Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1966, p. 3

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n fetes seek vofe support monday rms lons bjhtfcen cme afitaua most l thm becking office to the daeanbtr elecdoas ethers v leady ejected by acclaawbaa van on tha speakers platfom at avihlki met wucfc rv lowe tan eftteial nontautioa period last weak she awetlng in the auditor torn of writflbtvorth public bbpport lot us proposal rear lor a bwlmlm on was it street and said the problem bow taoit ba toced ia4 a abcatkna found be alao bad ofapoted council majority who voted la the two yew tens bo nm school was cbatred by cadi iim buott pointed to a re- devidson it was wan attend ed and featured a bomber of pwstloos ftom the andie jparttadarly from members of the gteortetbwn otic group who bad coma prepared to quec- tioncandidates on a number of topical issues tbat year lor the tint lime m a downs history voters win be iootmf a council which wm oerre for two years a re cent bylaw was passed setting two year terms in all civic el ected office the mayoralty race with three experienced politicians seeking office should ensure a large turnout on election day candidates bare are the pres ent mayor joseph gibbons present councillor and past ma yor enest hyde and a past john elliott cord of past service as a town and county eounduor as quatt fyini him for the job of mayor 1 ntup the wardenshlp of the county last year to for mayor because i thought it was my duty he said ill continue to ran for this office as long as my supporters have faith in me although defeated last year he said he has attended almost every council meeting and has served the public as an amfaul volunteer to clinic chair and vies president of the two men are contesting the deputy evesbip a pre councillor arthur speight asd a past councillor james h em- the other top council office bas already boon decided with been wm f banter returned by acclamation each of the three wards has ttree men contesting the offices available in ward 1 a present councillor wheldon steamer en a councillor bubeiuv francis and balpfc hawes who was a candi date last year are running for office in ward 3 present coun cillor fred tut harrison pres ent deputy reeve jhn young and john hole also a candidate last year are council contest ants m ward 3 candid re two present councillors boy balleatine and wm b bud smith and albert tncbel and the entire public school hoard was letnm by acclam ation john jflntem stan fin- by harry shortill gudnl sig- urdaon beg atooney ed whson chris walker and grant greon- sosstmi rodoctiefi mayor joseph gornons is bas ing bis campaign on the fact that tn bis two terns of office taxes have been held steady while there had been annual in creases in tiie seven prior years tt may wan be that we can reduce taxes next yeerlie told the audienc a ttahte tax rate has a farreaching affect not only on the dollars saved by residents but by encouraging industrial locations wmejlbclps to reduce taxes still more he said he is opposed to the twoyear term which voters had turned down at the polls only a few years ago and he criticised the erection of an overhead wa ter tower this year he said he would like to ter minate his municipal career by being mayor daring centennial tear and that be win eonunaq toeerve fearlessly honestly and independently for another term of office ernest hyde a ward 1 coun cillor this year and a past nuty or of tiie town said that as fin- wneehairman this yearbe had felt it bnp au to hold the arill rate although no contingency res erve had been allowed in the budget be said revenue been increased by inert fees for building iterant with an apparent small surplus fore cast be said tha town should be able to keep the same tax rate still improving serv ices mr brde said ha favours r coi by general vote nuesuona which wlb be asked in fc plehs- ctta dec 5th be eritkmsd a planned 4lane bridge on moan- tabrriew bead and favours al tering the design to one lane north aodtwoaouah answering critics of a propo sed new highway location tor the police office be renunded the audience that he had bean instrumental m purchasing the old peat offiea jar 1 it weald have been pouea location ha had found carovt he said bobaam the 41 favour a two year tarn to i think wa ware justified in bringing it in oat retanvaa oranta candidate for deputy reeve oats h eaameraou said one of hfs proudest aeeomplislunenta daring his four years on coun cil was his interest in schools for retarded children ti was a motion from geor getown ceaaril supported by acton snd atflton which led to county childrens aid he erihdxed council foisting a twoyear term on the ratepay era and queried why the mounr tainview bridge had not been improved despite inclusion in the budget he said council had allowed what would have been george towns largest factory slip through ha fingers and said there shook have been an in dustrial commission to negot iate with the john inglls com pany when it was eyeinj the early striking of a tax rate as unwise before boards had submitted then budgets he said and had caused house payments to go np in some ar- lent grants he said we dont go- after our senior governments often enough defeated last year by only six votes he said he had asked a recount at his own expense for the benefit of both the people who voted for and against him he levelled