeve parker last week warned county council of a threatened walkout byl halton county health unit nurses deputy reeve parker said the board would be happy talk wrh the nurses byt not with a pistol at their heads j mrs armstrong said what conditions would they live to negotiate under she said a letter was first sent to the board on june t asking that a series of meet ings be initiated toaegotiate salaries and working conditions it wasn t until tbe third let ter on july 12 that the board was told ute nurses had signed letters of resignation health board deputy reeve parker said the board of health was loath to negotiate with an uncertified group and charged tbe group with not being prepared to cept the responsibility of certi f bcation which would bring them under the scrutiny of the labour relations department at queens park mrs armstrong said that the association had applied for cer uficauon a year ago but the application had been rejected by the board of health however since that time the association has come round to thinking that because it is professional body it does not want to come under the iabor relations act which was signed for industry now we prefer to deal with the board on a voluntary bas js said mrs armstrong 26 nursas twenty three out of 26 nur ses at the halton county health unit which deals with the schools health program and has other welfare duties have sent in their resignations which become operative on septem ber 12 halton county health unit has been grey listed by the association nurses are advised not to seek employment with the unit and those who inad vertantly do are advised to quit as soon as possible regret dispute mrs armstrong said the nur ses regret the dispute as theyj do not want to come into con flict with the board she added now we will have to wait and see if our call for negotiations will go through experienced mca inddjs ultra modern sound equipment record libraries second to norm contact nopton 9 tymlc to suit every occasion especially for bowling banquets weddings adult ai teen dances jack osuluvan 4314704 er 451 117 youth remanded on theft charge a 19 year old r r 2 erinj youth was charged in halton court wednesday with failing conditions of probation during suspended sentence between november 22 and december 22 last year and was remand ed until august 31 by magis- trate james black the youth is also charged with stealing hockey equip- ment and personal articles valued at over 50 and of be ing in possession of stolen art icles it is alleged the offences took place in georgetown last nov ember 19 great fires from little em bers grow be careful with fire in the forest for fast action noillple iot1is service consult a i of the brampton real estate board heat your homii way with matured gat and smart t chinook automatic gas furnace int did you know t ripe peaches are fragrant easy to peel and pit but dont contain enough natural pectin for jam making however the addition of liquid fruit pectin takes care of that it not only insures a jam that will set hut after a abort cooking time the shorter the cooking time the better the yield the brighter j the colour and truer the flavour h thompson hardware rtumbino 4 heating to 72971 l m brown od optometrist i at 35 mill street georgetown fust off main street phone 8773671 attention farmer 0tac0 plough shares h we can supply you with otaco plough shares for most makes of ploughs otaco plough shares are made from high quality material and wear well pick up your requirements for summer ploughing now grain aerators we are agents for the b w grain aerator and drier don t let your grain spoil from high moisture order your unit from us today seed wheat w will have a good supply of seed wheat on hand for fall planting we can also supply your fall fertilizer re quirements and we have a fertilizer spreader available for broadcast spreading seed cleaning we are now cleaning wheat for fall planting if you have wheat for cleaning and treating calt us for a seed cleaning appointment please note new cleaning rates cleaning 30c cwt incoming weight treating 15c per bushel outgoing weight mrvseff and recommend masterfeeds master feeds stewarttown dial 8773512 goorgelgy we deliver and sat a m each week in georgetown af uiu worries problems walks go by bus direct into the grounds august 20th to september 5th reduced fares adults students 305 155 round tr p includes admission children 1 00 but fare only leave georgetown 9 13am leave exhibition 10 30 pm after grandstand show daylight t me exhib tfon passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at toronto bus terminal to buses running into the grounds tickets and information at stans restaurant s wade agent telephone 1774521

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