Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald mmpn mf mm iwwiwwra imfjiiw 22 main sir i 8 wbatown ontario w v msnnf rmmmf pa0e4 thursday february 23rd 1967 editorial comment brotherhood every day th fact that this is brotherhood week yearly sponsorship of th canadian coun cil of christiana- and jaws give soma hop that w may yet becorrw th clvilteed hunv ana wa pratand whila indicating tfta long toad ahead wnan such a week needs to ba predaknad at all trva brotharhood will ba reached whan wa accept a man for his qualities ra ther than the colour of hit skin for his skills rather then his religious denomina tion for himself whatever the country of his origin difficult extremely so for it is born in man to be suspicious of strangers resis tant to any infringement of the clan spirit which hangs over from primeval times ea loos of what he thinks are his godgiven prerogatives too often we confuse brotherhood with chanty the kind that sendttdafes to missions in africa but will not accept a person of different sk n pigment as his soc lal equal at home too often we will accept a person of different faith if he is promin ent in the arts or has amassed e degree of wealth while turning our backs if he is ust enevatagejodlyldufil and j00 often we use the phrase has a nice guy even if ha is a perhaps the best way to practice bro tharhood would be to pretend we were blind whan preudke rears its head for per haps people with this terrible affliction are the only ones who can really be impartial in their judgment of others one thing we could do as a brother hood project read sammy davis biogra phy gentleman s agreement black l ke me three fine books which will make you think the other is to hold our tongue when we would slander another to refute the stories which all too often c rculate about other religions other nat onaf f es to strive for this brotherhood in our da ly i fe not u5t once a year kemenim hmr1msmt usin6 humor in its tax coltactin- hwi mk hmlomwma want some visitors the easter week bantam hockey tour liament has become so well established that it is almost taken for granted in geor getown thanks ma nly to the efforts of walter red assehlne and his wife jean with gen rous assists from many others it has been an outstanding success from its inception providing healthy recreation for hundreds of young sportsmen and a b t of excite ment for the town this year kinsmen and kinettes are sharing the load wr le red and h s w f e unlood part of the onerous burden of d r ecting the week long affair next year the local improvement difficult news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 20 years ago youre sot liwffllsg kinsmen will operate the tournamei their own i i a big pb s the billettmg of the young v sitors for various periods of time and the kinettes ore ask ng for more volunteer pa rents this year to offer their homes dur ing the week bed and breakfast is the ex tent as other meals are prov ded at the leg on hall tournament booster t ckets will soon be on sale also and t is hoped that many residents will help to finance ihe tourna ment by buying these the tournament has g ven georgetown a great deal of favourable publ c ty over sugar and spice by bill smiley goodbye oe friend it was quite a blow to me to read recently chat the wiarton town hall had been destroyed by fire admittedly the catas trophe didn t rank with htrosh ima or the san francisco ess i didn t have a mistress 1 dtdnt hang around the pubs i didn t take part in all night poker sessions i just went to the town hall i spent more nights in the council chamber earthquake or even hurricane crouched over the rickety press hazel but it hit me pretty tabe than i did with mj fam hard i ilj counc i s dec sion to return to a local improvement pol cy for some public works ht outdated and unrealistic n the overall development of a town until recent years the most common way of paying for sidewalks was under such a system town and property own ers paying the bill on a split basis dlffi culties became apparent when a public sidewalk was needed for a main traffic artery where few people lived and the property owners were loathe to add extra dollars to their taxes when there was no di- ract benefit one of the first deviations was instal lation of a sidewalk on the highways years back before the post office was built the walk was badly needed property owners declined to pay for tt and the town went ahead and installed it at public expense thia was followed by others mostly in it was rather like reading of i i i the sudden death of an old girl ihe years end r well worth your support inend yqu sho had to fat and drink but you could i remember when at her best she was the heart of jour life a lot of personal memories areas where schools and publ c bu id ngs ctme crowding back when i l j i read about it that ugly old made heavy use of the street by pedes r building with the shaky bell tnans tower nn top was one of the to reurn to a local improvement po hubs of m existence for more m th icy m ght seem fair at f rst glance but the jjj a at a s time own hll it we th only non- system would bog down aga n when nee denominational meeting place on more than one occa my spoilt a tender young and mother displayed psycho- neprotic tendencies tow ard the old town hall at least twice she suggested i move a cot into the council chambers and not bother darkening her bedroom door i ii bet i attended more than were begun and ended that hu man triumphs and tragedies were recorded and i was in on ell of it 1 it was a regular breeding ground for lost causes and last ditch battles we fought such j behemoths as the cnr and the government wo lost wc bat i tied to salvage moribund indus tries with heavy transfusions of local cash and some of us are still anemic 1957 manager of canadian bank of commerce for the pa three years jack hart has been transferred t6 st cat annes where he will manage the