Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1967, p. 15

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retiring principal is feted by school staff fortytwo husbands and wives ot board members and holy cross school teachers honoured retiring principal or holy grow school mr tj fiu nurartce at a dinner party held at the north halton golf country club on monday even fag june 19 head table guests included mr and mrs fittnwiricc fa ther otser dovcnt father zcno deroo mr and mrs ben boyle mr and mrs roland lobb and mrs and mrs hartley juterk the opening address was giv en by the chairman of the bosrd mir bn boyle who presented the fitzmaurices with a green lazy boy chair after warmly congratulating mr fitpnaurice for bis untiring efforts of load erahip for the children of holy cross school 5 1 mr roland lobb head teach jer of the bilmual section of fered words of praise to the re tiring principal reading poems on teachers and retirement cloaing by thanking mr fits- maurice for his direction and guidance to the stuff on behalf of the teachers mrs mary hartloy and mrs ann landry nude the presentation ot an onyx ring and a work of art in a picture of the last supper father otger dovcnt ad dress praised mr fitzmnurlce as a first class christian roan who has given 33 years ot his life to education and has had a genuine interest in the children of holy cross school a congratulatory letter wis read from dr harry harley mp for gallon a personal friend of the fitonaurlcei mr fitzmauncc s closing id dress thanked the guests for the honour and presented short resume of his years of teaching and princlpalship united church party for organist choir leader sunday evening a farewell party was held in nerval unit ed church for miss kathleen coombs choir leader for the past 14 years and for ronald laidlaw organist for the past 10 years who arc both leaving accepted the position of organist in a toronto church mr clark ljons was master of ceremonies for the evening the choir composed of old no members as welt as the present members put on an im promptu surprise musical ev enlng for miss coombs with i laidlaw at the organ they old favourite numbers whichrthey had enjoyed thinng the past years including a scl lion they had sung at a festival the musical program was fol lowed with a social time in the basement after which kay and bon were presented with gifts from the congregation and soir mr win graham presen j kay eift and bill laidlaw presented rons gordon laid law expressed the thanks of the to wilf coombs who has a wonderful help in the ejr during the past years the dosed with all sing for they are jolly good the 8th memorial service bem in holereot cemetery on sunday afternoon 25th with a good number attendance joseph hams of ilton was master of cere- and rev lockhart roy- at godcrich the speaker the georgetown citizens band for the hymns and also 1 selections jim fiddler grandparents are buried this cemetery sounded the post and reveille the cemetery board and er have planted trees put in a new entrance way the south end and the unds were in excellent cond tion chairman of the board is liver hunter treasurer is mcclure secretary is ro- cunmogham and superin nt is win cunningham members are elmer car hugh clark john ucclure tom mcgee congratulations to mr and norman cameron of eliz beth st brampton who ccleb- ted their 50th nodding an on tuesday june 27 received congratulations their many friend and tives in the jr farmers ding during the afternoon evening they also received tulations from prime mi r pearson premier robarts many friends from a dist including california and usb columbia receiving the guests were r daughter frances mrs r forsyth of lambeth and daughter in law khoda hartley cameron their trandchudreji were present jd cameron and sandra john ahff forsyth mr and mrs cameron lived their life on ridgecroft farm the 6th line rr 2 norval occupied by their son hart nh family thfy rwri to j provincial board member for 3 years they attended norai united church until moling to bramp ton after whch they have at tended st pauls united church aopeeialguest at -the-recopt- lon was mrs j l clark a for mer public school teacher of both the bride and groom awarded fellowship ltm- cohoon- laird ceremony in st stephens maple an evening wedding cerem i ony o frid jun 23 united robert fisher robert a fisher son of mr and sirs r gordon fisher of rr 5 milton graduated on j may 27 from the university of waterloo with a bachelor of scicnco degree in honours mathematics he was awarded a province of ontario graduate fellowship of 1500 and will studv for a masters degree next fall mr fisher enrolled at atcr i loo following graduation from georgetown district hign school he is a grandson of mrs ciar t ence hayes 14 academy road in marriage marion whitney laird daughter of dr and mrs r c laird rr 2 woodbridgc bnd dr william james cohoon son of mr and mn william cohoon of umchouse rev dean gilling officiated t the ceremony in st stoph ens anglican church maple with the reverend armitage as slating father ealing was org anlsl the bride wore a wedding gown of floor length cotton shantung cdfiwl with apphquo lace on tho bottom and on the boll sleeves her attendant miss lynno beckett wore a floor length cotton print in rosogrcy and orchid tones dr laird gave his daughter in marriage and dr boy mesag ho toronto was groomsman u wtro john bccvcr klein burg brother in law of uk bndc bill harris port credit cousin of the groom and bill day toronto i at a reception at the