Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 22, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald a i i at i i it mill 1 1 22 matin street 3 georgetown onlirla wci rgm thursday september 22nd 1966 editorial comment profitsharing an answer gfl most people today are concerned ab out an inflationary spiral which if it con tinues could well totally wreck the econ omy of america and bring disaster on what despite its deficiencies has been e pretty good way of life for the maority of os because the blame must be shared by management organized labour and govern- wit it is really you and i who must shoulder the responsibility for every citizen is included in at least one of these categor ies the problem seems to be what to do about it how to best solve maior conflicts ebout wages working conditions the fear of automation the economic implications of pricing our products out of the world market government has fallen short of its ob- ugations by ridiculous settlements with lab our unions in companies completely or par tially controlled by government this has set frightening pattern of demands in private faekistry where a union once asked for a 2 or 3 wage rise it is cbmmon to read of de mands as high as thirty per cent today where fringe benefits like pensions holi days and health plans have reached almost the ultimate employees then start to grum ble ebout the small amount of takehome pay at the same time company statements revealed in the daily press tell of increas ing profits better dividends for sharehold rs each side has its problems compan- welcome new church with appropriate ceremonies a new religious denomination was added in geor getown on sunday when an afternoon de dication ceremony was held in the new im- manuel lutheran church the congregation was actually estab lished in 1963 and church services have been held in a school auditorium pending completion of the new church the congre gation has been under the guidance of rev john kuffner since its inception and it was a proud day for the young pastor and the church members on sunday lo par ttcipate in an historic day a maor ty of the larger churches are new park an asset with endless possifcfclit es in future as georgetown grows into a larger communi ty centennial park is already fulfill ng one function which doesn t cost much money a delightful spot for families to congregate on weekends for a few hours in the open air or a picnic the buildings of the former girls school are also gradually being adapted for use of service and social groups with minimum of expense and time will in crease their value too more and more residents are discover ing the charm of this bit of rural landscape les jn i free society are in business to make reasonable profits for shareholders labour is interested in a just wage and a comfortable jiving and as prices of staples spiral men find it harder and harder to enjoy the necessities and some of the lux unes which our country affords if government and industrial econom ists can come up with no answer it is dif ficult for any one else to help solve the problem but it would appear to us thst perhaps the only solution would be for companies to adopt a profit sharing plan to strive to make obs less of the assembly line drudgery and more individualistic to return to the days a few decades ago when a man could have justifiable pride in his work and to realize the importance of his part of the production pattern to the over all product labour unions in their turn should ease concentration on completely material ben efrts and also shore in a program of com pany loyalty product improvement and emphasis on skill the tendency has been to equalize industrial positions to the point where it is relatively uninteresting for e men to aspire to position at the top be cause his benefits are too slight compared with the maionty government must forget some of the politics consult its experts come up with sensible decisions and stick to them it would seem that today most of us have abandoned the golden rule for a dog eat dog philosophy which can only end m harm for all now represnted in georgetown roman catholic anglican united presbyterian baptist christian reformed latter day saints and jehovah witnesses such representation is an asset to a community allowing as it does membership in the church of ones choice and addi tion of the lutheran church which reaches into all parts of the world s particularly beneficial for the town the zeal and dedication of the group of men and women who have worked to wards fulfilment of this is to be admired and we wish them a long and fruitful ser vice in future years right in the middle of town streams and trees and grass in their natural state are hard to improve on and for this kind of outing the new park is ideal meanwhile larger projects like band shells theatres botanical gardens swim ming pools can be discussed and dreamed about for who knows what the future will bring facilities involving maor expendi tures are something which don t materialize overnight but they never come at all with out such talk the advantage of centennial park is that we can enjoy it now while visualizing what could be in future iew desigi for the cmidiah dollar sugar and spi by bill smiley a stranger he lives with tfals month my wife and i will observe with the customary stunned incredulity our 20th weddibf anniversary its a long time to live with a strange woman especially when she becomes stranger every year at time of writing i donl know just what form the cele bration will take a fatted calf wouldn t be appropriate be sides we don t have i fatted calf only a prodigal son none of our mortgages are anywhere near the