Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 15, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald pumttned of twntfe nmmpsmtw uhtimfl 12 main street south georgetown ontario w c whn fubusw thurbray june 15th 1967 editorial comment at least theyre talking live broadcasts from emergency tes ions of the unrted nations last weekend commanded the attention of millions of viewers in america as the assembly debated the itreeli arab war and charges by syria ibat israel had violated a truce the words of delegates from russia nd bulgaria were frightening to hear with direct blasts at the united states as a con spirator end veiled mstnuahons that other world- powers were also supporting israel and yet frightening at they might be one felt at the same time that international politics have advanced when at least nations face each other across a table and say what ihey have to say directly the united nations has a real task ah ead m sorting out the tangled web which produced an explosion which put the world on the brink of a third world war it must deal not only with present facts but with sol uttons which can ensure incidents cannot occur in future the mutual mistrust be tween western powers and the man cui tain countries is not a healthy atmosphere for such sofimom yet find them we must or our world can end in holocaust it is vrtally important too that the united nations stay m existence as a potent world body not ortry for exchange of opin ion but with the power to settle territorial disputes between neighbours addition to the cemetery the handsome calm erected near the gates of greenwood cemetery tt a worthy addition to the town and one which will be the focus in future years of an annual remembrance servke for georgetown peo ple who have played their part in develop ment of our community credit is due to the odd fellows re- bekahs legion and wa who combin- d to erect the cairn and particularly to am member of the lodge aubrey grant whose idea it was to focus attention on those wfto have gone before in the past such services have been not like they used to be held by individual groups but this is tl e first of what is planned to be a community service with everyone otning in the cere mony the cairn with its handsome plaque will be a permanent reminder of one of the towns centennial protects and a focal point for a yearly service in which we will rem ember men and women whose contribov tions to civic life and their community hel pad for todays progressive town it is right and proper that this be done and we thank those men and women who occessfiriry cacd this idea to rts conclus- teikv nte vmvimcs afoiucacc iaumchwa mteamfn6 jkmst1m xtwkm m mmyrvts or amubomvnm kind you see wksm eucnmm afcvuk ar thvscusseq vufth ottavka vbaur6ur urn sm w t operation smile death of spencer tracey removes ano- iher of the movies box office giants of ihe days when stars like gable cooper power lombard harlow kept the movl houses full while today no one can argue that high quality movies are being produced along wrth the flotsam we don t have the stars we used to have only a handful perhaps burton and taylor brando wayne have that magic park which attracts the pay ng customers the star system has been replaced perhaps to the advantage of the movies by select ing the player for the role rather than tail onng the role to the stsr but it nnt as satisfying not by a long shot we grew up in the silent screen days when gloria swanson billie dove nancy carroll were emoting when baby peggy rintinttn and ken maynerd wera intar national idols then came marlene d et rrich constance bennett and janet gay nor to mention only a few names that spelled box office most of them didnt pretend in play anything but themselves and why should they it was enough to see these gorgeous creatures emoting movie after movie in the parts they had perfected with the exception of d etr ch now starring at expo and swanson who bob bed up on a beverley hillbillies episode the other night they re all part of the dim dim dead past how many people will re member today s movie greats a quarter century or more leter in thi mail bao proposes sargent road be made a beauty spot 07 ssrgent bead da the editor moat large towns and cities earaugliriut the world have at least one afreet noted for its cjeaalinen beauty and churn tnere are no each street in oaortetowo ahboagh tbocunds et dohars hire been spent in aa unsuccessful attempt to areata sccneirilrg of main st there is a street here m tvwa that can be greatly im- acoved to a point of interest e w and there would be co need fcr extra exorbitant cast first of all the ugly hydro petes and wire ahould be reno- d to the backyards where jly should have been placed arfetn installed gwa credit to be telephone company for put- tfof their service there after this is done the boule vard can be curbed j5 tilled with proper growing earth to be followed by sensible land scaping local aculptora and artists could be commissioned to cre ate statues to past illustrious citizens of georgeto sargeat boed leading off the tobeespanded shopping plaza will be an unfailing noticeable street of our town and an in spiration to the rest of town to keep their streets dean albert porter in thi mail bag exams for everyone this students stand june 9 1mt hr editor is it fair that tome people gat out of exams io say eph lea no its not fair to the oth er pupils to hare to stave away at exams while others relax h disheartens you after ail do at we leant anytblnc between afieur and the end of the wart v ahould have exams to prove that we know woet we bars in thi mail bag avtsaft gakaf to hot ym to i the exaaa tf yeu know your a 1 l japo iboold hi faxwa tjadaa la amy opinion eaa aafhar 4fl ea lea aaaaasjor kind donors ease load for victims of fire dsar hr editor the knights of columbus club georgetown on behalf of mr and mrs augustm storks and mrs hansen who lost all their household aflecta in the recent