Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald 22 mam street south georgetown ontario w c ibm hblaw thursday march 2nd 1967 editorial comment why trading stamps in ha queens park column this week halton mp george kerr asks for opinions on a proposed ban on raffing stamps m retail stores our opinion is a resounding no we are at a loss to know how the con troversy ever reached the provincial assem bly a few women who kicked up a storm got greatly overrated publiaty in the daily prss and television and we would have thought our government men too smart to be drawn into such a foolish discussion the retail business has always had gimmicks of one sort or another to draw trade and why trading stamps should be picked as a guinea pig is beyond compre hension cigarette firms use lucky draw cards end bonus coupons to help sell their war es prtroteum firms have contests by the score druggists have lc sales newspapers give magazine bargains deals are offered by appliance dealers and furniture stores if s business we live in a competitive democratic world where gimmicks and fancy packag ing re part of the selling game would we trade this for the drab old days of bulk merchandise and homspun garments let queens park get back to n important matters than this tempest in teapot about trading stamps need police substation a double robbery of a delrex market centre store last week indicates forcefully the need for a police substation in the east end of town the idea has been discussed more than once by town council without arty con crete plan being devised wiih more build ing taking place in the east end the need b becoming more and more apparent and it should be prominent on councils agenda this year one cannot argue necessarily that the robberies would not have occurred had there been police station in the vicinity but there would certainly be a deterring ef feet merchants in the market centre are concerned and nghtly so and are pressing for action they pay substantial business tax and feel they are entitled to sim lar pol icing benefits as their downtown compat nots residents in the east end should also have the benefit of a quicker access to pot oe protection with establishment of a head quarters to serve ther needs if not in the plaza at least at some central point in that vicinity 3ec0md faire4t etl them am mirror mirror on the wall- in the mail bag notes changing scene in rural communities danger in dropping exams a gradual trend towards elimination of exams in both public and high schools has many dangers exams imperfect as they may be in assessing a students progress are at least an absolute measuring stick and too many options welcome as they may be to the student tend to avoid the selfdisaplme which is one of the qualities that education should have education has really only one function to prepare a young person for his adult life it must be specific in some respects providing a background of knowledge nee essary to continue on to the professions it must be specific also in training a young mind to assess problems and tackle tons which are not always to his liking it is here that selfdiscipline comes to me fore to pass a lat n exam when one has no interest in tho subect is a fnumph ust as it later will be to do a dull ob in the office when one would rather be at something else to master a mathemat cs problem does not mean that one may ever use this specific knowledge but that one is equipped to deal with a problem at his cho sen ob in later life if the guidepost of exams should be dropped then we are not equipping our youth to meet the challenges of business when they are out on their own and like it or not we are shit in a tough competitive world in which every job has its exams rr 1 limchouse ontario february 22 1967 dear sir as this is canada car for this st patricks day i shall reminisce about im adopted i don t know whether it s the land arid the imny dianees i wether but certain species have seen take place m the few proliferate in this country with short years we have been here lh rapidity of rabbits one is one can only say the changes hc chairman of committees have been fantastic thpc s one for everv snowbank in the nation another is the there was no clcctncitv in guest speaker there s one at this area which meant ven few accommodations pumping s this was due to the water by hand lihtinr the oil f that a homelike atmosphere sugar and spice by bill smiley canvassers gripe me news echoes from the heralds ef 10 and 20 years ae 1 1957 9 a change in name was approved by lions club rnembef at their meeting last tuesday in the mcglbbon house when the26 year old club became incorporated at m lions club of georgetown a local garage business has changed business with tfffe purchase of fhe former ray bowers motor sales by two brampton men scotty merkes nd bill raycroft howard coles assumed his duties as manager of the georgetown branch of halton cooperative supplies on monday succeeding charles harris 0 harold bairstow chipper court was elected for a sec ond term as president of georgetown chamber of com merce thursday a large barn on the farm of j e brown south of ner val was destroyed by fire yesterday while the owner and his wife were away 1947 0 duffy s lunch counter will soon be open ng in the store formerly occupied by malina s jewellerly dr william c stiles has recently moved to georgetown where he has purchased dr stuart magwoods vetertrj- ary practice great canucks uoorapt by high students by brwwu elliott timothy eaton revolutionued the commercial world of his time born a farmers son in county antrim ireland he came to canada in 1854 and with his two older brothers ran world and later became one of the crest world merchants of his era he revolutionized the methods and ethics of retail selling to those which iuu prevail in our modernday sys tem the inner personality of the founder of eatons of canada is very mysterious as few of his thoughts were written down school i upper canada in 1068 be mov and he made no public apeech ed to toronto and entered the lea an impression of a vanity drycoods business the