Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 22, 1966, p. 13

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set siohb on k cwliim midgtt v hockey honours georgetown audfaoj of the i twcouotj hockey lamfnt ut lava ataot at cabala caaa- f dian boctty elwoplouhip for oaonpatown this aeasoa 111 qeorgetowd team u one hftf lt from um diatrict who will tako part in u eumlnatlon aeries at ti start of the hoe- ey aeries the winner to pro- areaa toward a canadian can- teanu hldfet hockey toarn- t anient in klofston in march k georgetown will face- teams pji from brampton quelph gait end brantford in the district raeriem detalirf the tournament uf vjsre thrashed oat at a meeting of dfetrict teams in guelph monday nlht georgetown was repretemed oy minor hoc key support group ofllcer herb jtobinmn and midget manager coach bui chapman and jim blair jr lmkm mot1s church school pupils i conduct rally service i it was bally day at- norval i united church on sunday sept 16th and pupils from the sun- day school took part in the ebjirch service children who participated wen gary lyons dooglu laldlaw gay murray kathy johnson susan nixon brenda laldlaw wendy mav and clifford laidlaw ray hyatt tommy johnson john niion and gordon lyons took up the collection the junior choir under the direction of mrs garnet laid law and mrs jack may sang a pedal number clark lyons assisted by got don laidlaw ia the sunday school superintendent rev w ridley gave the ser son but all the rest of the ser vice was conducted by the sunday school pupils get well wishes are extend d to douglas donaldson son fit mr and mrs bill donaldson who had his tonsils removed in georgetown distract mem onal hospital on wednesday september 15th mr and mrs keith sylvester f london ont visited with mr and mrs gordon browne on the week end of sept 10th norval rangers and rovers started ttieir fall meetings with ft trainer roast held by the rtv jr at reeds on tuesday even isg september 11th julian seed is the leader of the rov rs and lira julian reed is the leader of the rangers st pauls anglican church congregation held a corn roast at the back of the parish hall on saturday evening septem tier 17th with a good attend on sunday september 18th the harvesthome service was held and it was also the start of sunday school for the fall term mrs douglas ismond enter tained about 20 neighbours and friends at an artex demon stration on tuesday evening september 20th this is a dem onstralion on bow to paint de- algns on material in place of embroidery the maintenance men of the township of esauesing have been busy putting in a ditch and grading the road on drap er st so that the water in the spring and after rains can drain away this has caused considerable trouble for many years and residents who were affected by the water are plea sed to have this improvement on the drainage situation unit one of norval united church met at the home of mrs spencer wilson on thurs day afternoon sept 15th mrs- junes laidlaw wss in the chair for the opening of the meeting and later mrs gordon miller presided the defotional wa given by mrs harold lyons and mrs murray laird mrs james laidlaw gave an interesting tlk on the psalms report were given by the various committees during the business it wss decided to hold the f th koffering meeting on thursday evening october 20th mn w ridley will speak on some of their experiences as missionar left in japan mrs harold lyons and mrs percy laduw assisted the hos tess in serving lunch a succefetful antique auction gale was fcesd m the pariah hall on monday evening sept 19th with- reg ashworth as auctioneer ihe hall was well filled with standing room only at the back unit two of norval united church held a weiner roast mvtberiver at the home of mrt31ibafl reed oh thursday young mens auxiliary report set for meeting by ralph hawetw the committee which was formed to investigate the ad vantages possibilities prob lems and adversities of form ing a young mens auxiliary to the branch has been hard work during the summer abut down of 120 this committee which la made up of three leglonnind ed end fairthinking members is headed by dave bowman with his many years of legion experience to call upon bus hale as jnambenshfp chairman is naturally interested while john walsh branch past seer etary will be an invaluable member with the ability to as sist with correspondence and keep records prom information we have gathered it seems there will be quite an interesting report presented to the members from this committee on thurs day sept 22nd at the first general meeting since the sum mer recess commenced in june a subject which seems to be creating quite an interest at the branch is the towns re membranee park it has been suggested by some members that since the park is so neg lected perhap the branch should take it over as a project maintain and care for it other members assert this would be a miatake as this would give council an easy out for respon nihilities they seem to be re luctant to fulfill these mem bers reason that it is the town s park and should be maintained the town we are happy as most mem bers will be to know that com rade cliff hilts is on the road to recovery and that he hopes to soon be back on the oar again saturday sept 17th branch was honoured with rare visit by district sports evening september 8th start their fall meetings mrs stanley fishburn and mrs ronald fishburn