teen panel shoots holes in schooling newspapers teen panel andy sp ece richard ennqht roger smrhs and leslie buresh the four students agreed that the present student coun cil was a mockery with no au thonty to do anything but spon sor school dances versy or attempt to keep things just as they have been they maintained this attitude creates apathy particularly in municip al politics they cited the antl loitering by law as an attempt to nibble away at individual freedoom in a freewheeling discus sion last wedneday night a panel of high school students took verbal pot shots at the centennial celebrations re creation local newspaper and education the lively de among the suggestions from bate took place at the george the panel was more individual town civic group meeung at i ism and less monotony in the ccdarvale with jim warren schools with a student allowed acting as moderator and andy to move through a subject at spicce richard enright roer the pace his intelligence per smith and lesley buresh ast mils individual research in his panelists toncal and political subjects should be encouraged and not the educational system took discouraged as it is at present the brunt of the attack being sald tne students criticized for rrgiditj mceh anical processing or students xhe abolition of final exams our educational sstcm is has endorsed with judging of wmiwersomefeftiiii more fitting for an aottaonlar the student based on his years lona wa5 an outmoded em lan type government than a performance ouon more su to the 19th century than to the 20th the necessity of bridging the differences between quebec and the rest of canada was empha sized there was difference or opin ion on the centennial celebrat ions some thinking it was a good idea since it would foster feelings of pride and national construction firm head seeks pc nomination jamea snow br 2 george town is the latest candidate to announce that be will be seek tag a party nomination la the newly created provincial riding of halton east his declaration jumped to six uw number of hopefuls who have gone on record aahefinit ely interested in representing the new riding conservative william bateman of oakville and new democrat william gillies also of oakville entered the race two weeks ago they joined a 1st which already con tamed conservative william sargant and liberals hurray haesler and robin skuce f mr snow a conservative divides bis time between snow construction ltd of which he is president and his farm aear hornby halton east consists of geo getown esguesing hilton and oakville counselling service helpful to 46 town families in past year baptism services at union norval churches babies baptised at norval presbyterian church by rev r duncanson on sunday jan uary 22 were dwayne robert frederick son of mr and mrs james jamie cunningham and maryann elizabeth ruth daughter of mr and mrs willi am donaldson babies baptized at union presbyterian church on sunday january 22 by rev r duncan son were david hugh son of mr and mrs hugh leslie kelly allison daughter of mr and mrs victor ostrander and david bruce son of mr and mrs robert a elwood fortysix cases from george town were referred to the new halton county family counstl ling service during its first year of operation just complet ed rennie vivian the service dlr ector reports the first full year has been one of pioneer ing and of acquainting the people of halton county with this new service he said people from all walks of life availed themselves of the expanding service mr vivian said there has been an excellent working re lationship with the family court the children s aid sod ety health units and other connected agencies in all 313 cases were dealt with 107 being referred to the service by family court an other 135 were private referrals georgetown was third in re ferred cases over 120 original ed from oakville 78 from bur linglon 26 from milton and 20 from acton the service has now organlr ed familycounselling classes for newly weds one class deal ing with family budgeting was held in the county thursday night there is a series of two class ea in georgetown two in milton four in burlington and four in oakville subjects dealt with include understanding between hus bands and wives married cou pies legal rights money man agement and marriage respon sibilities the twohour discussions are being conducted by leading lawyers marriage councillors and religious leaders in the various communities the theme of one of the ds cussions is marriage is a bus- banting wqn international acclaim in science world democracy member opined a panel the role of a newspaper in small town next came under afttr thrpp hours thp moder i they suggested there should fire thc el wt lt was the ett a hau be more contact between thc duty of newspaper to discuss al0f cued u school administrators and the ecry bspcct f life in the com students thc students the tea mumtj to keep democracy cher wd the school board ave al nrst lcvc should work together to decide on school pohcj advised the they stressed that a news panel paper should not avoid contro- the civic croup hopes lo have a panel of school ad mini strators and teachers at their next meeting to give their side of the education question families chief sufferers in desertion judge says one of the more tragic as pects of desertion here