Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 2, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by hem newspapers limited 22 main street s georgetown ontario w c b1ehn publisher thursday february 2nd 1967 editorial comment politics takes nerve reentry of walter gordon into tlie fed oral cabinet leaves us somewhat aghast ab out the nerve it takes to be a politician only a few years ago when mr gor don was finance minister he was caught in a situation which proved him either an inept financier or an inept politician or both he brought out a budget so unpopular that radical chariges were made within days leaving one with the conclusion that either he didn t know what he was talking about or jf he did he let political pressure over come his better ludgment anway in time mr gordon resigned his post and by all normal reasoning should htv retired to private life or to that great refuge of those who have given their all for the current party the senate instead he sat quietly on the back ben ches until the pendulum swung his way again and now is basking in the limelight welcomed back as a great canadian an ex ped on foreign affairs finance end what have you perhaps not so inept a politician after all at the same time another political figure is proving that canadians like their drama vith hollywood overtones fresh out of a minor scandal a side effect of the notorious gerda affair george hces is not only being wooed by adjoining p c ridings to be their federal candidate but is being given prominent mention a a possible leader of the p c party 1894 had worries today isn t the first time people have been concerned about the cost of schooling in 1894 the herald reported that the annual cost of the high school to the corpor atton was 1000 this will be a surprise to many the article says as it was feared that the addi tion of a fourth teacher would run the ex perue up at least a few hundred dollars the item concludes with some flatter too rng remarks the high school is certainly one of the best investments the town has made in the last ten years it has done well and is doing belter let nothing be done to impair its efficiency and it will continue to prosper the clipping submitted to us by tho mas melanson 12 george st was found in a partition during remodelling of the house and is of value because herald files of lhat date are not in existence swing of the pendulum ontario communities are reaping a bi ter harvest these days up until fifteen years ago school tea chers reaped most of their rewards in re fleeted glory of successful studenls they hid taught their pay was small m re fatfomhip to other jobs requir ng ihe same education although there was tome compensation in longer holidays od security and a small pension plan the pendulum began to swing after the war when school boardj began on their own to realize that teachers should com mand larger salaries those that didn t soon found themselves dealing w th an increas tngly powerful teachers federation which today has reached epic proportions bolstered by the fact that there is n continuing shortage of personnel part cut erly at the high school level and wiih an apparently insatiable hunger for more and more money teacher are in the news ev airy yarai4hey ask and receive larger end larger increases metro toronto is the foca point each year for rash of demands which would make even the most aggressive union leader blanche teachers demand more money immediately larger yearly increments more end more fringe benefits they make od ou comparisons with engineers and doctors kerrs column mpp reports to georgetown from queens park antimissile missile sugar and spice by bill smiley jjifcis just a starter in a poor bush town in tl north has the same facihtit the tilth session of the 27th parliament of the ont no legislature opened last week m toronto the details of the speech from the throne hive been reported f extensivelv in all daily news papers however there are a few matters in the docu ment which mav he of more interest to the people of hal ton than others a new housing program to be known as home owner ship made easy which through the use of the first letter of each word will be called the home program briefly the program pro vides the assembly and serv icing of residential land and disposal of lota by outright sale and lease the provinc cial government hopes to in crease the supply of lots and thus reduce market prices generally the leasing feature will mean that a home buyer will have to have a down pay ment on the house compon ent alone nhieb could be a bout 2000 on a dwelling valued at s15lp00 the intent of this program is to put home ownership hack within the reach of lower and middle income families it is hoped that if opuons and quait of teaching j the kid n a rich suburb he v succ could have a sharp deilat simply docs m the difference it honey makes effect an the home market million in recent j ears there has been a great deal of criticism of education in this countrj from both outside and inside tht system it doesn t take a phd to realize that a whale of a lot of it is justified and i speak as a parent taxpayer and ory to the heavens that they are not as wel paid while school boards scurry to make the best deal they can before plunging into next years round never once does it seem to occur to teacher anyone today that engineer and doctors j 0 by frantic efforts and may average better wages but have no as vast infusions of money have surance of lifetimo employment no wd iaplem r a mere couple of decadcr months in summer week or so st easter at hind the times be chr stmas no guarantee that each year they w u have a higher income vacation bosh teachers will say we spend them going to summer school but this means more money too for salary sche d iles provide