page and queensto branch of the bank his successor here is don wi grove formerly manager at port credit a number of alterations are being made to the loca roxy theatre manager bill lesl e announces that th theatre will soon have complete new seating to a to the comfort of the patrons improvements will al modemize the lobby georgetown s volunteer ambulance service believed be the first of its kind in canada was off ic ally inaui urated thursday night when the keys of the municipal ly owned ambulance were turned over to chief ralph hawes at a meeting in the rose room by councilloi fred tufharnson jack crawford of the local brewers warehouse was among a group of company men honoured at a brivmg safety award meeting in kitchener thursday he wai one of two drivers receiving 9 year awards 1947 9 mrs j kemshead was elected president of the legior w a at the annual meet ng of that organization last month in the legion hall the 1947 slate of officers is composed of past president mrs fred bra sby presi dent mrs j kemshead 1st vice president mrs adam kay 2d vice president mrs james blair secretary mrs alf collins treasurer mrs t f gr eve social convene mrs perc chaplin s ck v sdors mrs albert carter prop perty mrs fred mccartney p anist mrs mary morrow at council meeting on monday counc i instructed town sol citor to prepare the town s case for having the can- aian national railway pay costs of w den ng the joh st subway on the premise that the right of way exist- before the ra iway came through the railway s soli tor has claimed that th s was only a farm cross ng an that the town s respons ble for any work which migh be done m widening counc 1 passed a by law monday completing sale of ian to the alliance paper mils ltd arthur speight pres dent of the board of trade wa guest at a l ons dinner meet ng n the mcg bbon hous monday even ng mr spe ght asked the club for s deration in allowing use of ther lot on mill st an entrance to a proposed mun cipal parking lot h nd ma n street stores he said the lot would hav a 400 automobile capacity and would serve the tow for many years to come ment of the area but a lot of good positne- work was done there too the certs plas recitals dance and stage he doublecrossed commercial fishermen the political meetings it even had a warned the audience what farmers the resort owners and balconj where elderly ladies going to happen and when the merchants met there fought could watch the sailors fare went into my routine no soun with each other but emerged well dance in comparative pelt a fool united in each ewe u light for safety hu a their existence and the better i b our children made their pub- stumbled through our lin ik debut there 1 11 never for with the local wtlethw get the night kim age three nmp or the great new year dressed in a bunny costume 1 eve dances when the whol spotted me in the audience town wos out i got burst out of the dance line and sock in the eye at one of t hurled herself into my irmi when l aud langsyned a pre ty young matron in the or the night hugh about fashion not from her fro nine won the grand prize in my wife the music festival even though two of the notes on the piano i town halls those great ug didn t sound another function of the council chamber was that of court room this was one that i didn t mind seeing go up in smoke it s the only time the council chamber smelted bad pn court day most of the time it smelled dusty wax and ci garsmokey and just plain old but on court days it stank hangovers puke fear shame curiosity and the law it but that was only when i was ouig and t01 and it was there that of 0 t na ess ty intervened and we could be faced l my family was young and i was street uses were launched and with a situaton where some pay and some learning the newspaper busin i collapsed that political careers don t a major disadvantage too s that while a sidewalk m ght be necessary for the general public res dents can stall a protect by deel ning to apply for th s there has been general acceptance of the fact that sidewalks like roads are a community responsib i ty and should be paid for from the general tax rate while we can understand counc i s thinking in frying to hold the general rate as low as possible by a return to l i we think that the adm nistration difficulties will outweigh any benefits which might accrue kerrs column mp p reports to georgetown from queens park harley to halton weekly observations by dr harry harley mp for kahon draughts chapters in our ory are burning down fal or the night i was an unwit i down or being torn down the e part i ting sucker in an elaborate j aro being replaced by mode across i practical joke at a concert i cfiicicnt municipal offices from the council chamber was was to pretend i was playing a i which have about as much t the auditorium and what mem real trumpet solo while a real dition humamt and warm ories that brings back con trumpeter played the piece off aa a filing ca business directory the budget of ontario fori enrollment in elementary and 1967 was submitted to the leg secondary schools rather than the mini budget debate fcaa sow concluded with a non eoohdenc motion proposed by the opposition and supported by j1 opposition parties des pite this howflver the govern mant defeated the motion and debate on the budget resolu tkma themselves hu begun application forms for the goansteed income supple- otant are now being milled to old ai security pensioners by old age security regional offi ces the eppbestioa forms are acco by booklets ex pjetuwg the guaranteed income g and containing a xnide for fiulng out applicat lew ovfit qms million applica tion toma arc invoivad than wf be a 13 baa eeople in canada recatriag oat aft securtty to w7 ead at it ctpected that about tow- mtrftfcee will qualify lor r the new goarao- pto- aot theee it u estimated i www to fl00000 vfflbe ellfshse fir full guaran- fjaat sees sa fits ensuring them a monthly income