are on main street wish to gratefully acknowledge cash clothing and other donations froen the folowmg to the family sir and mrs augustine stoyles ntld club 150 jamas ezakal 20 collect ed by mrs albert shears 64j0 frcfl friends at the heoihbon hotel ndp party per hr john hole 10l contribalons to both fssnil les hr and mrs augustus stoyles and mrs hansen from the following 30 from mr and mr anth ony hurley- 10 from holmes 5c to tt00 store silvers oouv fa mr and mrs say conn plumbing youngs pharmacy hiss 8 b edwards 4 wasleyen sl ss from x caruso haccorm- ack drugs stan a restaurant hcnamara jewellers shoprita oelynshoppe park confection ery norman cohen men s clo thing philip carney 8 ann street anonymous donor 2 from joe s tuck shop ge orgetown stationery from the red cross a gener ous contribution of clothing for all children frm silvers clothing outfit ings for two children rotary club clothing mr and mrs donahue elect ric range jackson s clothing set of curtains mr and mrs j c stockley electric range mr and mrs michael clarke mr ross thompson mrs f stennett and mrs irene rollins four beds hr and mrs w bennett ldtchen suite clothing from the following mr and mrs robert macdon- aid hr and mrs blair kennedy mr and mrs dan murphy gait ur and mrs gerald jonas mr mouytianky hiss dana ed wards brampton hr and mr kevin mcauley hr and mrs william stone jr mr and philip carney mr and mrs j ferguson and to all those who helped in any way especially to the priests of the holy cross church hr and mrs sloytos acknow ledge special kindness and help from mr and mrs albert enn and to the hanaena special as sistance from hr tad hancock glen whnams knights ef oolarnbus per wm j kent and wm bennett sugar and spice by bill smiley cops and robbers georgetown herald georgetown ontario walter c bite publisher soma of you gentle readers undoubtedly live next door to bookies others live cheek by jowl with bootleggers but bow many of you can boast of iiv ing right next door to a couple of bank robbers we can during the six years we have lived in this house one of the many banes of my wife s exist hasbeen the house next door it s a crummy old brick house shabby and dilapidated the tenants who change about every six months are in much the same condition as the house that is not said un kindly they are poor they are tough us all they can afford invariably they have great gaggles of children invariably there is a good deal of scream ing and some cursing at these tads invarisbly there is wine drinking and fighting but they struggle on the men in and out of work the women hangtng end leu miles of diapers on clothei line that squeak ilka a banshee at every yank they don t bother mo theyre not malicious one of the women used to come over and use our phone when she wanted a cab to go and get some beer one little boy age- three told me to go to hell when i told him to stop using our lawn chair as a trampoline but nothing serious the only thing that bugs me is that the rotten old board fence between the properties keeps falling down and it si wsys falls on my side they don t care it s not their fence but the landlord s he doesn t care so i prop it up- this weak however things livened up last thursday s bank in a near by village was held up by two armed men they got away with about 6500 roadblocks were thrown up as tbey say my assistant de partment head on her way to the dentist was stopped three times by scowling policemen brandishing shotguns she weighs 82 pounds and could nt even lift 900 in 100 bills i beard all about it friday morning at school in the meantime back at thr ranch first my wife got a call from the rectors wife how are you i mean arc you all right fin how is everybody at your place fine but are you all rilhtr after mora of this it turned out that rectors wife and practically everybody else m town had heard a rumor prob ably springing from an erro neous radio report that the money from the bank robbery had been found in the attic of the old cranston home on hu gel ave it just fify that we livo in the ojd cranston home it was once owned by bill crans ton a weekly editor who went straight my wife did a sensible thing she went straight across the street for a cup of coffee j with a neighbour from there in comparative safety they watched the show almost immediately car loads of the curious began drrving bv our house slowing down looking hard by this time three provin rial cruisers and the local pad dy wagon were parked in front of our house and the bouse next door cops swarmed about the place next door with drawn guns the kids enjoyed it thor oughly chattering at the police our neighbours phone rang madly as people demanded to know whether the snuleys were really in on it my wife aid she wouldnti look in th attic unlan the neighbour went with her sh refused on the ground that sh was afraid of the squirralt up fhare the police cars were there most of the day some kids came back to school from lunch and told their teacher that mr smiley s house was surrounded by police cars something to do with the bank robbery rumours are still flying they say that the money was found next door they say that two men not the tenants were arrested there thev say that the guns were found well i hope they are all wrong and that the original ru mour was right one of these days im going to get up enough nerve to go up and check the attic and if the 6500 is still there i ii send you a postcard from crete harley to halt0n t weakly observations by dr harry harley j mp for halten iwawawsnwmwawjswaaemawm main interest on parlta ment hill this week has of course revolved around the middle east the house of commons itself has been con sldering estimates of govern ment departments one of the recent days was devoted to vx terns affairs and the first sneaker was the prime minister who spoke on the israeli arab problem the prime minister proposed a six point programme as a ba is for solution on the long standing