Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald 22 main street s georgetown ontario wc thursday january 26th 1947 editorial comment personal centennial project a personal centennial project which a reader says she is adopting could well be a target for most canadians this year expressing herself as woefully tgnor- ant of canadian history the intends to read as much as possible about our country s or igin and its economic and political history during the year its an idea which we are going to attempt ourselves for after leaving school we seem to forget much of what we learn ed if in fact we ever really learned it at all it seems wrong that most of us know more about abe lincoln than we do about town arena an asset does georgetown realize what a fine rccrcattona asset we have in the arena burlington is already talking of repla cing a building only 17 years old and esti mates for me new structure range from 300 000 for one seating 300 to 450 00o for a 1200 seat structure georgetown thus has a building which would cost half a million dollars to replace and through the efforts of the board of parks management over a period of years has been renovated into a fully modern structure to serve the needs of e town which ties quadrupled in size since it was origin- ahy built in recent years the seating has been for movie fans addition of friday night movies in holy cross auditorium supplements th s en tertainment media for adults who have missed the c nema since fire removed the old roxy theatre from the scene just as vaudeville almost disappeared when talkies came on the scene so were fnovie theatres a prey for television where once georgetown i ned up for blocks to see gone with the wind the best movie drew less than full houses to the roxy in its declining years the fire several years ago only hastened what was obvious jy going to happen larger centres have been able to hang on brampton now has macdonald and launer mora about the american wer of independence than about the riej rebellion we can name more u s presidents than we can canadian prime ministers and more states than ontario pro vinces how many of us know the fascinating history of the transcontinental railways de tails of the family compact the years qur provinces were incorporated in the domin ion we have become so used to american movies and american magazines that we have neglected our own history while filling our heeds with that of our southern neigh bours completely replaced new washrooms in stalled the lobby and refreshment area improved and now heating hatvbeen added to make it more pleasant for spectators a continuing program has been maintained with no mator drain on the tax treasury addition of a large parking area has increased convenience for the public and construction of the municipal swimming pool on adoining land has made it pos 1 sible for management economies by oper i ation of the two under closely allied boards and the same general manager the town should be thankful to the men who have devoted their energy to maintaining a fine recreational asset for the community one theatre in place of two guelph has two instead of ts former four and there u same hope that as georgetown grows we may once more have the benefit of a theatre aga n meanwhile we should be thankful to a toronto man who is trying to bring back th s form of entertainment by offering some topnotch mov es fr day nights the saturday afternoon shows slanted to children are already established as a popular feature and a new generation of popcorn esters fill the church auditorium to see special i iy selected films to appeal the younger generation sugar and spice by bill smiley backlog of notes that centennial canoe race harley to halt0n weakly observations by dr harry harley mp for halton include painter jackson in great canuck profiles better knowledge and apprecthuai much of jackson s work lation of the many contributions made to oar national ufa and to the world by outstanding ca imd is a centennial project at the georgttvwn district hi school once each weak during the year a local ugh school todeat is presenting informa tion about a great canadian in a public address system message to the student body v y jackson fey irene crane brentto crane atelhrered mend ee the serteaj this one eeehnej whfi the treat inter a y jackson a y jackson one of cans das leading painters was born in montreal on october 3 182 bis ancestors were of british end scottish descent due to financial difficulties bis formal education ended at the age of twelve however he attended evening classes at the council of arts while working for a uthognrphing company be later went into the field of commercial art but this soon lost its appeal so jackson set out to paris to attend an art school ha spent two and s half yean in europe and upon retorning to canada be began a life of wandering in the can adian north and along the sl lawrence his only income be- j tog what he received for his paintings with world war 1 came a great decrease in art interest ao jackson enlisted as a war ar tlst i lr for canadian ve- deriala in 1 he reee us official discharge and turned to canada once while en a visit rrewato he wen epproeched by j r h meedeauod who lnrtted turn u jota a group of sev en a ctob which consisted of was not sold until years later jackson spent a great deal of time painting with dr frederick i banting and in 1937 he risited the arctic witfc him to do some work for the dept of the inter ior of all the different areas whina a t jackaon visited his favorste spot was around georgian bay his work is now in the tat gallery london england nil nois state museum springfield national gallery of canada and is also in private collections of many canadians and americans a y jackson ii a great pain ter and also a great canadian in that he has tried to make ui appreciate the rugged but beau tiful scenecy of our country the house of commons hu again