fol press mixture of politeness and lowing year be founded the awe is given there arc hints timothy eaton fathered modern merchandising one of a tents of contonnui a general store at st marys family company that bears his name sdung for cash at a fix ed price two practices which were then unknown thus did be band one of the largest fa- miljr harley to halton weekly ot ilium by dr harry rurwy jul for halton however that he was often dour and frequently arbitrary appears to hava been a very se rious man with no sense of hu mour his manner was also very tne i abrupt he held strict religiou views opposed liquor and smo king and would not allow card playing or dancing in his bouse if you have ever noticed liquor tobacco or cigarettes old in the eaton stores the display windows are always co vered on sundays according to the context of bis time he was a progressive liberal setting up new stand ards of honest dealing with the public lamps ironinn b the crude pro ailed my fondest recollee- coal stove irons were the order llons ai the stone school were of the day strange ho one t annual field days and the used to it but the love o lhnstmas concerts we all country life ovcrcimc manj looked forward to these events obstacles an enjoyed them immensely horses wore used on most of only tho happy memories re the farms and jt was a pleasant ma of course the small sight watchinc them work school would not accommodate whether in a plough or in a wagon the w inter seemed lo 1 r more severe in those das 1 remember being snowed in for two or three das at a tiim horses came in verv lundj then in an eimrfcnc t start an old car or hitch up to get out and obtain supplies or necessities the little rod schoolhou e was part of thi rural scene o ir children went to the stone school these small schools had their merits in their da in that the children were ven happy and did welt at thtir today and we are all very proud of the beautiful schools that dot our landscape in those days we seemed to have more time to visit our nulihours this is hard to ex pi i n in this modern ae but i s ippose we will blame tv for hi t the bottom of every barrel and another is the canvasser in some smaller communities there arc more canvassers than noncanvassers a canvasser is a weak willed person who can be talked into asking other people for money for a good cause or even more popularly a worthy cause the number of worthy causes in this country is only exceeded by the number of backooneless birds of both sex es who allow themselves to be put on the list of canvassers and i know whereof i speak in my day i have canvassed for the blind the retarded the re start owners the red cross the salvation army and eleventeen other worthy causes about the only thing i haven t done is sell cookies for the girl guides and tva hated avary minuta of it the troubla is that tha av- oraee canadian citizen haartl- ly datam tha handing over of those arc just a few of the f mn intangible at heart m m changes that have occur m oanorou soul ho knows red since we have lived here it tho red cross does good work s hard to envisage what the mm should bo done future holds but we hope can i ndi remains a prosperous nat far tha blind and that wo ned a school for retarded chltavan but he can t eat them amoke them drink them or even at tach them to his car therefore the fellow who will fling down a ten in the liquor store as though he grew the lettuce will dourly bead shaking peel off a couple of thin one spots for the sally ann the house wife who buys her weeds by the carton will spend 20 rain utee looking for two quarters for the cancer society and i know just how they fed im the same some day somebody is going to rap at my door for a bad cause a free crock a day for alcoholics a clinic for potential pool players a home for unwed fathers and im going to band over 20 cash without quiver ing an eyelid this preamble as you have probably gathered is because i got suckered once again into canvassing for a good cause this time its a community swimming pool a yearround pool already there s a good sized lake within the town lun its we live on the shore of the biggest freshwater bay in the world six miles away is one of che great lakes with miles of safe sand beaches but the kids have to be able to awim in the winter next summer iii probably be canvassing for a summer ski hill with artificial snow for the kids maybe it was the sheer and icity of this campaign that grab bed me this is no picking up 800 for the blind or 500 for the crippled children they want over a quarter of a million the resultant campaign is a combination of the night of the long knives and the st barth olomews day massacre what it amounts to is 30 for ovary man woman and child in town nonreal isttc you say nonsense all it takes is enough canvassers and they wilt cowo tho citheonry into coughing up my first night was a typical six calls to make first place nobody borne second place nd- such address third place a re sponse a chap on shift work tottered down in his pyjamas and snarled the party i was seeking lived next door called on him wouldn t give yon a plugged nlckle he said bat my wife baid shed give two bucks at the fifth place i rang and rang no answer i looked in the window the householder was lying on the chesterfield there was an empty glass be side him i threw snow at the window no response i kicked the door four times i left but i struck it rich at the last place caught both husband and wife at home a very mod est home gave my sales pitch with fervor enthusia and sincerity they admitted they had five kids agreed they would use the pool and looking a bit troubled but game pled ged 50 a year for three years returned triumphant to make my report oh yea good old jimmy chortled an old- timer on canvassing he pled ges for everything from cburca to paying his taxes has been on welfare for two years cant hold job more than a week georgetown herald published by home newspaper limited georgetown ontario walter c blthn publisher gartuld mccilvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley aileen bradlej frank mullin advertising