criticism at coun cil for letting solution of a dis puted road subsidy hang on so long eeuhfytewn beautificatlon of georgetown as a centennial project was ur ged by wbddon steamer merson who is seeking reelec tion as a ward 1 councillor mr emmerson said he is dis turbed about the untidy appear ance of the highway approach to town particularly and urged a program of keeping gar bage strewn along the highway cleaned up a separate police commission and reestabushment of an in dustrial commission are two more items which he would like to sea considered and be said council should have more dis cussions with appointed boards and commissions rather than hist getting together at budget time chttrm tha year anjdl be is proud of the force which nan c seven men at the first of year and bow boasts fclarge group of dedicated efficient of ficers ward 2 canrimatee i t wont make any promises of my own except to say hi sup port the best of the promise i have heard from others to night said john hole air hole is seeking one of the two council seats in ward x there is bo new police build ing and no submission was made to the fhmkett report ha said he said he would get part time leave of absence from his position to prepare a five year plan of action investigate hir ing a town manager and boost dcipal salaries abandihell for the ffh band and plans tor the lib centennial are also in his claon platform beev hunter in abrief review of us year as road chairman explained that the ontario st improvement had to be delayed but funds have been allocated for an immediate start in the spring tm pushing bard for the alountainview bridgo he said there had been delays in some projects planned because of the town being without an en gineer for a few important months and the time necessary for a new engineer to iamjjlar- int himself with the he said he indicated the county will assist in reconstructing maple avenue next year and said ha favour mstathng floodlights in the park ao the boll team does not h t play its games in glen williams absent for a year from coun ell when be declined jo seek of fie last year robert francis 1 the audience that he con riders this an important election because voters are choosing men who win serve them for jars municipal affairs have 1 progressing weu these past few years and 1 hope to help keep it this waylf elected he said alao a council candidate in ward 1 ralph hawes is making bis second bid for the office he was not able to attend the nomination meeting but sent word that he would b contest ing the sett melerhy dont let anyone tell you they are responsible for this or bat as a councillor said fred tut harrison council ded slons are a majority and not tfaededrions of any one man hr harrison seeking reel ection in ward 2 said he has always tried to do for the voters what they would do for them selves in the same position he said he bad queried buy ing a highway site for the pol ice office because those who favoured this bad no specific information about the amount of land being purchased and in fact were not dealing with the arthur speght a candidate for deputy reeve defended action of the water tower and said that a delay would have hindered the anprecedented growth which is taking place in town we win need wen next year he said and we should be exploring new sources of supply ao we wont be in the position of our bramp ton neighbours he said an iron removal plant presently being constructed is thejonly answer for a rust prob lem and it win improve the chlortnation system at the same ne mr speight said he does not ting a budget without a contingency fund and only fortunate set of circumstances this year had brought m the extra revenue neceimy to bal ance the budget sa would tike to seethe town borrow1natwqid not be need- t he urged voters to support of a separata wa- divorced from politics he has stron gly aw a new moantabv view bridge and hopes to help finamat this next year he need udraa an example of why nmwclh awed longer terms ban one year to get things ac- alaoa ward 1 council can- didata albert tuchel said buy eta of now homes are getting a they pay high taxes owners i an industrial completely separate from coan- dl is tha aim of boy bauenuae seeking another term as a ward s councillor mr bauentine arid he wu continue to promote more in dustry better recreation facttl ties and more services at no extra cost to the taxpayers tn my two years on council we have conquered the stale mate which existed since 1900 he said now with the owning lndustrisl land we are anally getting the industry we have anticipated so long mr bauentine supports the two year council term and said it wiu make for a more effic ient council cant hem tax kate wm b bui smith drew ap plause from some members of the audience when he denied that council can hold the pres ent tax rate next year t was the member who oppo sed holding the rate this year he said we cant kid oursel ves any longer that we hold taxes level while every thing else goes up he compared this to the housewife who keeps on the t budget by buying only bread and potatoes her family win have full sto machs but win be paying more medical bills h said we are facing municipal deterioration unless our taxes are adequate he said that the cedarvale property which some had ter med a white elephant has pro ved a boon to the town snd d ted the names of many organisa tions using