burning stage for the occasion and we are definite ly not going to celebrate the event by starting a new family but 111 think of something a friend of mine has an old dog he s a huge boxer about 11 years of age my friend sometimes when he feels like being depressed begins figur ing out how much that mjtt has cost him over the years it s now running about 1 400 in the mail bag in the mail bag nonconformists not ml bad christ lincoln stfrancis september lbth 1966 45 charles street georgetown ontario sin the trouble with the herald editorial about conformity sept 15 u that it is lull of generalities where it should be specific hra curries article a few weeks earlier was a satire to ridicule a law against loiter ing which is i think every sane person will agree a silly it is also a dangerous one we ar naive to believe that b our democracy is gran- tfac a great amount of free- 4aaa to the individual this will always be the case with laws mmj antuottering law we wjeloe teadvmade weai aw ftttarv deenagoge to was ai stifle freedom of wmasnt a freedom of k 1 p steeple afw setwatkr afraid of dont admit that a mob of de cent people is just as mnch a mob as any other mob it is a fact that hitler came to power because he was the darling of the decent people in germany mainly the mid dleclasses in 12 short years be succeeded with the help of laws like the anti loitering law to break the back bone of a nation forever today germany is again prosperous beyond belief but culturally it will never regain the stature it once had i challenge everybody to prove to me that conformity as 1- take ev- erytttngeise it as neither good nor badttjaly if hitched to particular case can it become one or the other conformity as such it the ex cose of the intellectually laty is it really desirable to con form at all cost in the busin ess world in order to bold a the ads which to the casu i onlooker may look like non conformist are largely created by this same business world to make a profil shouldnt a young person entering the business world or any other world for that matter be made aware by his or her elders that there are limits to how far one should f llow the advice of one s supervisors and still remain an honourable person the editorial suggests a materialistic view of life it says in essence that as long as you are successful in making money in your job dont worry about the consequence if we believe democracy is the way of life which grants the greatest freedom to the in dividual if we believe that it is the finest way of an educat ed population to govern itself if we believe that little nhl founder sends appreciation weston ontario september 14th i960 dear mr editor may i in this way express my sincere appreciation of the events of last saturday the soth anniversary of the little nhl and for the kindnesses extended to me and my family the lions club under the capable chairmanship of don barrager organised a most im preasive day and the executive of the little nhl is most ap preciative we also appreciate the kind ness of myrtle and arthur scott for entertaining the guests at their fine home dur ing the afternoon i know that all who partici pated in this memorable event enjoyed the program to the ut most and we shall always re member this anniversary and be most thankful to all who made it possible yours sincerely gordon w alcolt and job in the country is willing to think for him or heraeu instead of following the greatest ber we cannot have patience with an over emphasis oa con tormity i respect every person whos opinion differs from my but detest the one who agrees with me because he expects some material gain did you know ontario pays the largest por uon of ottawa s revenues from direct taxation about one half the total we remember with gratitude the great beneficial noncon formists of our past and pres ent socrates christ sl fran cis dassisl michael servetus luther galileo jefferson un- eefavwittul louis riel pasteur zola em ily pankhurst margaret sanger sigmund freud henry ford l gandht martin luther king tonamironly a few i develop a flutter in my left eyelid and a twitch in my cheek every time i fort with the thought of what that woman has cost me in the last two de cades take my word its over b1400l the first couple of years weren t so bad i was a veteran going to university and our to tal income was 80 a month we didnt save much but we staggered through with the help of vacation jobs when the first baby arrived we were in clover as the government jumped our allowances to an opulent 88 after graduation life became tier i reeled into the weekly iw business with a takehem par ef 35 week but even at that the old girl i to squander every cent ef she blew it en feed end furniture end similar fripperies id frills about six years later when i was up to 50 a week and could see with satisfaction the possibility of building up a nice little estate she sabotaged me again said we needed a car and weve never been out of debt since from there on it was down bill all the way she began thinking money grew on me and as the income mounted slowly the debts mounted swif uy h was gimme gimme gimme all the way wed been married only ab out 10 years when she began agitating for a bouse the cosy little two rooms with shared bath werent good enough any more oh no not for her just because a lot of other fool people lived in houses we had and i was fool enough or weak enojgh to go along with 1l eventually i reached that plateau of success which bad once seemed only a dream 100 a week do you think that satisfied her not on your navel she kept right on hurl ing money in all directions out went the scrub board and came one of those big white washing