Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald pubmwd by horn nmnpapaniumkwl 22 main skmt south o ontario w ctaw thursday june 39th 967 editorial comment township should share from time to time mention has been made of the facilities which town pays for and operates for urge number of citi zen other than it residents this week we heard e complaint that a georgetown man was unable to register his child in swimming classes because they were already filled he feets that george town people should either be given prior- hy or the township should pay a share to wards upkeep of the community swimming pool the problem has two sides of course georgetown people will argue that hey create and pay for such facilities and if used by others there should either be a higher fee or the township should contribute a yearly amount from its tax treasury whenever this is proposed township residents will argue back that they through their shopping indkectly help to raise georgetown s taxes by helping to keep merchants m business this latter argument we feel was mora valid a couple of decades ago when mote traffic was not so common and when far mers tended to combine a onceewaak trip to town with a social outing today we have a growing number of rural residents who are not farmers and who travel farther for their purchases not necessarily restricting these to our town and as they increase in numbers our rec reational and cultural facilities are becom ing overtaxed our library board seeks higher and higher grants we offer a swimming pool in summer and an arena in winter there no reason why esqueslng should not share in costs of these the same as they do for high school costs and fire protection rural residents should not feel that they are being taken advantage of if geor getown insists on this it should be strict ly a business proposition an equitable ar rangement with mutual trust on both sides towards a proper sharing of costs idm0im6 amtfeoay t that i courtesy in emergencies humans are curious and tragedy al ways draws a crowd sunday was no exception and cars streamed to the norval hill drawn by the small fire truck and ambulance as thev sped to the scene of a drowning fatality unfortunately some people ate thought less and they tended to drive to the scene park their cars along the highway or in any convenient spot wrthout heed to the traf- an ambulance volunteer has asked us welcome new plant although not yet a large employer of labour georgetowns newest factory is a decided asset to town and wilt be even more so in future at present the dennison building is mainly a distribution centre for the wide variety of products which this old establish ed firm produces in its quebec factory however when company officials ervt tertained civic officials last week at an of ficial opening ceremony they indicated that some manufacturing is planned in george toln and that before the yearend the plant staff will be augmented to remind readers that they can quite inno cently hold up rescue operations and says that as the ambulance hurried to the hospi tal siren sounding many motorists declin ed to veer to the side and allow its best speed on the errand of mercy it would be well for all of us to keep in mind if we visit the scene of a tra gedy to park our cars well away to stand aslda and let those who are trained for their ob work to the best advantage a little boubbjfulnessqnajlcjurpftd and weaie doing our bit to aid those in trouble certainly the firms new building on todd rood and the extra land which has been purchased indicates that dennison is considering a permanent and growing fut ure in georgetown the plant is spacious and well constructed with plenty of room for expansion when the need antes meanwhile from georgetown s stand point our industrial balance has been in creased a well known name added to our growing industrial iisf7 and our future made more stable with addition of a sound and prospenous business in our industrial park new library books barbecue cook book sunset ed junior books adult ff1ction the eighth day wilder one summer in between mather the sand pebbles mckenna the sea for breakfast beck with the ballad of the sad cafe mccullers the intruder fowler a summer plarn wilson death of a spinster dun combe maggiepiow smith wide sargasso sea rhys the hills is lonely beckvuth gideons wrath mame a change of heir limes glad tidings warren all the millionaires rackowe miss mamma aimee cald well the carpenter years cohen the hochmann miniatures fish bun for the trees rand the last ot the crazy people findley the old man dies simenon martin memedew borden computer takes all bourne adult nonfiction canada in the twentieth cent ury bradley all about the months krythc tennessee williams and friends maxwell cooking for one and two wile the gentle art of smoking dunhill animals of the north pruitt the effective executive drucker 6ongs of joy untenneyer inside south america guo- ther what about mutual funds straley dag hammarskjold the states man and his faith van dnsen the enlarged devils dfetioairy ben the speakers handy reference friedman toronto magnificent city mika archaeologia mundi peru hoyla the house of tomorrow thompson just around the corner i diner death in rome katx the death of a president manchester the last cruise of the emden hoyt the origin of the solar system page makers of modern england costigan how to do your own wood fin ishing hand home guide to plumbing heat lag and air conditioning daniels sea quest borden dictionary of photography sowerby the interrupted journey fuller a medieval society hilton orbit of china salisbury the pt g book winn american drawings