begun work on the 1st session of the 27th parha ment it is my opinion that the present session will probably last until easter which is late in march this year there may be a short recess and the new 2nd session mil begin almost immediately and carry on un til june or jul the end of th s present ses sfon will probably deal with the following 1 bill c231 an act to dc fine and implement a national i transportation policy for can ada with this debate dealing with these matters of so much concern to the prairies i ex pert this bill will not pass much before the end of the month 2 bill c 243 an act to am end the national defence and other acts will deal uth thc unification of the armed fore es this is the most controver sial subject on the order pa organizing starts for new halton peel college news echoes fran the heralds of 10 and 20 teen ago loyimtsaoo in the mail bag concerned at soaring expenditures taxes 31 byron street georgetown ontario january 16lh 1967 dear mr editor i was very glad to read in a saturday toronto daily paper that the ontario municipal board is concerned about the overspending of municipalities the board has threatened to do their spending for them if the municipalities do not curb per and it is expected that the debate will be hot and heavy from the conversation i have had in halton the majority fa vour the unification of the for ccs 3 the mini budget will alw be debated for not more than six days which will deal only with the increase in income tax to pay for the supplement ary allowance- payable to our senior citizens who qualify for it 4 bill c 261 to establish the canada deposit insurance cor poration which will insure bank and federally lncorporat ed trust company savings up to a certain maximum 5 h is probable that mot ions to set up two committees will be made these will be the committee on the words for a national anthem o can ada and the committee to re commend changes in the pro cedures in the house of com mons to promote the more cf relent and economical dispatch of the business of the nation in addition to this various small pieces of legislation will probably bo dealt with in this session the board of governors for the proposed halton peel com mumty college met for its first business meeting last week and set up two commit tees to start the job of organi zing a college from scratch the names of the governors of the halton peel college were announced in late november once the colleges name has been approved by the council of regents the board can be leg ally incorporated and so roll up its sleeves for some work immediate problems facing board members are determin ing the general and special ed ucational needs the college should meet supervising con atruction of new college build ings and staffing and operat ing of the new institution local appointees on the board include reeve herbert merry of oakville former halton county warden herbert h hm ton of acton werdcn leavens a bolton newspaper publisher and dr carl williams rd like to tidy up a lot of loose ends this week if you don t mind first of all thanks for the warm and personal notes about the column and the good wishes to the smileys they came from all over the continent many of you will be getting your christmas cards at easter or possibly in july wy wife lost her list of addresses we had a refreshingly differ ent new years eve this year went to a skating party on thej bay wo even took skatea but fortunately we had to make a couple of calls before we got there and when we did the skaters were pooped i ex pressed great indignation be fore allowing someone to set me down before the fireplace with a small potion of herb tea but it was a great party just as we arrived a pretty young woman hustled in from outside clutching her pants and various other things she d been out on a skidoo on the ice and they d gone through she was quite annoyed last tune id seen her she was eight months preg nant this time she was almost in shock she said she d like to meet me under normal circum stances another feature of the party appealed to me instead of the usual maudlin rendition of auld lang syne followed by a round of sloppy kisses we all stood to attention and sang maudlin version of o canada speaking of centennial year some readers may have noticed a rather sardonic attitude to ward this great national occa ston in my last couple of col umns please excuse it i dont really feel that way it s a sort of backlash tor years ivc been trying to tell people how great canada is and could be cd the living room not a bum on the the piano only one hamburg with all the trim mings upset on the rug so we- arc going to let her have an other party twenty two years from now for her daughter son hugh brought usr a spe cial christmas present this year the announcement that he was quitting school oh well you cant win them al but it docsnt make the goose go down any better even though you assure him f that he s cooked hisown and has to he in it or whatever the saying hephew paul of laval u ar peared out of nowhere as col lege boys do father wants him to be a doctor he wants to be a beachcomber and he a lost his boots and his feet were soaking that kid has lost his shoes or boots over 18 years in south america the west in dies holland and cape breton island but he never loses his good spirits bless him gordon sinclair colunist and tv personality and i have little in common he s rich 1 m not hes shrewd and crude pugnacious and pontifical as tute and asinine i was about to say i m not but on second thought wont but we are as one on the need fora holiday in february did you see him tackle the prime minister on that recently pve been shout ing this theme for years its the greatest centennial gift mr pearson could give this nation by mid february every one in this country is so frayed and flogged that its amazing there aren t suicides and axe- murders galore i dont care what they call it but lets have