Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 13

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stamps single wins first for maher bantams j superhydropuppetspranceforallthepeoplespower m uk sjuw imhthuucibi vim as is told the legend of the immortal mary pop- wis ontario hydro it taking a tongue-jn- cheek look at the growth and development w the public power movement in the provi nee over the past liicdecades focal point of this years allnew hydro cne exhibit in the batter living centre is a puppet theatre manned by internationallyfamous puppeteers leo and dora vetteman on a recent visit to the big fair john t armstrong lift georgetown hydro electric comjqriission chairman john mcmechan toronto hydroelectric commission chairman and elmore arch- cfekin brampton public utilities commission chairman stopped by the hydro display and smiled their approval ptntd their objt playoffs with an astra inning m vtet- csvnv owsn sound it home en sunday when winning pit char garry stamp singled paul rtndlty with the winning run la the bottom of the ninth stamp had just replaced star ter doui uniworth in the ninth after mcgregor of owen sound had tripled to start thelnnlng while ha could not pment the lead rufl from scoring he did snuff out any potaatul ral ly with s nisterful display of control pitching in reliaf then ciint the bottom of the ninth and gsoriatown rsihed to grab victory from defeat bay insils doubled bill sykes boomed a triple deep lo centre field to us the game but was was caught in a run down when fendley drove the ball back to the pitcher on the fielders choice pendley raced to second then the stage was set for stamps dramatic bit owen sound defending oba champions bad taken a leadin safety tips or holiday drivers this weekend although the coming labour day weekend wtll provide a break from the regular work ing xwatine a great many eeopte will be working over the weekend theyll be driving th can and driv- ksc a car is a full time job which requires constant atten- bntlentive driving is a ma jor cause of accidents hon irwin haikett ontarios mini ster of transport points out our records show that inat tentive driving heads the list af all the improper driver ac tion reported as a cause 1 is driving off the roadway ib often the result ol i as well these two i for over 40 of all actions on the put af drivers involved in accid eats last year hare are some hints from the of transport to jou keep your attention s foenssed on the complex job of afeiviag during a busy holiday 1 pay attention to the traffic signs and signals theyre there to help traffic move a and safely x plan your trip in short hops so you wont have to travel too far at a stretch 8 watch jut or highway hyp nosis particularly on long straight stretches of road if you do find yourself coining drowsy stop for rest but be sure to pull well off the travelled part of the road clipping showman tips given to 4h calf club clipping the calf club calf and showmanship were the main topics of the august meeting of the maltoi jersey guernseyayrshire calf club held at the farm of ken ella and son hornby mr ella showed the club members the right and wrong ways to clip ths 4h calf for showing hurray mccajg gave a showmanship demonstration with assistance from eff nurse 4 keep both hands on the steering wheel st thej during the second part of 10 minutes to two oclock meeting led by john mc- nosltion nabb the 4h members dis cussed herd health 6 centre your eyes on the raad in front- hut avoid fixed stare your eyes should move from side to side get the full picture of the traffic situation ahead football school 6 check your rearview mirror over a hundred football hope- frequently so youll know fuls from ontario high schools whats developing behind sre attending s football school you this week at the norval ymca camp included is a local boy rick mr and mrs ella then pro- i vided refreshments and j cream to finish off a very teresting meeting 7 signal your intentions well in advance if youre going to pass or change lanes on multilane highways check the blind spot to the right before pulling back into the driving lane s make sure you have an out in esse of an emergency adequate stopping space in front one earlength for ev- hpptr an a nfjb cg stu dent and bob godley instructor at the community swimming pool this summer is on the coa chlng staff ery 10 miles of speed is re commended and if prac ticable swerving room to one aide beef barbecue dance follows langdon trophy tournament the langdon trophy an an nual folf award to husband and wife teams at north halton golf and country club this l to harry and mabel this tournament combines both handicaps and sse from 11 am till 7 pjn ths golfing continued then a beef barbecue served outside on umbrella shaded tab lea from a specially erected tent rewarded the weary loit ers following dinner there was dancing in the lounge the ladies captain mrs jack crichton mens captain eric ross and mens vicecap tain ted worrall helped to or ganize the successful tourna ment yf cvrb v ci1chton iamb- captain at north halton golf nd country club con ojretulama mr and mrt harry sandoraon on winning the langdon trophy offered annual ly at iho duo in a tpeaai competition tor ma rried couplet a barbecue dinner was served outdoor after saturdays event capped later with a dance in the clubhouse oaoftmowa maher laatama the orat lanlu waaa they re ked tartat letty dtnil una- worth tor ttiree nun on torn kite