were in charge of the devotional and mrs orval shea and mrs earl wilson were in charge o the camp fire games officer jim hall jim was here to officiate at the district hor seahoes which was won by hamilton with branch 120 runners up brampton branch won the singles however all was not lost for 120 rocky won a quart of milk also on saturday the indus trial darts and crlbbage held their annual meeting john haines secretary read one of tha healthiest financial reports we have heard for a long time the organisation ire wefnder ing what to do with the ash that a over from last year that a one for the book there was no change in the executive after the election bruce mccartney retains his position as president with john haines looking after the corres pondence and cash faithful john koloski is taking cue of the cribbage from all reports the imper lal section members that visit ed buffalo two saturdays ago had themselves a good time they were guests at the plew acki post an american legion branch named after the first polish immigrant to volunteer in the first world war in new york state the members and ladies had dinner at the post followed by a social evening jim meekison treated the host post to several scot s songs while other members demon strated the gay gordons those people who attended the last elimination dance held by the imperials will be look ing forward to their next one which will be held on sept 30 100 prize along with many smaller prizes may soon be won the proceeds from this dance will again go to the cen tennlal fund and the branch building fund entertainment chu rnisn comrade norman ward has something up his sleeve for members and their ladies oct 14th another member of the branch is returning to the old country john cartwright his wife and two children leave to take up residence again england the cartwiights have been in canada for year dust problem prompts irate delegation to esquesing council in town zoning bylaw change alteration rule a roomful of irate ratepay era blew up a storm at esques ing council meeting monday night tttis time it was a dust storm residents of the 22nd tide road with mr c a mather as their spokesman protested ab out the choking dust raised by hundreds of trucks we have had calcluroon the raids only twice this year slid mr mathers you re lucky interjected an eighth line resident wave had it only once from here on residents iron both the 8th line area and 22- sideroad realising they had a common complaint baciced one another cr pat patterson admitted ha had been the one to advise the road superintendent to go slow when he wanted to buy more calcium our rotbudget will barely carry ua to the end of the year he added mr mather pointed out that there were many other roads not nearly so dusty since they didn t get the truck traffic you found the money to tix the road below me for the trucks countered mr mather that was done by our own men with material on hand replied cr patterson we have to pay our men anyway reeve g leslie backed up cr pattersons statements lay ing it would take at least an other 10000 to put calcium on the 142 miles of road in esque sing cr patterson suggested next year s council should set a higher road budget and set as ide 30 000 for calcium an unidentified 8th line res ident wondered if an eleven ton load limit could be placed on trucks in some places for example the 8th line as far as i know explain ed the reeve s trucker buys his license and gas and cannot be restricted except at certain times of the year unless there is a bridge with a load limit on it cr patterson told the group that the department of high ways controls bow much the township spends by only subs idising the amount on which they have given approval mrs j ohearn of the 8th line told of excessive speeding on the 8th line claiming speeds isf seventy and eighty miles an hour can we not put up speed limit signs she asked the reeve pointed out that signs can only be erected in a built up area the safety factor was stress ed by cr tom hill u a child cannot b seen on the road be cause of the dust there a go ing to be accidents or patterson advised the lady who told of seventy and eighty miles per hour that she should call the police since fifty is the speed limit unless otherwise posted cr tom hill suggested that georgetown district high school board evening classes 196667 georgetown district high school offers the follow ing evening classes for the school year 19661967 the department of highways a asked io have a took at the area to see if they weou aav wben cr pattersom that be felt the wouldnt mind payuac aa extra mill or two to get good reads reeve leslie opined what we want to knew seme of the residents ia uai- son remarked if we got feed roads for the extra null er a we wouldnt num reeve leslie saying remember that nomination night you say wouldnt mind an extra eight ten or twelve dollars oa yoanr taxes now but whea you get the lax uu will wo say the same in conclusion the reeve a he could promise nothtag til they reviewed the road b get cr hyde whe proposed in that sack a tnu ha dealt with on their ta a caatswaeny aboax eonvei shu at tha aid dayfoet shoe e ma st lata apart be sam the bnikhni in ked acted legally in is- sasac a permit although the of the by law clause was 16 allow such alterations to when reeve hunter said a council motion required all permits for apartments to be approved by council cr hyde