Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1966, p. 1

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ads that pay c 1 im hm rattritt yo georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing pnuidn ti o ontirio thumlay nwambw 24th im m0 par ymq steak c mm tm cwik fife- snip irs open oeorofitown branch manager ray how son and general manager of the ontario pjcttvlston gordon a smithson hold the official ribbon for mayor joseph gibbons who dedares the toronto dominion banks georgetown branch open with a snip of the factssors the ceremony took placesaturday afternoon lay blame for water tragedies it feet of swimmers parents fjloro parents rapervislon las the message chief of police kltoy haley stressed at the wa- r safety meeting called by the crws tuesday night out the discussions all tfee chief kept repeating fwfrnina cant pasa s bk tvttapolic f the men loc everything the y repreientatiw backed um kipv- laying be had on man to the whole rural area of atton stressing traffic safety id coojdnt see any more more uae for wittr sifety iff among the many positive re- ltalts which emerged were the i suggestions of rescue equipment i ever the bridges of the credit ijaver mr patterson supervisor wpt the ontario bed cross water safety division explained that sing buoys a line and a shep- ifierds crook could be erected 1 n the bridges as is done in itoronto and vancouver this enables anyone at all lis effect rescue without en- idangering themselves he ad- i tied the shepherds crook i jrhich is just a long stick with ka blunt large book on the end i mold be suitable for rivers ijf mrs don hancock suggested line 10th line bridge as a suit- i jiplo spot since this is a known i awinunlng hole itlfbow are you going to keep flibe equipment there asked lqaesing cr tom hill how ten da you think it will have l be replaced chief haley agreed the 10th line bridge was a good spot also asked how are you to keep it there you have to trust it wont k thrown away added cr smith of georgetown how ijpo you know if you dont try 1 john elliott also suggested lihe paper mil dam as a site equipment need for that he commented mr mcmann felt a lot of the silt comes from the sides of the area cr smith suggested paving the area where the childreu play to see if that would be a cheap and workable method following a lengthy discus sion of splash pools for youn ger children to get them used the water before actual swimming instruction is started pool manager don gosling ad mitted the present filters at the pool were large enough to nandle another pool besideit you give us the money and we could do it he concluded mrs jack nieuwhof publi city chairman for the george town red cross branch conten ded wider knowledge and edu cation through publicity was the turning to the question of i cementing of terra cotta l mrs a m sutherland ined that they had found jifwopld be cheaper to asphalt i the bottom 1 however mr patterson oftbe t cross water safety divis- said hehadbeeninvestlga- tg nd found a great deal of huit silt was coming from the jand above the river kelso pa- lied 4b bottom but found the visibility was still bad because the salt from above hahoo emo director bruce imtgregor agreed but explained that filters were then installed i and- the problem no longer ex- lb answer to a question from chief boy haley wurman me- latann manager of the terra cotta conservation area ifdained that the swimming area jig three acre feet of water t shte of filters would you key to water safety she sug gested the children make their own posters in school if a child does it himself he has to think about it and it will mean something she asked if in addition to the elmer safely awards in schools the water safety programme could be introduced chief haley said it was possible it could be added in the schools combined with the traf fic safety programme again he reminded the group that the parents had the first responsib ility a short film clip which will later be shown on television showing a few of the more hazardous risks taken near wa ter was shown plus a longer film on winter water safety on ice surfaces planning board balks at larger sized lots otacern that too many small homes could be buir under x- gergetown legislation caused council recently to ask the plannnlg board to consider increasing the present 800 sq ft ntfnlrhwn in r4 areas to 1000 monday the board told coun cil it could make no such rec ommendation crtgtnutiipeight a mem ber of the board said it could be a hardship for older couples or newlywedswbo dont re quire a larger home he said there is no particular concern at present because last year only three of 37 building per mits called for homes less than 1000 sq ft cr era hyde said although there is no present problem is possible that a whole new subdivision could be created of small houses deputy reeve young pointed out that the owners of moore park are seeking rezoning and opined that small homes dont carry themselves in taxes the planning board will be asked toreconsider the quest ion lay charges after car strikes woman a georgetown man was char ged with driving while intoxic ated and failing to remain at the scene of an accident after a woman was hit by a car on bramptons main st dorothy mulherin 18 of tor- for mayor seven georgetown teachers have posts on federation seven georgetown district high school teachers were elec ted to office in the north hal- ton branch of ontario second ay school teachers federation at thejrannuol meeting at the northhalton golf and country club recently the meeting was chaired by tom ramautarslngb of george town high there were 72 tea chers present schools repres ented were acton erin geor getown milton and ontario school for the deaf in milton harold dean deputy assistant general secretary of the prov incial office