Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1967, p. 5

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leavfcs museum board i lets play bridge antique chair departing gift an antique chair was presented to halton county mus eum board secretary jim andrews by members of the board at their meeting in the museum he left the employ of the county of halton to become assistant clerk of the c ly of guefph with him are georgetowns representat ve on the board mrs keith barber and secretary miss jan denni son local history ambitious project for gdhs students the history department of i georgetown district high school under mr david meakin is hoping to cam out a num ber of local history research projects in centennial year plans arc under way to or jamie a centennial club of students interested in local his- tory research students will i yolimtccr to undertake certain i projects and report back dur ing their assignments some students will be eollec ting historical objects which will be put on display in the school this includes old phot ograpis and newspapers it is hopd that people will contnb ntc articles to this project in a temporary or permanent waj the school will be able to build j an interesting and permanent record of this town and surroun ding area other projects are in the planning stage one is the in terviewing of pioneers and the recording of their memories of public events and leaders an other is the siting of the ma ny searchfind and tell projects some students will make a stu dy of transportation or educa tion during the last century while olhers will find out ho the town fared m times nf en is such as dunn ihc dipri ion and world wars the major project is the com pilation of a general history of the town tht locating of short or topical histories alnath writ ten will be ncccsar onci ga thcrcd togctner this in forma tion could be supplemented in further rt larch illustrations would be used throughout ihc stor all oflhi cm be iti t citing and worthwhile endeavour in our centennial year more and more cinadians will be finding tht history of their iiunlr in their own backward but f it is to be worthwhik lui w rk will be cn mur a part of that team contributions of am mturc from the cilizens of or ri to n and ana would he irrpnuilrd pleisc contact mr doml 1 ir ncr pnncipil i un i i i im i iui in i i i iu i i i i i ii i i i i i n irr by hll l cois r i havo often stressed in this column the need for declarer to make a plan this need was never more apparent than on lhh hand which occurred last last week at the acton bridge club this is board no 12 the dealer is south with only faut west vulnerable north s k q j 10 h 4 2 r a 10 s d q 9 5 4 wait east s 5 3 2 sa 7 6 4 h a k j 7 h 8 5 p 3 d k 7 6 2 c q 9 6 4 3 cj 7 2 south s d b h q ml 9 8 3 d a j 10 3 c h 8 south west north east paw 1ass 3 i pass 1 h piss 1 s pass 2 nt pass 3 nt all pass it certainly isn t easy to get to three no trump on these cards in fact the usual con tract would be one no trump one pair at the club actually passed out these hands the trick is to make nine tricks at no trump warned by south s heart bid west will lead a club now declarer must make his plan often it is advisable to hold up once in the opponent s suit but this is not one of those times declarer must win the first club in his hand with the king the club ace must be prescrv ed as an entry now declarer must lead a spade and keep i leading them until east takes his ace east will return a club or a heart after winning the spade ace i if he returns a heart west can lake three tricks but no more since he will not wish to break open he diamond suit west will probably lead anolh cr club but no matter declarer ins a small club and can cnlir dummy to cash any good spade tncki this will give declarer five tricks far sure three spidrs and two clubs to make three no trump declarer must conic home with 4 diamond tricks the lead is dummy and east will not make a mistake which diamond must bi led in order to ensure four diamond tricks did you lead the qutcn if you did you were wring i you led low you were wrong the correct led is the nine of diamonds i fas cni- there is n pr ii em s at- must assume tr east w n play the ktrfg o irer ci i pliv the three from his hind and the lead will still be in diunim to repcit the fintsse now ih queen can be ed ind four ilnnmnd treks are assured the reverse will not work if the queen s led originally past again will duck if south plas the three ihc next diamond lead would be won in souths hand and the finve cm only bfl taken twice if declarer throws he jack or en under the queen then- east can cover the nine when it is led and ensure the defense of one dnmond trick this is a most interesting combination of cirds i sus gest you lay out the diamonds in cards and try the various combinations cireful planning is required to tcl the jour dia roond tricks monday s winners it acton bridge club 1st cam sinclair ijoyd kcir 2nd bill and glo na coats 3rd tom arncs charles hinwiek share european trip with ashgrove institute nurses decide ask for bargaining certification august most popular date weddings in georgetown valentines day the day of iweetness and romance is any thing but a big day at the mar tiagc license bureau