problem this was to i begin after ceasefire it was pointed out that these problems had been put aside in 1956 by creation of the united states emergency force this lasted eleven and a half years but as no permanent solution had been brought out in those years the only thing that had been ac compllshed was time to again accomplish a ceasefire and not solve the basic problems would probably ace a recurrence of the struggle some years from now the prime minister s plan was as folio s i withdrawals of the military units to avo d contact to ap proximately the previous lines there is some doubt tnl many minds here as to whether israel will withdraw from jer usalem and the fortress which 1 dominates the strait to the gulf of acaba 2 referral of the question of the ntemational r ghts over the waters of the gulf of acaba 3 the rights of israeli shipping in the suez canal 4 rcestablishmcnt of a united nations force to maintain the ceasefire lines whether ca nadian forces would be wel come in such a force after egypt s request for our immed late removal is questionable 5 a demilitarized zone be tween the opposing forces 6 some solution to deal th over one mill on arab refu gees from israel who ware misplaced after the creation of the state of israel it baa been suggested that countries fflkt canada might be wilting te ac cept some of these people r immigrants in th mail bag business directory high blood pressure and ov erweigbt both add to the work of the heart your doctor can help vou bring either or both under control the ontario heart foundation says news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 20 years ago 1957 a number of georgetown h gh school students whose desire to recreate a link w th the school after graduation saw the r plans f nalized when after an absence of 22 years the ghs year book the challenge went on sale th s week stan f nlay a member of the local alliance paper m is staff s nee 1v40 has been named assistant mil mono ger mr f nlay has been technical superv sor for the j past several years the stage coach that came thundering up georgetown s ma n street wednesday afternoon wasn t 100 years late even though the garb of the passengers and coachman suggested an era not known by the startled shoppers who stopped to watch it pass- among its passengers were m iton mayor j m ledwith with an off cial invi- tat on for georgetowners to attend the community s centenn al celebrations 1947 georgetown s baseball team took a 134 i ck ng from acton saturday georgetown s i neup included ev wilson hal gibson bill chapl n bill r tch e ci ff nor ton kent storey larry rrtch e art murdoch and pitcher bill bryden 0 the lorne scots band has again taken top honours at the waterloo mus c festival members of the band led by alf perrcvtt are cornets joe wilcox fred arm strong george long douglas peck jim golden jack addy stan fay vic carter charles lahdsborough norm braids altos harold wheeler ernest forgrave joseph carter george smith derinets roy k ng harvey king i frank carter emery thompson n no braida trombones ian ernslie william emsl e bruce mckerr ray agnew harvey cuthbert euphomum buster hale j burns ralph peck bass arthur cuthbert norman long lena merzo drums ed peters o srapleton arnold cuthbert cymbals thomas herbert saxophone maunce herbert 0 fred webb of toronto took over ownersh p of bairds bakery this week new subdivisions on the dayfbot property behind john street and the watson propertyoff meple avenue will aoon add twenty new home to georgetown chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments mude daly call tr 74401 90 mill st georgetown barragers cuansrsshirt laundarers tr 7 2279 18 main s 166 guelph all work don on premises chiropractor gerald w corbatt dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 8776631 11a main st north o t walker ro dojbc optometrist 32 main sl s brampton 4314474 res 4516243 hours 0am to 6 pjn tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 pjn evenings by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mounuinview rd s carretal bldg for appointment n 8773971 frank fetch licensed auctioneer prompt service p o box 413 tr 72884 georgetown wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk c commlnloner t7jtt georgetown animal clinic 106 gtelph street dr r b gotkin clinic open 0 8 djxl m0n wed fri saturday 9 11 ajn optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 m ii si for appointments phona 77367 w h car professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land survevor offlce 177 3311 773300 home 10hn b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 6774032 451 9365 ert 87a3374 h fieirt real estate ltd monuments pollock a campbtu designs on requevt inspect our work tn greenwood casnetery fnqmi 3 watsr north oalt barred from school field day students complain june 9 1mt mr editor in park public school ill clas ses in the interschool meet aro going to be kept in the school except the contestants in the events i protest against this 1 because all other years sll schools have been allowed to watch held day why shoulrin t we be allowed to go out tbis year of all years our centen nial year is it just because two child ren from another school were found smoking i tihink we should be allowed to cheer our school on if smoking la be reason i st 11 don t see why all school in georgetown have ta stay back i surely hope some one does something this ridiculous rule diva ord mr editor for our inter school meet there was a new rule made if you are not m an event yoa slay at school and work i dis agree if it s an interschool meet all of the school should be out what s the fun of it if you can t cheer for your school i th nk that they should let the others go out and cbeer for their on team beause not everyone can be a winner 1 m sure everyone would agree be- ciuse wh le the others aro having fun we re left at school shawn fisher

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