Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 22, 1966, p. 4

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if in mmmiyhmml 32 makl smm s owgrtawv omrio wci page 4 thuksoay mxiimta and 1vm editorial comment jfc first timz after the municipal elections the htrakl referred to the incoming council as georgetowns first two year council- itisntso thanks to the memory of mayor gib bons wa must set the record straight and say that once before in tte towns history the same procedure prevailed mr gibbons should- recall tt because then as now he became a twoyear mayor h was in 1940 that a question vote asked ratepayers if they would prefer a council elected for two years it was ap proved by a vote of 203 with 130 oppos ing mr gibbons headed me 1 94 142 coun cil for the two years harold cleave was leave and councillors were sam macken zie kenneth macdonald james goshgaiyl e cnpps now of stayner oifford brad ley now of acton and the late norman brown the new procedure lasted only for the two years whan ejections were held again an de 1942 they were only for one year again mr- gibbons was elected mavor unsuccessful run against plm mr brown became the new reeve councillors bradley end macdonald were returned and new councillors were joseph hall sr william p thompson hedley shaw who lost his life on active service overseas ard the late tho mas l lyons in 1959 voters turned down a two- year term resoundingly 1727 to 523 p vote it was adopted this year on a split 54 council vote without being submitted to a ratepayers- vole an odd fact is that in both cases mr gibbons is a reluctant twoyear mayor for htm supporter of yearly elections it will be interesting to see if the innovation lasts longer in its second time around than if did back sn the forties forty years a printer one recent day was an important one for herald staffer garfield mac mcgthrray he began his 41st year in the familiar sur roundings of the business where he has spent his working years- perhaps it was typical that it was busy day what days aren t busy in a week ly newspaper and there was no time for an adequate celebration what better way to spend an anniversary working at the trade you know with the people whose joint ef forts produce a newspaper which m its century of existence has earned a place of respect in the community its people like mr mcgifvray who have helped create this image besides knowing his business he has served geor getown in larger way as a councillor j he is one of the old school who can fin any rale in the business from typeset ting to news writing he is old enough to have l ha trade in the days when jevery line of type comprised individual let mrs paintstakingfy set by hand young enough to have absorbed the modern tech aquas which the printing business has acquired m these forty years he has seen the herald quadruple from its old fourpage weekly format its staff tuple from four its move to a larger location its equipment scrapped for mod em machinery the herald is proud to have people tike turn on the staff and happy to salute hen on one of the important milestones now when jesus was born in bethlehem of judaea in 1he days of herod the king behold there came wise hen from the east to jerusalem saying where is he that is born klmtyof the jews for we hare seen his star in the east and are come to worship him when herod the king had heard these things he was troubled and all jerusalem with him and when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of tho people together ha demanded of them where christ shojld be ton and they said unto him in bethle hem of judaea for thus tt was written by the prophet and thou bethlehem in the land of juda are not the least among the princes of juda for out of thee shall come a governor that shgvrule my people of israel then herod when he had i 1 nf thm ag what r sent them to bethleben and said go and search diligently for the young child and when ye have found him bring the word again that i may come and worship him also when they had heard the xing they departed and lo the star which they saw in the east went before them til it came and stood over where the young child was when they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy and when they were come into the house they saw the young child with mary and his mother and fell down and worshipped him and when they had opened their treas ures they presented until him gifts gold and frankincense and myrrh and being warned of god in a dream wit they shojld not return to herod they departed into their country another way evergreens symbolic of eternal life have long beenosed for decorating at yuletlde teutonic peoples believed that certain ns would frighten certain evil spirits away the saxons as an executive ot me tall tair in positions greens would frighten certain evil spirits away the saxons of responsibility in church and civic groups holly ivy rosemary or laurel in their homes and ehur r ches in the great manor houses walls pillars and windows were adorned with branches of greens a bunch of mistletoe hung from the door or ceiling each time a man stole a kiss under it he had to pluck a berry from the bough christmas comes tint once year in fact its just ahead but have you heard the bad news santa claua is dead he dldnt have a stroke in fact its difficult to say what made old santa croak some say it was exhaustion some say it was a clot but others seem to think he from smoking too much pot chimney pot that is of course he wouldnt touch the other but what an anticlimax for santa just to smother at least he could have fallen from his sleigh and made i splash or run into a satellite with one almighty crash i know it s going to be hard to explain that to your kids but thats your problem the revelation contained in the above doggerel is my per sonal campaign against