bonuses for those extra afs ges and in the background the equally powerful union of elementary teachers pre equalh tn mini i know it s esy to indulge in hindsight but holy old jumpin jupiter surely there could have been a little foresight so mi where along the line look uh we have shortage of buildings the- bi industries and inlitu shortage of teachers shortage of tiom from oil compimc u jtist about everything except banks thev arc too la or lor pupils and a vast surplus ofjehcap or both jo interview them this didn t happen ocr joun people and hire hum or night the weren t all born what thev arc us muih isnr uw a future campaign for equality of pay ll summer it was all there 20 and a lot clinper j t hears ago perfcctlv obvious to we don l ujiu ambulv unliv w th their senior brothers anyone who could add and mul he has ai ki i i ln u l ccr in many ways we deserve what were upl the only people dome tificdtc rvpii if ill thc wjiv getting for too many years penny pinch any multiplying were the par him to do is mirk square p g i i j r tents in found holes ing school boards exacted the last pound of flesh from teachers who had to be dedca i and the crarv part of it i another thin- asth wroni never have chosen ut we keep urging the kids vvith cduotm it to slay in schools that haven t financed ixt enough room for the nctfcrop example- arriving dropout has bcconc couple on i almost svnonymous with dchn i fter quant it doesn t matter wheth thev own ihcir own home the er they re doing any work or pa 400 a vear in municipal i learning anything or are just xcs about half of that being bored silly they re told education even llioui thtj vc to stav in school until through paid taes for cirs ti edm i sheer old age and the tidal wave their own children or it child and speaking of inequ i in t there something quie rid iculous in a country of 20 mil lion having 10 separate and dts tinct educational systems much larger countries have on syv of them renumber the great em and yet nave f more d i depression many others hon- verllty jn opportunity with stly believe material eurity i thlt one tn we have with our means happiness but far far nq ng bnt lepar ones it is too many of them delude them- pr0w literally and fig selves they insist that jack urj who wants nothing more than to get out of school become use ful and happy as a salesman or sticks in mv cr we line n a policeman has the makings of rid curriculum- nul timitab great surgeon because he has l nid divisions of the school i elways got more than 60 marks ycar an anthin else rigid i in science or that jill a born hat ioid difficult v and keep wife and mother who wants lhevii iclomn vehicle main nothing more than to get mar ulin ahn in in ned should struggle through a course tn psychology because bi shes always been first class tk baby slrter other important matters in the speech include a state ment that the ontario gov ernmrnt plans to take over control of the battle against air pollution in the prov in the mail bag ince the idea is to divio- the province into areas and relieve municipalities of the responsibility of enforce ment of regulations so that there will bo one agency ap- pl ing uniform legislation with the funds facilities ana technical help needed to win this battle the government announced two other important steps a public enquiry into prob lems relating to divoro laws and compensation for people injured going to tb aid of police amen reference was made to the securities act recently pro claimed which will help void loss of savings of people who invest with finance and trust companies and who do not investigate thoroughly the companies they are deal ing with and the paper they are buying the throne speech said that in the field of agricultural we have a twofold responsib ility to insure that the fat mcr shares in our prosperity and to insure that adequate food is available growing population at a pri the consumer can afford an expanded program of pital grants mil be made vail able to farmers and t proposal is to extend the isting program of grants include wells farm drama and the construction of i tain types of farm buildin in mj next column 1 hope deal with other aspects the throne speech partic arly the new mental heal act and legislation deal with child welfare th ns uiv denies library used for election campaign whit 1 in bclrh do cloini- whl- l sn n in all d is the f cles on orditi in inrdk v thrillin in h 39 market street town council would d literalore stating their january 27 1967 onns q the ubwy a rarv represents one of the hoar sir iars of our democratic tn which free enquiry and d i wish o deny the majors be enc0lw ation that the librar was inrorma discussions were he iisd as a campiign htadquarl 1 for several weeks before 11 crs for anv rival to mr gib elections among our subscn tans ition a mor s dd n ipatc unlc thev were deli- it one eleclinnctrin postcard a asked to do so in whl am ns delivered to the librarv cas we were ill free to sta ila n and u ctrlamlv was not our 0 opinions i ii thr in into the waste papin k in t w anticpaled that all nnccreh cjndutalcs for positions on the marjonc nazcr ted or they would thf profession but there has to be a stop and surely today the pendulum has swung far enough tl e public treasury cannot survive en end le s spiral of pay increases to one segment of soc ety reached ithout a breakinq point being harley to halt0n weokly observations by dr hlrry harlay m p for hallon st georges to host womens day of prayer s like a louplc 1 ere s n rj ill f cd uico r rs o tru lor business directory pushing from behind they get a magic piece of paper that will open golden doors to success chiefly blame era parents they have my sympathy many less soincbodv else s this system makes a mocken of the concept thai cverv child has the same