attended the meet ing the officers for 196667 are as follows onto was standing near the drivers door of a parked car on the east side of the street when she was hit about 1230 am police said she was standing with a friend apparently wait ing to cross the street the woman suffered a fract- tured skull president georgetown tom ramautarsingb 1st vice- president milton mrs powys 2nd vicepresident act on paul martindale 3rd vicepresident erin doug cleghorn sec treasurer geor getown mrs joan misener professional development com mittee english william bingham georgetown history david meakln georgetown geogra phy john offenbeck george town mathscience william robinson milton commercial john mckay georgetown lan guages miss vida winegard- en erinjpbys ed robert mc- callum acton occup guid home ec mr holcroft milton technical dept oscar robb georgetown election december 5 georgetown electors will go to the polls on december oth to choose a mayor deputy reeve and six councillors and eight rc separate school suppor ters factory burns homes sizzle spectacular downtown blaze use williams vegetables to show best gardening sixty garden enthusiasts ga thered io participate in pan el discussion at a public meet- ingspousored by the george town horticultural society in knox church hall wednesday the how at why where and when of gardening was delved into and many of questions raised were founded on problems experienced during the past growing season during this discussion several specimens of vegetables grown by mr reg williams of stew- arttown were displayed and bints given to enable the gard ener to get the most out of the growing season during the business part of tho meeting conducted by pre sident robert barber it was no ted that this meeting was the final one for 1968 mention was made of changes which had taken place during the past year the increased enthusiasm and interest as shown by the membership and that more changes would be forthcoming to keep pace with the societys growth advance notice was given of the first regular meeting centennial year which would be january 18th this will take the form of members coloured slides depicting the local gar den scene mrs harry scott was called upon to eonuct the door prize draw and the winners were hiss hilda erwin mrs h col lins mr victor graham mr joseph agius mrs j cleave miss o ruddell mrs h j newman mrs w cleave mr jjj bird and mr ben case thirteen candidates for separate sqhool trustees thirteen candidates were nominated tuesday night for the eight man separate school board in the first election in which the whole board is up for office at one time with one spot vacant since the resignation of ed leblanc there are seven incumbents robert thompson william a boyle hartley sherk john e ted rawlinson dr m g otiwyer george frost and stan walsh new names to appear an the twoyear term ballot are flor- ian vexina clarence doyle ivor washbourne brian mc- cann edmond routhler and roger primeau mr primeau has served on the board in the past acting as returning officer for the evening was- alistair sutherland there were speeches following the nomina tions kin see colour slides of expo mrs marilyn french of the bell telephone company was guest speaker at a georgetown kinsmen club meeting last week mrs french illustrated her talk with colour slides of expo 67 buildings the kinsmen met in stans restaurant a one storey factory on wes- leyan st built as a blacksmith and carriage shop in the early 1030s was levelled in a specta cular blaze one block off geor getowns main business section tuesday nignt the building which was be ing used as a light furniture fac tory the neighbouring odd fel lows hall and a nearby cottage were at one point all contribut ing the huge column of flame and smoke that was visible for miles other homes in the immed iate area became too hot to touch during the height of the blaze which subsided after 40 minutes the loss was estimated at close to 23000 18000 to the raxed factory machinery and other contents 3500 to the roof windows and back shed on the west side of the odd fellows hall 1000 to the sld- ing windows roof and porch on the south side of the cottage and 300 to a garden shed and contents in an adjoining back yard there was also heat damage to the insulbridc siding on a double house at the south end of wesleyan street august hammer 2 bard lane operated the furniture plant in the building which was owned by al zeravlev mr zeravlev also owns the damaged cottage at 22 wesleyan st which is rented to mrs m robertson the consumed garden shed and contents belonged to john ev ans 60 edith st and the sin ged double house is the home of two families amilas and tib- erts the crackling of arcing hy dro lines on the ground beside the factory and intermittent ex plosions were an added danger to firemen during their first moments of trying to control the raging inferno interfer ence from the booplus onlook ers wasnt as easy to cut off at the hydro power however the curious hindered firefi ghters in their moving of hoses and even blocked a pumper truck trying to move up wes leyan st the sirens wailed at 5 min utes to eight after flames had broken through the roof of the factory and the tongues of fire licking skyward from the downtown area brought people all over town into the streets from outside the downtown ar ea it appeared half the business section was ablaze firemen concentrated on wet ting down the hall and cottage until the intense heat subsided at about 833 the north end of the evans home was so hot that steam rolled off it as the owner and helpers washed it with a garden hose and buckets of wa ter by 9 oclock a cement block chimney and a few charred beams were all that remained of the factory site in its 40odd years the bull ding has been a blacksmith tin smith shop auto body shop and