the nearest monday to valen tines day as a national holl day a prayer kim had her first teenage party over the holidays she in j vilcd 18 and 2 showed up that s the way they operate nowaday she was adamant about her parents staying out of the way we did with hid den horror but when it came time for the food she came to us hiss j ing furiously aren t you even going to cook the hamburg ers and we spent the next uewi editor two hours feeling much like a terry haruy couple of shortorder cooks do the catering the music was turned up so loud i was sure the cops would raid us v v mwinp anne currle reporter georgetown herald published by home newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcgiivray production superintenaent accountant ailecn bradley mrs frank capes crerk typist kids kept wandering into the kitchen and demanding leslie clark flatly got any cold pop but l gilsoa it was over finally we check dave hastings j mcclements business directory a hung family eruledth fhghi from mrtornl c ciud country late saturday jght when vjpp frof item this concern is applicable the rrndfhght train at the georgetown cnr station it i was the final stop on a tourney that took leslie simonyi his wife anne and their three girls anne wary and elizabeth through five countries after a hurried escape cross the austrian border they were greeted and welcomed to their new home by a small reception com- mirtee made up in the most part of bom club member and their wives georgetown will have its first new factory in the delrex subdivision in operation in april sykei tool corpora- hon canadhtn subsidiary of a large british firm has purchased a partially completed factory site built by delrex developments which will house their local oper at ion also to all municipalities and it is about time the board cal led a halt to this type of spen ding which has caused tremen dous increases in the tax rates it is recognized that much this heavy expenditure has been for educational purposes and was beyond the control of the municipalities yet there were many inst of unwar ranted expenditures especially in view of the high educational expenses dr harvey agnew ha made alterahom to the hospital report presented to the county council test fall which claimed georgetown does not need a hospital george town reeve stanley allen told georgetown council jvvkv day that dr agnew hat reversed his decision and in revised report recommends e hospital for this cornmun- iry mycamaoo i the resignation of william g marshal as chief constable end other offices was accepted with regret by council this week chief marshall will terminate his offices at of january 31st at the same meeting council decided to enter in to an agreement with the ontario provincial police to take over policing duties here chief william hyde deputy chief end jack tost truck dnver we in georgetown have ex perienced this type of spending in the past few years end have seen the tax rate soar it high time for the taxpayers of this town to wake op and dc fmand that only necessary spending for essential purpos es be permitted by a sevanteenthcentury nun i lord thou knowest better than j i know myself that i am growing older and will some day be old keep me from getting talkative and particularly from the fa tat habit of thinking i must say something on every sub ject and on every occasion release me from craving to try to straighten out everybody s affairs make me thoughtful but not moody helpful but not bossy with my vast store of wis dom it seems a pity not to use it all but thou knowest lord that i want a few friends at the end keep my mind free from the re atal of endless details give me wings to get to the point seal my lips from my many aches end pains they are increasing and my krve of re hearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 73401 30 mill st georiietown chiropractor gerald w corbetl dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 1776431 11a main st north w h carr profasiional engineer consulting engmaar ontario land surveyor office 1773211 1773300 home i ask for grace enough to listen to fthe tales of others pains help me to endure them with patience teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally it is possible that i mayhe mistaken keep me reasonably sweet 1 the statement of the omj chairman j a kennedy the taxpayer hu a right to look for extreme prudence on the part of his elected representatives in j the light of today s economic conditions is a truth that nrust mt lh po be faced by all members of fun oul of llfe m municipal councils roany funny tjnngb u us a i do n tf mm ny do not want to be a saint some of them are hard to live with but a sour old woman is one of the crowning works of the devil ed a peters of them amen dax devaophents limited builders ef fine hemes prop walter pacholok 774311 or 177 9415 monuments pollock campbell designs on bequest inspect oar work in greenwood cemetery phoni 8317580 82 water street north g a li optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 773471 barragers cleanersshirt launderers tr 72279 18 main a 166 guelph all work done on premises robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountanmew rd s carretal bldg for appointment n 8773971 wallaci thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr73963 prank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 73864 georgetown printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald a t walker ro dosc optometrist 12 main st- s brampton 4514474 res 4516243 hours 9am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 9 am to 8 pm evenings by appointment the mcintosh apple was dis- covered an dundela onta 1 1bi1 the dclicloui in iowa ini 188l i john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 773032 45i43u georgetown animal clinic 106 guelph street dr r b gesktn cunle opea 88 pm mom wed frl 11 fcwl

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