the as sortment or creeps going round smelting up the atmos phere with their god is dead garbage truth it is said that early roman enemies mad up their quarrels when the met under the mis tletoe this is believed to be the origin of kissing under the green this plant was not used in churches because of its asso ciation with the pagan druid ceremonials there was one ex ception to this at york hin iter where a bunch was laid on the high altar with a bene diction for peace and good will as early as 1444 greenery was used on the streets of lon don as christmas decorations ad the custom grew through the years holly has long been a favorite holiday green there are several legends connected with it one is that christ s crown of thorns was made of holly some say that the idea of making holly wreaths came from his crown as the berries resembled drops of blood todaj holly wreaths with their gllst ening green leaves and contrast ing holiday decorations ing bemes are among our most distinctive holiday decor atlons christmas a happy time christmas is and should be a happy lm for christian canadians sornehmes wre lose sight of the fact that it a pnmanry a rakgious celebration a hme for religious observance for thankfulness and pratse- tha does not mean that we do not condone santa claus and gift gtvmg par ties and merriment christmas cards and decorated trees they are all part of the fes- fve air which should surround such an am- portvnt birthday celebration what we always hope a that everyon be temperate that nothing doud the hon- xont such a happy time we hope no one will let a convivial dnnk become the excuse for a drunken perry that gift giving be kept within the bounds of income and not become a future burden m this buy now pay later age that motorists use extra caution with young stars playing in the snow that those for whom the year has gone right will share e ktha of their surplus with some who have been not so blessed this year particularly when christmas day falls on a sunday we hope there will be no vacant seats in our churches as geor getowners celebrate the day cheer not fear or christmas i pet cheer into the christ- sas observance the national safe ty league of canada centres its christmas safety edvka ar- can the home path greatest oanear fills account for most of the ccjvntal deaths and injuries fn sw noma to a special effort to avefdtbem is keep walks and steps free from lee and snos deep walks paths and door- wftys dear of ebstrbcpnaa ttarrj parcels so they will bjk obstruct the view pore packages on or m drawees never on stairs firre the children a box so sleep toys in use s sturdy ladder such makeshift as never reach from a ladder move u or get someone tal ler to eo the chare la i bra potential win help prevent fire keep the christmas bee hi eaepgipea away i area or cattmss make sure firearms are not loaded when in use children and others unfam uiar with safe handling of firearms can kill themselves and others unless caution is taken to keep them out reach after christmas when the holiday is eo sazards still exist harley to halton weekly observations by dr harry harley mf ferhafran there s just as much and just as much sense in my report about s claus as there is in theirs ab out god i dont care whether they are eminent clerics or half naked b e a t n ik s the god lsdead crowd is dead feng he may be out to lunch occasionally but he it not dead he is very much alive and you can go tell that on the mountain my folksmging friends sorryrfls a bit htated sr this time of peace and 9000v j will and fourcolor ads for whis key and perfume but ive had enough of the complete current scene for a bit quits enounh of psychedelic sensations clever little clergymen saying glib things and young people with open mouths who swallow anythlntr that flies into them is bora the belt out ef me trying to explain things far beyond them there its out vm just a ruddy old reactionary after all and i dont give a diddle nev er in my life have i had a de sire to he one of the hy crowd and i have no intention of starting now first of all what is christ mas all about is it not a cele- laratlotri the c w the basic tenet of faith that god gave man the greatest gift in his power 1 son a living breathing manifestation of his concern for the muddled wrong headed twolegged crea tures who make such a muck of things on their own he gave man this gift only once but every year for 20 centuries its celebration has re newed peace and joy and love in the world even if only for short time thats quite a gift 4ow santa claus is a tittle different hes been in business only for about a century he brings something different ev ery year and all his gifts can has m ef the year tetrloo at e tram ll directions and bjhelng ilk the village w hes hke everybodys jolly old tramps but after two months of white whiskers bet ly laughs and urging to ouy buy buy even jolly old grnrnpa should be sent off to the funny farm how would yon like to have god around for ho months year every day and night nght where you could see him and whats worse where he couljt see you wha jscjfe -got- to an l rtnp treating god like santa claus a vasiung clergyman told u on sunday the story of a family that wanted something cry very much they prayed for it and prayed and prajed the whole family as hard j they eouldfor vwcfrtfrfx happened r in despair the father said well i guess- godhjpn t svter onr prayers ts v his little daughter piped sure he did dad he said tiq thats faith god is alive christmas is real and if you have enough faith mavbe vou will find that rumour about santas untimely demise is false and that hes alive too highlights of ihe 1 carlo menottiv yulet1db opera christmas season is pr of gian carlo 1 yuletlde opera amam and the night visitors singers 1 the classic presentation of the two past holiday seasons