garage farm implement shed and wood products factory yrwuvysn stcosw flprnanwn two seek deputyreeves chair in december 5 municipal election there will be 27 men seek ing 16 civic positions in geor getowns elections on december highlighting the election is a sman race for mayor and a 2man contest for deputy reeve thirteen are in the race for 8 seats on the r c separate school board and in each of the three wards three men are seeking two council seats present mayor joseph gib bons councillor ern hyde who is a former mayor and john elliott a former reeve are candidates for the mayoralty councillor arthur speight and james h eimnerson a former councillor are in the contest for deputy reeve in ward 1 cr wheldon steamer eimnerson robert francis a former councillor and ralph hawes are contest ants in ward 2 cr fred tut harrison present deputy reeve jim young and john hole and in ward 3 crav roy bauentine and bill smith and albert tuchel one of the towns top offices went by acclamation to wm f hunter who will continue as reeve for the next term also acclaimed are hydro commissioners john t armstrong and gerald w mc- callum and the eight members of the public school board john mintern chris walker grant greenaway ed wilson harry shortill gudni sigurd- son reg mooney and stan fin- lay other nominations included hunter smith and speight for mayor james h for reeve gudni ron liyttle and john hole for ward 3 council a full account of the nomin ation meeting speeches will ap pear in next weeks herald golf trophies awards are presented closing dinner georgetown golf and coun try clubs annual end of sea son dinner and presentation nite came home saturday after one year absence the high point of the memberships golf sea son was taken to streetsville last year because mens and ladies sections grew so rapid ly during 1965 that they left clubuse facilities far be hind saturday night 240 members and guests fitted comfortably into gg ccs spacious new dining hall fulfilling a promise made by the clubs directors at the 65 windup ceremonies the room is part of an extensive addition constructed during the summer which also included a large locker room bar serving three areas washrooms show rooms office main entrance and foyer and sauna bath the large crowd represent ing the clubs most successful year since it opened in 1958 rained applause on recipients of numerous awards and troph ies earned during the golf sea son just completed the pres entation followed a roast beef dinner prepared by the club house staff under mr and mrs james gray mens section president gil bert hay chaired the after din ner program he was assisted in the pesentations by mens captain tommy douglas ladies section president j mrs edith mclntyre ladies aptain mrs marie hay apd mrs doreen caton seated at the head table were rev and mrs kelvin johnston mens secretary treasurer john gibson mens entertainment chairman james timleck and mrs timleck mens vice president norman dickenson and mrs dickenson mens handicap chairman peter mmicb mens house committee chairman fred eisan and mrs fdsan mens past president james mclntyre and ladies section president mrs ejith mclntyre captain tommy dou- glas and mrs douglas and mens president gilbert hay and ladies captain mrs hay hens section awards were presented to senior champion and club champion terry hay ebib championship runner up dwayne hay senior champion ship runner up robert harris handicap champion jim irons and runner up mike pullcn b flight champion peter minich and runm up jhn timleck c flight champion mike palmer and runner up mike foster junior champion dwayne hay and runner up gerry nash jr b flight champion- jay nab- eta and runner up jim morris jr c flight champion paul gib- ion and runner up andy nab- eta ladies section awards presented to their club champ- ion nan harchtnent and run ner up edith mclntyre handi cap champion hene cunning ham and runner up marilyn merrttt 8 hole champion bon- nie irons and runner op enid cuthbert field day winner mar ion black consolation ib bole champ marilyn merritftcbnaol- ouon 9 hole champion hair petto 18 hole ringer board winner lee patterson and run ner up edith hrlntyre 9 hole ringer board champion bonnie irons and runner up enid cuth bert professional max foster who is leaving the club at the end of this year was also the recipient of gifts from mens and ladies sections dancing to george rowes orchestra concludedthe night stan wade winner 1000 kin dinner a georgetown restaurant proprietor stan wade won 1000 prue money at a stag dinner and elimination draw saturday night in the branch 120 legion halt the 8th annual affair a pro ject of the georgetown kins- attracted a crowd of close to 240 fed to capacity by the cat ering legion ladies and enter tained by a troop maturing the ageless paul brothers and shirley elimination of guests eligib le for the big money started immediately after dinner broke for the entertainment segment and continued on past mid night the final five kenneth pear son a roberts robert donald son andy micbasiw and stan wade were called on stage for the end of the draw kinsmen president tom kent presented the 1000 cheque to mr wade thejirst name eliminated and every twentyfive thereaft er also received prizes a lea ther upholstered lazyboy chair donated by al mahaffcy was won by the lunsmen district governor marry levy fred harrison jr headed the committee in charge of the night and emceed the program vweataer i haurt of nov high low prac sun 16 wed 53 30 tr is 17 tuts 55 42 tr 10 18 fri 54 30 tr os 19 sat 32 18 93 20 sun u 38 13 85 21 hon 42 20 80 22 tues 50 20 80 high for the week 55 thuro low 13 sunday hours of sunshine 35 54 jw cent rain trace sopwi none average temperature 36 deg rees normal for date finger snith

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