Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 25, 1967, p. 9

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community centre board centennial project in their hands seated are chris walker unci mrs jean rundle standing i to r are jim warren mrs dora sutherland and councillors robert francis and william smith they comprise the cedarvale centennial community centre board for 1967 whose ob it is to administer georgetown s centennial proect the former cedarvale school property on main st s missing is a seventh member ron johnson harley to halton wonkly obaorvatfont by dr harry harlay mp for halton the debate on the throne speech continues and will be concluded very shortly as ia customary with debates during this time they hive ranged ov er every conceivable subject from viet nam to the reform of parliament during this time the government has survived four votes of nonconfidence which were based on various matters one vote of nonconfidence was proposed by the ndp and based on their views that que bec should have a special status id canada this motion was de feated easily by the combined liberal and conservative fore es who disagree with this policy the governments policy is that quebec should not receive special recognition other than did you know hospitals all over north am erica are reporting tremendous pressure on their emergency departments in ontario alone 503 000 patients were handled by hospital emergency depart ments last year compared with only 206 000 in 1959 georgetowns air attack sirens tested by remote control device a new system of alerting ca nadians and americans jn the event of attack has been mtro duccd bv the department nl m tional defence ind area r inert ency measures coordinator said this week the government of ana da and the united states have agreed that the former system of siren warnings the alert and yalte cover would be re pi it id by a single attack warning said j ii adams there are two attack warn ing sirens in georgetown one at howard ungglesworlh puo- hc school and the othtr at ge orge kenncdj public school the new attack warning mi nal a willing undulating tone tn the hute sirens of up to five minutes unntion repealed as ncces jrj means either an at tark tin irtli mcrica has lien rictecti rl or wirninr of radi ictivc fallout i plans re row underwaj to in stall sirens in municipalities within d lomile radius of to ronto such as caledon bollon sneifro c and ictona installation and maintenance of the sirens is the responsibil ity of the department of nat i lonal defence sounding of the alirms is controlled by the armv it c imp borden tests arc made freqn nth with remote control instruments which not necessitate the sounding sirens mr flams sud municipal ics which do not have another warning sjstcm such as 1 cat telephones horns bells or fie ton whistles ml municipalities should have a survival plan and resi dents should stud it and de velop a plan for their families said mr adams inquest jury learns diabetic depressed wanted to be alone an alcoholic diabetic died on by ron burns and john power militia cadets from toronto who were sent out during a mock war exercise to set up a headquarters on the escarpment batten operated radio will be the onlv form of communic ation for the first few hour arter an attack mr dam warned hvcrvone should hive one on hand the niagara escarpment near milton because he wanted to ht alone a coroner a jurj was told vedncda i he fnien boclv of philip tharlton v of lohn st mil ton a factory worker at the p u robertson plant was found on a wooded trail near rattle snake point april 2 the jury after deliberating for about 40 minutes returned the verdict of death by misad unture it sujlcsted thit mr charlt on should have stayed for longer period at mimico where he was obtaining treatment for alcoholism dr it pathol ij wildorf regional said he was unable harley expects new budget will erase drug sales tax halton mp dr harry ilarle i aid this wek he is vprv hope ful that finance minister mit chell sharp will decide to re 1 move the sales tax on drugs in his coming budget the 1977 budget is expected to be introduced in the com inons in late ma or earh june and removal of the 12 per ecnt alcs tax was among the re com tncndations of dr harlev s spc in tht i mmitlee i last ses ic mr sharp indicated last veir that he v1 favorable in the cl munition of the tax hut put off action on the ground that the committee should have i chanet to make us views known first it is expected that an inter departmental comitteo of top civil servants will shorth be dealing with the drug committee report to make rccommejidal ions ind drift legislation based on at lei t some of its points dr ihrlev said the report hid been cntici7cd in some circles because it failed to recommend the rcmovil of patent laws gov crnmg drugs but the hilton mp said that if the other recommendations in the repor on compulsory b censing were followed there would be no need to bother ab out the patent laws the drug committee s work has concluded and the commit tec is not expected to be re constituted in this session of parliament however dr liarh v tl d it was possible il could he estah lished again to make a study of the recent ncrease in the price of insulin dr harlev is expected to tie j elected chairman of the stand j ing committee on health and i welfare when it is formed in j the next week or two the dep artment estimates would tii sent to it for detailed studv nd there is a possibility thit tht question of abortion would al o he referred with a mew to pes sibihties of amendments to th criminal code stihlish a definite cause of death but ruled out foul play he nd injuries to the body winch had lam on the cscarp- i incnt for two months were i pnhablv the result of animal hitcs after death dr waldorf concluded that death mav have been due to a diabetic coma possibly connect eel with the consumption of ab ii five or six alcoholic drinks shortly btloio deith thb olokobtown hlftald thursday may 25th 1967 that guaranteed in the canad ian constitution