include left to right kurt yaghljun as amah i martha king as the mother and john mccollum richard cross and willis patterson as the thr k business directory this week has seen the con held which would paralyze air of gift wrappings immediately place them in metal containers or burn them dispose of tree follow mu jcrpal instructions or where m such instructions exist tarn tree in an open 1 keeping a fire extinguisher handy because trees that are exceptionally dry can ex ptode when set ablaze dispose of driedout decora moral responsibility everyone has a moral res- tmaawllty for the safety of their famines friends and fhsms at all times said gay mclauwn general manager f tte league this must be realised at christmas tame nmre than any other time if oris were done many human bves would be saved and much sm would be prevented tlnuation of the debate on the guaranteed annual income for our senior citizens i have pre viously detailed this in the last column which i will not repeat here everyone now drawing old age sccuritj will receive an application form for the new income supplement in the very near future this form is 1 understand very simple to fill out it docs not ask for detailed information other than what is required on the income tax re turn it is expected that this legislation will pass the house of commons in the very near future and that it should rec eive roal assent before the christmas recess one days debate was spent on the threatened strike by air control officers who supervise air traffic at our airports the government had appointed commissioner to enquire into this matter and his recomnmien datlons have been accepted by the air control officers as what they wish to receive in the way of further benefits the govern ment has taken the position that this commissioner was an sdvbv er and they cannot accept au otmmark custom a danish christmas custom is the adbock this b s lone pels with a goafs head whose ewty tt is to butt in when child- travel at this busy time of ear chiropractor donald a cay dc appointments toad daily call tr 7m01 30 mill st gtorjhwn a christmas poem mrs edward stafford glen williams has submitted this christmas poem to share with herald readers it was written by a relative mrs albert pier oway marysvllle nb if i could buy a yesterday and place it on your tree tm sure the joy upon your face would be heavenly to see 1 think td choose a christmas daj when we were all at home in the old house by the cotton mill where all our thoughts do roam td place the big old candy bowl upon the dining table rd have my father tell the tale how cows kneeled in their stable chiropractor gerald w corbett dc open dally by a ppo intnwnt house calls arranged 776631 11a main st north w h cam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 1773211 773300 home optometrist l m brown 0 d for appointments phone 1773671 his findings although they are willing to accept the majority of them the government has pointed out that some of the commissioners report is based on an inaccurate assumption and that in effect if the govern ment accepted the recommen dations he has made regarding wages it would mean that the air control officers would rec eive over a period of two years a wage increase of 40 per cent the government feels that this is not within the usual or justified range of salary in crease here i might juat men tion that it is indeed strange to observe that the opposition who so severely criticized the gov ernments handling of the longshoremen s strike for a 30 per cent salary increase are now equally busy arguing that the government should accept a wage increase lor air control officers of 40 per centthe go vernment has prepared emerg ency legislation for presentation to the house of commons if a settlement is not reached which will ensure that se striae tt td have you smell tobacco smoke and see the sparks that flew prom out that poor old favorite pipe when for relief he drew td have him carve the turkey the one he bought from stell and of his many blessings td hvn him once more teu td have you see the lovely smile upon your mothers face wpen shed show off s small trinket or a hanky trimmed with lace bet i cant boy that yesterday they simply cant be bought so the little gift tm sending is just a simple thought when the sun comes up tomor row a fact that cannot fail youll have another yesterday for which there is too sale tuesday pecember 27 has been declared boxing day in dax developments limited builders ef fine hemes prop waller pacholok 774311 er 77 9415 monuments poluocit a campmu designs on bequar inspmt oar ork in greenwood cemetexy mag ut7510 a watn street nana g alt georgetown herald mklbm w horn newspapers llamtesi georgetown ontario walter c blemi publisher cers mcgilvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry barley alleen bradley frank alullla advertising manager airs trans capet clerk troist anne cunie beporter leslie clark dave h m guson j meatmen barragers cleanerashlrt launderers th 7m79 18 main s 166 guelph robt r hamilton optometrist 116 momrtalnvtew rd s carretal bids for appointment 10- 8773971 prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service potartts tr tat7 georgetown wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a coenraissioner printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald a t waucat ko dosc optometrist is main st s brauptoa 451m74 kes 451h3 houn 9 am to fl pjn tuesday to saturday fhday 9 am to 9 fy breninas by appowumst john s love architect 17 chap si brantoton commercial tnoustrial and institntional buildings stmoxt i 935 l ii ah directory advertising brings results sx georgetotyf animal clinic ids gvelpa street dr r- b gallon clinic open wrd fbi ii pot oenexal msukancb cauoeorge mundy fcerta tvopi trw

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