opportunities don t try to tril mc that the kid chiropractor donald a gay d c apnjiiiliiitus made tr 7 3401 it gcor lo in thi mail bag women from a number of georgetown churches will part icipatc in a service in st ceorges anglican church on fndaj rcbruarj 10 at 2 00 ihe return of walter ip canada is to maintain p m to mark the world day of gordon to the cabinet as minis its political and economic in pracr mrs thomas parry is ter without portfolio has been dependence it is essential that chairman of the planning com an occasion for many newapap- foreign investment he uicour j mittec which is arranging tht ti- and news media to under aged on the one hind and al service which is held each una the differences between the sainc time the complete jcar i different georgetown mr gordon and his succcor takeover of canadian industrv church as finance minister the hon by non canadian capital must rpy n joining women ourable mitchell sharp in their be prevented s an example in more tha 3500 co approaches to foreign invest foreign lnlciobi now control from newfoundland u yu- ment in canada these differ 48- of canadi s manufactur t wl usc a service ences are dealt on exaggerated ing industries and over 60 of prc by the late queen sal in petroleum and natunl gas l olc 0 tonga a dedicated rc j christian who for many yean to ach1lve this mr gor led her own people in thia an don would prohabh like to nual observance and are very newsworthy addition recently we hear ports of the comments of minister of trade and c merce the honourable robert winters on attracting can money into canada see legislation to make it more theme is and of his hinf- difficult for foreigners to lakei d e xnal1 be no end over canadian industries andl while intercession ii the ccn umc canadian control of canadians cannot close tral idea of the world day their yes to the problems lo praer offerings are also tub- which exist regarding foreign nc industries mr sharp i- ttantial in canada gift amoun ownership these problems proaehes the ainc goal bj t to more than j73o00 in will continue lo be with us as means of giving encouragement 1966 this money was used for long as we have to rely on canadian owner i publication and distribution of large amount of imported m7 wweh u ikcessary to sh b tax ia storiwt w country to its full er legislative potofctit wiqre ynvesta a aefm ian tmnktai a4 ob abetu iatw cabinet a v christian literature and refugee mtivcs and oth means both s th c t r me yrtmbta a aeftnent of canad yclopmcnt corporation which the occasion of a banquet wl ittlfaik n win be set up tn the federal icndwl b tne tn governor and his presence rt kaep i tbii prob- t to allow canadi i aad thia li nee s 0 invest their i purchase canadian monev h industries general the marquis of lome and hrh princess louise on june 24 1880 in quebec skat era panllroo whos the rotten apple writers query to mayor chiropractor gerald w corbett dc open daily by appointment hnust ulls irr tirid 8776631 11 a main st north optometrist robs r hamilton optometrist l m brown 0 d j5 mill s 116 mountainview kd s carrelal bldg or appointment for appointments phon j pi- 8773971 773471 january 28 1967 dear mr editor re jour news item mayor takes swing at library board did i read right our good major in this good town of georgetown is in a huff because some people did not submit to his charms and did not vote for him worse they did actualfj dare to cam palgn against htm this sorry ibu of affairs can be easily changed since hli admlmstra tion already gave us an anti loitering law we might soon have an antieampaigning law but at present ours is still a democratic country the mayor of a town is sttli supposed to be the servant of the people since the library is one of the most widely used public services in this town almost 8 000 peo pie use its facilties from a po pulation of around 12000 the people can demand that the and cou look at the needi of this with an unprejudiced eye if the mayor thinks he can deal nippantrt with those real needs he wist not be surprised if the election nsulta five him tha answer he deserve his worship is using ven strong language indeed and i think we can demand that he will tell us now who ihis rot ten apple is if he is unable to do o vc should tell him once and for all lhat it is not his business to hand out marks but lo run this town with the help of the council in an efficient and dini bed manner yours sincerelj john s0mmer w h carr e profeisional engineer comu iting engineer ontar o land surveyor oh ce 877 72 1 8773300 home barragers cleanervshirt launderert tr 7 2279 ib main s lb6 buclph all work dona on premises wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk 6 commissioner tr 7 2963 dax developments ltmttfcd builders of fine hornet prop wallir attu ink b774311 or 877 9415 frank petch ucensld auctioneer prompt service po box 41j tr 72864 georgetown georgetown herald monuments published by home newspaper limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfield mcguvray production superintendent news editor terry harjcy accountant ailecn bradley pollock a campbell designs on reouest inspect our work in greenwood cemcterv phone 621 7580 g2 water street north g a l t printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald o t walkep ro dosc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4516243 hours 9am to 6 pjn tuesday to sa friday 9 am to 9 pjn evenings by appointment advertising manager mrs harry judd clerk anna carrie reporter leslie clark dave hastings llylcs gilson john mcclemjtpu jtjbekr 8773374 john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton comnierclal industrial and- institutional fl buildings 773 73031 451w45 mororrown animal clinic 106 gwelph street r- gashm

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