altar that outbreak una- worth battled down yieldlnf only one rub until hit matci caught up in the bottom of the 7 georgetown bonds sell at 300 discount council on monday accepts the offer of bel goulnlock and co bond daalera for fj700t debenture to cover the coat of the cedarvale school miaimu tr h jfcij22im in all georgetown bats pounded out thirteen hits to tan for owen sound the vict ory was a real team effort with all players contributing to the win by playing heads up baseball the next game of ths sarlaa will be played in owen sound on saturday saptamber 3rd at s s0 with the final game of the aeries if necessary returning to georgetown on sunday september 4th at 130 una score owen sound 900 000 101510 2 georgetown 100 looaozfllsl os rogers mccartney 7 waynes7 and mcgregor 7 georgetown uniworth stamp and sykes set dates for final competition at 66cc saturday september 10 has been sat as the date for decid ing winners of a number of yearly trophies at georgetown golf and country club starting st 9 am that morn ing competitors will tee off at ten minute interval in their final matches j th directors trophy is brat and following in order 010 am c flight seniors 020 b night seniors b30 a flight leniora 840 c flight juniors 050 b flight juniors snd 10 am a flight juniors husband and wife finals are slated for 100 pm the follow ing sundsy september 18 on saturday a mixed two ball tournament was held st the dub and the following were winners low gross edith mclntyre and jim irons 2nd helen ham ilton and jim timleek 3rd bonnie irons and boss dibble low net enid cuthbert and bill macdonald 2nd eileen cunningham and blake sher man 3rd lucille dugglns and john cuthbert priu for lowacore on his- den hole the 9th went to leo- na macdonald and john harri son and for hidden high score the 8th to judy dibble and stan blnscu most honest golf ers were fanny beeves and steve petto benson hedges forge to third on two wins 1st game wad aug 34th a 2fl run marathon developed between combines snd varian which ended in a draw 1414 norton with varoy in relief and frank anderson with boss hil- lier weathered the barrage frsnk anderson jr set the pace for the combines batting 3 for 4 while norton for varian bat ted 4 for 4 2nd oame wed aw 24th a pitching duel combined with the good defensive play gave benson and hedges a slight edge over standard products three 7th inning runs behind dave fergusons pitching gave benson and hedges the 32 vic tory 1st game monday aun 29th dave mcneils 7 strike outs behind pembleton snd laanstras 3 for 4 at bat led benson and hedges to a 52 victory over varian 2nd game monday ausjust 29 gib telfords pitching and bis own two hits phis a walk at bat led mcgibbons to a 53 victory over the combines choose two county juniors for camp at couchiching from september 5th to 12th two junior fanners represent ing the helton junior fanners association will attend the pro vincial junior farmer leader ship training camp the camp is being held at geneva park on lake couchiching do miles north of toronto chosen to represent helton county are verns thompson daughter of mr snd mrs gor don thompson of r b 2 milton and brian bessey son of mr and mrs arnold bessey of r r 2 hillsburgh verns is a mem ber of the palermo junior in stitute and brian a member of the actonjunior farmem- there will be approximately 75 delegates from all of the counties and districts in ontario- bach delegate will be given a choice to participate in the gen- j era program of music social recreation program planning wimmlng and water safety as wen each camper must choose two inlefem groups euouettv muslc salt expression forestry courtship and marriage and home improvement included in the program will be an evening corn roast caanp part banquet and church services each year when delegates re turn home they usually agree that the junior farmer camp is one of the highlights of the junior farmer program in on tario healers will pay 987 for each 9100 or three dollars discount per one hundred dollars cr hyde explained that a banker advised the sale to bond daalera instead of over the counter to ratepayers as erlgtaalhjr suggested since he felt they might not be picked up this year the bank manager also advised that interest rates would not be going down and advised the sale to bell gou lnlock othy mrs harold palmer or- angevule ueltn mrs robert gray oshawa a brother jack also survives la detroit be also leaves thirteen grand children and two greatgrand children he was a member of orange- villa westminster united church and his minister the rev francis moyer conducted orangeville farmer was former employee dh0 mr william henry teeter orangeville father of mrs pat vance georgetown died on saturday august istb in the dufferin area hospital in his 70th year mr teeter was born in erin township the on ot aaron teeter and isobel martin teeter and lived in the district for many years he was employed at the celadon elec tric until 1964 when he and bis wife ths former pansy harris moved to orangsville he wss with the department of high ways there until 1040 at which time be took up farming at rr 0 orangeville where he lived and worked until bis death mrs teeter survives bun si do their eight children cather ine mrs uoyd black orange ville margaret mrs pat van ce geo marlon mrs james bigham brampton jack hlllaburgh formerly of georgetown william orange- viuc edward mono mills dor- thg thursday itpt page ww hliufis t 1st 194 i3 the