hayes 1067 pictorial sports annual wilkinson women who shaped history buckmaster in defence of canada eayrs marriage for beftnoeri wu hams physics for modem mind fuchs the wild hills croftcooke tba sea of cortes cannon home furnishing ideas for 67 better hemes 4 gardens ed home building ideas for better homes at gardens ed g and front gardens smsset ed family camping sunset ed the ground beef cook book sunset ed oerden peels fovbuim and we- urfalla sum ed three utile kittens golden en want for wiki without a cebtoby of progress sugar and spice fy by bill smiley its a great country since we are 100 years old i statistics show and can t hold this week i should be grinding our liquor as a glance around out an ode to canada but it si at the next party will show so hot the very thought of it why do vta drink so much makes me feel about 100 ycarsl because we are so dull we can t ode coiie on smiley it ain t stand each other without the t h 1 instead let s have an honest look at ourselves to find out what kind of a tribe those ten decades produced trying to pin down the cana dlan national character is like trying to thread a needle in the dark blind folded and half stoned trouble is any way you add up the individual charact eristics they come out spelling schisophrenic prapty or ig it twrmiip drink has always been associated with sin in this country and man is born to sin yes wo plav hard and most of us work hard the sad thing is that the only reason work hard is to enable us to get the things with which to play hard boats and barbecues and builun bars cottages and cars and curling memberships are wc a religious people well we hae vast numbers of of every conceivable denomination most of them tottering on the brink of bank ruptcy but wo sre decent en us that we are an extremity in articulate people that maani we dent talk much maybe it because we havent anything werth- saving jand are too proud to show our ignorance but at the same time we ar th worlds biggest yakkert accor ding to th telaphone compan ies canadians spend more time on the blewer than any other nation proportionately yet jade my wife does too un doubtadly this is a backtaih from pioneer days when worn- ough to leave god in the church where he belongs he is rarely mentioned on weekdays and usually then only as a prefix for another word wa are without prejudice and have laws to prove it but lets go en being honest and admit the nation la riddled with prejudice based on race relig ion language colour politics and money dont agree just try joining one of these exclus ive jewish clubs if yeu happen to be a black muslim or fettlng a teaching ot in a french eotv vant school if youre a jewish eskime we have a few other woe imrka but i wouldnt trade my canadian citizenship for four million in gold bullion how about you there s a topic for your guest column in our centennial savesmiley contest prize now 59 cash get cracking coins commemorate the coin club of medicine hat alta is striking 200 silver and 2000 bronze medals to ob serve canada s centennial news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 20 yean ago press my book of dick whittington carruth hey there it s yogi bear hanna little majorette gnder hooray for henry bethel toby tyler kaler green eggs and ham seus michael and the ok dadds a klnkajou on the town montgomery key out of time norton the man who was magic galileo the timid dragon selfrldge the little mermaid ander sen star born norton the tailor of gloucester potter the tale of benjamin bunny potter the groober byars the boat book kaufman grandpa borack 101 dalmatians disney moon man ungerer the black opal bird the space ship under the ap ple tree slobodkin miss fix it de leeuw georgetown herald s limited georgetown ontario walter c blebe publisher oeritem mcgilvrsy production superintendent news editor accountant terry barley aueen bradley mrs irene ntven anne carrie reporter frank mullin advertising manager leslie clark dare hastings john heclementa mylaa gilm george youn a chanc for a good talk with i enethar woman thayra trying catch up another contradiction in pioneering exploring wars wcl have shown ourselves bold ad j venturesome brave yet we are timid about investing our money in canada and we also buy more insurance per capita than any other country why this caution the desire for see urity there s something freu dian about it mothercountry breastfed too long return to the womb or something but wc haven t time to figure that one out today we are as materialistic as we could be and with some reason it takes more than a century to get from sod planting to sonata from barnraising to ballet at the same time we arc extreme ly cultureconscious and are se cretly delighted with the strat ford festival and the national ballet and our sprinkling of symphony orchestras as long a we don t have to attend despite our reverence for culture we refuse to read the quickest way to lose your shirt in canada u to open a bonk store in a population of 20 mil lion a new book that sells 10- 000 copies is a runaway best seller it must be a hangover from the pioneer attitude that e person should be doing some thing and that reading doesn t come in this category or is it because we have too much mo ney and too many toys something else we refuse to do is walk europeans enjoy walking englishmen love why wont we our trouble probably is at equal parts far to anywhere wanting to get there in a hurry car worship and plain lsxiness we are heavy boozers u the 1937 t a very courageous wife saved her husband from certain death by drowning on sunday evening at the 10th line bridge near glen williams where three people