manager mrs harry judd clerk anna currie reporter leslie clark dave haiunfa happy centennial year catherine graham kerrs column mp p reports to georgetown from quean l park what do you think a great deal of time is forces rather a change in em being demoted to committee study of the bill to unify the armed forces witnesses before the defence committee have enticixed the department national defence for lack planning for the unification of the armed services i would hke to explain bow the depart ment of national defence is planning the government pol icy outlined in the white paper the white paper defines three significant and major pol icies one unification of the services two modernization of our management methods and procedures and three a chang ing emphasis in roles with grea- ter priority to pe pi ability lo quickly cootnbtitc military forces to trouble spots throughout the world and tes ter on military re de- sjjemd for participation in aq- j biajaar war this ts not a cttomlma rtteh from one role a w attar u we will contin- deterrent forces war such as afar phasu u required to ensure that canada wdt be capable of helping prevent a minor con flict from escalating into oot nuclear war it can thus be seen that the current reorgani sation is accomplishing three major changes all of which will lead to increased effective ness when one considers the sue and diversity ef activities of canada s forces any one of these three policy statemenu generates a large reorgamzat tonal task and to complete all three together wql be a major it is confront experienced merchants pred icted deadly disaster they tcof fed even more when the crazy irishman made his now famous pledge goods satisfactory or money refunded but good will based on fair dealing grew and grew and so did eaton though a grandson john da vid eaton now heads the mam moth nation wide chain of eat on stores the founder s original policies are followed consistent ly today through most of his career no employee ever worked hat der than he his personal life was touched by tragedy father died before timothys birth though his marriage was lasting and happy three of theircwwren dtedwinfancyr one by drowning tknotby eaton was a great policy is thatjcaaadisn and hu name is likely ifjhagaesslt endure when poets and pol ingregiticuns are long forgotten lent to naceeo an this rapidlyj chasgiag world i hare full and a ca in canadian strong man louis the abffltj of tr servicemen tojcyr lifted 4 133 lbs over two an exciting cnadenge to tax their skuls and initiative in fart on of the major benefits of the the people that are against a bin claim probably quite cor- thc great debate about ira 1 rcctlv that if trading stamps inr stamps flared anc last arc banned the saving will not week when the altorne dcncral to pissed on to the consumer informed the provincial as em m uor food prices au food bly lhat the government i con chains budget a certain amount iidcring legislation 1 1 ban tht 0 money for advertising and distribution of such stamps bj promotion and if not by hand food stores in ontario i mc out stamps then in some olher media or method allowed members that 1 hive polled un ler th in the house serin ccnl ided on this subject the distribution and sale ol f 1 products is a very compcli iin t t e business and each grocery at- a rtnm does as much as possible whci o successfully compete the main argument these stamps is thit lhe promotional rimm ck adds to the cost of food groceries that if a consumer does not use them he or sh is pajln for something unn c- easanly and further it enco ir ages the house wfo to concn trate on a camera or canopcneri thc reull mcrchanu instead of price and quililt assochllon the 0nuri0 fedcr other arguments are that s ich won q ubour h federlled promotion does not nn wofflfns of 0nurio he consumption of any parlicu ln 0num j counc1 lar brand or product docn t n d a ban on help thc farmer and prmir umps m province rha u prohahl why the attorney considering such leg iast fall at a provincially sponsored agricultural confer cnc at vincland ontario a group known as the canadian i association of consumers sup- i ported by such other varied icr ik 1 uroriinl and producer and finall that man such gimmicks are business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 7m01 m mill st ooeretown chiropractor oaram w corbatl dc opan dally by appokrtrfiant housa calls arranged 774611 11 main it north w h cam prefasalonal fingiiwar comultlng entlnaar ontario land sunrayor ohica 1773211 773300 homo er lhegahy- islni ti 1 joklloni la um tho ho arc- oppofl to thc mcrwinj icmlation baiminn iridmb rf wm in 1iirau tamp or ar indir aboj m s it 11 that conirrr r raid th sp pp hao the nght lo make a choee nsm 0 qulck survt u that 4iot 11 store 8 tamp propwd le to and more important food at bln su atores that don t handle them i not anycheaper than food at thc bill is axpected to come thc stores that dot bclora the lftg tj aooo dm devaophents limitjd ulmars f fin kama prop waltrx pacholok 774111 r 177 ml 5 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phone ml 7sw s3 water street tiortb g a l t optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointment phono s773671 barragers ctoatwrashlrt laundarara tr 7h7 is main s 186 gutlph all vrark dona an pramtsas pkank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 7186 cecnelown robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mounumvicw rd 8 carreul bldg for appointment phone 8773971 wall ac thompson 3rd dlvlilon court clorfc a commlulonor tr7awj printing 6p distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald o t walker ro dosc optometrist 12 main st s brampton 4511474 res 4518243 hours 8am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 9am to b pjn evenings by appointment i0hn b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings o7700tt 4517565 at present even the kerr house hold is divided on this issue please let me know what vou georgetown animal clinic 106 gftelph strtet dr r ft goamn cunlc open 6 8 pjfc wlo frl 9 n

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