is thai most of thc cases mvoue descr tion of families sajs magisl rate kenneth langdon of g orgetown judge of the juven ilc and family court tlic husband leaves not only his wife to support herself bul mall children as well judge langdon sas thai thc county family court hears about a dozen desertion cases a week he sas there are ab out 500 current but that thc court handles up to ono thou sand desertion cases a year i he says husbands that des i crt usually got married before they were prepared it is quite obvious they are not pre pared to lake on the respon sibilities of marriage he says the deserting husband uu once a year sale harvey woods lingerie with 20 take advantage of savings on lingerie of famous quality and fit on sale now and until feruary 11th rayon pantie 3 popular styles banded b ef banded flare leg or cuff knee pant e reg 1 59 sale price 127 rayon brief band or elast c leg reg 1 00 sale price nylon brief prem urn qua ty nobelt wa stband regular 1 79 sale price 3 r 227 nylon pantie flare or banded leg regular 2 29 sale price 137 177 aciujl ally gets married at an early age but will often desert his wife after one or more child ren are born they are young when they get married but not always young when the hus band deserts judge langdon s1js most charges arc laid under the deserted wucs and child rens maintenance act but char ges can also be laid under section 186 of the criminal code on conviction under the maintenance act a deserting husband may be imprisoned for up to six months receive a 500 fine or both if con victcd under the criminal code he may be imprisoned for a period of up to two years ballinapad annual meeting reviews ballmafad church year visitors on sunday of last week with mr tom mack were mr and mrs leon purdy and tommy of glen williams and mrs riddell of toronto several from this area attcn ded the benefit dance for the mcdougalls in the erin legion hall friday night they lost their barn in a fire several weeks ago the congregation of thc united church held their an nnal meeting on monday night favourable reports were heard from the various organizations and the stewards volunteered to remain in office for another year mrs r- sales was appoln ted treasurer replacing mr a keir and two new elders were nominated mrs leo jamicson and mr garnet sinclair sever al other matters concerning the activities of the church were discussed and a cup of coffee was enjoyed by all rev k johnston chaired the meeting with mr floyd shortill as secretary mrs e smith was appointed secretary of the offi cial board replacing mrs t nielsen norval presbyterian church w m s held their first meeting of the new year at the home of mrs clure archdekln on tuesday afternoon january 24 with the president mrs jack mcclure in the chair the scripture lesson was read by mrs sam mcclure and mrs r duncanson led in prayer mrs andrew mcclure gave the chapter from the study book assistant hostesses were mrs h anthony and mrs john m mcclure the women s world day of prayer will be held this year in he presbyterian church on friday afternoon february 10 at 2 30 pm all women of the community are welcome several couples from the dis trict enjoyed a weekend holiday at prudhommes garden centre those who enjoyed the holiday were mr and mrs carl laid law mr and mrs roy laidlaw mr and mrs jack may mr and mrs jim buck mr and mrs lloyd laidlaw mr and mrs barry cleave mr and mrs ken arn old mr and mrs bui laidlaw mr and mrs paul johnson mr and mrs gordon laidlaw mr and mrs john dunlop mr and mrs garnet laidlaw mr and mrs leo archdekln mr and mrs ab archdekln mr and mrs jack wylie and mr and mrs tony zilki mr and mrs james laidlaw and their son and daughter-in- law mr and mrs lloyd laid law and their daughter cathy enjoyed a two weeks holiday at miami florida in january the weather was lovely for their stay and the roads good for travelling mr and mrs elmer carncv were guests at the wedding of linda benham to douglas cam pbell at mayfield united church on saturday january 28th congratulations to mr and mrs robert carney on the birth of a baby son robert paul proud grandparents are mr and mrs elmer carney norval and mr and mrs norm an davidson of brampton annual meeting for three united churches the general meehng of the hornby united church women was held recently in the church basement with twelve members present mrs jim snow presid ed for the meeting which op ened with the theme song mrs john wallace was in charge of the scripture reading mrs johnston neelands showed a film on near neighbours lunch was served by sirs orv llle grexton rev keith haw ices has been busy for the past week attend ing thc annual meetings of ash grove hornby bethel and eden united church the annual brownie and guide euchre was held on thursday night january 26th at the boyne community centre with 18 tables in play prizes were won by the following mrs clare ford mrs william bailey fred smith and charlie leriche mrs lew sampson mrs roy ellis mrs geoffrey drew brook george middlebrook and roy ellis mrs john cordingley on behalf of the brownie and guide mothers extended a rote of thanks to all who had attended and made the euchre party auch iness as well as a state of bliss we have willing cooperation from professional people in the fields of medicine finance law insurance and members of the