bride home her mother received wearing a gown of pink printed cotton the rroom s mother al r received wearing a pink dress and pink lace coit i for a honeymoon trip to the east coast the bride woro a rosi cotton suit with navy blue sc ccssoncs dr cohoon is a graduate of georgetown district high sckootr mcmaiter university and the university of toronto medical scujji both bride and groom art members of the staff or toronto western hospital they will be nuking their home at maple union head accuses county as being unreasonable the 14 000 members of the district labour council have thrown thur weight behind thoi halton county public health vuraei who arc involved in con dilation efforts with county council in a letter to vv arden william coulter and the reeves and de puties of halton gg hcvm president of tho labour council said there had been an unreas onablo tattle by county ofhci als he urpid that countv officials use jour influence to end the i spulc as soon as possible in his letter mr hcym said tnat removal of the greylistin would hive removed what lit llo bargaining power is enjoyed in the nurses the dispute will now go be fore a conciliation board set esquesing salaries 4500 to maximum 9200 teachers with esquealng pub- he schools and the eaquesno tunlicscboolboard tuwmtu ed on the following schedule of salaries effective september 1 it ranges from sj minimum of 4 500 n level no 1 to a max lmum of s9200 at the top of level no 4 principals salary is based on the teachers schedule pu ad ditlonal allowances as follows category no 1 300 no 2 600 no 3 1000 and no 4 1400 plus 75 per classroom thi oloroitown hi halo page 19 additions allowance for vice principal half principals allow ance plus 29 per full tun tea chers over 12 teachers salary schedule level no 1 4 500 to 6 200 level no 2 s4 800 to s7 500 level no 3 j5200 to w200 level no 4 3000 to 900 charge three in drug store theft three georgetown youths were charged this week in coo ncctton with a theft at dclre druga in the georgelowajdark- et last month georgetown police said goods valued at 26930 were taken from the store police this week also chars ed a 22 year old georgetown man with the theft ot 22 calib re magnum rifle from richard wn s hardware on main sl s they said the rifle valued a s5050 was lifted from a win dow display it was later dls covered in a car by a george town poller officer sunday june 12 was a big day at st stephens anglican church when the church was overflowing with members and vistors for tho annual cemct ery decoration day and 130th anniversary of the church choir members were all dressed in their old fashioned clothes the land where tho new lych gates will be installed in memory ot foster brain which will be the entrance from the old cometerj to the new part was dedicated by rc canon j e maxwell the choir sang at the dedication site and music was supplied by lorne whaley allan bye rick rowan and bob gracie- lunch was served to around 250 peop le hold church picnic wolf park saturday the first church picnic of the christian and missionary alii ance was held at wolf park saturday intermittent down pours did not quench the pic nic spirit of those who turned out for this eventful occasion prior to the rain the races were held and the following winner declared in the order they crossed the finishing tine m the junw girls race ten mounsteven sue bcrneche ca thy moran and in the junior bovs race ricky eagles rod ney tntm paul garlend pri mary girls susie fourmer candy moran linda palmer primary boys billy fourmer terry eagles john darner be ginncrs peter fourmer arlene eagles virginia hall a shoe scramble for the ju niors was won by rodney ttites paul garlend and david eag les in the primary division it was bonnie eagles susan four mer and brcnda founder two three legged race were run with the winners as fol lows in the first race it was billy fourmer and terry ear les candy moran and susie fourmer bonnie eagles and brenda founder in the second race rodney trites and beid walkt terry tntes and wcs palmer paul garlend and dav id garicfid a number of other games and contests were held to com piete the afternoon the pic nic was climaxed by a supper prepared by the ladies of the church about 22 years ago mr cameron still likes to his hand in with fanning he was tctivc for many in cfalnguacousy council was treasurer for several mrs cameron the former dolson baa been active red cross work the wa of uailcd church and the wo- n institute being a wx glossy reprints of photos a i the herald may b ordered at th offic 22 main 1 s r by phoning 8772201 5 x 7 s1h i x 10 size 100 1 so legion picnic sunday july 9 georgetown park picnic tables coffee tea milk a ice cream providzd please bring your own cutlery plates will be provided members children will have use of the georgetown swimming pool from 1 to 3 30 p m picnic tickets p c c tickeis will be av i lab o at tho branch each paid up member will receive 4 t ckets per ch id up to 16 yrs of age they must pick up their on t ckels between july 4th and july 9th no tickets w ii bo mailed o handed out at the park transportation transportat on w ii bo arranged from pool to georgetown park races start at 3 45 p m ponies darts horseshoes baseball tug of war branch 120 canadian legion concrete 451b bg jf 34 h j b mackenzie son ltd 8 jamas stnsat georgetown your building supply cen to parents and students of georgetown district high school to the parents or guardian re summer school 1967 central peel district high school board is starting a