housewives takeabreak to tone up figures minds concentrating en fha waist line at talceabraak 7 at ss n hav fun tim while moms perspire fifteen women are subtract tng pounds and adding know ledge at a special midweek recess at the community centre building in centennial park these days takca break a project of the georgetown branch of the yh caywca offers housewives a chance to forget about the tots and tho housework for at least one morning and concentrate on themselves the tuesday a m session lasts from 9 30 until 11 30 erase is first on the docket and instructor airs mary simpson puts the gals through a series of trimming manoeuvres for a whole hoar before coffee time after refreshments a kind of break within a break the ladles rest their frames while they listen to a guest speaker a y spokesman said the topic discussed is usually time ly and controvenal but not at ways at the three breaks since the current program started january 17 douglas latimer has addressed the group on the law an acton handwnt ing analyzer spoke o nher par ticular interest and mrs an nctte milne passed on tips on being a good hostess among upcoming messages which best fit under the controversial label are one on the pill and another on sex and the teen agcrs mrs milne t one of the take a break leader and acts as hostess during the taxing period while all thh is going on baby sitting service provided for the enrollees is busy amus ing a horde of youngsters in an other room and like their moms they too have a break within a break when they have refreshments thr children spend the two hours colouring listening record i and cutting out dolls clothes and think its just won derful for the y to keep moth tr amused while they congreg ale for play time limit county attendance at good roads convention it could be a thckup but its iint exercise time at tabeaftivalc county council attendance at the ontario good roads conven tioo in toronto in february has been cut in half council endor sed the action of the personnel legislation and bylaw commit tee in limiting the attendance to the committee chairman the warden one other delegate and the department head in previous years the whole road committee consisting of five members plus the warden plus the department bead at tended all the road conventions there are two a year at least the ontario good roads and the canadian good roads assoda tioas reeve merry gordon gal lagher and george leslie all members of the roads commit tee opposed the change and moved an amendment to delete this part of the report reeve merry stated he saw no reason for the change while reeve gallagher contended that conventions fill a need in ob taining information not other wise available reeve g leslie commented the road committee has been going to conventions for years back in 1058 the whole commit tee went to vancouver it wasn t the road committee that started attending conventions he concluded pointing fo a recommenda hon in the road report deputy reeve frank rogers stated it s expense like this i want to cut out he was pointing to the reservation for four rooms the royal york for the ontario good roads convention one person can bring back the in formation as well ae seven he added the amendment which if pas sed would have left the whole committee with the right to at tend conventions lost by a sin gle vote in actual count the vote was 17 in favour of the amendment and fifteen oppos ed but according to the county voting system a plurality of 3 la needed to carry a motion on strecorded vote thus the am endment was lost to take readings of the wells in the area and you will be in formed when they are coming any danger of draining the wells in the area would auto matically prohibit the project said reeve heft hinton the warden told mr gay nor to write to the secretary of the regional detention cen tre committee mr e ruther- fsrd brampton to put the matter on the agenda of their next meeting and also to write to the water resources commission 1 intend to bring the matter up anyway said the warden but this will make doubly sure the land in question is 63 acres owned by joseph sim onyi located west of the vil lsge of hornby and north of highway 401 just south the base line tub okoroktown herald thursday february 2nd 1967 page 6 thomas plunkett has fore east georgetown s 1980 popula tlon as 19 400 esqueslngs now 6883 will be 7 600 he says flowers for all occasions weddino arrangements chihn a specialty cut flower and funerai designs we wire flowers rosedale floral u albert st tr 7 2952 go by bus via sunune service reasonable rates for groups classes clubs etc charter service by the hour by the day by the trip georgetown transportation limited 8772251 georgetown fears detention centre adverse effect on wells the construction of the pro posed regional jail near horn by south of the base line has residents in the area alarmed about the effect on their wells mr j geynor told halton county council tuesday after mr gaynor told council he had heard many conflicting re ports some say its subject to the department of reforms institutions approval some say subject to water resourc es approval have jou or have nt you acquired this und7 demanded mr gaynor warden william coulter tn formed him that the land was in process of expropriation with the by law being passed that dav you mean there a no fight lng it asked mr gaynor you have the right of ap peal in the courts now re plied the warden however in the matter of the wells it is your right to have the orit ano water resources come in plan open house mark month for boys brigade for wmr fiflj local boys re bruin is cry srpccial month amu wiih 50 000 other boys through ut the united states an 1 imda these boys will b observing brigade lion i this is a timf of local recognition of christian service bngidc an organization for bojs 8 to 18 with 2 500 units in 48 st trs and 7 provinces of canada miplr ave baptist church the local sponsors of this inter dennni national boys club will hi iu the work on februarj 19 in the regular sunday evening servlc m which boys and lead ers v ill be taking part in addi ti n the older bos will host pi rnts ind friends at an open hoi at the r reguhr weekh mce in on heb 9th at 7 p m st ti church individual bovs will be recorisizeii for work com pl cd in the b i adc achieve ment program lr r l olhvicr has been captiin of battalion no 12 for the past nine years and is assisted by lieutenant ed sar chuks these boys range in age from 12 to 18 the stockade for bov 811 years of age is led by chief ranger larry wuerch i isststed by rangers ken could dan davies and don kills l the kaple avenue baptist urch ha appointed dr c j i of acton to super- vise the work ts brifiidc com mittee chairman with men cook don mills ubo micrsim and hirvey hart to share in comm ttct responsibilities all bos 12 to 18 are mv ted ttcnrl the regular meetings ofballihnn no 1235 on thurs da evening it 7 pm at the church opposite the post office slockaders meet on monday ev rnings it 610 pm and all bovs 8 to 11 are welcome to join the activities i though a weekly activity and training program a graded sys tem of achievment ranks ind related activities such as sports and camping brigade seeks lo help boys grow into mature christian individuals ready for manhood and a place in our community and nation headquarters at christian scr vice brigade arc in whcaton illinois and burjington ont these centres provide training materials urogram help and supplies for local leaders head quarters and field reprcsentat ives trim lenders and work with churches to promt te more efleetivc brigade prognms for georgetown s public school registration grew from 1 777 in 1960 to 3 555 in 1965 the high school enrolment increased trom 581 to 1 063 m that period and the esqucsing schools en rolment from 839 to 1 221 concrete gravel building 5and road gravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines glen williams 877 3302 robert r hamilton optometrist office hours daily -gr- attention home owners wild bird fanciers we have wild bird feed mixture and sunflower seed available in bulk quantities we also have good supplies of ice salt water softener salt master rabbit pel lefts and master dog food master feeds u master feeds stiwarttown can you retire on your present pension plan probably not because when you qua fy for the canada pension plan and the old age secur ty there won t be too much left over for comfort and pleasure even if the socio security plans are increased there sttll won t be enough left to do all those things you va wa led and wanted to do let halton and peel trust show you how you can supplement your ret rement income now at the same t me save on your income taxi a halton peel trust ret remerrt sav ngs plan registered with the federal government prov des these benefits starting with your very first depositl for example if you earn 10 000 you can deposit up to 20 of thfi to the retirement plan of your cho ce and save epprox mately 525 on your 66 income taxi you dec de when and how much to deposit everyone is eligible but you must enroll before february 28 in order to save on 66 taxi call or write today for our booklet registered retirement savings plans remember february 28th is the late date to save on 66 income tax halton peel trust savings company head office oakviue other offices brampton burlington cooksville simcoe and at s3 mill straal milton delhi georg carretal bldg 116 mountainview road for appo ntment 8773971 dial 17 312 wi deliver saturday a m each waatc in gaorgatown john edgar managar