funeral service at the tuft a ner funeral parlors orangt ville on monday august lout interment was la forest lawn cemetery ri t ivl ontarios largest braedlex m colony of snow geaae 08ass birds is sear the baae of covi henrietta uaria between hus- b i ird i eon and james bars congratulations pursuant to a resolution passed by the municipal councn august 29th 1966 have bean requested and authorized by the aaemberi of the municipal council lo express their appreciation and gratitude and also all th musicloviritj people and citizens generally for the achievement that they have acoomfjjished end the hon our that they have brought to the town of georgetown by having placed first in their class at the canadian national exhibition this yoar vfc i know that i may express the sentiments of the mem- bers of council when 1 say by their efforts and success t they have advertised the town of georgetown through- out the north american continent as the town of mus icians and music on behalf of my colleagues in council and citizens generally i ask the leader and members of the george- town citizens band and to please accept our best wishes that their efforts and success may continue snd extend far i into the distant future joseph gibbons team kinsmen standard producli 7 benson hedges 6 mcgibbon 5 varian 4 combines 2 w t l pt halton juniors host maryland farm 4hers ihiring the week of august list halton county was host to five 4h club members from maryland usa and their ex tension leader this was the the first such exchange with another county in the usa that halton has taken part in dave twilley 15 years of age from delaware and dele homan 17 ellen bradley 17 nancy hearn 16 and linda brown is all from salisbury were vis iting 4h delegates they were accompanied by their bxten sion agent donald josselyn who works with 4h and youth groups operating from the un iversity of maryland during their stay in halton county each delegate stayed with two host families whose children were either 4h home- making or 4h agricultural club members the delegates were taken on a trip to the cne in toronto where they watched the dairy princess competluonand visited many or the exhibits also included in their stay wss s tour of sev eral points of interest in hal ton county dairy beef fruit snd mushroom farms and a florist on tuesday evening at the agricultural office each delegate took part in a discus sion on the places snd points of interest in maryland on saturday the members re turned home with s much bet ter knowledge of ontario and in particular halton 441 prog ram it is hoped that in the near future severs hslton 44ters will be able to return lo maryland for a short stay the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about home heating bible thoughts if the werm hate tu imwlhat h hated me before it beted ywo jehn 1511 it is altogether possible that a man bent en making his mark in the world will in the end miss the msrk live for the world and you are likely to miss heaven are you confused about home beating fuels what with everybody and his brother telling you how economical convenient quiet and automatic his particular system is you must reel like flying south for the winter but if you have to stay and face a cold bard winter like most of us better read these cold hard facts wood and coal are probably the most economical fuels to buy but theyre also the least efficient and sooner or later youll get tired of slav ing over a dirty furnace then what you can choose between a liquid fuel or socalled nameless heating or natural gas all of them claim to be the best who should you believe initial installation costs are higher for liquid fuel equipment than for gas a gas unit has fewer moving parts needs less maintenance and therefore lasts longer in order for nameless heating to compete in operating cost it requires extrathick insulation throughout the home if your home had extra- thick insu la- tion no matter wluti kind of heating system you use youd naturally cut fuel costs with extra insulation or normal insulation a gas heating sys tem means lower fuel costs by far you never have to order natural gaeita always there a good old- fashioned canadian snowstorm cant 3 stop natural gas from heating your t home storms can stop trucks they j can also knock out power lines and j very often do unless you have your own generator flamelessheatingcan j give you the cold shoulder just when you need a warm house lets face it nothing is as dependable as natural gas f with modern gas heating there are t no hot and cold layers of stale air i dust and dirt particles can be filtered j from the air and hiimidity controlled j wouldnt you rather have a heating v system that took care of these tual j functions r when you get right down to it modern automatic gas heating has the y edge in just about every department i but if youre still not convinced may- j be this will help if you install a gas j conversion burner in your existing fur- g nace now or install a bcandnew gasj design furnace well spread out thej y cost of the installation in easy monthly payments over 5 years if need be 3 unless you know someone wholm chop your wood for free ybu won t get j- a better deal than this anywhere ij why not make the switch to natural j gas heating right now nf united gas limited wm garbutt hummno avhiatlno 14 bajif sms 177m3i williams bktucc mating oar wood oaa fumacm 19 elgin m f77w12

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