machines out went the ice box and in came the other big thing that makes the ice cubes out went the nice quiet carpet sweeper and in came one of those bellowing swollen vacuum things by this time it was too late to put a finger in the dyke be sides i needed all my ringers for counting up ojr payments no the only solution was nose to the grindstone and turn the wheel faster and faster i once had a huge hooked roman note you should see it now eskimo size no she s not demanding shell wear a dress as often as twice she s perfectly willing to he seen in a yearold car mon thold shoes or last weeks coat she didn t even want ber children to go to private schools just have their teeth straightened and take music at 13 a whack and i bear no malice i am like the guy in the cartoon big business success who told the interviewer everything i have i owe to the sheer greed of my wife its been a great honour and privilege to spend 30 years wrapped around a lovely lady s little finger i wouldn t feel comfortable in any other pos ture so happy whadda yacall it darling the district at a glance acton ouuseea of a industry for acton took hope ful as pebnnere corporation fenjuyjvihla explores a site in acton the torn wovld turn out nylon plas tic products jnetadlnf compon ents for the automotive trade nassagaweya pen have become a prob lem via nassagaweya township where last week coanctuora heard reports of refuse strata along the back roads the town ships boad superintendent it working with the mp to ap prehend the garbage dumper milton milton council has advised owners of the boxy theatre thit showing of bur ies on sunday in that tower ia fllegal action was taken after 100 theatre showed a sunday movie bee of charge sunday movies were reje by la is lie autamfton a t ll snakewas kftjed by r hale hvbjs garden last after it escaped frost it in the d the snake known snake was owned by shows ltd it was described by a king shows spokesman m harmless howev three pois onous snakes were also is the exhibit orangevjlle vihe is approaching the delivery stage p gordon southern has residents postmen wftl be mg home deliveries within the next week h hoeaeown have installed letter boxes seven letter carriers have been hired i beenh toady hu im nil i cease- bible thought whic ye have al fast hp christians ought to meet ev ery day expecting the arrival of the saviour surely i come euiekly baa news echoes from the he of 10 and 30 yei 10 years ago gp georgetown was without hydro power for two hours friday night after a car clipped off a hydro pole near acton the power failure came at a bed time for mer chants whose stores were full of people when every thing went black many of the business pieces contin ued to operate by candle light georgetown dairys open house was without the planned refreshments as the coffee was being electrically heated and tv viewers at home were unhappy about missing the person to person program on which the duke and duchess of windsor were guests the local roxy theatre lost its first show since the blackout lasted from 7 until 9 high school students will be asked to submit designs for ornamentation of me town park s entrance in a contest which the chamber of commerce is promoting two years ago the chamber and georgetown w i combined to beautify the park with stone pillars at the entrance the pillars were installed but the work was never com pleted ft is now planned to have either ornamental gates or overhead metalwork to tie the pillars together 20 years ago fj some forty young ladies met with recreational director j hal newman in the old town hall last night to dicuss formation of a girls club to foster the feminine side of recreational activities under the grc acornmrtteoi was appointed including margaret hoere toots mur- phy mary patterson isabel dobson jane early betty hunter shirley muckart peggy kelly doris roberts end kathie thompson business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments madft dally call tk 73441 3 mill st chiropractor cmm w carbon 0c open dally by horn calls arranged 774411 11a main sl narhi ontario land surveyor office 1773211 773300 honw ax bevoomcnts awi wan of fine hemes prop walter pacholok t774s 1 er 77 ml 5 bow far would our uon have advanced yours sincerely john soauner civiusa- without monuments pollock campmll designs on bequest inspect oor work in greenwood cemetery pmoni oitsta 62 water street nortb g a lt leihbbencaqc bamatar and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 optometust l m brown 0 d per apswlnhnenh phone 773a7t barrager s cleaners sblrt leondsrere tr 7017 m main s 166 guelpo all work owne frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt serviea po bex 413 tk 73664 genrfetown georgetown herald v ralj georgetown ontario walter c bmmi publisher tumid mtoi production superintendent accountant tarry barley aoeen bradley frank mullm adrcruslu manner mrs frank capes clerk typist anaoxmne reporter lcabo clark dm basquea x heaamenta andre conway printing op disttnctroh statements ctntbtheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald root r hamilton 116 atouttounvicw rd s carretal bldfj for appointment 8773971 wallaci thompson 3rd dmsiea court clerk m cetnnnaiener th71h1 o t wauwr ro dojc orromsjkist 12 main sl s brampton 4614474 res 4516243 hours 9 am to 6 pjm tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 pjn evenings by appo 17 john b love architect st ivainprmi commercial industrial and institutional buildinfs 4519345 orotwiiowrl animal clinic 106 gwelp street dr r eleaekki dlate open 6- sol mom win frl it ja haiou fol aauttetti lmowajnlltl r mtoeapa t77n4 wfcsf auio aohdj 1

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