nor is june the supposed month of brides liing up to its rcputat ion locally at least august aeems to be the big month for eddings last year according to a c mac mcbndo issuer of the licenses august was first choice for weddings followed by june and july rcspectlvclv with january finding the least favour in the eyes of the starry yed in addition to the expected information on the license ap i fmcauoti sucn as age name occupation etc there is one ask log if the applicant can read and write unexpectedly even now there arc some people vho can do neither if the applicants arc under ighteen they muct have writ en consent of their parents iv they all use the licenses who knows says mr mc bride it s out of my hands when they icae here while most are married by a minister or a priest it is pos ible to be married by the mag istratc but an appointment has to be made in advance a new service for the newly wed or about tobe wed has been started by the halton county family counselling scr vice giving talks on marriage hie topics covered are such down to earth matters as how to handle your money your liegal rights understanding jeach other and ftcsponsibilit to lacji other tn georgetown fwo sessions will be held in kno churrh arch 21st and pnl 4th 11 bout to be married ire urged attend in the words of the pochurc it can t hurt and arc it ii help because arri4t is a business as well a state of bliss town planner speaker to realtors at dinner at the most recent meriing of the brampton heal estate board held at the brampton golf club on tuesday february 21st the realtors of brampton and surrounding area were on the receiving end of an inter esting and controversial talk on planning and zoning as affect ing the town delivered by town planner bert kenny mr kenn was in excellent form after partaking of a chi eken dinner with the realtors and during the questions and answers session following his talk acquired himself in ad mirable fashion halton countv public health nurses are out for certification i as a bargaining unit in a new imoe to reopen negotiatnns i with area board of hcil h and county council for an employ men l contract a hearing to consider the 24 member nursing association s request his been arnnged fo march before the ontario la bour relations boird mrs flora hcsson associa tion president said the decision to go for certification was made by a majority vole of the mem bers at i recent meeting it was the only step tint could be taken she added the girls ted it in mrs hcsson naffirmed tfat salaries at the counts htalth unit sere not a probk n at the moment we want to bargain for con ditions at work she said c want a eantracl there is a trend today for people to wish a contract i of health and coint c unci who refused t no inte before the nurses were pn pcrh ccrti tied the en s r achid i climax last septe nbfr when the pub- tic health nures wilk d out nf the henlth unit together in pro est of their trdtment their mass resignations were accepted but following siicrat friutless meetings with i tow cil special negotiating com mitlee the nurses returned to their jobs and hie been therw since minitnlia jo ned the t ina lian confederation in 180 the aahgrov womens in stitute held a euchre on friday evening february 17th in stew arttown hall with 25 tables in play prizewinners were ladies 1st mrs charles austin 2nd mrs robert alexander men 1st mr t j brownridge 2nd mr frank wilson some spec ial prizes were awarded to mrs jack williamson of georgetown for having a score of 67 for the year 1967 to mr frank pelch who was wearing a ccn tcnmal pin to the couple whose wedding anniversary was near est to february 17th was won by mr and mrs wilbcrt cleave their a being feb 10th on february 21st the histor cal research and current ev cnts meeting of the womens institute met at the borne of mr and mrs wllbert cleave at twelve thirty for a pot luck dinner which was held in their beautiful recreation room 43 ladies sat down to the most tempting array of hot dishes salads jellies and mouth water ing desserts mrs r j graham and mrs j j thompson sat at the head of the table and all were sorry that two faithful members mrs clayton wilson and mrs fred nurse couldnt attend through illness at 2 00 oclock the president mrs james carney opened the meeting with the ode and creed boll call was answered with an interesting twig on your family tree one member clal mod her ancestors were related to abraham lincoln another to the queen minutes of last meeting giv en also reports from the jun or farmers banquet and the euchre party it was voted that the historical research conven cr be sent to the guelph con vention on may 2nd 3rd and 4 10 is bo be sent toward the music festival in april the secretary read two let ters from adnenne nurse who is nursing in africa expressing thanks for birthday cards and christmas parcels she had rec eived from the institute snaps of her hospital life and work she had enclosed passed around the motto a backward glance may encourage a forward stride was given by mrs milton bird current events were given by mrs harvey nurse then fol lowed the delightful colored pictures by mrs wilbcrt cleave of the european tour she and her husband and mr and mrs frank wilson had thoroughly enjoyed