one of the most recent newsworthy events look place outside parliament hill i referring of course to the speech made by the president of the privy council the hon curable walter gordon on viot nam i am sure mr gordon s speech reflected the thinking and feelings of many canadians who are deeply concerned with this critical situation mr gor don undoubtedly speaks for many canadians and the mam disagreement with his speech is not with the content of the speech itself what has disturb ed the government is the fact that a cabinet minister would make a public speech which expressed an opinion against stated government policy it is obvious that in responsible government ministers of the cabinet have to agree on all as pects of government policy or the governing of the country would be impossible for complete insurance service uk health james l 10 shelby stmt annuities f group young the greatwest life assurance company i have received some let ters from constituents concern 1 ing american policy in vietnam and canada a attitudes to this policy i would appreciate re ceiving further opinions from the people of halton on this very critical and vital issue choice bedding plants begonias and geraniums baled peat moss window boxes and cemetery pots filled rosedale floral did you know that did you know that just years ago only 37 per cent of the babies were born in hospl tals and that 56 out of every 1 000 died today 98 per cent of the births occur in hospitals and infant deaths have decrea sed by more than 60 per cent septic tank pumping wmplng tit trtnehlng gravel fill halton sanitation services ron rod bill mcgown 177 55 h train to montreal r askaboutconvenientdeparture and return times for information phone tht local cn passangar sate offica clm canadian national lie nd tht dr harlev said he dm think any action on the control laws will be takei til parliament meets i nl ian s blood sug flcnl was about four hihtr thin the average persm although that would not tmt- iril induce a coma lohn hirlion the dead man s brother slid i hilip had btcomc i pre ed and had often desir etl in in left alone in hi esdrmtion mr rharl inn hid one up to the moun t in i hr it ft alone for a while hid fallen and later died the niin wis the suhject of in intensive hunt on the nl sqan 1searpment m march whet hi stinw covered aband ontd t ir was found on a dead end nassacaweja road s later discovered wouldnt this be a good time to review your home insurance protection maybyou vddedon toyourhoi or purchased new turn sh n then lakestockof th ngs and to it thit you f fully covered ca tiow for the full jtory about s farm safe eni invitations com aio in the trench language how to buy a good used car the body and what to look for one in a series buying i used car b a major purchase if you wooder what kind to get ask yourself whats most important- power performance comfort economy bat dont be too rigid yoa may never bod exactly the car yoa want once yonve decided inspect it carefully ask questions remember that a good used car should look used not abased here then are some ideas on what to look for when yonre baying a nsed car look for more good advice in the rest of this series exterior check the whole car for dentsanddamage expecttonndsome signs of wear after all it s not brand new a lot of scratches and bumps indicate that the car has had hard use and not much care check carefully for rust spots in the rocker panel areas around fender openings and along the chrome edges especially around the headlight nms body rust can indicate need for repair work ifthechromen alittlepockmarkeddontworry this is normal tlnb tires and wheels can give away a lot about the car forexample badly dented nms indicate hard use check the depth of the tread tn several places with a dime this simple test will give you an idea of the life left in the tires and evenness of wear if wear is even the wheel alignment and balance are probably good shack ahsarbm check the springs and shock absorbers front and back simply rock the car if the front re turns to its original level right away the shock absorbers are all right if the car continues to bounce they re in poor condition trunk open the trunk yourself the lock should work easily the hd should lift effortlessly signs of wear indicate heavy use doors if the car passes inspection so far youre now ready to get inside but before yeu do open and close each door to make sure they open easily and close securely look again for rust around the doors roll each window up and down to test ease of operation and check for cracks and imperfections in the glass tntfrior you can tell a lot about how a car has been cared for from the in tenor appearance check for worn spots on the scats and the matting look for missing knobs on the instru ment panel check for general clean liness check seat cushions and backs for bounce and spring steering wheel play is an important check too some play is norma but more than two or three inches may mean repairs are needed on the steer ing mechanism then check the brake pedal it should move only an inch or so before it takes hold if the car has powef brakes remember to start the engine first ufib finally check all the lights headlights highbeam and low- beam taillights brakdights backup lights rum signals instrument and dome lights your aw is yonr protection when you know what to look for you can buy with confidence this series has been developed to help bmid your confidence in nsedcar baying of course an even better way to gam confidence is to talk to a chevrolet- omsmobilc ok used car dealer he has the choicest used cars available reconditioned and selected to meet the highest nsedcar standards yoa can be are that they will stand up to this rec- oaamended inspection yonr chevrolet- oldsmobfle dealers repotation rides with yon thats why when yon buy an ok used car you know what- yoare getting into mt your chevrolet- oldsmobtle dealers watch the classified section for your chevrolet- oldsmobile dealers best used cars 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