summer school this year for the first time at the central peel district high school in brampton the purpose of this summer school it to offer additional assistance to students who wish to improve themselves there are three areas tn which they are offering courses a an erwichment course the purpose of this course is for students who have done well in school but are not able to take the courses offered in their own program thiss an excellent opportunity for students in these fields rieubeioiilbor b improvement courses are being offered to students who have been promoted but are low in one or two subjects the students will find difficulty in taking these subects next year and are strongly advised to take these at summer school this would give a firm background to start fresh in september and the marks earned will bo used to revise the students promotion marks c makeup courses are offered for those students who are below promotion standard in one or more subjects this is an opportunity to save a full year in the stud ent s educational life marks from these courses will be counted towards raising tho student s promotion standard the summer school et central peel is quite different from the summer school as previously held in other years in toronto where some of our students have attended in toronto the purpose of the summer school was to tram teachers and as a result classes were taught by inexperienced teachers only the central peel district high school board has set this school up for the sole purpose of helping the students as a result they have only hired aboveaverage teachers and in most cases department heeds to teach in this program i am very pleased to say that the central peel district high school board has in vited georgetown district high school to part cipate in this program and we have gladly accepted the summer school will be from july 3 to august 11th inclusive examinations wilt be held on friday august 11th the marks will be returned to th s high school and we will inform the students of the results our students attending the summer school must take two and only two sub- ects and the fee for this course will be 30 payable to the central peel district high school board on the day of registration at central peel district high school registra tion will take place et central peel district high school kennedy road ami highway no 7 brampton on june 28 29 and 30 the student must have his or her report card at the time of registration the georgetown district high school board is offering free transportation to help the students there will be a bus leaving the high school at 9 o clock on junes 28 to take students to central peel for registration and will return as soon as the students afe registered anyone wishing to register after that will have to find his own trans portation to cerrtral peel the regular classes will be from 9am to 12 20 p m each day each class will be of 90 minutes duration and will consist of 45 minutes of instruction followed by 45 minutes of supervised study the bus will leave every morning from the georgetown district high school at 8 30 and will leave central peel district high school at 12 30 each day and return the students to the high school 1 am confident that the parents and students will recognize the value of this summer school and will cooperate in taking the maximum advantage of this offer i the courses tn the three programs offered 1 section a enrichment two subjects required per student the following courses will be offered to students who have successfully complet ed the year s work with better than average standing the courses are offered for the purpose of adding educational opportunities not available in the students regular school course and for the extension of interests in a particular subject area 1 typing 2 data processing 3 drafting 4 electricity and electronics 5 machine shop no credits toward a diploma 6 art 7 music 8 conversational french 9 key punch operation i for these sublets ii section b improvament two subjects required per student the following courses will be offered to students who have been promoted but who had low marks in one or two subjects the summer course provides an opportun ity for these students to improve their background and to gain confidence m the subjects examinations will be held at the end of the summer school cows offered 5 year and 4 year grade 9 english history geography mathematics science french grade 10 english history geography mathematics science french grada 11 english history mathematics geography physics latin french grade 12 english history mathematics chemistry french latin geography economics credits toward a diploma will be given for these subjects 111 section makeup two subjects required per student courses offered 4 and 5 year the following courses are offered to students who have failed in not more than three subjects of the year s work and whose merit in each of the subjects failed is 40 or more ad whose average on all subjects ts not less than 50 grade 9 tnglish history geography mathematics science hrench grada 10 english history geography mathematics science french grada 11 english history geography mathematics physics latin french technical mathematics grade 12 english history economics mathematics chemistry frenh latin geography techmoal mathematics any student wishing to alter their program are requested to contact the guidance department krimediarely e h gorth chairman d f turner principal

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