last spring she said they left malton airport last may lbth flew at thirty seven thousand feet for five hours nd twenty minutes and land ed at shannon airport in ire land they visited in belfast and edinburgh and down western coast to london devon and cornwall and arrived for their twenty five day tour of the continent they stopped at belgium holland germany austria yugoslavia italy swl tzcrland and france where they boarded the boat for home her pictures were truly magni ficent which included bucking ham palace the changing of the guard and trooping of the colors one picture showed the queen mother and princess margaret in a carnage they saw london bridge and big ben snow on the alps in swit erknd and tulips and wind mills in holland and the beau uful gondolas in venice mrs charles austin thanked mrs cleave for sharing her lovely pictures and also her home lor that delightful occasion all ols friends are so gild that mr arthur ruddell is re covering nicely from his bout last week with pneumonia we thi okorovtown hirald thursday march 2nd 1m7 page b miss him badly when h lant abh to be around birthday greetings to mra r j graham who celebrate on march 3rd we all wish her many more hornby young folk plan active program the young folk met on sunday evening february i2th in bethel united church with 23 attending the meeting op ened with the singing of folk songs accompanied by rev keith harwkcs on the guitar during the discussion period carol leslie was appointed as convener of the social commit tee which includes the follow ing members donna leslie lynda chamberlain del wood grant gooding and glen lister social activities includes a tob oggan party on march 3rd fol lowed by a dance and fashion show at later dates a meeting was called for tuesday night february 21st at the hornby manse at which time the group leaders the social committee and executive members will meet for a discus sion donna leslie presented a discussion on the church in the past present and future and what they thought of their pre sent group following the dis cussion lynda williamson con ducted a word contest on the word valentine which won by rev keith hawkes san dy southwood linda wilson margaret ball and del wood lunch was served by norma jean ball lynda chamberlain lynda and karen williamson askgftc for a cash advance set your mind at ease add up the bills you re now paying monthafter month andpaylhemoffwilhcashfromgac then you can enjoy the convenience of paying all your bills with one monthly payment thats fitted to your budget chances are it will be lower than the total you are now paying each month you can plan ahead provide for extra spending money out of every paycheck for prompt personal service stop in or call gel a cash advance from gac to pay your bills or for any good reason loams w to shm bag ihteitlutiopul finance corp ltd mrs hcsson sud there were no problems as fir as working at the health unit was concer ned the nursei are asking for re cognition as a collective bar galling unit turned down they wore turned down on i several occasions by the board forfast action nuuipie iistiis service consult a member of thi brampton real estate board concrete gravel building sand road gravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines glen williami 8773302 flowers for all occasions wedding arrangements conagvs a specially cul flowers and funcrai des gns we w re flowers rosedale floral jj albartsi tr 7ot5j plan your ftsrei acatio with the help of cjj big economy rail fares for information call us or a cn authorized travel agent are you sixteen going on thirtyfive a message to ambitious yoimg people about apprenticeship traimng l ke the vnir ias i funny how km si ps 3 somet m thai s piiy because ihe n neiecn yean beturai ihe s of x tn and ih n five are so important these are the yean hen you an build a career and a financially secure future but lo do it you haw to look ahead apprcntlcejaip tramiaf ar way to good b appreniictsh ptraininri tailor made for youm people ho look ahead th propmm jointly sponsored by the federal and pro ncial gov emmenu open doon for lookahead young people in oer a hundred well paid hifchly skilled trades it offer classroom instruction and onthejob tramint plus nung wage level as apprentica progress to the italus of folly hedged jonrneymen caa anyone ijwalify for apprentkoluy not quite vou must be 16 or older and have at least a grade 10 education with additional edu cation siiciisahishcbcldptornatoucoud have a shorter apprenticeship tnd enjoy higher earn ngs sooner what cm apprealkesfcia io for your faton career when you complete your training you re eu equipped ia meet the future apprenticesh r tninuik cn prepare von for a lu posi tion or even a bus mesa of your own and when you re thirty five you can look back with satisfaction iryoulikelolookahcad and have a grade 10 standing w better mail the coupon in this ad- verttsement for complde details on the ontan department of labour t artrentkrslmfrtrain- ing program j ccmkim hmtkiid iawkbii wbram- i boot irvomino nrrnitmnai of labmas a- imttfnlhf tmiafaif rror- l i tmta i a federalprovincial manpower development program 185 i a jssssv the ontario deprtmt aflatm

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