pointed out that this was a building alteration and not an apartment application council seemed to be in gen era agreement that the per mit issued ia valid and that there will be no stumbling blocks to the contractor who ta remodelling improvements immediately promise remembrance park council promised fast action monday when three officers of the legion branch appeared to complain that improvements are argent at memorial park and the cenotaph president ralph hawes cited flagstones missing at the base of the memorial a planned cleaninz job not yet done ab sence of a flag and repairs to the bridge as items to be cor rected when cr harrison blasted council for not looking after the park properly he drew a return sally from cr hyde it s as fine a park as you the georgetown herald thmaday ffiptaihai ix 19k page is had any sihabub iateiy k stvabub is a mouthwatering eliza bethaa confection made from fresh wiae herbs and thick whipped cream you waa tin delectable dessert in presentday loudon ycasr mac travel agent will tell you where hell tfrby peas on to you the many interesting things hes dnccmed oa far world travels hell reserve hotels wrtha year budget make your travel brokings youll ewe reserve bejp with your passport formalities your boac travel agent wid make all the arrangements for yom aad nt wont coat you a penny moretbecaase iti a0 part of the service and dont forget to ask where yoailj fad all the little extras like sillabub can find in ontario he and not a disgrace as you have termed it cr emmerson said wigm should be given next year having a groundskeeper to look after parks and boulevards after the town foreman i directed to immediately d with the complaints cr son quipped to the delecatieai thanks for coming youve succeeded in doing rve been trying to do all aamsm overseas airways corpomtion with am canada yoar local agent is barber henley 27 mill street 877 221 complete travel service at no extra coot to yoo registration dates september 21 and 22 fee 1asic english fox non4noush speaking canadians ten week courses so 00 twenty week courses payable on registration 5 00 12 00 night school certificates will be awarded to those who have atten ded at liast 75 of the classes and who havi successfully completed the prescribed course in the commercial and tehnical courses the successful students marks will be recorded on the regular day school records and will be on file in the general school office wednesday classes millinery beginners sewing oil painting hairdressing basic english for new canadians grade 10 bookkeeping grade 10 shorthand grade 10 typing automotive mechanics id electronics ii machine shop ii woodworking a blueprint reading thursday classes hostess advanced sewing conversational french grade 11 bookkeeping grade 11 shorthand grade 9 typing business machines automotive mechanics ii electronics machine shop iii small engines a outboard motors mechanical drafting all citato arc from 7 30 to 9 30 the school board has approved the following resolutions governing classes to be offered at the night school all cmrm o farad muat hava at laaat fifteen starting cnrolmant b in any courae offering part 1 of a part 2 court for tha yaar 196s0o part 2 of tha court bo offarod for tha yoar 19647 rogardlau of total onrolmant aublact to appro- val of thogoard wharo vary tow application ara mda c whara part i and part 2 ara offarod in tha futurt tha part 2 courta will ba affartd in th next yoar only if tho court roolstratwn maata tha roglatratlon nurnbar ttlpulttm in part a of thlt roaalutlon d th av c commltto ntoammanda to ga roatown dlatriet high school board that na rafunda ba mad on fact paid fr night school coursa aftor flrat night of courta th vacatkanal courtoa or all crodlt couraoa at tha grada 10 11 laval for th secondary school graduatran diploma rogittratron forma to b complatad at tha high school foot to ba paid in cath no choqum on rgiitratonnighri all court will ctart th wtak of octobar 5th all tpc- will b compkftad tha wok of dacambar 7th vocational courtot will b for th chrbjtma oaaaon th waok f dtcambor 7th and will return for th bat- nco of tho court th woak of january 4th 1m7 no claat will ho thron unlott thr it roatonau numbor f rogittrotlon foot paid on ragtttrataan night for cutwt not baing hald will ba refunded by tha school board ofhc individuate roghtaring for a court not ming glvan will b notified whr poaaibl by t before tho first data roooett for any claa not included in the above will be given comuuretion further rdlng night school clattot may be obtained by telephoning i77s9m 00 weekday d p turner principal a g lawson chairman f beard 8776966 now c01ortv for only and its a at last the big breakthrough in color tv becomes a reality and one glance tells you it was worth waiting fori brilliant lively luscious dear captivating colour as easy to tune as your black and white only 399 95 inc ninetyday free home service and if portame general electric table model ultra vision 23 inch 23 consolette attractive cabinet finished in walnut 1 4 dyna power speaker instevision mxd chsst 29 wide 16 deep 32 high only siq wig0 cabinet with bk pactorc viewtaf sharp dear deyujst blue kats t ntyatvrcn cobinet 1tq cord white bizh g j 95 television and appliances ltd north kaltons iacgect iv and aiw1amc outlet 31 main street north phone 77137 r wkfc vaoo tv h t a il b her a seaalaee

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