its facilities he said be has harped en a planned road since he has been a councillor and decried demanding fully serviced roads in new subdivis ions while other streets are in deplorable condition tn oppose holding the tax rate in 10ot he said we have to have leadership and i feel im qualified to gin it- i wish i could run for mayor but iu try to give the necessary leader ship from a council seat mr smith aald the mill rate this year had been held only because of 87900 which waa gained by selling property in creasing building permit costs extra assessment from new buil ding and unspent items in the capital budget while of older homes who make no improvements have lower tax bin he would like to see a det erioration tax against such pro perty and while realizing this is a provincial matter sees no reason why the demand should not coma from the local level of government t promise i wont run hard in the election that til have to rest for my term of offiea to r he said apeests far beard pointing to a lengthy list of wo cleae explaining that a new pod tion would make it impossible for him to spare the extra time membership in county council demands jim young said he is running as a ward 3 coandl candidate this year he said that in his nomina tion speech last year three pre dictions have come true new industry no wholesale house building and arrival at the 80- 40 industrialresidential ratio we wui add two million dol bus in industrial assessmentdy early next year snd this win mean 40 industrial aas ment he aald this year there have been 48 new homes built au in the 118000 woo range he attributed all of this to the agreement reached a year ago with the owner of a large ares of land in east georgetown mr young who is police mcleans rental a ckimi 279 qumk street fast brampton fajoer free bmpraii water tower nfoni49m7s1 wl lwat 4 chain saws 0 electric heaters m paint sprayers a alum ext uddaa 0 floor sanders party goods open thews a pru 9 sue ample parking thi o hebalp treeeeaner i ivee page a candidates for election board chairman john mintern said he would speak for tha whole board if tho audience wi shed and allow mope time for coluncu aspirants he said the board provides the best edacation possible con- siatent with finances tries to an- tidpate the futon and deal business efficiently i with 1 vacc klectils heating acclaimed as a hydro com missioner john t armstrong pointed to hydro as 1yeur util ity and mentioned an electric ally heated school and per houses in this newest phase of gerald hccathnn also elec ted to the commission by accla mation said be had served superintendent for 23 years and would continue to devote his knowledge to helping operate the utility betty and hairy fatttaft terra cotta on wife saver sale 1qq95 f sas ranges gas dryers as low as now for a limited time you can get a famousmake gas range for as low as 199 95 we re offering you top traaje in values no down payment and if you wish as little as 4 35 a month on your regular gas bill modem gas ranges include such features as infinite heat selection automatic ignition and clock control low temperature ovens smokeless broilers large oven windows and liftoff doors save on one of these modem gas ranges now and youll know why gas makes the big difference m trade in addition you have a chance to get a modern gas dryer for as low as 199 95 no down payment or as tittle as 435 a month on your regular gas bill each quality gas dryet is gentle enough for any fabric and a must for permanent press garments only a gas dryer gives you complete circulation of warm air at a speed that leaves clothes fresh and wrinkle free and what a big difference in operating cost take advantage of the speciallow prices on these terra cotta ini plbasx mob w tt mtta m nntll to hnt o juraary altar ka stmfe oatr mitt it jrt of muck w ko- r die mthd curing la print kc dinnon ind cocktail pmrtloa open an the jeir be bourata oitr a rf qpprlmm uk par amstmai pajtipb c our horamodo ovriftmai cakaa puddingi chocolates now on al 8779941 gas dryers now l gass ofttr rmbuit txppan surrey imteapiuse beach oftat iuumtoh mctaq wistlhchoui no iwlm xuapucm sta yoor gas appliance dealer department store or united gas buy your gas range or dryer at wigotv appliances ltd 32 mafai st ns77u7 i v at i its good business to make your savings work earn more interest for t r savings accounts 47 tntorett et 4 per annum reckoned on the minim eajartetfy balance is credited to you in june and dec ember a reasonable number of cheques may be issued freel special savings reserve accounts 4v interest at 4 per annum reck orted on the minimum monthly bal ance while no cheques may be issued you may withdraw any amount in person or by mail at any time you guaranteed investment certificates 6 for a term of 1 2 3 4 or 5 yean in odd or even amounts from 100 to 100 000 interest is paid half- yearly by cleque or will be depos ited to your savings account too au invited to cau fok fuftthet information your loca trust company halton peel trust savings company 53 mill sheet georgetown john a edgar mgr 877 2264 north halton advisory board john t armstrong chairman reford gerdhouse maurice c beely mcheel ledwilri john goy dr b d young local director john r barbek convenien office hours mon thursi 900430 fridays til 630 assets under administration exceed 64000000

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