have lost their lives mrs william lieder lumped in fully clothed to rescue her husband after he was dragged down by the undertow while swimming artificial respiration was applied by cyril hordern 9 a new business herkes raycroft motors officially opened on the weekend at 51 guelph st with a cele bration that looked like a preview of the georgetown fall fairs the opening featured pony rides town biinds guessing contests a lucky draw balloons suck ers and pop for the small types roses for the ladies and free cans of oil for the men club officials tom beckett joe dwyer george louth fred tut harrison rene martin rev alex calder and team captain cal king were the head table when geor gctown s unior hockey dub held its banquet this week f winners of special awards at public school graduation ceremonies this week were monty hyde nellie rood zant donna brock barbara firhay jenny tenhagen brenda dawson joyce fleming john guyette and michael brown 1947 4 at the annual meeting jhe georgetown and halton poui try association the following officers were elected c e riernngton past president a e waldie president h lusty is vicepresident percy clarke 2nd vice presid ent clarence spence secretary treasurer directors keith spence fred kentner don wilson norm ridler bert sinclair william turner council on monday renemed the arena the georgetown memorial arena first reeding of the by law moved by thompson end lyons 2nd and 3rd reading by herbert and hale t council also passed a bylaw to mstal artificial ice in the arena at an estimated cost of 30000 moved by madaren end armstrorig 2nd reading by gcodlet and eason 9 council increased the salary of the darktreasurer to 1500 annually harleyt0 halton weekly observations by dr harry hartey mp for hstton the house of commons has continued its studies ot est imates ef government spending apart from one dayxjevotcd to the cape breton coal mine bill this is a bill which will allow the federal and provincial gov ernment of nova scotia to take over dosco coal mines in cape breton and gradually phase out their activities over many years this is necessary because of sec vere economic problems that will result in cape breton if immediate assistance is not pro vided for the coal industry there each day on estimates generally sees a different gov ernment department under ex animation this is not now pol ley butfleoverament spending programmes on policies that have already been debated the house of commons some times within the past year but perhaps many many years ago at the present time in this second session of the 27th parliament the hours of the house of commons hae been changed slightly the hours are as follows monday 2 30700 and 8 0010 00 tues 2 307 00 and 8 0010 00 wed 2 304 00 no evening sit ting thursday 2 307 00 and 8 00 10 w actually the house of commons usually sits after 10 p m until 10 30 or so this is called the late show and dur ing this time members can bring up questions that were not answered to their satisfact ion during the question period visitors to the house of com mons should try to visit alt the opening of each days session for the question period when the cabinet answers questions put to them by the opposition government members can also ssk questions if they wish but generally do his more privately as the period is usually coniid- ered to be for opposition mem hers the times when the house of commons is not sitting sre occupied by committee work and correspondence and govern ment matters undertaken on be half of constituents my larg est amount of correspondence continues to be with matters of immigration the departments that stem to most concern the people of halton are the pott office canada pension commis sion veterans affairs and health and welfare depending on current issues the volume ot mail between departments var- ios but generally speaking the total volume of mail does not change greatly although most mall comes early in the week it ia now expected that the house ot commons will not re cess before the 7th july 1867 in 1820 half of all college sto dents in canada were i today men outnumber women two to one in institutes of hith er learning business directory -chiropractor- donald a gay dc appointmenta made dill call tr 73401 m mill st cwraaloon chiropractor oeram w cerbett dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 1776631 11a main st north barragers clenershlrt launderera tr 72279 18 main s 166 guelph ah werfc done on pramlsea prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 418 tr 72864 georgetown o t walker rc dosc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4311474 res 4316243 hours 9 am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday s ajn to 9 pm evening by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview rd s carretal bldg for appointment 8773971 optometrist l m brown 0 d far appointment phone 773671 wall ac thompson 3rd division court clark a commissioner tr 7273 georgetown animal clinic 106 geelph street dr r b gaskln cunle open 0 8 pjn mom wed frl saturday 9 11 ja w hcark professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 1772211 773300 heme john b love architect 17 chape st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 4773032 451935 general insurance real rstata ltd monuments pollock a campbell designs oft request inspect our work in greenwood cemeterj phone illhio 2 water street north g a lt koller construction la now insrarlntf aluminum siding windows i books fre estimate all work guaranteed call ct9102 martins sodding and landscaping lawn maintenance industrial and cemerdal 774241 4-

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