clergy mr vivian said the service is open to any married couple who feel they have need of it page is thursday february 2nd 1 ton john parry sound ward strecurvlllo mrs edn welsby mrs lorctta proh west hill mrs elsa carlso streetsvilte and mrs emme son funeral service and in ment took place in stree vdle great canucks main st georgetown royal black lodgt elects 1967 officers officers of the royal black rbp lodge for the 1967 terra were installed recently at horn by they are wor preceptor rev william milligan dept preceptor clifford ebbs regis trar james graham treasurer ra brtmnndge chaplain e craf 1st l c bv 2nd lcc arthur ireland cencor albert dauson 2nd cencor robert cooke 1st std bearer frederick ireland 2nd std bearer frank graham film night popular feature at hunt club a recent film night at the georgetown anglers hunters club was enjoyed and next ev ent planned for members is a pot luck supper which will foi low a sunday afternoon skating and sleigh riding party the new club shirts will be on display for approval at the next business meeting roads will be clear and the fire will be warm the directors prom ise and they are hoping for a good attendance though widely explored by french fur traders and mission anes ontario wu virtually un settled when lt became british in 17s3 c nte 6 t clifford norton keith ireland clifford ebbs walter bocock phillip hilson clifford bealty pursuivant clifford norton fi nancial secretary james hoey third in a series of historical thumbnail sketches delivered in weekly public address system presentations to students at georgetown district high sobool frederick grant banting by thomas brottierton ef 5s10a no canadian scientist has come near to achieving the pub lic recognition and gratitude ac corded both at home and abroad to frederick grant banting for fata discovery of insulin the rea son is simple no single scien tific discovery has so suddenly changed the fate of so many people in 1021 no one knew exactly what diabetes was they only knew that the body slowly rot ted away starvation was one way of treating it but it just slowed the action down at the age of twenty nine banting and i student charles best tackled e problem they succeeded wh re other great men had failed dr banting first realized his ambition to become a doctor when just a small boy he was on his way to school when he he had seen two builders badly injured on a scaffolding col lapse dr banting noted that the crowd seemed much reliev ed by the arrival of a doctor and he also noted the precision with wich the doctor worked from that day on he wanted to be a doctor in 1917 dr banting gradua ted from toronto university and immediately joined the medical corps he went to france where he received the military cross for attending wounded under fire while badly injured himself in 1930 when war threatened again dr banting who was 48 enlisted once more as a major in an ambulance un il dr banting was very modest about his discoveries and was jrrways quick to share them one reporter wrote the discoverer of insulin almost gives the im pression that a number of peo- 1 pie were working on the prob i lem and he happened to be ar ound when the results wera an n ou need in 1923 when he received the nobel pnze for medicine his first impulse was to refuse it pecause it was to be shared witk the toronto university depart ment head at the time of the discovery n dr banting s life ended ab ruptly in 1941 when a bomber that was carrying him to eng land crashed in newfoundland the pilot and only survivor of the crash reported that dr banting kept trying to help the injured even though he him self had suffered a fatal punc ture to the lungs in the twenty years between the discovery of insulin and his death he had turned his hand to many problems in all his work however he described himself as a catalyst an ag ent that promotes a reaction without taking any part in it dr banting was a great cana dian he was a great man expo package tours with accommodation transportation to from montreal to and from expo and all passports sunline tours georgetown transportation 5 877 2251 funeral at streetsville for brother of town woman james victor rutledge died suddenly in south peel hospital on january 21 he was a broth cr of mrs joe emmerson 99 main street north mr rutledge leaves his wife norma burton f ur children i beatrice rose brian and scott 1 and brothers and sisters jos eph of streetsville harold brampton clarence of phi lp5 safety now not now and then reduce the risk in winter driving with courtesy and caution extra care helps prevent accidents but your car might still be involved in an accident and you might be found totally or partly liable tfor damage your own car might be damaged you or members of your family might bo injured m your own or another car cias automobile and accident insurance could help you meet tho cost of that and other emergencies for more information call denney charles gia automobile accident nd sickness farm family liability home protection r r 3 georgetown 877 2084 f i a cooperators ii fl insurance r association special on regular ml 8 50 perms all others 20 off tuesdays wednesdays and thursdays only kay s beauty saon 19 main stmt north cll 8772981 join the big swing ukj14 its easier than you 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