of at least 9105 old age security pen doners who feel they are eligib le for supplement are urged to fill out theh applications and return them as soon as possible tn the old age security region al offices in their provinces many who qualify or the supplement will receive their payments dated back january 1067 with their march old age security cheques the remainder will get their pay manta including retroactive be nefits tn april this means that those re ceiving first guaranteed in come supplement benefits in march and who qualify for the full supplement win get a che que for tlsb made op of 3 in old age security plus 30 a month supplements for each of the months of january tebru ary and march those being paid in april and qualifying for full gaaranteed income supplement benefits will get a cheque for s195 lniludinf 75 m old age security and 9u0 in menu retroactive to jsnui assistance tn filling out the application forms is avail able to pensioners through the regional offices of old age sec urity at canada pension plan offices and income tax offices throughout canada those husbands and wiv es who are both old age secur ity pensioners those who are or will b 68 or older n 1967 should return their applications one envelope otherwise there may be a delay in making theh payments the guaranteed income supplement which came into effect 1st january 1667 guaran tees old age security pension ers a minimum income of 9100 a month the maximum supple mentary benefit is 30 monthly and reduced benefits are avail able for those with modest in comes over and above their old age security pensions georgetown herald published by heeae lupplf- uary georgetown ontario welter c biehfi publisher ereld mcgmvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley alleen bradley prank mullin advertising manager mrs harry judd clerk anne carrie reporter leslie clark dava hastings islature last week most readers are aware of the general con tents of the statement how ever in view of the fact the provincial treasurer said that there would be no increase in taxes i will deal with the high lights on this happy note 1 total budget expenditures for the year are forecast at 2 billion 193 million an increase of 361 million over the current year 2 total revenues are expect ed to rise by 14 this year to 2 billion 31 million an in crease of 250 million 3 financial aid to municipal itics will be raised substantial ly to reach a level of almost 12 billion an increase of 27 over last year this means that 44 of the provinces reveauej are being turned over to muni dpaliues to hejp finance local services included in the increase are toad subsidies welfare assist ance health facilities low cost loans water and sewage facil ities and more important an increase in the unconditional grant to municipalities by 150 per capita this means if mil ton for example has s thous and people the town will re ceive 0000 more this year over 1066 under this grant this will mean an additional 100 000 for burlington 4 spending on education and training programs will rise by 85 to reach almost 1 1 btllton the province intends to increase legislative grants to school boards by 60 million by rais ing the amount to be paid on on average day attendance 5 the ontario housing cor natation mill be expanded by nearly 63 this is in line with the previous announcement of a new home program for ont tarlo whereby the province will actually get in the housing con struction business and the sale and rental of homes 6 the first step of a 12 ear 120 million program at capital grants to farmers will be under taken through a 10 million outlay in 1067 to 68 a new crop insurance commission will be in full operation this year it intends to build tip complete umbrella of policies covering a broad range of maj or crops including forages rates will be reasonable in creased grants will cover wells drainage and certain typos of buildings i am sure all readers were happy to learn that prime mm liter robarts is recovering satis factorily and speedily from his nines queens park had aura of gloom and suspense last week small groups of members from all political parties could be seen id the buildings dis cussing the p m illness hop ing to hear at some time that it was not serious members of all parties in the legislature offer ed best wishes this indicates the respect and affection held by the members of the legists ture for mr robarts the latest announcement u that the prime minister is ex pected back in the legislature before easier chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments mido dillj cii tr 7moi 30 mill st gtowtown chiropractor gerald w corbett dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 1774631 11a main st north w h cam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 977 2211 9773300 home dax developments limited builders of pino hemes prop walter pacholok 9774311 er 9779415 monuments rollock 4 camkill designs on bequest inspect oar wort tn greenwood ometetr phoni ill 75k 2 witer street north g a l t optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 773671 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview rd s carretal bldg for appointment pho 8773971 barragers cleanersshirt launderers tr 7 2279 18 main s 166 guclph all work done en premises prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown some 44l0q0 tons of tele graph hill san francisco lie under seattle wash streets earned there as ballast by pio neer ships printing of distinction statements f letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 772301 a t walkir ro 0osc optometrist 12 mlin st s brtmpton 4514474 res 4514243 hours s s m to 6 p m tuesdiy to siturcu friday 9am to 0 p m eredings by appointment b ebert 8773374 john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 477xm 451914j mostemtcwm animal cuhk im gaujjls stmt or ejirtln caaecpe-

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